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November 05, 1890 - Image 1

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-05

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THE NEW HOSPITAL.- ralged at present our Riiugb team HARVARD AND PRINCETON.
THE EW H~PlAL. anicd a preent____I Wriqht, Kay & Co.
$100,000 to he Expended In the
Near Future.
There are to be two wards built
soon, on the grounds purchased
by the University, north and west
of the Observatory grounds. The
are laid out in such a way
that there can be two additional
Wards built near the "Regular"
Rospital and one near the lomoe-
opathic. There are also to be
built at some time in the future
two Administration Buildings.
The contract calls for the two
Wards and an Engine house.
The "Regular" hospital will be
about 200 feet long and about
100 feet wide in the widest part.
The building is to be two stories
high with a large and well fur-
nished basement under the Amplii-
theatre. The Amphitheatre will
seat at least 300 people and is to
be lighted by a large skylight.
The Homoeopathic ward will be
1i feet long and about 80 feet
wide in the widest part. The
buildings are to be of brick, with
stone foundations and sandstone
trimmings. The ventilation and
rainage, two most important
items in hospital construction, are
provided for by the latest and
best improvements. No pains
have been spared to make them
the best appointed hospitals in the
A Recreation Hour.
AS it is the custom in other
Colleges, in the East especially,
tohave a common recreationahour,
the DAILY has felt that some'plan
"night be adopted by which the
bours from four to six, or at least
from five to six, could be left free
from all recitations. As it is ar-
and base-ball team ate hliti- They Will Meet in a Foot-Ball Game
capped by the absence of several
of the players every afternoon.
Several of our professors have
been consulted regarding the iat-
ter-Professors Stanley, de Pont,
Thomas and Scott, among the
number. The general opinion of
these gentlemen is, that, while
the plan has much to recommend
it, the large number of courses
and the small number of recita-
tion rooms, render the project
almost impossible.
Alumni Notes.
II. C. Van Meter, law, '90, is
assistant district attorney at San
Andreas, Cal.
C. P. Gardner, 'h0 law, is city
editor of a flourishing newspaper
in Mendota, Ill.
W. W. Meloane, one of the
laws admitted to the bar at Lan-
sing last June, is located at San
Francisco, Cal.
Pittsburgh captures three of the
'90 laws, Anguey, Kent and Mc-
Kennon, who have located there.
B. J. Boutwell, '90 law, is lo-
cated at Seattle, :Wash., and C.
W. Keen is building up a good
practice at Walla Walla.
E. E. Kelsey, law, '90, is prac-
ticing at Huntington, Ind.
W. S. Henderson, Medic, '0 is
enjoying a good practice at Cie-
boygan, Mich.
Several '90 laws have located
in Denver, Colo.; among them
are Mason, Carter, Byrne and
The Law Department boasts of
one co-ed this term. This puts us
one ahead of Ann Arbor, which
has none.--Indiana Student. The
U. of M. boasts of two this year.
Before the Winter Closes In. Fore ocus Irportes a' Gems
It is stated on good authority and Art Goos, Jeweiers arld.Op-
that Harvard and Princeton are ticiats, Mlanufacturers of the
soon to come to an understanding Finest Society Badges made i the
and that a foot-ball game between couqtr. Samp esent upon pro-
these two old antagonists is to be per referernces,
played this fall. .A t t
When Harvard withdrew last D_+-ci f jow-RooJ(w k
year it was supposed that her
action was final, but some of the 140 WOOD WAIII) AVE.,
graduate students have taken the O tPoit - - Mohigan.
matter in hand, and the breach
wiii soonoe ea egame
will probably be played il New
York, about Nov. 15. The Von-
sent of the Harvard faculty is
necessary before the team can go.
Princeton's action is considered
as very generous under the cir-
cumstances, as her team is unusu-
ally weak, while that of Harvard
is the best that ever represented
the college. Capt. Cumnock, of
Harvard, and Capt. Poe, of Prince-
ton, have had several conferences
over the matter, both thinking
that their past actions have been
very childlike.
If an understanding is arrived
at, it will be for three years.
The Cornell Sun is authority
for the statement that Cornell
plays at Chicago on Thanksgiving
At a meeting of the trustees of
Columbia University, President
Low reported that recent gifts
had been received amounting to
The Columbia fall games were
held on Saturday. Herbert
Mapes, '92, the Inter-Collegiate
ex-champion, established a college
record in the 100 yards hurdle
Afternoon Only, 2 P. M.,
Friday, November 7
One Deli hlful Con erl by
tlh I r~(1(01 f all bad-
mwesses and the most
popular eand "uccessful
of all leaders, and his
Enerywher conceded to be the finest con-
cert and mitaory band ii the torld,
assisted by
Sopranom oathe i
Ietropolitea Opera
1f rr.. ., ' Mr ork
EiThe Celebrated
Prices, 50, 75, and $1.00
Seas one sale Monday at 10 o'clock,at the.

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