May 09, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 154) • Page Image 1
…Ct , . laxln:. VOL. V. No. 1 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TI-IURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895. PRicE-THREE CENTS. WILL FURNISH FULL SUM. n all six oratois. As the cx'-cutisv CHICAGO ALUMNI PROVIDE FOR natve tttitemi, ot caiiibe imade until FIRST HONOR IN ORATOR 1. ltltL -iu rdyngt They Will Give the Medal and $75 TH-OROUGHLY AN ARTIST Annually-Third Year Laws Will Is Miss Gertrude Nay Stein, the Receive Consideration Tomorrow Contralto in the May Fe...…