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October 07, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-07

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" subseribing to the DAiLY eadvise
students to saVe the sshekels for
these two student organizations.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during1 -
thI College Sear, by History and Political Economy.
The following changes have been
Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably made in the time for giving courses
in advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at
Saeenan s and Post Office news stand at 12 in History and Political Economy:
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at History xs-Hours to be arranged
the office of the DAILY, Opera House block, at
Sheehan's, at Stoffiet's, or with any of the with instructor; all interested will
editors. meet Monday at I0:30 for arrange-
Communications should reach the office bymo
7 o'clock P. M. if they are to appear the next I ment. History v-To be given at
day. Address all matter intended for publica- I I Y2-i 2 , Monday, Wednesday and
tion to the Managing Editor. All busness
communications should be sent to the Busi- Friday. Political Economy xi-In-
ness Manager. dustrial and Commercial Develop-
THE U. of M .DAtLY ment of the United States, Monday
Ann Arbor, Hich.
- and Friday, 4-5. Political Econo-
EDITORS. my ll-Hours for quiz will be Wed-
RALPH STONE, '92, Managing Editor. nesday, I I a-I 2 I antd 3-4. Polit-
S. w. CeRTiss, '92, Assist. Managing Editor.
G. L. CHAPMAN, '92, Assist. Managing Editor. ical Economy xii-Seminary. Hours
J. C. TRAVIEs,'92, Business Manager. to be arranged with instructor. Po-
W. P. PARKER, '91, Assist.B3usiness Manager.
C. W. RICKETT, '94, Assist. Business Man'gr. litical Economy v-Finance. Hours
B.. JwEL P. 0. G .HDELLENBAC,'i2 for quiz will be arranged so as not
y. D. Gscts, '2 F. E. utLiiOLEb. '9i2.
F. E. JANETTE, '93. J, R. A RNEILL, '93 to conflict with International Law.
G. B. Dygert, '9O. C. F. WELLER, '14. I
''The Southwestern Alumni Asso-
ciation of the U. of M. is doing
DURING the latter part. of the much for the University.
week we wvill publish a complete list T. & A. Bulletin.
of the entering class in the Literary 1. linveilin i of the Grant monu-
Department, with city addresses. usini at Chicago. Excursion tickets
iwill be sold Oct. Gth, limited to return
Students who desire copies and who Oct. 5th, '91. One fare for round
do not subscribe to the DAILY, or trip.
th wish extra copies, should :2. Nelson-Allerton trotting race
those whows xrad at Grand Rapids, Thursday, Oct. S.
leave orders at the news stands or at Excursion tickets will be sold Oct. 7
the DAILY office. This list will be anud 8, good to return Oct. 9. One
fare for round trip.
complete. Orders should be left 3. Homeseekers' excursion to south-
early. ern points, on Oct. 14th. The south-
ern lines will run excursions to var-
THE announcement, in another ious points in Florida, Kentucky, Ten-
nessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,
column, of the series of concerts Louisiana, North Carolina, Arkansas
offered by the Choral Union will be and Texas. Apply to this ticket of-
fice for rates.
an agreeable surprise to many, par- R. S. GREENWOOD, Agt.
ticularly the new students. It is all-
fur only $2 too. If such a course B N LOCALS.

eU H ( & o., Made 8t.,
have received for the opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
for 1891-2.

f N- Four departments-Commercial, No text-book
or manuscript work-&nglish. Shorthand and
__ ..- - Penmanship. Elegant building. large at-
-at- tendance, efficient instructors, work thor-
ough, living expenses extremely low, P2.25 to
2.50 per week; students assiste dto postions.
'or catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY. President.


