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November 06, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-06

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r U.of 'c. T"Itj
Putblished Daily (Sundays excepted) iu
the Colleat 3caar, by
Subcriptio price $2,55per year, inavr
in advance. single otis :3 ents. On sa
Sheehan's and Pst Otfice news standc
evening at 6i o'clock. Sbsription mna
left at te otie of tte SAnta, Opera Hi
block, at Stsetan', at Stotlet, or wt
of the editors.
Coammsnations rihould rests th' otis
10 A. M. it they arc to appear li.sasmae
Address all tmatter itteoded forpuhicstit
the Managng Editsr. Alltusinessoto
ications sossuls ie sntstot tississ
Reitort all arglet on thetlpart of Carrie.
the City Cirulattor, W. B. ONeil.
T~tE U. of . 3DAILY,
AnnaArbor i'
W. E.QnGRFFN,.'a.A.-.Ann...- e
A. H. COVERT 'S2, A..". M-0- nnEni
R. . DaUGHTa. '92 *~A.-S.. M.
Hotiso ssSttt tUl, N'1. jF. t'ntsoseaA, 'S
H,.0.Hst~ws,,vs'9. I.. Si, ossasst% , ':
t. sot HOLANDs, '112. L.l s.'l'Axs'i,'5
1..0.L 5tt S'rrEttr, ' Ii) .C. ,Sntoi, 5.
it ist'rumor'e'ldti thtillnitt.'tl
linig madise tio estatbliis 1550t
literatry society it theUsenivers
WeIhoipe lat thisillxviiprove
be only a rumtor. We are
have four proserous literarys
(ties-two each itt the Lier
attd Law departmets- sand bell
that the sttdetts egagedi in s
intg this new soiety cant fid1
pie opportunity to display tl
argumentative and ortorical p
ers itt those already establish
A new society will detract in
or less from those at present e
lug, and cast not, as we see,
prove te clatnce for liteary<
ture. Thte societies of the Liter
departmtent are opni for itetl
shipt to all deasrtmtets (f
University, saltt[ welcome all I
sorts interested int this lue sof
vancettest. Persots not hav
attended thte mieetings of any
tese societies wsstld be surpri
at the very itterestintg prolgral
offered. The discipline thuts
tamned is very valuable to alls
dents, especially to those itte
ig to enter the Law departm'
on completion of their litersus.Sc wr s oe
apt to be neglected. But we ti
that an attendance at ay of th
programns will arouse etthusia
and give a new impulse to t
branch of. mucineglectede
What the Directors Did.
1. --
e The tickets to the great Ctot'nell I (
rut5 gamie itt Detroit on the 15tti, will TEXT 3BOO
be sold for $1. 25, includinlg a
ION. csiotpo of entrance to the gamte. STI
Tlir'~c lhundred nmust be sold be- Seoll-hland bookt
aly fot'e a secial traint wiii be JOl.
Ae at _
'ery grant. The special wiii leave S ~ ~ 2
tlouse inthie tmosrninig about l o'clock. z=; 3=
anay andslreturninsg leave Detroit about
oby 12 oclock, midiight. Cornlillz
dsay. was beatent by Harvard withs theCH
a-gt'eatest etse by ta score of 77 tos
tiatt 0, ndl by W~illiamtis, 1s to 6. If AN)
,sto ottr teamtidoe s not comn out of the(ic. D S
contet tvictorisous, ttitil be .a 1J1P1 1R 131
ch close atdinisterestntg gamie. yP2~iS
Evcry U. of h1. ititn shouild pitt
the yellow andt the blue to his coat _ T -E E
anid go withi the teami to shout. 'T
ion. TeSvnteensd'nssdaatrp h, entechler.I
Itdaatrp h Reeiiootta 55225 ter soek.
abandoeld, the (irectors tlhinkitsg catiot.
it unise t is k the expen'tse for P R. LE.
would514get, ItPurdule being thit liSa,t
stronlgest ins tl h Iniiana tleague. 31" ""1"' I
-- ITie entrie's t the flsd ay
A is' sprtsare umeous nd numer TILETICQ UDI AND
i' (f tlose contests Dar' expected. ICf
Th' ri'zes will be Ivalualble. No Best l CristFON'
lto actioiin tis Otaken at the ditectors' CnecItillls,C
netncocrigthehlp. Ci'gas atnd
ad~y tie.tig(oe'ttgOYSTFIRSPFRY, 6
_.1----- - ' ' ..... -C al and '
11e-noV. J. Al. Btuckley, ). D., (f 26 S0'"rrx
'ayNexv York city, xwill address the . L. Down's HE
eeWesle'asi (Guildl at the ifetliodist Orstll.'5
etltig ~ IrsdI
oQw- I's'stlet. lr,ore
le.[~Notices insertd in tisiacolumn at the rate L. Dowda
55- r 0 ents pae ine, sin l'e insertion. Speia .''al Cslt,r, 9 Btat 14lh
loeraten for longer ime antcxtraiteenfurnished
orey apetyisag at thin stefie orb by iesuntinsithed.T
Dit V oaghty. Asiant iBusiness anager.
i FtoPr fusn! e'ill cot pices ottBans iJ QA
im- jos., 'sitars, Itt'udoitts, Case'.ssn
Strigs for the samse, lower thssis at iExNCH ICE Ct5FAM
cut-h anyi miusic house itt Mi'higsas. This COOMNt. LOW
armpeanissll tiexwords itmply. A. Wilsey, 7iFotSt.. ont
st ttaiS, 0Avenute, City. 7 otS. et
ber- Fit eif112s.-Suite' tf reetis elgantly CITY LIVERY AN
tefulrnishledlasseltesly a block from scamti- (%t1.13 biaol
ets. 44 SoothiaTlayer Street. bitots and s tis ssssd
ter- Try tse Toledlo StesinsiLIaundarsy. for lice
ad- tGe to IF. I3. Hll fircest.
