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May 09, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-09

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P ublished Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the (Joilegb year, at
t sce: Timses buiing N. Mlais st., opposite
post office.
J. F. Tss sss ss, '97. XW. W. ToA~svco, '96 L.
E. L GFes sseo, '98 L F. M. Loomis5, '98.
0. 11. ANsp, '98. 1F. S. SENIoNS, .
it. C. thooEssWsit, '985.
G. B. HIUstSiO, '06) L.
Is.77.'VA,ssass, '96.
W. X. Itogises, '9.8. S. It. Smiiis,'90 L.
S. W. smitis, '97. AV. It. Iiorriii, '98.
J. L. Waists, '993M. II. 11. Skhililsmas,'9s L.
C. B. Ros, '98 5D. Louise Dodge, '99.
B. 0. Mstiscssy, '99. H. Ci'ssss, '99.
Tise ss'sscriptiou price ofthVie Daily has
beessrcdssccd to 75 cts in advassefoe tise rcst
01th yieaysr . sLeg subtscriptions at Vise
i.'ssy o~dcor ssith 5'. U. Aeyer,(U.0of 1.

(Cotstinued fsoot First Page.)
illusirsstedl by a porirait of thei'tdisan
of tse depairtmsettasd byote cts.
Thse best literary feaitre of tise bosik
is st story liy Miss Masbel (Colt, '15,
"hse 'Moutiniist 51 tarRoulnsiAbout
Jeru~saleml." 'this stoty wXoldllhiave
bseenl awa'rd'ed'tlthe Cssstsslissttlptizeif
lt'e icsmitetitionl 11ad1 lot beinestlrii'i-
etd to llliergrsdtilses. Miss Ssarst
Brownie, '97, cti' bute'lisii'"'Ati Eiisioili
of lt'e Juiior Hots" 0111 there is con-i
cluinilg somelt xetllet'I verselOt, colsiri-
sbulssd by I.It. hiKe.6llogg, '915, P. It.
('itclsi'iit, C. IL. Skinesir and( others.
Tile Aidvisiiry Bloardl, trof. tP. N. Scott,
t'tof. A. C.'M9c7ausglliituandPriif. 1C.
S.Densision,Xwi'r' the judsgsoill thei
conltestsOfor the prize offers.
Ill maite'riof record"'s tihe' ('stilislls

Psi Upsilon Delegates. ( ATTENTION BICYCLISTS.
SIf your' bicycle 11ct18 eclig or
'rdi fatlthe'gconvegntion: er ioatrepairing Titcker & Co., 1S, N. Fthlri
it'slslste st tsec~lX'sIl~~ii ,ave., is the pl1ace to get goes od wor
lliisCollege.-0. C. IRichaisse an1116 doneo anti at prlices statXwill snlit sll,
Archsibldll S. Deirby. We renst alid sell m-1stdo, ,also,)sstve a
Ilnesi'5t9' of use('iit' of NewX York. fulll litse of upt-to-da~te ststssri s. Otir
--HowavsrdlBell, E. Williasms V'sllili, tmotto is "Live atid let line."
Fred'i'ii''i' Sewiard Ciibsso, Xiilliim
Notltl lllF'sls 19.ct Th, ie setniors XX110 wish extrat slvila-
Ysile h:'livrrsily. I'rof. G. XX'. tat. tions are rs'utsteds to lesave thits'os'-
its'ot1191tcltorge C. Ms'Lsailslo, del's for 1110111at 25) Forest ave. 011 or
Brsown s lsivt'rsity.-HIt'sry 11. IRock- isefore Tisclday Inighit, May 14.'T'hey'
XXeII sinditRtsselltGrisnsell. XXil cost t'(enientsaiece,
Amhslerst t'ollege.-F~ranS.h PFsles. C V ei'LN
DaristmsousihsCollege-Georgne 1'. H11099' . (itInvitationlColss.
IsidsInsisi G. 91. Lewis. Loot-A lKappia Kapp~ia Gssstma Sor"-
t'oiiissiia I'llsisersit9'.-Joils1". Ir- onlty in., lissser pleaise leasvt' at
XAii1 siittetHen'i (G. ('aill. , Siewsarid's iiifice' snsslrecetive rewatrd.
IiliX'isil 'oib'ge.- -.s'sse IHacks'r jAitsletic goods -wantedl? Weli'I1 ie
i~Li'r sissilSitienV. Toissg. Xitor Aiiileti c 001ds are 5(iolsst the
Hamisiliots (ollege-tB. IB. '1'sggssri, wily' office st stgooildsicout.t
jr'., ssssi . .ilsnsird Hlmsies. ___________________________
Rtoceseis'liversity.--Clsirene 1). ~ *
Stosse asti George' 1. WXilliamss. If' 1th Irn
Ke'nyonsC'illi'gi.-P'iil Bi. Stsstbcri'y It's a L[LItle LC1Ue
.11Al tiLeo W'. Xeisshitlses' ______________________
Un1ive'rsity' orf iciigsi.-Ilit 1119'I. i
lhsisss, i in the season, but we
Syrsicuse Vniversity.-E. B-ersie silh~

