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May 09, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-09

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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
idspect our......
Suitings, Trouserings,

Delegation Returns From the
Contest at Evanston.
A large and enthusiastic crowd was at
the station Saturday night to greet our
victorious orator, Chas. Simons. Owing
to the fact that the lights were turned
off in the main building, the crowd as-

light, she will write,'far bosethem all, 'VARSITY SHUT OUT.
beside the name of Abraham Lincoln
that of the soidier- the hero, the mar- Illinois Did the Trick and Won

tyr-Astonio Maceo.
"Under the Throne of the Coars" was
the subject of Will L. Long, of Oberlin
College. lie spoke. for the release of
R'ussians from the present form of gov-
ernment, and in closing said:
They cry for justice and their'cry of
muffled genius will yet be heard. It is

sembled outdoors at the north entrance #ctrie they are not ready for a republic.
of University Hall. Prof. Trueblood it would be folly to assert that central-

almer's Pharmacy
....ts NOW......
Wilder's Pharmacy,
The store is undergoing a
thorough renovation, and
the stock is being sorted
and increased. Precsrip-
tions a specialty.
Qeo. P. Wilder.
tjtecesled a fresh supply of Altegretti, ad
yUamteadWernersChocolates. Largestlins
the city.
Lunlhes at all hours.
R. B.JOLLY & cO.
as s South State Street.
There is
No disa Opntmet in our
Soda ater. There is
plenty of oldness and
satisfaction. Have you
noticed that even on cool
cays, people often have
to wait their turn? They
don't do that at any other
fountaiL. Our soda
water is right.
A good Base Ball and Bat is just
the thing to develope your
We have every varity from 5c
to $1.25.
Sporting Goods of all kinds.
Base Ball Suits made toorder.
Prices are right.- , .'

was first called upon and gave a short
account of our victory. Mr. Simons
then followed with a bright short talk.
Speeches were also made by M. L.
Wiers, alternate, T. A. Berkible and
L. C. Whitman, our debaters against
Chicago, and by M. F. L. Ingraham, of
Ypsilanti, who won the contest two
years ago.
Mr. Simons won quite handily, lead-
ing by flve points in rank. He had a
clear first in delivery and was exceed-
ed by but one point in thought and
composition by Nesmith, of Northwest-
ern. His delivery was clear and
smooth and kept the audience interest-
ed throughout, and his splendid peror-
ation quite captured his hearers.
The president of the Michigan Alumni
Association of Chicago said he could
not put his finger down on any one
point and say "here is a fault."
This contest, as the others in the past,
demonstrates the value of good coach-
ing. All the speakers at the mass meet-
ing acknowledged their success . as
largely due to the coaching of Prof.
Trueblood. .
The judges on thought and composi-
tion were ex-Senator J. J. Ingalls, of
Kas., Chanceltor McLain, of the Uni-'
versity of Nebraska, and Prof. Geo. P.
Baker, of Harvard. The judges on de-
livery were Judge Wiliam Woods, of
Indianapolis; Edgar Brown, of Indian-
apolis, and Judge Thomas, of Craw-
fordsville, Ind. The grades tre as fol-
Thought and
Composition. Delivery.
Simons 1 :1 :3121 1 12 1
Nesuith 4:56 :2 :4 :4 :2 1711
Long 2: 5::1 !3:3 :1813
Wiluiams 3 '3:5.:1:2 :6 224
Fox :2 S:8 :5 : :4 28 5
Norton 5:5 :4:5:6: 5 27 6
Stewart L. Tatum, president of the
league, presided. The first speaker was
George T. Nesmith, of Northwestern
University. His subject, "Antonio Ma-.
ceo," struck a patriotic chord, and he
was frequently interrupted with ap-
plautge. In-closing he said of the Cuban
And in future ages, when the record-

