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VOL. I. No. 32.
NEWBERRY HALL. Saturday Evening's Concert.
About $4,000 Still Necessary io Tfj concerct last Saturday E'ieol
Complete the Work. t~ams i piOs001i~
It is statedl that the expenldittire1 for the imiisical season011 iss'Ails
of buit x1,00011101e will finish thelie r Ol1e is, witliouit (doubt, o(11o0
lower floor of Newberry Mll alld the greatest pianlists in tile world
that $4,000 will compl~lete tile andtI11e1 play ing was a rex elatioli.
Whrlole. The trustees are hopling Stucli strengthl, poetic feelinig, del-
to obtain part of this from the icacy of touch and intellectuality
alumni~i in Chicago and Detroit. are seldom combined ill one artist.
The plans for raising thle rest of Too much of a genius to bc any-
the necessary foods are a little thing hut simple and unassuming
vague hut will soon take form. in mlanner, she does not 'seem to
The students are to he benefited he 1a virtuoso aiming at personal
hy this huilding, and it is to thlem display, hut rather an inlterpreter
that thie trulstees must look for ai who seeks to reveal to lie' audi-
good contribultionl. It is desir-edleiice the true thlolught of the coin-
that the whole shlould he flee' poser. The heauties of the pro-
froj11 deht hefore thle buliling is gram111ar1 so fresh ill our'ininids that
opened. we 1110 content to spseak only
Tie plun for providinig Ia 1101ic of thle general impressions of catis-
for the Students' Christian Asso- faction and delighlt her playing
eiation took formi in 'S83siwhen gave to the large and cultured
several of the Facuilty and1( many audience. Atiss Buckley, the vo-
of the students raised a fund to calist, gave intense satisfaction in
purchase a lot. This was done the sonlgs.
80011 after, hut from that tinge the___.,
'work went on very slowly. Air. Mr. E. A. Lyman.
A.' L" Jennings took up the work
of soliciting funids, and it is due Mr. E. A. Lyman, another of
largely to the efforts of this ear- the new instructors in the Mathe-
ne5t worker that Mi's. Newberry matical .Department, is a Ui. of
Wgas induced to make her splendid M. muau, having taken his degree
gift of $15,000. The work was A. B. in 'S6. Since his gradua-
phlled very rapidly and the cor- tion lie hiss heens teaching and
per Stolie was laid in Mlay, 'SS, doing work hy himself ini matlie-
A ha+'ge hart of the money which muatics. He was principal of the
Wa neesr ocryonth Paola, Kansas, high School the
Work was raised by P~res. Angell firstYeratrgduin.Fo
and o f. D'Ooge i eri alohrctso this state aola, lie went to Troy, Ohio, to
have contributed some to this take a position as pnincipal of the
'worthy object. MNr. Jennings High School in that place, and
SvnWent as far west as Kansas held that position till the time of:
4iy and Omnaha, though his ef- his appointment as instrucetor in
firs were aot very successful at the Uiiiversity. ils long experi-
thatd istancle.. Last year the stu- euce in teaching will fit him for
0tstook a lively interest in the
"natter and raised about $00, very satisfastory work in the
eat 'hichs Was used to pay for the higher position to which lie is now
Beting fixtures, called.
Qr. J. L. Markley.
Wright, Kay &Co.
Dr1. J, L. Alarkley, who holds
one of the 1positionlsasin istriictoi s i + 'us, lrI o-:. s of GomS
111 iatlliiaities, is a gr'adulate of andAt Good, _' and Op-
Illvelfordl, P01nn.Ile took il~ ars , Ma5 n cuiacI iris of the
A. B. fromi Haverford, withl tile F SinesSciety0athesiydd q the
class of '85. The following two coutci'-, Samples sent 0ponpo
yeal's lie was Professor of Mathe- per refereces,
inatics at the Westchester Normal
school. In '87 lie went to liar- m i'lC i''vlhuIm
yard amid two years later took: a
Ph.D., having made matliematicsi 145 WOOD WAD SAYE.,
his major. The year '89-'90hie N -.-r
spenlt at Harvard as instirlctor ill D o 1 t - - lvih u
mallthlematics. IDr. Marklev' c01e0
to ushillrrcmedda a GRAND OPE RA HOUSE
m11z11 (if sterlinog iiortli. Afterneon Only, 2 P. 1M.,
Graduate Laws.
Tile candidates for tile Mastei'
if Lases degree held a class mieet-
inig yesterday asnd electeil officers
as follows: Pres., F. C. Wetmore;
price-Pies., W. hi. Trook; Coi'ie-
spondling Sec'y, J. W. See; Se'y-
Tress., R. 11. Bennett; Historian,
5. 11. Goodall; Tostmuaster, G. B.
Thompson; Athletic Manager, M.
Seventeen members are no0weni-
rolled in the class, which, ft is ex-
pected, will be increased to about
twenty-five during the semester.
The class will probably niot hold a
class day at comomencemuent hut
are saking preparations to give a
banmiiet instead.
Win. Sclhlagenhiauf, Law '90, is
a lprosperouis lawy-er illQiimly,
Tames MlcCeary, Lass'9'0, has
located 'iln Pittsburg, Pa.
0. A. Murdock, Law '90, has
hung oat lila shingle in Salt Lake
City, Utah.j
3. E. Strong, Law '91, hiss gone
home to vote.
(heS ltlightjil (ie by
fIVr(1,-cii($iof iall tiiiii-
eiiii(k iiirdtltl.(155
- pilio ) asuccressfiit
speall Icosilosatd his,>
Eviiyherici rsiiillstio e hefiiest con-i
cer an isitsiitiiii pIsisit ii worled,
llssca;;, .Xci'York. {fi
fT/e Celert
Prices, 50,1'75, and $1.00
Seats osale Monday at1615o'ciock1,at dhe
Postolllni News Seems.