Ring Ispiect the ilisest lise(f O.verroatslsO
inAnsi .Arbor. Wsgnsr ta tCo.
tf Stewvsrt Bansjos st Wilsey's. 9
'edl Pint s''.-utofroomtnIsrtil i
fttrnishsedl std con~venestly stated Pils IG
lif5 onily atblock from thei.ctmpu1111 41 "a
oh- Thatyer St. Cheapsil. N.1
tns- Batis 10cit I. . Basrer Shop.
Mell Gillespie, Teacher of Gutitar,
Ild' Basnjo ansd Masdolint at Clements.
entO Bay State and other Gutitars, Bansjos
antd Essutolisis at Wilsey's.
try Uniderwear-Waigner & Co.
'er, Fanicy V\estings st Staffods.
ik A new Biletf goodl iovels for Su-
dasy resding tt Grter's P. . News
ese Room.
Isn Best Strinsgs st Wilsey's.
l,000 different styles its Noby G LM
;his Truserinsgs at Stafford's. _
uhl- LOST-A Sigma Phi frsterinity pin, PRICES -- bc..
set in sapphires and one diamond, Saeo aeDar
marked Edwvsrd 1)tWickes. R$esreward. sets N aewMssi
sat low prices. We are a gensts of Pauil E. Wirt, Scott anid
[land fosutain pens. Bargainss is staitionery.
"The iaigara Fails Route."
05- 0
illsardawiths Furnished5 .1 Ie c
'irealsse;^+oeee otsil- a..cam. Is- .0
:ARY, President. A - 0 !
J&JOLLY)-'.- -
BOOKS,. Ka _d
'lAIN tENSsinthesCo= I I
sit, Sodsa'Wsater,1' "o..a, 'ol T b cc.r
STEW OIL PLAI.t'\' ''q
see us atIO '':pI
' sc srr
ALTS EXEECI51EE. _________________
a-Watbertm hedentary Peiple:~aa
ilen, Ladiess, Ysouts;tb.
an InvalidI. A comnpleate. D~ . *5Snday excepted.
ot raom',snew, scentoific, OxvW.tcctiES, Ht. W. HAS ES.,,
b a~obo G. ebap 0P.1TA. Chicago. Ag't Ann Al
rsga'ens, eitos & o. thesa
ng it. Senorilt ' _____ --
gSienstsifgc.Peial and Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nrh.
has., .Ne NYorkp. . Michigan RailWay.
tTo - tTime TaeigatgisnifantMEnday, Naa.20
GoCing North. STATINS. Going Saatb.
f. FINEST FRfENCH I 6. 4. ~
EST PRItCES hOR I Stun. Ct're cad. Stsednrd Time. Ci" Cd.
ATEDSAL. tousp. Nap. Mal!: bas. wii x0
- Detroit, Mich. ' ----- __--
JSALE STABLE.. 3 3 6 01 ..oO...a11 11
PaOPIETO ".. 4 0 6al~soneaoentn2205 i'0 15'
a ot osees ..... 4 jO 6 471........ Dundee...... I.? t6t10it"
..I 5 01 7 40l..ANN ARBttOIS 9"
5I !5 7 ........rtel d's....11t9is 10""
53 8o 5, WthntnmoreLake 11i0 5 5
01 2 .05.... Rwelsl.. to 218 A50'
7I35 9 90.D and....I OlstI721'L
*tI.1..C'ยข E( M ..1,5 71'05...... Aorn I.9'" > ""
...... S 10 0 0 ....Ow ss ...... ts3ui."
hU ON S 1 9i )12 17So...itt.Pis nxnt.... 5bI51 41
9 7 1505 . oi ...... 7 28 5 s q ,
, R A P Iff El it A. 11. 4.....sp'miais.... 7S34fd
11URON ST. z 8 111 5 1 57..,,..Clare..... 6 t1 5 4 t
50... 511 ..... sooFarw l"*..:.....371 +
9 i10 . .. .3 ..C ilc . ..sfe e...... ... 1 4 "L
ILTP/vfim}'s. t Sagiinaw Di~viSioii.ltl~J~ 5, ' '-
Cuing North SAIONSan. GCing 85a50'
P5sWi ass penn. Poass. .'
a~m . t L) tAr. A. M.....
s BA 5 ..., 7I4. Annsarbar.. 110nxu
."' N 0 4 .. 1) 07 ..Flsnhing..... 8543 ......" 5
7Dc. AND $1.00 845.,il 5.Esagnw 8t ."
iE. W. ASHLEY, A. 1. PAtSLEY, 5g
ita'. 10 a. ms.,' at P. 0. Supeintendnt. Ges. Pass. Ag'
3 OOM. GEO. Hi. HAZLEWOOD. LoeatArnt.

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