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October 07, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…i G -c , ' +b. eu"d 1 i 1 .-,pv l tis I ,, y e . f t 1' " +, 4 VOL. X. T T H Fine Fall and inter H E Suitings, Golf Suis, E FancyJ Vestings. T DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY T A, We Careyj the Largest A 1 Stock I L In the Ciy. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R WILD BEFORE YOU BUY DISSECTING CASES 336 SautbState Stret THE OLD la'i, in ftrs BELIA 1 ,tf7 'liI.( R. E. ,1O t ..Y 0 Bet Ot I lacy0 -CLOTH V G- G OLF' CODS Jerseys and Sweaters at WAHR'S kN...…

October 07, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UN Ii A-vi v-sK(.T Xi'W taANIDAILY U* Of L~ati CONTINUTED FROM FIRST P:IGIF. h Stand ard V 1 ' G r n t o a.6 , 0 4 5 A HhR . F . H o r t o n . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 o f mo e r i t in c lo th e s m a k in g is g a in e d bhlinked Daily (tundaysneas eptedi daring then p W. Mlothenaill .....0.... nlrty by Continunus Effort. Andi so it is in clothes dealing. It re- College year, nt Collection at door . $1.43 quires con tinoosffrt on oar poe...…

October 07, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…THE U.NIVERiSITY O- MAICHIGAN DAILY. in TYLJSH And Up to Date SHOE MICHIGAN CENTRAL SCC our FiuC DisLIU 01 o1 etm -ANAN SHOE S Etc.. OODSPEED'S J3 ~19 South Main Street. fdarm Clocks SI, L S H IRTS LT.eof 11.ies 50c to s i) o . Fine Watc Reairig aSpecialty. KSWEAR and , L. CH IPMANJ EWLL .R, VESOUR PHOTOS OF (JNDE-RWEARIN THE CIT'. . A R E ---- PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH & - ~g RIYSTBearrman Studio t , . -,.i.- J.. . GThe Niagara Falls Ro...…

October 07, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVEESETY OF lICPIy2AN DAILYT If You Warjt. ... Drivers Brassie Drivers Clubs Mid Irons Lofters Putters C:addiy Bags Golf Balls from $1Q.00 to .$4.00. All a MARTIN SCHALLER, BOOKSELLI U. of M. Station- D. fl. TINKERf & SON pry for all depart- HIATTERIS AND rUN 1R nents. V~e Sell Headquarters for CrMs Fountain Pens... and Ctomplete linofGmAt7 ire guaranteed. .ER DOWN TOWN, 116 s1onothlo ain Street For The Gamre t AGENCY FOR LONGLE...…

October 07, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…" _ ti Jain uKNN ARBOR, MICTI., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1898. FouR PAGES. VOL. IX, No. 11. WI4w ,ANN AIMOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 1898. FOUR PAGES. T H E T A L 0 R T FINE FALL SUITINGS. H E WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. N G S 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T A L 0 R + You May Have Forgotten YOUR TOOTH BRUSH, YOUR JLACKING BRUSH, or YOUR WHISK-BROO, The one you have may be worn out, and you may vant toreplaceit. We have them all in up...…

October 07, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UMYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orreci: The Inland Press, Henning Block. Both Phones 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELAD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. H. I S, '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. R. Woonaow, '00 L. P. W. Joano '5, A. i. MDOeAL, '01E, T'. D. ExAN, 'l L. C. H.Luncc,100 M, G.1. iDNeUTT, '01 E. The subscri...…

October 07, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 I $3.50 TANS ARE REGAL SHOES FOR ROUGH WEATHER. GOODSPEED'S, 118 S. MAIN ST. Z i AM I& d&AIA&AL ;us MIGfIWIO NGE NTIiL " The Niagara Falls Route.'' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. GOING EAST. Mail and Express...............3 47 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Special ...............4 58 " Fast Eastern ......9 43 Atlantic Express............7 45 A. IS. D...…

