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November 13, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-13

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t+O ist too late to receive his last STUDENTS' BOOKS.
Words, the hearts of us all go out - E UY TOUR COLLEGE
Published Dily (Sundays excepted) during in deepest symathy. TEXI 1 BOOTS. LgW ANDP MLDLOU L BO]
the Cllee year, by . .._._,.,. ..___._
ti'ltlOlls.1'! UwasarretedNOTE BOOS, AT TE
_____last evening by Colsa lie Joll
Sconid-liaii1.d books at low prices. We are agents of Paul E. Wirt, ScottI
Subscriiptin trice s>,,( pcir year, invaiably titbutas on released. Rolland fountain pess. B3argains in stationery.
in advanuce. Tige cpies 3 cets. Osalerat F. C. Lighterbt '9i LitMils re- TS-
SehnsadPst Oice atewassad every iiluOS - CC0, - P ORIET0
eeniag at 0 o'cloc. Sbcriptinsmasybe turned to reseme his colege work. -
left at tfic of teD rAIaV, opra Isses- -= T U
block, at Siurrians, at Statirtes, r sit any I. nitt, 02 Lit, left coee Mo1-o -- - MICHIGAN G~i R iR
of the rditrs. rar day.ire (linsight, to laccept itposition :a s ISTxE The lNigara allsR1Route.",
Uuuuuiaalratitis ebis lietcr ismeieLake Stperor
the A.5.i ~--arc is appeair the Sameclay. -LauATIE
Address all tatter iateudedfOs ilcatisa ts tines. - - - y ENRLSTANDARDTIE
th Maaagiag Editor. Albsine - -smuns- It haseeii decided thiat IBrowtn AND TOE____________
agraee.t hsdbe-a a ilte a-ansd Wesleyani will play at Sprinig- fnii I1IW 1 R ~i ~ -O
Rpart all s- letssn the tart ofCarrera t held on the day before the Yale- GEARY t J IIUII)IJUILJSJJ5 -uj --
the City Cirulator, SW.I. O*Nl. atj -"""-
THE U. af X. DAILY, JHrvard i gamn. d e I s TI~LaICa Wo a
Assa~rbue~i W. F. McKnight, Law '87, was -a .
. . EDITORS. elected Prosecutintg Attorney of -ITHE BESTA-- na (eaa!
H.B.SHOEMAKER. ',. Ma..aLar E-.a.. KetitHontityat bistelectin. RDP I + .
W. E. GRaumNa-. tA..- .M.m.En. et t-a tlatelcin. Stvetee teachters. Ioard with Purnished 'eve '~'~" a
A. H. COVERT, '92 A..r. M .«..,«n Eat-a. 'lry Herr, Lit '90, 1is stitig Roomi$225 per wei. Cirulats upon apilI a r
MhB acta t ai~a ~a.. Iis Attn Asbor friends. He is the cai. a g ;n,.
W. a. o Is.t, 1,-. a. . .P.R.CEAYPesdet
R. W. Da sae - a9, A.,-t-.rBa. MitaB,. sset of r . Yass Sr yckle, Lit J1. .. CEAYPesdet ; . Oias i ta0-1E6
HU SO icrtusia, 111 P. . TtaSt,s,'9i. __ . ... -- ----- { r ' ? y IIs1-sa A ©' an
H. D) JFwet.L t. HtMSt.t iFyci, '9. BREGH&JL I" a-au-a ( Cs ^w
FEO tHouuL~ssu 1w I t.SssOUTHAsYs. sos MISCELLANEOUS. Ico;yt-' R
RLHSasro, lI . J.C . Tasito 5EALELS IN
5. 0. Wutrc~irair 1. I.L5L MAdONi%1, El. An ice-cream tsocial wihi. be iv- cyy--r---lh-D,' -aa I a ja
n vnos ott H.Vs-k llitty daevessisig, Nov'. 14, at ATI/ IIOJNL.hERR I u
-- the Methodist chursichi,1ittthe atinBLANK BOOKS,______ n cr Uiay cm
Theafarolatvelgws terests of the Misssin Circle. A ATHLTI GOODS AND STUENT' UPPLIt- aa-H
fileas-ssttf last-vetigitasa -isit8g
the tmost seiouistnd lamtentable peaan eenngis expectedhtsihBetandf ONTI PN ste ks
thiat hass darkensed the history tilolf t iel oatsd uv caCetSsaWu
ttidents goitig to Cortiell guuui ofctioseolLuntces a-
ultir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n ale stfostau -as - of.-titrsautTobacc. 1 .
ou ~ uf7ct2 o inyyas -.o l.,ibbons will be oi
It is too ettrly as yet to deflitely sale atotdepot, andton t the traini YT1S RSE 1 L~ -I
ix thie fll responsibility fot this.Saturtday mrniitsg - 26 CaT an13 e S'sTE I - 1
encounterbtt tfiere cats be 1so D. L. DOWD'S HEALTHEECSR 5a ~ a~
Ft Etut-Wrera 5 edetay Ppe I m lta I lN
reasonable doubt that the tesult BSIESAOAL.hultoIaslid.AsTomlt I E.o p Ipr
was largely due to the iindiscrete rNtices iesrtedini ti rlumnsat tir rate a-t , ymatiau asup-atit ina
acyo ut pr jucal I isefiloatpetui rooieu, aca, sieific, -Daily. tsdy ecepted"0CnsprlnsngCisrfn.Seildrbe opehcsvcep
words antd acts o Srea rtos fuselongeretimeaunetraiiesfurnished adi sidbsapecbcussiras~lop
ataplig t thi fireeao-by eonsuldnae R.N s, stileur ic
Segentis IGu~t~AtisaatItstutsaMaagtr. eri aegesc, a lirs .0 alrs 0 W SIGGLE. H. W AYE1
1Y DuraynAsiterusneswhoge~
ttanehobrought tisstInets sw using i. Snd friliadcirca 0i.P &T. A Chiago. A't AnnatV
attauscitek in Macbeth at Ypsilatnti 1at r.lar4o gs; ttcharg. Peal, D.
