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November 11, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-11

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. \f
OL. I. No. 38. UNIT
Fther Developments of the
Trouble Between Freshmen
and Sophomores.
Tiere seems to be a decided
bracing up of class spirit. Tlis
leOrnillg Freshmen and Sopho-
1ores were gathered in groups of
siX to a dozen discussing the
atest developments in the contest
between the two classes whieh ihas
been in progress since last Satur-
r It seems that some of the
shmen have persisted inl dis-
piaying on every safe occasion,
ts of the Sophomore flag. Last
evening a particularly bold Fresh-
10an went to the Post Office,
We0ring a portion of the coveted
banner. The Sophomores were
prepared and before the Freshman
returned home le had been seized
and despoiled of his bit of flag.
1elymor even says that lie was gag-
ged and had his mouth badly torn,
but this seems to be an exagger-
1 robobly the only gagging con-
8isted in a Sophomore's hand
prudently laid over the offending
eshnman's lips. For some time
during the evening little "scraps"
between numbers of the rival
lasses were indulged in and the
spiiit that now exists may lead to
a fresh outbreak at any moment.
Wt s the matter with or stud-
ea Te spirit of misrule seems to
It taiygailning. A few years ago
didnot seem to a Sophomore a
05i o" offence to be a Freshman,
t44 the Freshman did not look upon
the -OPhomore as his sworn enemy.
T is as it should be. The spirit of
r4 'dYism that characterizes too many
oollees is a survival of the idea which
Is5h a current, that the college is a
a~iran pr from tile outside world,
d that ordinary rules of morality
a Ot to be applied to students. Our
most advanced schools of the present
time have given up any such idea.
They keep touch with the real world
and look upon the student neither as a
child who must be kept ill leading
strings nor as an abnormal rbeing
whose law of development is different
from that of ordinary indi-ideals. It
seems to me, that students who in-
dulge in rowdyism are not in sym-
pathy witl that spirit which has made
tile University tile greatest of Amueri-
can schools.
But this is not all. There has lately
been a political revolution il this
state. The elemlent whicih las
triumphed, to say the least, will not
naturally be more favorable to the
University than that which was in
power before, and we all know 10w
difficult it ihas been ill tile past to
secure absolutely necessary appropria-
tions. Under these circumstances,
every student who cares for the Uni-
versity will take care not to do any-
thing which will injure its fame. It
seems to me that it is time to call for
a reform. STUDENT.
The Ministerial Band.
The Ministerial Band, which
now numbers 23 members, held
its first meeting of the year, last
Friday evening at Rev. Carman's.
Mr. Carman, in his talk, pointed
out the advantages the ministry
as in making a life successful
from a worldly point of view.
The preparation is most thorough.
' he position of the ministry is
one that touches more points of
vital interest and influence than
any other. But the greatest ad-
vantage is the precious promises
of the life to come.
Two great difficulties to be
overcome, to conquer self and to
adapt ourselves to circumstances.
Though the circumstances would
always be changing yet the one
object-the saving of souls-is
eternally the same. Mr. Carman
lias. no doubt but that in the
future, especially in the cities, the
ministry will be a greater social
force than in the past and that
society will then look to it as
never before to supply its literary
wants. This being so, he lurged
the members, by all means, to
make our preparation thorough in
all branches of knowledge. The
object of this band is to bring to-
gether all Christian young men in
the University who have any
thought of entering the ministry.
The next meeting will be at
Rev. Gelston's. Several of the
professors have consented to give
a talk some time luring the year.
Anyone wishing to join the band
or to learn more of its purpose
call or address C. A. Bowen, 72
S. State Street.
A 01 Law In the Toils.
L. K. Salsbury, the young at-
torney, has been the subject of
considerable amusement during
the last day or two. Saturday
night he obtained a marriage li-
cense after hours and vainly en-
deavored to keep it from the
newspapers altogether. Some of
his friends in joking him of it
yesterday asked him why he was
ashamed of the fact that lie was
going to be married, and some
one suggested that probably lie
didn't like to have it known that
his intended was a year his senior,
while another thougit it was on
account of her name. But after
all, Mr. Salsbury is a good fellow,
and Miss Gertrude Shanks, a
Muskegon school-ma'am, is to be
congratulated on securing such a
talented and warm-hearted hus-
band.-Grand Rapids Press.
Mr. Salsbury was one of the
'91 laws admitted to the bar at
Lansing last spring, and has many
friends in the law department,and
came within one vote of being
elected vice-president of his class
last year.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreign Buers, Importers of Gems
and Art Goods, jewelers aid Op-
ticiags, Manufacturers of the
Finest Societu Badges ride iq the
Counrtry. Samples'sent upon pro-
per references,
DetroitQ,!era floojge Bff.,
Detroit, - - Michgan.
pecial Rates tStudents.
The Management takes pleasure is an-
nouncing the appearance of the matchless
Wednesday, Nov. 12,
Under the management of T. A. HALL,
in her incomparable impersonation of
In Shakespeare's great masterpiece, sup-
ported by -
And a splendid Company.
g3r Historical Costuming and Equipment 2
The trnin leaves Ann Arbor at 6 p. m.,
city time returning, is timed to leavek Tpsi
lanti at 10:45, hat will he held hack until
close of performance. Excursion rates for
round trip.

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