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May 09, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-09

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~Ij 1.of ~.W~p

VOL. II.-No. 154.



SATURDAY'S GAMES. ened her team isy puttingrMiller on Fourth inoing.-Jeieis out from r OF YOUR
Albion Swiped-The 'Varsity Loses cs( soad Marker in cente, botts old I'aean to Ducharume. Pearssnd ri3OEJ 1
to the 0. A. C. by Rowermars U. of M. hall players ansd first-class Cod to Msark.ninsond out froiii UI
Error. ( od lo a Code oDcam.Cd otfon t~,Tt
n Cod asoca eidciitlybenRohiinsonsto Jefferis. \tiller goest
pioy sso sl o ueiiisiractlicinghard, for h tichisIeid uchi thirst isisShietld's sissjudewsaesoslloroeadi-of olfly. Mailed to You -:-
busaessiass ntsi si etter itiainlie (liii thicwee~k sefore. \Iai Di out tss tficris. Ei iii aic -a's-0Through Your
stdns e akbeeee ni- It wssi a ttlle of the -airts, aso i l iii elsii Mlflcr liossir i} u~eiii is I I'jA D
siucessi, a eoshoaheressweorei abostor I usss. or suifiuanysssisCore".' ' 'P '
gaime, the iteresting slitaci o f i hso sseeaioi i i s f'iY ifsli t ii se.e loutss coma sr55 5 is sen Icgy iteinfvro obno .
'eCs aptasinskssinsus ipits g s ite i aorsfhhiiioout. Shiselds fly sit to darke.i cUpon
againost Captain.Codstilandthic Boswermsan gasvc Rohisonsis'sosdsup-'lSist/c se hlist aidstesiciiscc ond.il I RIhI' -- APPLICATION.
lsresec fCoilFliss's hisid is crIsis tillsti but liii fatal cirror sn the fPeer fly su~t "slarkcr. DhiaIsissi
Is sisfficitt shoirt to satisfly the msit e i l svn hsiing lositt lthe ss'ace. C( silo t from itiz5er to jefcetics.i Ciiope
ir fousl out tso is o s iii i' sals
fastiisous1. of NI smiass TIelcroiou sf -I. fieldlesdhetter thas is thesci strksot
uas ecepionsallyv-slar'sssd estlissi gamue anduit ithue halllssut falild to ixt I n nsing.-S gurney twiriar-iLIS
1oulsMIsissiswSpsssssoc susssI Plain
busc thsssidrigse'rtti c'slcr hsi ser hits lit icritic t l pointsIn e (Craw-lord itfl osut to I- 'so iissil esi Sriiicsiy liids.ss'
Ih lic rasid stanid wss filledl curly in thsc';attic. Jefieisind IPeaisoou oss f's t o IDETROIT. - - M ICH.
thc aflin Iooi, thsclasic corsis f'i crillc i rihi scC-s c si ollrs
crisiicliug tic i irk os I till5 il c iondic siusi whenisRohison isiisgrossushers fromS i tzer/cs to J ci-
h isscieii hiss life at hisfirs chie CoddrI feris. Nilier fly o ors iiI cci -
ilug itsnscssry to rost on he tFca t csh tschs Iecaisoinsat secosin lsd ticui i li c u lsi'
fence. isis Chicforice. tIc wccntt10sccondlyhisouit tNt aker, Rohinsontakedsc
'Ilc frs c-um h hinthi Oicicil islics Cocil icelssccssiis Iss ssr cinssid sinsasbliii.I Slit/c se sc osi
allih'inuloddicraBwrmanihi slitsel-ls tessi
prromhptly it a usclosI sr c si 'diw s a shti sst it iiril ' cr oust oinfly to Shilsh 1 s ri ke ssli
isractice gaumesithills t hclodhs iIissut Giny twio Isa-"nr. Iuhoc
giansisfromis 'lisioss IThr asiecic I). -.C. scoreil hir first rua scieon uit Isr ism I'obinsiosnto Jecfeics i. 1 L
took thisgaeosin aus'mau'tte'r of cousic thinfountshuinninis" ViiM i un-st bagr Cawforillsounsirls" lhen yic o(ic -ii ussaisishe auteus-isis ii isis nSides
thecy sail sot isecinitsassni thithcs by tcriis linc drivetcei n tcier schsinsihossiat h0e t i -i sfa~ir l sssanAninsArbsor
it uttns tnsuh su orasilst Shilss simis tue ,'sd uit i ng toss Iis si i c siew osots tsch i all t rcs edfrCttget
itbutther i w ulddo or srt f 1) ) \isller c-atchs Si l S icye diii sitlto 1
In dirslsiis t rendrs miorc fur fussisarch cit it gus useriIis lieadsithii id.CrawfucosIout osii onfI . F'' " 1 RQ
urdcinseltQ.LAG'sicnghus' I sier to tshid. cCarmanc sJsih (ut oNIii i JJ ... s& \I
rffectis-e a dsi t sasrtling tlhc grands rouht hs iutN lier ini iin iiiis bseiclt. C sco d.i c iut cius "'p utito -I cfliiier.'lt'' " t'l
climssax wihc s to rfolloscsi sihenex sinigs we'rca s (hp stfomSizeuorrnss D 'ZOT A,111
chsiefinstercit centicredl ii ouriattc ptSut ison rut 'ssie nes. I Nsa iihssitisSutsr}iuIy
to Cen.D iACichscrl use ' -isse iiithin tse itsh~5~ ~ i
iefs sfiiesilu hosu~5 de lsnt.CrIoswley farncidthe inr ' sitsInsnins.I-ciirsonse schilt. j Ieisi1TNfliS rai5jht ..
Iteurt sssgthnlffirhuIthree tims, bust itowermanss sroppledRoisu gissrosundecr 115Ciroiilic, NoE.1
fo thnbie ir'' lsissilelthin thuinrlstrikebhIis feetsuanl he- torcisic Iearsinousut at secosnCdARTTS
himiself sy retliing thin side on three fore lie couslshfinsdlthin ball 1'Crouwley iocrsui safrou N lc o s 'de stir toTrayass ites ss
first. Inhis araesShselds bseisies-sitzer F
long blins, sose ofschichi sas a catch hail uearly reached frt i ssais lslm i ls ltc uoresh te sprice'
su heproehncsuit heergeagernsess irs get the Ibasllowcoin stikes oust. CodrdiouttfromnsSluzr t.t/c aGrsrgett e u' irui's
- I tuiimhe threwc sild, allouviug Croic- toJcfcs Nslrisu ut Iu ~ - ls BADsupaerior to
circus order. COur soy's failed tosilyt ot hrd ,d ate>ker anrd Eagass fly'out to J effers.s F I sO0-' li thers.
I 1v o o o tir. oscl aue iiThe ichmondsesStraigiht
soeutlteffhin- btfrmht etI adinawy1ugst essnsthIningiu-Peer out hiromd'ut NEs dugaetstes see smsie Cfrom tihe ight-
-cryssig? utfo an iiaocytf e1.sut, sdelcately flavoredi ad highest cst
tilt nthh uscmeia-laust, 'Suggeseise<Eagans to jefferis. Spsurney fly(suit hold Lest gases is irginia. This is the Cold
that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'cl tmosthrusriiiia-lsyersCrllgamse nmade a Crily C'sfo l ttsand iugnaliBrsnd sin Straighit Cat Ciasestes,
codigtoniu(ctcl dgsrive os-er left, scoria-groe to C oly tardfyout oilndseas brought suet by as in the rear 1815.
crigtartmtclprogressioi. 'isis'sisagtsegmeGuincy.C unystrsuskoust.Ducts heireoaSimtations,ad absersve that the
'fle Alhiosnuen failed 1o score unstil adFn' n hegm.arnie out frons Robnison uso jefferis. the ALLi N&OINTEII ashckg
The score hy inninigs icas as fol- Oftthe AmericaToacco' Co.,
the eighsths,swhen they gaiseldticwo us:-Chuope out frons Spurncy to Jefferis. Manufacturers,''Etnsdiiga
rnthe result of twvo ild lpitches First Inning.-Spuirney, Crawford I?,les eollsIsning.-Jeffleris out_____________________
fcons Seymour. With thsis except~insisnd Jefferis out on grounders fromfrmCdtoDcae.Prsn
out fronm ' EantoDcam.Rbi 1)A..T>\.
hue pitched a splensdird gamse, not a Codds to Duchuarme. Crowcley liiit O~~oDciru.Rh ssnT h
hy pitched ball and forcesd out atWhot fromitz~iler to Duefsarie. A_____t___________ ________
lilt heing secured off liii telivery. _~lhotIosSinrt efrsa se
'ils scr ttecoesus fseconds IosunCodd's little grounder to I'' rainer s s. _ 410w 1 i0
-h cr ttecls a , .o Robison.s Miller base on halls. Crowley strikes outs,hut Blowerman Co5dd, _______
M,1;Albiois, . Codd steals second hut caughut on messtidsrk'nIhoswldMle,3d,---
rii cnot GM. ste.aI to thirdI. Marker strikes out. to Jefferis, alloswing Crowley 10 gou Marker, r.C 5------54500 51 0
TI-1E SCONDSecondi 'arsonsehi to thirtd. Codd niakes a longb hit, Sagan. 2ad --- - -0145
'The ID. A. C. leans arrived at the huSocdta econd byRo.bas i letting Crowley in anrd sinning itse Guiney, c us--- 40 t
bu oce u t eodbyRbnDucharme, lit__"4 5 1 5
athletic field sit the close of the game son's grounder to Coddl. Bower- gamse. dhope, Cf_ -- _4 050f0500
with Albion. fBrthis lame there .teas bsee o bolls s. lO ,..5wid Tr-.of . RAM Sass, e----_---- I00 5