out usider arnis and fired several to-Doort-owienightcPsical ad -- ____
volleys on tite city's streets witit Boxsi Dott forget The Two Samss Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nortl
out the permission of Mayot Go to E. 13. Hall for coal. lv_2 T-T Z _R + Mihigan Railway
MlFor Warm Underwear atnd Stylish lTm Talegating itotaafet,MStndayStat
Many. It was perfectly natural, vercots see Wagner & Co. -__________
after the affair of the night before, BuyyorlitatdCthn at The FRENCI CE CEM.FNETFECHI oing Erth. TATINtS. Going st
thttefrn huddraw iund- Two Sams. BOOKNST MATRIAL.
tla le iigshol ruibrs chocolates std bas-bns 71 Fort EL., west, - Detroit, Mich. Ma 6. 4 Iif fdstauard Tia. Cal.-~ "
reds of studetts froto their rootms, tretefitest that cat be ttade, ptf sCIYLVEYAN AE TB E. ES. Mai- E-.- --it
attd it was just as nattural thsaIaosIautratiu..r.te.__ O oeaas, I P X.A.xS Luel trt e,.r.M
P. 0. News Rootm. NE. 13 and 1Wasin as SI., tpslntMich ..... 03au65o0...-TLEDO -5 sa 2'1071
after they Iad arrivedl (n the Baa-s! Don't forget The Two Sans. ~s1tst0toad Stylish a die horoesa 440z6040 Morois Jant n15 25 it s6
scene, they should wait ft ,r sotue see the Columnbia Bicycte itwitdow.- 4 31 7 55st....,ius-......115719t2-5
State atia Wiliant St. 4 il727....N 1oti-V79 40
time to see ifanthingwas labtl yatastet t 5557tdu..ANABO 11 : ala6
anytstg 1gt9g Lady Mcbt b Jnushk t t 5 ... ri eand...11 1iL 91ti
to tturtntp, atd should resenttin.FYpsilanti tomuorrowv sight. Special 7 f s 59(S wt~tt a e 11I0i55 55
sulting words.tai atd sylats. 120....NDurnd.t.... 9 070
A simost searchingtoexamsiuatiolltS ymstr Overcoats0at The Tovo I 55 ,..., -t5ds6i30
t'CTllBlttck (hex-ot suutiuugs923110 N LR u- ...sos2it8 asoIbaa..,. 74 51
Nobly gbNit2 .HUOSS.9 t-7 156..St. Loaais....7 85 05
will be msade, and the studett and upwards atStalords. A. . sa312s-ui..Alma....7 245
need hav-e no fear that justice wh o t!wwiillltt7lrceoOttBat-67156tO.4....Clara-... 5 551 d
"Os, Guitars, Madolins, Cases atd '70 ...205,...Freet-ti-..5 a21
not be done. We trust that, in 'trigs for the same, lower than at ! b w W ...0 5 ....Cadilc..-..t.. 40
tematm thrwilb It ny uusic house in Michigan. Thi tCO 1 20..4ap to 0 S
?s cnatmteewl ei sats all the words imply. A. Wilsey, 12..., 0..Mnae..... :-i710(
act of thteirs to injure their caue. S. 4th Avenue, City. 125.... 605 ... essiau - ....7 1
Wecnd obte hnt e' Novelties in Topi Coatings at Staf- 1S ass- t-af"-..tI
W cadonbetrtatorcford's.r Saginaw Divifon.
commend to thsem the words o Stewart Batnjos at Wilsey's. BOE-GHOL
President Angell at chapel thi Baths 10c at P. . Barber Shop. T'hrsday Eve;Nov.i0 Gaig Erth STATIOS. GoinagBola
monnwrsta eewg Mell Gillespie, Teacher of Guitar, 5
osrig od ia eewsBatjo and Mandolin at Clements. L OUIS]! JA Xt[E S} PaS
both in witat was said and in wits Bay State and other Guitars, Banjos -N r. A-O. . J tAr A M.aw
was lfunadndMaudoins at Wley's. j6O0t....14 .AnArbor.iu2a ......
a-Bet Strings at Wilsey. > 1l p m~ i 1 7....... at07...FBehig .... 84...,.
To the grief-stricken parents o FORE.RENT-Suite of rooms nicely Bu4t""""1 105 _BBISgBBw.. 81lat
mree bo, hoarvdurnished, bath hot ad cold water,8 w AB EY, A . Pan.. AS5
the mreebowoarvd urnace, etc. No. 48 E. Libertyst. 5Ba st ttusP twBSna (M5 ernEWOD. Gen.PAS.Age't

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