October 07, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. STUDENT, Would you save money? Then ib your Books at the 6TU D 5NT8' BOOKSTOR SHLERfAiN&6 State Street. For First Year Law Stssdent We have Cooley's Blackstone, Anson on Contracts, Cooley Torts, Hoffcutt's Cases on Contracts, Blurdick Sales, Burdick Cases on Sales. For First Year Medical Stud Grsy's Anatomy, Sternberg's Bacteriology, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medical iDictionary, Vaughan and Novy's Ptomain...…

October 07, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…lie of ,r !k 1 ' 6 J .. _ FoTJR PAGES. VOL. VIII. No. 7. .ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1897. VOL.VII. N. 7.ANNARBR, ICHIANTHUSDAY OCOBE 7,1897 Fou P-E- Bargains IN Bhooks. Students! Bookstoe E STTESTREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second-hand Books bought, sold and exchanged. Law, Medical and College Text- books at cut prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR Blank Books and Stationery Agents for Waterman's Foun- tain Pens...…

October 07, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THDE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrprE: Times building, 829 S. Pain St. be- tween Liberty and William St. nIANAGING EDITOR J. . THOMAS, 7. ATHILETIG EDITOR H. B. SasLLwAN, '8 L. BUSINESS MANAGER . H. lnx, '51 EDITORS E. L. GmissE, 'PS L. Bevtxnt LAM, '0. F. S. Sisisis, '8. 1. A. CAnroseEL, '55. F. A. Foe, '95 E. A. CAreeLL, 'ii. G. D. HsmNoTTv.'0. T. R...…

October 07, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. In the Clothing line are the famous makes of - HAMMEESLOUC II_ BROS. nd -OO v e A"S uO E C"IESIS N B O K C .SMade by these celebrated m akers are m odels of beauty, latest of styles, perfect in 6it, m ade and riiiii-ed in the very best of m a ni r.. A GVARAXTEE GOES WITH EVERY GARM ENT. We are sole agents aino Arbor arid Guarantee these goods to he the best made and best fitting the country produces. Fealow ye...…

October 07, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

… I 'FlIli lJ VI RSITY 01F MICHIGAN DAILY. IWe have just received a ine4 line of packages. They are 9 of all sizes and prices from 5e * to $3.00. Small ones for qhick4 consumption and prety ones 9 for your best"friend. Ccme4 ! andsee them.1 1 Fresh Peach Crushs at the4 9 Soda Fount an CALKIRS' - PHARMACY 4 Mhe'S URISMfiS We have greatly enlarged this de- parment of The Store giving it a proninent and convenient section the first floor net to ...…

October 07, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…~ijc II. off i. WaiI4. VOL. VII. No. 6. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. @ WILD, o Leading Tailor s AND IWP)RTER FULL DRESS SUITS AkSPECIALTY No. 2 E. WASNINOTON ST.- NEAR MAIN. Jos. W. Kollalf, Merchant Tailor, OP TO DATE in ine of Goods and Make of Gentlemen's Clothing. 10 E. Washington St. UPSTAIRS. Will be pre and fresh and the prices will be would like to show you 9 our steak of Combs, 9 Brushes, Soaps...…

October 07, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…TILE, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. +4 Published Daly (Sundays excepted) dring the Collegeear. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MCHIGA. ileeseet Times building 79 S. Main St. be- tseen Liberty and Wiiiam Sts. DI..LNAGNG IEDITOt it. 1. UStrsoiiAos, J. Pt.IsiosAe, '97, Assistant. A~SSOIATE EIDITORS P. L. Geimer, '95L. It,. C.Underwood, 'I P. M. Loonis, '18. I. . Sioons, '9'. . . GCeen,. 99. . 1. Harriso, Sp L. w. w. iiighs, '90. S. IW. Smith, '9. I. 13. et...…

October 07, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 0F ICHIGAN DAi.HA. E WWANT EVERYSTUDET TOKNow THAT WE POSITIVELY SELL THE Finest Line of e 's uits and Overcoats in this city. We are immensely proud of. OUR OVERCOATS AT $30,00, $2500, $22.00, $2000. $1800 AND $1500 AND SUITS AT $20.00 $18.00, $16.00, $500 ANI $1350 Every one of these garments is especially made for our Fine Trade in tho very ~est manner, trimmings according to our own instructions indl styles after tho deigns ...…