wsa an attendance of fully soon throw to first, sending Robinson
persons, besides thsose holding sea- home. Shields strikes out. Spizer
out Irons Miller to Ducharme.
son tickets, tlhere being present Eagan and Ducharmse out from Spur-
shout 8oo who boughtst ingle tickets ney to Jefferis. Guiney strikes out.
at the entrance. The visiting leans Third toning-Peer grotinder to
fronm Detroit, conscious of tlhe task Ducharme. Spurney fly out to
befoe i, mae eeryeffort to get Crowley. Crawford out frons Codd
beoeittaeeoeya Ducharmse. Chops and Crowley
together as strong an aggregation as strike out. Walsh foul out to
possible, and had materially strength- Bowerman.

U. UI M. TEA 1.

Sparser, Cnd....
Crawford. 1,I.C..
Jefferis, 1st---3
Pearson, 3ed ...4
Robinson, p....-- 4
Boewerman, e---- 4
Shields c...... -_
Spitzer, 88... ---4
Peer, r.t....... --4






8i 6 C 4 <3i 1i I 1
Two-base hits, Spurey 2, Gaineyi; stoics
bases, Shields and Spitzr;s aeriffee hits, Bowss-
erman, Struek eat, by dodd, 5; by Robinsson,9;
base an bails, off .dodd, 2. eff Robinsn 1. iU'-
D.Ad..---..000100000015 5 -:1
U. oCM....... 01 00 0 00-00_

39 '71 553 5516

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