Nests Stassg. 10s5a1m1st cosmpilet', the 0119liliparenit
omiissiosn beisig Ibsutofit'e C'iiigo-
Edsitor of todsty's halier, Slieliigao idibiss.e, Eer9 tlili g i c'
F. S. StlttNS, '0S.
seemsiiStto bei'istldeil, sisisill 111111y
Nintey-tsiie 1,, lisei'eidi sint vles'- easiit'e'i'cord15sires' siislsfiullirt il
cily life X'ith5111 enliti~i siass X'si'l9w 511hicWolbepet~ceid. 'lissis especially9
will t'nasble tilt'ipr'senstfrt'shmanssscl'ss triut of ailetics, bothis illahss andlt
to lessve'.si goodtrestord beii'ndstif Isiss. UniX'er'sity' re'cordsl. 't'rsack 9wo)11 is
tassinedfio'use nesxt thlrti' 9'tars. 'l'ey'9' iventhspetcial aiienstiosn, sirsti ss liter-
lsstxs' sot setth'iiltis t inst succesi'iissg ssrticenth iis lpsrtieutsbsirasi'is
ill s'vt'rytinsg tsis yeair, but thiey' ise i fethf letictsPis i'osirilssted by AX'. t'.
bet'n'deiedttly s'ntergetic sas aciass. I.Stat'tissilsse, 9( L..
'Theit' insstst i int'eiifeiessitis'rssn'h- 'iii ilotsti'stiosss forms a pinen515lt I
esof titics is so fair 'exampie 0ffeatisre oftifue book. Asmonsg tile siost
thesir'commsiesndableeiass spirit. lnotiice'ssle'is a reprodioin11illthe'
thsree'-colot' procesof halif-tonle uwork
Arsisngemenits hasve bs't'n smade by 1)f a fatmsiliar siesne 015tise Itsss'i
whish tin.'Dsily Xwilreeiv'e'a1 ftll iel. river. Otihet's ofthis'full-paigteillis-.
egs'sici report of totisy's gamelt'fos' ' irsstiotss, of tvlsicistt'eesirs' abot
Mlozlslty's issue, CosacisSetonts fsi ifty, site a porrisit ssf Dr. Mloshser,
couIss'lsiid 11)sesnd tl ist ily 9111 lslliiiol itXo gr'otlisngs of piottsgrais of ills
of the('gamsie 55it' Xe il se't'it, and 1iil.' mssislesillthse atsgsallery, sa half-
festtres of use gsssse will lbet toe11t'nefr'otssalls engrv~insg illlt'e Pih.-
grslllst'd by XV. XX. Itisgit's, 90111 is issesi collectiots, re'pre'senit t9in*Ilt' cO~ls-
also XXithi thetasis, Dull reiports oif lmi'llorstsi' arts of Troa,,id(] 1'Xw
thes gaileso if londsay satidtWedlhsiha llf-tonies of th' Univ'.ersity hiiili57,-
gill also ib' t ls'grssphetd to tl15the9'il. 'The book Xwill tbe place'(d 11o shul'
----- ltohohssy lorhihlg.5115d in suits' of its
A poemhisof this'suerit ofMs. super'hior1'ctellt'sce lt'e edhioro s ha.'
Perr's s"St'lSpe5ll1," 1usd a sory loss-masde 110 svil'sce ill the'price.
essiug lt'e lits'rasry' sihssit9' of Miss Oracle Board Election.
Coltson's "Thus' lossstssiss thast ut's
ItosnshAboust Jertuisius>n" detse'Xr' 'hvei rssc htssiluuia1
settinug ins oometing bs'tter than ths'e 'ss9 sfesois u itI'ittss i
chlth~hhh9'colee shbhtht is, usuliheitosrs. This'oloinvhg wXre'h'csossus:
tG. 1t. Sitms, indiepe'nden'ts, 1a s llg
eslitosoof the is'till 'astslisshsMirue cer-
taislyfissohu's)ilss. T~sir isilt in°thu t'ditosr; :..B1. Ps'l Sigmais Vli, is
assiststt silusgisug sditor; C. 1B. Ho ls'
easily tt'e besstsnnuial stirpuihshlei
at Mcisgsss. t i ctssslet' ~ il'lsi 10115101Psi, as busoiness manahlger;
depatmenuchts sushi thoroughly tmotdersn, C. IV, ('srtiorighut, ind~seendent, as 11s-
It s a moel A-Iiel welloe wll e istanut blusinessuasager, asnd Miss IE.
pe~rmanenhitly9'attacheid to 11'the 19 A irte'aalty asms thi13,11 u
formsinsg tile groaud to hie covered 119'secretary of the bosard.
future anuhal boards. Thle '99 Oracle will be distinctively
____________________ asnsathletic nutmubes', it bing thse his-
V~he joisut debatcs betwveen the .A1- teotiosn of the boardl to pay msore a t-
1p110 Nu and sIAtdelphsi socictics lhave tentions to te differesnt class tt'ams
beesn postponed usntil next Saturday thanIis been dotne in plreviouls 01111
night. bers. Howvever, other subjects will
The Fu eshlsan Card Club have msade shnot be slighted. The board will coils-
arrangemsenuts for a dauce which is to iliesnce work at once, antI will do thesir
be lheld ait Granger's 0o1 June Z5. The ilsulost to soake thihs Oracle thse best
comsmittece in charge is made up of of yeas's. The board wi'll meet for
J1. R: Pell, chasirman, C. IB. Hole, and lraiato no cosmmittees next
J. C. Bradfield. Frday at 4 p. sn.

