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October 07, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-07

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1 . 0f f lR. "D if1 .
it .5i doiuly s a. l)durin..
te ieot roc', hy
U JC'i',:tcc otoprice 52.51 pet year, inaal y
ho lin,.:: gi ' icpies ;3 et. subsctip-
tontisty aftt at ti he o ft theT): i1,
at slolhects,wtth any of the dtorsoroa
athort dsoltors.
Coomunications hould teo i ihcvby
tovcoc . ms.tif tiy areto tyc 0 rtiie best
'ay. Actss lltoti riota l or utblica
ton to t0 tI. irOtiit l itr Al losn s
co oc, netionstould beIsentto the Boot
'!'oF, U.or At. DAILY,
AmArtor, boO
C, A. 1iNi s ()\c- :Wt =4 trri> vl dorr
i ,., I .I -No
1.0Il {} + i:i. k j

by the tow stutlents of Yale Uiiiver- The Opening Reception.
sity. In this field the law tdepart-
mea itbacovad, t narl oi of The S. C. A. reception to thse
the other departments have a pubti-frsoaeItevngwnaey
cation of some kind. It woiild heeijybvvnt Fty ghtot
ans easy natter to found an annual deBed stucdentt were present, and
in thei tcodiepartmnot, wvhere so many of thoe older moembers of the n
faculty miingled among the studetits
musy siriencod newopaper menatiloplnicetpesntfrte
are ti h.° found. Leot sonie actionadhletaeitpesn o h
0 h~i 1 OCOby te sniortuefreshmnen.
,)efalcn t nceby hesenor aw The progranm alceadly publishiediii
clths to )ild an annual antI provethIdoi vsfirooedrooth

and SHORTHAND. 1liatiicc hobuldingo nit
rtear; liaetnantec tootdthdiiplin;sp
iortlork; Weliauppied revading room;iailiviectes
Exeioaltfaociitifojl~aisuetsio o
expenses to .5prwe.i rvt 'uiis
tor Stiw Caogue adre
P. R.CLEARY, Poohs
tj5). :


thei itorksyou shalili knowv them."
Iv th esclmtis of tiiIssue
wil ibe rfoundl ai statimeiiniiiof tiiv sail
a'ci direary codiion of our iong;
lolkd-o %vrdt gyiiasioim. So
slo i p? ci cciiiieadv iniemen
iiO s, dntiillcold'iindfowilh
c it iun aly i c f1 c alfci o n-

orcdiary dillione nscialiy pitvettat
siicho evetits and whten at the end ali
jioined ito singinog "Tue eYlioow ail
the Bliie,"' the wvaiis oi NCWeavbec
IHail rung as they hasviinot dtoieloicr
isany yearri. Tue feaes ofo
tihe p ci. rio Vec- ir. I..'. A. 1an
a 's w'conino caiiies s andiAm
dirua iiio'srecci. Prof.
IG i f ii i I
Iii i i
c; 50.,1Iwa 1dc. i l'.t0 ' i
'I iic c l


Ii1i _

anth il 0 c0 l 1atc ioc ii iffer
to si ccici atthy tI.c dl1. hSit
aited, 110ocr exhibiit is, in themisut
if the diipiays of iiie greatesti- i
versiiies of the lanud, weehvev eery
reason to feel pirouivIof imir univer-
sity atit its wotrko.
In a shtort time the awvarcds will be
mode in the attiversity and college
exhibits at the fair andI it may foll
to or lot to shoare in thoe prizes.
losT ,year ste urgedh up1o00the
senior loot class, the advantages to
be gained' from a publication simi-
hoe to the Yale Shingle, putblishoed

C ccli'C L, i:. cccl~ii I1'1 ii cl . .J ,Y
1ii).« d i 1 1il cv 1i itiIlc~ i II1di, I3i1, coid ]i-It_
imadii, fir dic s51dnts h ve alv i le cii leii t0ll il oc til V." c 0 wi7'Itti
oio sa i .t i 'i oc:_?i t li KiCisE ii ii t i 0,t. o, s . 1 11
the z tiIlaiiiiii a d aii vlse ~rociii. 'ttt~ i i iio 0 1 1 C;i ': 1 1t
ai lfel aiu olel o li so I <w"F!~tc7I t iii 0 1 1 1 0t' li ii
tclfrlyweasetooso D.Let sono ction be taketi coing ' W.Gardner, 01;~I~, c
towvarcdthe c o lietion of ocor long 10. s., c I vatiie i oit oo ecleniiiR OR
Chterishted iVatermuln gymriasiuii. iriventaitiveo fidigeititoniand ale,int AN.JBO--
_________ ~~~acidutic d oh rink aivl i l oldilatiiwith f K JJ Jhi JJ1 1 Y f~
woolr, aiii sweeeed." 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.
Thle following games betweeon___
eastern colleges stere played on Ooiii ii iii retcocieii L .S Somesj000. - Mancm.gor.
Wednesday: Yale iS, IBrowvn o;. 1ar- RumfordaChemical Warke, Pravidenae,mTI lF N.G3}IEW lzit
yard 54, Exeter no;IU. Of P. 74 our e, fSubtiitutest aid Iacitctii. 1s" J Rse, C'rn:122tsani P(2~er Grneof
Getty'sburg College o. For Sate by all Druggists. eti. tFloatdsigsy adeuipon t sititt o ti.

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