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October 07, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-07

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Ll Of



Vol. IV.-No. 7.
One of the Most Complete Coilege
Displays at the World's Fair.-
Our Neighbors.
Although many readers of the
AitY have visited the Uunversity
exhibit at the World's Fair, there is
reason to think that many did not
seek it out. Being in the gallery it
shares the fate of other similarly
situated exhibits in not being reached
by the bulk of sightseers. Put as
the displays are nicely arranged for
specialists to see that most interest-
ing to them, the University exhibit
has been readily found by those spe-
cially iterested in educational exhi-
bits. Indeed it is gratifying to note
in the words and acts of German,
French and English educators that
they know favorably of our Univer-
sity and are interested in our facili-
ties for work and the work we are
In space we were favored more
than any university except Harvard;
having been granted 2,700 sq. ft. of
floor surface, located on either side
aisle of the south gallery of the
Manufactures and Liberal Arts
building. Our immediate neighbors
are Yale university and the Mass.
Institute of Technology, just beyond
on either side are Johns Hopkins
and Harvard.
About one-third of our space is
occupied with the engineering dis-
play. It has received many com-
pliments on the workmanship shown
in the machines and also on the fine
drawings displayed.
The work of the medical school
well known as it is by photographs
and floor plans of buildings has
excited considerable praise.
The dental school occupies a case
by itself which is filled with student's
work and pictures of rooms and
The chemistry display has proven
very interesting to many. The
quantitative analysis of bread, corn
and wheat, showing their constitu-
ents in separate jars and in proper
proportion, has given vivid instruc-
tions to many. Similarly the dis-
play of brass, limestone, and a
number of ores of iron have proved
of great interest to many, both from
what is shown of their composition
and the method of showing it.
The corals and water Buffalo have
served to gratify the seeker after



the beautiful and rare and many OUR CHERISHED GYMNASIUM.
nots hve eenmad abut hemA5HBURN UITAR
notes have been made.shoal them Very Little Hope for its Completiona B U
and the bird map of the Phillepines. in the Near Future.-No Funds
The photographic survey of the Available.
campus has attracted the attention The nev gynnasiun, which stands
of a number. so sad and lonely out on the north-
The stand of revolving charts con- east corner of the campus, has giv-
taining a synopsis of the University en rise to no end of comment and I ti s. MAIN ST., Sole Agents.
Calender and photographs of the culation. Some have indlgedWe sell everything musical and nail our faith
prespentlatcul.ySimeahavetisdccgedful "Quality and Square Dealinag."
present faculty is a mot successful in fond dreams of physical culture Chickerii Broe.
ievice of its kind. and have returned with all the par- McisisAnmueri
The Alumnihave almost unformly aphernalia of slippers and tights and
expressed themselves as pleased with sN 0 T 10 E i--
sponges. Itlls too hart, but all fond -iN O C
the exhibit. They have been inter- . we are here to stay. we are prepared to
hopes for Gym work for this year, givea lassoe work to the trade of this city
ested in looking over the register, Ineiualed by any other house ever located
at least, must be blasted. There here and not excelled by any City Tailor in
kept for all U. of M. students, to America, and at prices govern-d by goods or-
can be no doubt that sometime in deredSn. its from a0.0i (thirty dollars to any
find names of classmates and friends tine future it i be available, hut 1 price dlsird. Fine Custom Tailorii, by
otheifutoreint wver beeavacuabyeibut
or in looking over the faculty pict exactly when is hard to tell. Here '
ures for the photograph of some old No. 7 AN STREET.
are the facts of the case. Facts are
teacher, or possibly of some class- aays cold and hard and cruel;
nate 00 on tie faculty. 'iney these are no exception to the rule.
note with great interest the changes No more work viii be done on the
in the buildings and are pleased with /Noasorenountilltie fund eothe
b 1gymnasium until the fund devoted .
the progress of their Alma Mater.
The University exhibit has the to that purpose is replenisted, but
that cannot be for some time, tak- Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST
strong point of showing actual work..
of studeints.While noltlnowvyit . ing into consideration the condition
of asctnarer which nsseoiis ~ of the country. There are three HOT LUNCHES
of a character which commends it- sucso eeu.Tefrti h
sources of res-enue. 'list first is the,
self to the thoughtful investigation. .iLowney 'p hoCo]ate,
j legislature, and its assistance at
How Our Men will Line Up. present is doubtful; the second is
the alumni, and they cannot aid us ,A 0c,-cCM A r yxi0-i+