"The Niagara Falls Route."
.. srAON SMaisDay Shre N Y Ni't Atl. Kal
in Fashions in Exp Lim Exp Ex. Exp Act.
x Merchan Tal AM - -P.M. . P. a.A.M
e T(c)7Q Tail- Chicago, Ls. '7151!905122 1110 92510 10! 011
l~~l Fine Jafckasn... :111;2 0' 425 130 84i7 4ddiu( 015 i05
o r i n g. Fine chelsea........ 39... . 5 3 11, 9 42
Dexter......... 414 ..... ..... 5 45 7 25 9 55
Deldi Mils...430.. .....1 7 3
line of Piece ANN ABBOR.. 4 42;525 6 22'9 4516 0;7 45 10 F9
t v ,.scY silati.... 5 3 5 ... . 506 8s it 1032
h' L ! Goods to select ayne June 527..... . 86 1 1351050
. .Y. J '... -ne.ss.M. P M. A.,. A*.j
from. Call for Detroit, Ac 6(x5 d457120 145 7 31 *1119
I A. M. A.AI I. .sPt. M. P. M. '.
Buffalo......... el 810 4001725, 3 15 6 .
a fine fitting
suit. chi. N'th
sATOss. Detr Chi. Lim Eve. Shre Pac Mail
19 S. MAIN ST., No. 19 __p SsEp Exp Exp. Lim Ex. Ace.
v ~~A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. M
Ass ARBOR, MCH 1S. Main Street. IBufaat la,..... 1030 145 301250 0(5
A.M. P.M. M. P.M. PP ,M. P.
Detroit, Lv... 8 20 7 15 1 2 7 45 9 25 9 15 4 45
WayneJunc 900,... 855 .. . 954 519
..5-'-I~.tYpsilanti ..... aalNaleisa 05 47- .15 15 5 lt
A-IA8 O.. 911 039 219 51 8 1 1 l 12
Delhi Mills.. 943 . .... . . 915 .......... ....
Dexter...... 955.. . .... 925. 607
C helmea-1.10 ..... 0 .9 .:. 18
Jackson...-.1100 91 '102511 l1141 055
P.M -. M - .A-M A-M. A.-M.
LEAVE YOUR ORDER S fhtcae. Ar.'(55355 900 650 450 80 1115
+Daily. *Sunday excepted.
. . 0. w. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES,
. P.& T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco.
Michigan Railway.
Time Table going into eiect Septembers 13, 191.
Arrival of Irains at Ann Arbor.
No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 740 a.im.
No. 4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Aceom..11 50 a. m.
No. 6. Clare Passenger....1.........5 05 p. m.

of concerts was given in Boston or
Philadelphia, where that class of
music is most highly appreciated,
the cost would be not less than $9.
There is no city in the country where'
so many concerts can be enjoyed by
genuine music lovers, as in Ann
Arbor. Boston has probably the
most cultivated musical element, but
the prices are high, while the music
is of no better character. The same
remarks apply to the lecture course
offered by the Students' Lecture'
Association. The lecture associa-
tion this year offers a larger course
and in many respects a better course
than in any year heretofore. There
will be eight lectures, which is at the
rate of 25 cents a lecture. There
will be six concerts, which is at the
rate of 33%3 cents a concert. We,
do not believe there is any other
educational institution in America
where such unparalleled advantages
in the way of pleasure saad inetruc.-
tion combined are offered as in the
University of Michigan. Next to

'Notices inserted in this column at the rate
of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra lines furnished by applying at
the DAILY office.1
Suite of rooms with furnace heat
and bath, room to one gentleman, or
one or two ladies. N. W. cor. 12th and
Hill streets.
Student wanted as agent for our
house; junior preferred. Address L.
Dreka, Stationary Engraving House,
1121 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Hutzel & Co. on Main st. have a text
book in their possession that was found
on the street.
WANTED.-Single room, moderate
size, including bath, within five blocks
of the University. Address. stating
price, N. Y. Z., U. of M. DAILY.
One large suite of rooms, nicely fur-
nished, steam heated, at 26 Maynard
street, one block west of law building.
Students' clocks-every one war-
ranted. Watts' Jewelry Store, 10 S.
A look through our line will convince
you that we are the house to purchase
your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and
Hats of. Call and see them. The
Two Sams.
Ask last year's students whete they
trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
We have the novelties for you. The
Two Sasis.
Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at P0st1
OfficeBarber Shop.
Rooms-2 suites with ,ursace heat
and use of bath brr- at. oil Mohroe-.

Now open for reception of Pupils.
Mr. Marshall Pease, who has been
conducting a large and decidedly suc-
cessfcl class in voice culture s-iee
April 1st, will continue his work
through the coming year. A natural
and correct Ileethod of poducin and
placing the v6ic6. st'udywit the
Allmeeag~eir Pino 0.., J54main at,
where all particulars ay be obtained
Voices tried free of charge.

No 1. Clar eand Toledo Aecom...... 10a.m.
No. 3. Through Mail ...........920P. M.
No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20 a. m.
T s 4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and
Toledo only.
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Sunday.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Ageat.

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