October 07, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIViERSITY OF MICHIGAN l)MLY. IEverything ,;_ A LO I C Jfor the. Gym Istyle, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. I Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Trailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailor,- IBig Turkish Bath Tow- Youman's Hats, Rulop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwear. Sels, Sponges, Soap, Rub- No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann .Arbor, Mich. Sber Caps, Flesh Brushes, V:t - - ado:;~p / Etc / * any adres. Prnic5' ICALKINS' --PHARMACY. Stretly ark ANSTERFER'S TH...…

October 07, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…Ll Of A& -ion 7NIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, iSfifi. Patios, Tssonx C 'NT5. Vol. IV.-No. 7. THE U. OF M. EXHIBIT. One of the Most Complete Coilege Displays at the World's Fair.- Our Neighbors. Although many readers of the AitY have visited the Uunversity exhibit at the World's Fair, there is reason to think that many did not seek it out. Being in the gallery it shares the fate of other similarly situated exhibits in not being ...…

October 07, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1 . 0f f lR. "D if1 . it .5i doiuly s a. l)durin.. te ieot roc', hy THE U.: OF I'V. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATON U JC'i',:tcc otoprice 52.51 pet year, inaal y ho lin,.:: gi ' icpies ;3 et. subsctip- tontisty aftt at ti he o ft theT): i1, at slolhects,wtth any of the dtorsoroa athort dsoltors. Coomunications hould teo i ihcvby tovcoc . ms.tif tiy areto tyc 0 rtiie best 'ay. Actss lltoti riota l or utblica ton to t0 tI. irOtiit l ...…

October 07, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE CHEQUAMSEGON ORCHESTRA. LENV 1. CLE'ME\T, 51 So.0 MIaN ST. tDirtor rdolMarener. EXCEL SIOR LAUNDRY :,xisaIAT)' ltION STRtEET. (food Wort. Gua.i-teodl. Goods called for and delivaered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22z ztsi 'e le- slasiIl CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. sea' ol 51N, 45. Fourth Av',- K-' '> 10)WitA(C))[ \' it ITO 'PTlE («r Maatn an-- Ti The- -61 . -tea- 'it l. it, , - t1 B r i X THE U. OF M. DAILY. A Complete Register. letic ciicles. Mr. B atavi...…

October 07, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOSIR. RANGING INs PKICLFI WN1 $2.00 TO $8.50. A or-toe islull of goods i'd tie price arerightitiisellihem. yoait tohem I iflyou 20 per cent. Off for Cash on Friday , Saturday and M'onda y. Calkins' Pharmacy -- I 34 SO. STATE STREET. B W IH & MATTESON, - State Street. 00 ^W~r21E0 _E] NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ~EOO~8 & W~rn~AOIEJ, AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, Ihave a Full Assortment oif [UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOMS, new and sec...…

October 07, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…tt* of 1n. Wlail. VoL. III.-No. 6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1892. PRicE, THREE CENTS. are designed to give the mind UNITY CLUB. breadth of grasp and general pre- paration, come the seminary courses A Literary Club Second to None in --i the City-Prospects for the . s isich speciatization is soughst. Season. A Great Change Introduced into Text books are discarded and for This Department. them are substituted the general Th...…

October 07, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…:THE LI. OF M. DAILY. 'ZC. of 'a.T(.aitp. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during tiC olege year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription, price 1.5 per year, invariably it dan"c igle copies 3 cnts. Suberip- tioet may tbc ict at the atie of the DAIY, at Stefiet's, wcth any cc the editors cc authorized slicitr. Cmmunictiosshoud reach the office by 7 ocloch . . i they are tc appear the next 'lay. Addeses all matter intended or pu...…

