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November 13, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-13

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o. I. No. 40.
RYthe boys were quiet, to hear what
*R lie had to say. His speech was a
_________________ single sente-nce: ''This is the
biggest crowd of ignorant people
ENCOUNTER BETWE EN I ever saw." Of course this did
STUDENTS AND not make the boys disperse, al-
N Athough the crowd was extremely
MILITIA. good-humored. No one thought
of any serious trouble. After a
I little time the speaker again calne
ING JAMES DENNISON out, and leaning against the gate-
STRUCK ON THE HEAD post with threats ordered the stu-
dents to disperse. Soon the mi-
WITH A CLUBBED litia filed out and marched down
MUSKET. the street to the intersection of
Division and Liberty. Here
Sergt. Granger, who was nomi-
es at 5:08 this Morning naly in command of the coinpa-
From the Effects of ny, made some remarks, stirring
up the militiamen to resist the
The Blow. students, who were following the
soldiers and guying them. The
Last uiiuht about oclo Lk "soldiers" by this time were ex-
the t ' 'btreiely angry, and seemed deter-
sha drn - were. lm edh by mined to have their revenge upon
frnpul gi n .themottickly the students. At the command
Pt~sated part of the city. On .
eent of the disturbance of the of Granger the militia made a de-
t two days it was supposed that termined charge. They used
1itire trouble was at hand. n-their muskets as clubs, and
deed t chased the students about, follow-
te report spread that a hem indiidually and bent
pany of militia had been h nd
Orderedouton doing serious harm. Still the
derd out to overawe the stu- students made no resistance. It
es and in a few minutes 400 was in this charge that I. J. Den-
ere at the scene of the disturb ison, a Freshman, was struck on
on Division stiet between the head by the butt of a musket.
erson and William. Finally the students rallied and
ie wever, it was found that the supplied themselves with sticks
ring came from a portion of and stones as means of resistance.
the pany A, who were celebrating Some one struck Sergeant Gran-
t re of a member of the ger on the head with a missile.
ber Pany. Students to the nuim- This disabled him, but lie still
of several hundreds were urged the militiamen to go on.
assembled. After the com- This led to a second charge, in
Ptisy had fired several volleys, which several students were in-
tey pse notehuecry
Passed into the house, carry- jured. Of course there was no
ltg their guns with them. The time for selection of foes, and
Sdeats gave the University yell, mere spectators were as much in
called for a speech. Some danger as the most active partici-
eame out of the house and pants in the fight. Finally com-
paraitive quiet reignied. several
policemen appeared on the scene,
and the soldiers were persuaded
to go down town. Prof. Tlioinp-
son came and asked the students
to proceed to the campus. Before
long the boys were all gathered
about the Law Building. Prof.
Thompson then made a speech
from the steps, thanking the stu-
dents for their self-restraint under
difficult circumstances, and asking
them to go quietly home. In
obedieiice to his request, the
crowd dispersed.
The body of troops that was out
was Company A of the First
iRegiment, Michigan State Troops.
It was formed ii 1808. The
captain is Win. F. Armstrong.
Granger, who was nominally in
coiinand last night, is quarter-
master-sergeant. Granger went
to Mayor Manly before the oc-
currence, and asked permission to
take the company out and to fire
on the street. The mayor says
that he refused to give Granger
permission to do any firing, but
told him that lie had no authority
to prevent the boys from going
out without their guns. Mayor
Manly further says, that every
man who fired a gun made lim-
self liable to fine of five dollars.
On the other hand, Armstong
asserts that lie was assured by
Granger that lie had permission
from Manly to go out and to do
the firing. However, Manly has
reliable witnesses as to the truth
of his account.
There is much contradiction as
to the spirit in which the militia
started on the expedition. Some
assert that the soldiers were eager
to have a fracas, and were deter-
mined to get the better of the
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students. It is also said that they
had been drinking heavily. C ap-
tain Armstrong tells a different
story. le was not with the
troops, but was a guest at the
wedding. His account is: "The
boys were at first peaceably in-
chined, and showed no signs of
intoxication. The company was
not all present, and at least half
of those who were out did not be-
long to the militia, but were
members of the Sons of Veterans
and town fellows. They were
annoyed by the shouts of the stu-
dents, and talked about going out
doors and making a fight of it.
Armstrong forbade them to take'
their guns, but told them if they
must fight to fight with their fists.
Finally, at his suggestion, it was
decided to take their guns to the
armory. The troops were armed
with Springfield rifles, without
bayonets, and were furnished with
blank cartridges. He remained
in the house, while the rest went
away. Here his personal knowl-
ce0naeda on third page.

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