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October 07, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-07

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51 So.0 MIaN ST. tDirtor rdolMarener.
:,xisaIAT)' ltION STRtEET.
(food Wort. Gua.i-teodl. Goods called for
and delivaered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
22z ztsi 'e le- slasiIl
M. M. sea' ol 51N, 45. Fourth Av',-
K-' '> 10)WitA(C))[ \' it ITO 'PTlE
(«r Maatn an--
The- -61 . -tea- 'it
l. it, , - t1 B r i X

A Complete Register. letic ciicles. Mr. B atavia is a di-
rector of the associatonandls
Aroong tile many devices which yaplyadhlfbalasthe'y
the Students' Christiao Association yeaplydhf-cko te'5
has arranged for the use and hae emad h eodelvn twslargely throagih his instrunientality
fit of thse stiideiits, the register ti ttn "ol ihKiia tKO
Newbherry Hll is perhaps secondl
onlyto he 5'itrl~l' lanilha~ sas City wss arranged at such advi-
onlyto he tudnts had bck.tageons teenms. Mr. Willits is lso
Thiere arc other (good registers eco odwointyariin
towen, rnimely at Browi's anod Calk-adrcor nca as erm
0 'er of toe 95 footballiiteam.
in's drag stores, bust neither of lts
compaltres Iwithithe S. C. A. register ii(raehadh I el
ini eoisleteI55l. It is a card r, i tis inorning and i (letli to Icetic
tee antric tinly alphibe~tcal to eceryfill ing t i 'vacancy cv Isti ag nuntil
le.-r te itcardels 1111)) swhichiarelnexitsweek. Regular nisertinits will
founidi, bestlta lktide )Iilt an-l ity b sl irater r cr10i",S.'rely
'ddresTOthe leptent_),andilh'io-
:-ii tre Ss,'a? 0ran y, -d isnsIx Owl all and 00 Io
t Iorer 'thattey Ltiimy I A W3'tl 'i t i ci troe
ot a 1 at 'I l o 1110 '1l t'I _ r a r 1:L£

ennuud rot see whlere aniy of the ehlaraec-
tern caso is e inibctteri Lands. IThe
51etiilists awcieceecellent, especially
the extremini v fons leaock-ab~out"'
at bay Mii s v lurn i tile . Tie ear-
nesltnes5withlich iiil liti t)' lc at
Mack, anin ilreturiilie bhi itd exiwecs-
Sion Onickscui ng theentire
ill' lslttglli')P
.5 l~rl~e wniole
cii~p Ii'.llt 5 t' t 3cN ~tid novel
g et.. .t tto t ile -1)"1111 --tilt Ic'"
th M11er 0c 1 itt t ofc'5 l Giir-n 0111
lt1itis le I Or I.lllt <. 0 1 p i i iitri

f _)
i :,,

1 ati

tittl tattIa - -II'cilt.{.7-t_ i-i ! t - - *l. I
I-It' t I ItoI' ~; il tll 1 ir -.t ,i L itc
P R% T NGf lK- .- r c i t , D u n nll ir ,. ' a l U, f , 1-tt i li ti - t y 11
_ U ICeCeltii l iel Ics Is it, alioolsii ptue itil)sau k elllf i Il . l -itlg'it
Sa tet W k aS ecai . Ctne7 in.y oltdi Net.:1sli-_,Zitttile Oil)1)110005 I 0 l lt.lIleate
wee t l l ti r j ali l sseli is'o ilet .s2'ttl1 '
1W.) _t att )LttI-c- sI t Ity. e. Cadler and 'owlavdil,,
r aUr"'Has"Assistants..51 icrtopea liouse Maci atis lliT ~lye -E i Si I liit 1cii ~IrI i ii 0o'' lolndCi'I
elete delegates to- the I \a'ati onalifs<7.ule fosrIlowciinisians icy-etr o a)1diiiednd ge tle
thestse o1ths lotie.I ait t a ".. t eh)l' } i,ti-; tr n 'i
S u dWrkS'i eciua a stnightent onYa l Nes. o M nn- e <I all . h ply hy' 5 st Ili iii ((i
Bar, 1. Baai n . -!ne a cire ooic teiess lis i i i orJ,?ii iii ()lae-Lo'
i into teryhears of tivhe a dce i fot.vim 2 ii i u ion Lwi. 1 7u
'eI'HE D~ia~lLoe ~....I1nJaleiy. "ser ppinedh tseAt-ceaerlyediithfrtcapeaiencyof i cit-l r taebs
BalliasAsisans. MuraiindMak.t hishose 2d (Aa5'*I tta l,}' ill5 adSatt
eticBard,Efirst adisecnd Foot-,fare d eltowieel thserotalvs Fosaifi 1rtelas id eal rkad ouGlsr'in
$2.0 eryer. hai mnaer, espctvey.Ithwe lhalve hitherto known as "Faice eigt Hours no extri hrilI-e. Oflire, I{I
of these men are wcell known in ath- Comily." Ofliite cipa nge ond spwely F Huon sticet, Works 47-51 X5 a
iiotiiiig btit o se eu i .il ' e Ill~ii . 1eleiaioic 813

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