M1 - F
oL. I. No. 36.
'V Fij Fischer was givenl the running:
EX T R A.IEUE'? broad andrunning high lop,
Iby default.
Three legged race was not con-
__-- Tug-of-War. - Prof. De Pont
WA EA AS L acted as referee. This took place
on the muddy track in front of
CROWD. the grand stand. On the first
good pull the rope broke and the
eular Freshmen Break the contestants were piled up in the
Rope in the Tug-of-War. mud. The sophomores then
hoisted their flag on the judges'
The cold and rainy weather stand. The freshmen endeavored
Seriously interfered with to-day's to pull it down but were unsuc-
Arogran. A fair sized number cessful. The tug-of-war will
ere present. Few ladies ventur- probably be contested again some
e4 out. The hurdle and bicycle time next week with a stronger
rates of the regular inter-colleg- rope.
late program were not contested. Later reports say that the fresh-
Many of the contestants failed to men ha-c the flag, or what is left
aPPear. of it.
On this . Officers of the day-Referee:
gh and cuntthebrumpg Prof. P. R. de Pont. Judges:
od thro mlnillgmroadtc1Prof. A. A. Stanley, Prof. A. C.
owing hamumer were struck .
-theogram.McLaughlin, Mr. James H. Wade,
100-yards dash-First heat was Prof. M. E. Cooley. Time-keep-
'in by H. II. Cowen, time 11 ers: Prof. Harrington, W. W.
econds; second heat won by E. Watts, H. T. Abbott, Clerk of
. igard, time 11 seconds. the Course: James E. Duffy.
ake and Warner contested mile Starter: Ralph Stone. Measurers:
a lk; won by Warner, 10 min., W. W. Nye, H. G. Field. An-
seconds. E. Saunderson was nouncer: E. H. Smith. Marshal:
the Only contestant in 440-yards T. L. Wilkinson.
dash- No time taken. -
S "1. Booth was winner ill base- The score of the Cornell-Ain-
lthrowing, distance 334 feet, herst game given yesterday, should
ielhes. be reversed, Amherst, 16; Cor-
220-yards dash--Won by J. D. nell, 0.
hite, time 24 seconds. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore is to
Plltting shot--Won by D. Mc- be in Ann Arbor, to lecture be-
Qeg 29 feet, 2 inches. fore Unity Club, on Nov. 22nd.
by yd. dash-Final heat, won Her subject will be "Perils of the
s eB .Wingard, time 10 3-5 Republic."
econd * ' At a meeting of the Foot-ball
half mile run--Won by Sann- Advisory Committee, Friday,
S1no time taken. Oct. 17, the following umpires
Sicking foot-ball'-Won by for the championship games were
ser, 13OV ft. 4 in. appointed:
Rev. Robert Nourse's Lecture at
University Hall Saturday #
Evening, Nov,15.
The Webster and Jeflersonianl
societies are arranging to give
two or three extra lectures during
the year. A committee consist-
ing of Messrs. Park, Jewell and
Puter, from the Webster, and
Messrs. Baldwin, Largent and
Newcomer, from the Jeffersonian,
has been appointed.
They have been fortunate in
securing Rev. Robert Nourse to
deliver the first lecture on Satur-
day evening, Nov. 15. He will
appear in his great hit "Dr. Je-
kyll and Mr. Hyde." Mr.
Nourse needs no introduction in
this city, as lie is already well and
favorably known here. As a dra-
matic orator lie is unsurpassed.
He is endorsed by the leading
men of the country, and the press
in every city in which lie has ap-
peared speaks in glowing terms of
his abilities.
The societies are endeavoring
to raise funds to repair and beau-
tify their rooms, and should be
commended in their efforts at the
same time to afford a rare enter-
tainment. The admission price
has been placed at the low figure
of twenty-five cents, and Univer-
sity Hall should be crowded on
this occasion.
Tne Baldwin Lectures.
Rt. Rev. Alexander C. Garrett,
bishop of Northern Texas, will
deliver the first of the Baldwin
Lectures for '90 before the Ho-.
bart Guild on Sunday evening,
Nov. 23, in St. Andrew's church.
The second lecture will be given
on the evening of Friday, Nov.
28, in Harris Hall, the third in
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gems
and Art Goods, Jeweers ad ldOp-
t c arts. Manufacturers of the
Finest Society Badges ride ir2 the
country, Samples'sent upon pro-
per refereqces,
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Special Rates to Students.
St. Andrew's church the follow-
ing Sabbath, and the fourth in
Harris Hall, Dec. 5. The mem-
bers of the Hobart Guild will at-
tend in a body.
Bishop Garrett's subject has not
yet been announced, but as he is
said to be an exceedingly logical
and eloquent speaker, his lectures
cannot fail to be both interesting
and instructive.
A Medical Society.
A number of the medical stu-
dents met last night and organ-
ized a medical society, which will
be 'to the medics what the En-
gineering Society is to the en-
gineers. It will probably be
named after one of the professors.
Several committees were ap-
pointed, which will meet next
Saturday evening to perfect the
organization. The first regular
meeting may be expected within
two weeks.
A gun club has been organized
at Cornell.