October 07, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a general. and complete line of Vigil class cloting. Young Men's made up with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the best mechant tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. Ann Arbor Savings Bank 0. K. BARBER SHOP . Ann Arbor Mich. Capita1 5tock, $60 ,00,In connection, Surpius, $10,00 Organiz...…

October 07, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT ! THAT SHABBY HAT ! Your prescription work will be done by experienced pharmacists. who are not only regis- WILL SC RCLY DO IN NN ROR. tored but graduates of the U. of M. Sctool oft'lortocy, i t you go to t g o o ot Pharmacy, 34 South State Streett You are glad to return, and we are certainly pleased to see you, bit you know appearances go a long ways. No. 34 South State Steeet, (Over Calkin's Drug St...…

October 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…Ijeit of . Wrilp. VOL. II.-No. 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. JUNIOR LAWS. Complete List of the Entering glass- (Concluded from yesterday's issue.) Lillie, H. C., Santa Barbara, Cal. Lamer, J. M., Bridgporte, Kan. Lyons, T. R., Walla Walla, Wash. Lewis, R. L., Hersey, Mich. Lockhart, J. M., Park City, Utah. Linthicum, J. I., Napoleon, O. Locktum, D., Marshall, Mich. Lucas, I. B., Preston, Ia. Lew...…

October 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. " subseribing to the DAiLY eadvise students to saVe the sshekels for these two student organizations. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during1 - thI College Sear, by History and Political Economy. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION The following changes have been Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably made in the time for giving courses in advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at Saeenan s and Post Office news ...…

October 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE 0. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS. AGENTS FOR - NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, -1 "YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. (4*- The TNEW JaobC. J. T. Jacobs Co. The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. Call and seius %ai u ae U. L. 113LITZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. AiI Arbor SIHa1 Lailry, COA L. GEORGE...…

October 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. .WE ARE THE -PEOPLE. : ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warerooms, - - - - - - =Corner of Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. UIJO D B~o~ n ~ - THE NEW SHADE IN SUITS, PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. AT Find T immL szs~ML szcO SRoEs, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. "L THE STAR." B = - GO TO Owing to the Expiration of Patents...…

October 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…,. . . ' __ . .'" s - ; } 1 != __ , ,,,, , ._...-- ., ..v, t f Vot. I. No. S. U NO CLASS RUSHES. This Is What the Faculty Hope to Bring About. Professor de Pont says that on account of the large numbers in the classes, an old-time rush will be too hazardous to those engaged in it. In past rushes many have been quite seriously injured, while others have been crippled for life. While these rushes will probably not be absolutely forbidden, they w...…

October 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ery enthusiastic over last year's STUDENTS' BOO KS_ ~].o'~club, but is still more cnthusiastic BYYU OLG over the bright prospects of the TEXI Boos, LAW ANDP MEDICAL LOOKS Publishedt Daily (Sndays excepte) turinga the College year by success which awaits the club tiis THE . O M. INDEPENDENT ASOIATION. year 3r. Hang iteuds to i-STDN 'BOKTOEST ESTET _____ pove he lub y adingsevralSecnd-ad books at low prices. We are agents of ...…

October 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY POR"Nol TiE TWO SAMS Messrs. YOUMAN'S, KNOX' and SIL VERMAN'S See&the Collar THE -D[]- COAT See it at Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch o Violin amid Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Banjo and Mandol 5 cts. Everything in proportion. L. n. Clement, 388 . St. ALLEIDINGE1 fIALNO 0 T ADE AT BROWN'S DRUG Sr CORN Ell MAIN AND IIURON STREETS. f "" IC ( ; . . , n...…

October 07, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY -- THE N E-x--"TJO 'THE-~J CLOTHING HOUSE, 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michiaari _ _ i Ch1QQL ADIJ IVERLI Men's GEN ENIII'I:'s FURN~iIIN\, en's CLOTHNG HATS AN D soPS allowits to say that we carry the finest and the most complete assort ' Latest Novelties A r r V n D a iIL. Ready-made Clothing and Furnishing Goods in the city. Our Suits ai tment of d Over- NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Mair-lStreet. 44 South State Str...…

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