ized power is not their need. But 'on-
less that power in some- way grants
these struggling subjects the common
rights of men the day will come when
that giant nation will move under its
burden of centuries; the mountain
weights of custom vill be scattered like
chaff, and from the chaos of revolution
will rise a people too free to be fanat-
ical, too considerate to be lawless, ruled
by a monarch great enough to be sym-
pathetic and wise enough to be Just.
E. T. Fox represented the University
of Wisconsin. In the course-of his ora-
tion on "Public Opinion," he said:
If we do our duty public opinion will
become more and more an intelligent
opinion. Enlightened individual free-
dom and purity of personal character
will prevent it from being despotic.
Without these there can be no vigorous
manhood, no true liberty in a nation.
A new moral impulse will begin to vi-
brate through all human relations. Re-
former and statesman alike will reject
the principle of state omnipotence and
realize more than ever the significance
of Martin Luther's maxim, that the
true interest, real strength and chief
power of a nation consist: in the num-
ber of its cultivated citizens, its men
of education, enlightenment, character.
Fred Paul Wiliams, of the State Uni-
versity of Iowa, had for his subject
"The Suppression of Crime." 3n his
peroration he said:
And this we know-the malignant'
forces of vice, crime, injustice in the:
panoply of law have ailled themselves
against us. Our education has failed us
in this respect. Our laws give us too
little protection. Justice no longer
guards us. An appeal for morality is
our last resource-a morality which
will vanquish vice-a morality which
will fetter crime-a morality which will
uphold the arm of justice and will
scourge the traders from the templeof-
law. And if this fail; if the passionat
tendencies ofthe ,classes dominate the
holier motives of stheir being, our na-
-tlog's grave Will n55rk tfat 5acrllg*
"The Scholar and Social Reform" was
the theme of the oration given by Geo.
H. Norton, of the University of Chi-
cago. His closing sentences were:
Scholarship spreads its illumination;
religion inspires noble work for social
good, and in them let us trust. Let us
hope that their fruits will be the grad-
ual realization of that exalted plan of
(Continued on fourth page).

By the Score 3-0'
The standing of the Western Inter-
collegiate League teams is now as fo
Played. Won. Lost. Percentage.
Michigan.... 5 4 1 .
Chicago......-.3 .-2 1 .0 7.
Illinois.....---_-3 2 1 .667
Northwestern...5 0 5 .000'
Illinois Saturday repeated her per-
formance of -last year by defeating the
'Varsity 3 to0 The causes that led to
this second shut-out were MCullum's
matchless pitching for Illinois and
Michigan's lifeless work. Only three
of the 'Varsity players seemed to be
awake. They were Miller, Condon and
McGinnis, and they tslayed ball from
start to finish. Miller pitched a grand
game, and had he received the support
which his work merited not one of the
visitors would have crossed the home
McCullum's work in the box was the
best ever shown here., For eight in-
nings the 'Varsity was unable to touch
him. In the ninth McGinnis made a
single, a grounder which was too hot
to handle. The support given by the
Illinois in-field wa§ snappy, .in marked
contrast with Michigan's.' eta.
Michigan batted first. Cooley and
Gilbert each drew a base on balls. Mc
Cullum then steadied down. Cooley was
forced at third. Condon flied out And
Luns was forced at second. Illinois
in turungot the first two men to base
on bals. Shuler then filed out and
Winston struck out.: Wernham con-
nected safely for a single into right
field. Butler was slow in handling the
ball and allowed Fulton to score froni
second. Lotz struck out.
In the second, after Wolf had gone
out from 'Mctullunn to Hazlett, t'MCtfs
nis was hit by a pitched ball and went
to second on Shuer's error in handling
Matteson's groundeou. Miller fanned
and Cooley was an easy out from Ful.
ton to frst base. Illinols,'aiinthefiast
inning, got the first two'men to bases
on called balls, but this titme thy..die5
there, the net the' msern 'up being
easy oatrs. t .
Both Mi higan and Illinois went out
in order I t e .hird. Michigan did
likewise in' the fourth, but Illinois in-
creased heP score by one.- Lotzs-hit tdd
second bal pitched into left. fo three
Ids: The 'hit shouId have been In
out, but Matteson was lacking in his
usual quickness. A passed ball let
Lotz score.
The only Michigan man to get to base
in the fifth was Cooley. He was hit by
a pitched ball. Illinois was retired one,
two, three.
Lunn, Condon and Butler, for Michi-
gan, and Lotz, Hazlett and BlCulum,
for Ilinois, were the wtters in the sixth.
(Continued on Second page).

ing angel shall write in the eternal blue
Q the heroes of the nireteenth century,
WgA R' 0 J.lhSTORE she. will put Gladstone for England, La-
Up Town Down Town fayette for France and C-stelar for
S. State St. OpposItehCourtHouse
Ann Arbor main8t. I Spain; then, dipping her pen in golden

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