Twenty U. of M. sen will appear
on the Athletic field in football uni-
form this afternoon, for the first
game of the season, between the I).
A. C. and U. of M. The following
eleven will line up when the game
begins at 3 30:
I). ils. i~sto1 f iii11.
Lawrne.-----ell Eda---- -rbeci
Leonard- Left Tackle.-._--Nurback
west.--...-..-.-..Left Guard.-.W. \\. Griffn
Whilton-.... i... s--..Center..--...-.C. T. Griiihn
1'. V. ierry- S...-Right Guard.--.le siinger
Gearin-g-...-..-Right Tackle---.--...Aldrich
RIyan--------.....Right End...--....- ilayes
Macleod---.Quarter Back.-.i.---..aird
G isoodrieh..- i......Left Half.-..---------Grosli
liligarali- Sl--- ight IHLlt ------runii
iSasnderson- si----FllBack. -------iygert
ii. A. C. Substitutes, Fairbrotlier, Hecker
sni aOsoigne-
In addition to this full team, the
following men will also be on the
field for the T. of M.: Parker,
Morrison, Villa, Senter, Mitchell,
Avery, Greenleaf, Hadden, and
Everything gives promise of a
close and exciting contest and a
large crowd. Barbour worked the
team mainly on signals yesterday,
and gave them further instructions
for playing their positions, at a
meeting held last evening in the
Main building. This practice will
be continued for a short time to-
day, and it is expected that the
team work will be sharp and close
in today's game.

to any extent at present; the third
is the death of some good man who
will leave the six or seven thousand
dollars necessary to purchase the
apparatus and put on the finishing
touches. Six thousand dollars is
not an exorbitant sum and it may
surprise some that this is all required.
The fact is, that after paying the
contractors the $31 ,ooo necessary
for the erection of the building, the
Regents had some $4,000 left which
they proceeded to spend in finish-
ing the interior. Gratings were put
up, and iron-work and painting were
done. Furthermore, a floor is just
being completed, which has been
pronounced by competent architects
the best in the state. It is of Geor-
gia pine, quarter sawed, 24 in. face
and is entirely free of knots. When
oiled and polished the attendants of
the junior hop will dance on one of
the finest floors they have ever step-
ped upon. A wainscoting will also
be put in. But the Big Gym, as it
is beginning to be popularly called,
will be put to other uses. The Ath-
letic Association will take it in hand
and the baseball team will in all
probability practice there in the
spring, besides, it would not be a
bad place for an in-door meet.

Capitsl50,(00. Surplus and Proits,$',0)00.
Traisitact0sageneralbanking busies. For-
eign exchae bought and sold. Letters of
credit procured for travelers abroa.
P. BACH, Pres. S. W.CL ARKSON, Cashier.
follows: Gentlemen, Saturday mornings 10
and Thursday evenis 7:30; Ladies, Saturday
afternoons 4. Ladis sand Gentlemen, ad-
vanced class, Tuesda evenings 8. Grouis
oor, ii syard trcct. Tuition. asi term
(twelve weeks) $5. Pupils received at iny
save money, A full line of Lmw, Medi-
caland all University; Text-Books
5,000 Blank Books at 25C each.
Linen Paper, per pound 25C.
Best in the world' Every one guaranteed
for fte years.
N South Slate Street.
4 N. Main, opp. Qourt'Hous.

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