, t . 1a t.
VOL. III.-NO. 156.
'cinnesota No Match fc
and Riue on the Di
A One-Sided G0
iisieof all school
aroly l reeteil the tMiri
'l-ri: tt ey apIpeaed tat
leuc~c. hy had iputt
x an tEalistoa noil
h ze b"t thlsseleil
i1Il - o lay fromi tlln
fetthat the hoii
The -almewaisalit
0 01 start to finisti
hatted the batl all cii
knocking out three pile
ession. The fieldini
sota was rocky, while
they could do little wtl
I.? of . Ls fielding was
the iiest.
I olloi ig it the tall
U.l-F M.
- -i--- ---i-
U t I. N1 - - - - - - - - - - l i- - - -
ITORY i tonitp against a gootd tetam, defeat ! HOW WE WON IT.
or thae VI ail osoY otellowlisMarkinEs of teeusages in the Ora-j'
amond.- XA seek ago Satitrday tti I,% if torical Contest-Busaness -saf
iliei i A11) .1teant met thic Detrit \thleticT-ascd fe if-
woirak ite1 a it -eio-ier -Adtitcthe Atte litiu csiin ctti oftsRTus iii It Nuttert IrtoicoII a tehIeiayi- F 5 ,kL~a
doitesinotttifollowttentsecs tthde teaimtei-an
ilet -ii--tntlyest-I sonictte tfte ttt r ticill l e tjaipnesti-hoe DE R I M CH '' .
ils e onl e1 til et fett heD.A.C.b t tysisi i-t ciite rto
etcii )ta.e it- 00du tiI i e to atheeteainlt costeittciii-
I ct l i~ t de olw ta h as a
Sa ir a a d Ini I iiaie iiit 1111 sei i et 1111 tti artc 1)1 heithti hit e-tit,
ia teai it ii ti t l e e sci tt ctliitill se e actirthees al l b1111 fiveliusre ctt ti.
ititi ispectid -
}la lts I.T]etam i neta
I tteose tal idttt sil--betooradlienra ins-
telvite rtie atalouaddernidtt ftehteouWaettcciItttese tt>ilrolridsi oftie
e atlian lei o i vcatl eryathtentt f t s al atesttediteCoie- eiti
cc Ilt Ils tit. kd I n tiltbe It ihtcesir vsd. I to ttllatitcs fat l le- - aaao
ietrs wa sieI-egtirludgsm aile o lothe.th.uYFhtC
and itteuiutWaloeomaAothritio n g eate at - thneti 1I11
a e Ia the ltesni llevetandlt cth slle coole. (IAnohe mtio n t.D 1 dI lttf
I tnc oa Iha awan r ,ode n toyeer ndt ogsa ttoeri onaeat
ails one ofie c f l ll -lttt ot tne aegoalia Ide etro tsdiagfrieloo-I h on d eLtst;I~trooihtanSt.e
h sto o d e fro atusi et allhioseatd dg e for of li e s itN0 o.1apa
scoic riy eil ol anitin txtSaor Ntinal trfaorialteage. Jt , haAnAropicssefrCIAE oTTES.o
laykho-rerolite nT ii erne and hii oulte a t in se o foot ytoliete 5stbSmksseh
arete ied 1tlisgtosrs itl
aeass ll A nies-ahreg-ularlidgsn add l pee ar.e laelete
ofMiil thl eocassitzaa e -o entermeineewa gthel af t itersaperiFFL & on
at te Ibt g e r shalnro mrane olein clubte on taist. AOn eceotiot I- IkET -OT) -all otheA_
t r m ichhs paenl ee n teLnderaet mple oatricaltoheakaes aty tl oILaatearease aslirhi -
thirty-nehialiagtithisnstill liems ropel a lo sagata II ast a.Streight at ( sCll.
hemseatesofitdisosautisat forercome.tIntet
t ojg ro it clbnse anat se ora- lagelywardtte he perby tionatt iof saat eraheeari sa Ni--rpohage
soeaiolles a torisalh League.TEI 2ake
c I i ty, woie l clesoldastth sistee thatur- Cts ti lt e-ea I ts srIcaGaha AR TT S
- dayltere orgaee ibetstonreha frasmean, sosemsensoftinowofacity-. pef actgasetsss EeSokergsiho
aniutokahasi Itactinstro-l r ga 1nizaetio . Waarb:sittn Cooallaegel
mores set-n a ihaltttsis.oTtie tha e mobset, ttsasne-eeheltpteiace
-Oberlionneatked talent ttdrabilty-, annageargecenfareofhthe siasking
At-- a o Ata meho ar aottsth i case, thorganv e soadettdgsanesotellbelthefnta
7- a royI i- I ain Iehslael ltrtgu nx a ofIttl ned. A ee pI teiolalo llohes
-- -1 11 I 1 totiee sunatsrhay-noneect a eadi( er derd th o itial ltat e-1 t ctN iarte r aefrn h rg
Ii est most1 Ito nttceethfale.oJel, 1narranggforttacoist
welys en ewcs,111 he tlat laralic, -
asud to, enledo susntsltatbrseeearOthey-mricncanacoto.
teosial c otesgtiaoan s -et-atstime -atrrs icmnVigna
- -- meme-stals of t 1aulty
TlaeyoFavor Re-Condgideraldossverysbeins
-, _ bsnt, iw s ared hatth aer
Sc-titlE1iVtI\\ l
!'. Y -----------------1
Ut ill esota ------..l
lose.; on attlis-Krogmaaaa, 6: Arts 53. Slt-c lit e lathes eat the setnior class
-iii-- lteoitssa, 1liiictzl. Stalest lasts Voted tunatnimaously atondeay noon
Crea wteort, j:ttichs 3; Ssttarlae. i3: Smestiscor1
le cil; Pe-arsona, 3; Shiirds,85 Nartiasasya1Ithat thiet- sere anxiotts to recosn-
6mm tase Bulrbanak, 1. atne o amsae- -ewo nidher the mtotiosn passedt at the last
tit slot11ittrt it e.Utaar- Ilt.Iclass Iseeting- sithtregared to te lax
A Great Eats"lllTeans. for c ommtencemtenlt expenses. As
Itere is a general feeling tat te
It seas said after tie Uiversity of Isatter shtould be discussedt amore
.aticitigan baseball leant hadl rettted elfolly thiati sas dlone cat Ite last
front its sosuthseesntripi, tat it htadl meeting, it seemsal probable that thse
played snothing bt scrtub teanms.E class still pass thte motiona to recoss-
Fromls this it sthited, rather thtan c itter, shtottld sitcht a mootioti la
sail, tat as soon as the aegregatiotnimade.
The later-class bioattatces at V ale
otctsr tlay so. silTAILOR
An later-collegiate field claywl
be hteld at Chamlpaign, 'taay 1a. lANtD tO R01
Tthe annutal field stat- of the ltailil-
igac Intoer-collegiate Athaletic Asso- r 'T CO
ciatloss sill probably be lteltl at
Jacksona, instead of i~psilanti, as
foenterly itended. fTe date, hose 55 W_ - 01FfSi
eer, retmains nitaatgeeh IJtite r, 2