C'onel'h1TVivi'hsit'. --IL(. Blsair.
'iitly C'sllegei'Iht'is' (. 9Bar'biour.'
Isthsigli 1sivs'rsii .-('Csorlt's A1.
Los'srs'ansdisLosuis fDivs'n.
Fi livi'hsity' sf l'ensyls~vantiau.-Henry'
N. 'iootisisisios
I'lliX'trsii~y sf SMinnessotsa.-I.'igsst' I.j
UiXesrsity of Wissonsisin.-C. I:. on;nC I.Sp neadHnr

I Woolells

hinsir rIlugiuchs, of tse l109'-sIt' on hand and most respect-
isnihnesut, Xwill addtresiithsiivs'h'ity ' fully solicit your patron.
Y. 1. C'. A. at M lt' la haisisul lut '-
ro)w9 "afte'r'oonso il "L~ife-Its StruggIle age.
Tei'psltationhs andth 1hios'llssitics." S. W. Burchifield
If yous wan51t aihigisgraude Xvheel c'sllh
sit thse Dauilyoffite. E. Huron Street._
The'96 Castalian
Complete accounts of each department; the
classes and organizations connected with them.
-350 ages ofatter
Fully and artistically illustrated. The best an-
nual ever issued here.
ON SALMonday, May 11th.



- - $1.00.

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