~ijc II. off i. WaiI4.
@ WILD, o
Leading Tailor
Jos. W. Kollalf,
Merchant Tailor,
in ine of Goods and
Make of Gentlemen's
10 E. Washington St.
Will be pre and fresh
and the prices will be
would like to show you
9 our steak of Combs,
9 Brushes, Soaps, etc., etc.
Yormoney bk i
you're not satisied. if
Not because you are afraid of
the Bll Dog, ut simply to
get a pair of those
Bull Dog Toe Shoes
The past high reputation of this
house means good goods at reason-
able prices.
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It costs yea nothing. Dos not neglect it.
Corner af Main and Hron ts.
We invite every student to visit
eur stores. We have a large supply
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Books for all the departments.
Law and Medical Books. German
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We sell the best student Note
Books 211 cents each.
The best Linen Paper 20 cents per
We buy and exchange second
hand books.
Agents for the Waterman Foun-
tain Pen.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplies a specialty.
The best prices to everybody.
Give us a trial
Up TiwneDown Town
05 .State St Opposite fC o a s,
" Ann Arbor Main st.
Some Good Addresses to Be Given
at Newberry Eal.
The officers of the Students' Chris-
tan Associtation hate workel htirt to;
secure a list of speakers which sill
nsuiceia series of utiatally goioil.
dresses at Newberry Hall eiitie Sun-
'lay tmoninlgs f the ollege year. to-
lowing resident Angell's tannttal as-
dress given on lst Suiday, the Pres-
dentse of the leading olleges of the
stale sill seak at these Siilday
noocitig iiietiiigs.
Dr. 1R. G. Booie. Prisietisl of tilt
Slate Noriial School at Ypsilantit, will
spooik net Sttitay. Presidett A. G.
Sloci, iiif Itilaoso College. will
speak early in Ntvember, tisu will ibe
followeud by tPresident. V. .Sperry.
if Olivet. Piesident Fike, of Aioin,
swill close te stries sortly befo'e
('histums.. Au effort is being ae
is s- ire Dr. lruske. of Ania, aol
'restiet J.1.L1. Siyder, of tie Agri-
cultural ('ollege. 'Thise genstrn
are al lsuent speakessind miei wtho
cite slsenttimany years iiclse atuch
witht eollegi' lil; swhat they shall say
sill surely e worthi hearing.
'Te list of sekers for this itoti.
will its'comtpleeid bytDea DOge o
tiel 1th, oust Dr. l;. P. (oler oil the,
2Jil. These umnu, of esoursi. need tie
it'soiiiitiuslstioii to ICiversitys t-
tents, tro. GrahtamtiTaylor sill
seak on Novemiber lst,flit associi-
'olttiseculiarly fortuniate its st~u-l'
tng the strvies of tro. 'Taylr, aitd
fitithet' autiotcenent will1be Iad,
Credit for Vesper Singing.
The leu arrigenet repectng
tritt for the vesper s1-i rtes.;i
glven rise to so many nisudersaid-
tngs that we give tei follosing it-
tire: As anouniced two hours credit
sill be iven fr tei course which
continues to the spring vactito. Sui-
tints Meeting thils oiitst this semtes-
ter cain take the futll nuer of hours
for the second senitster. the tire outs
given for the tester course not beintg
countei. It is tdesirable tat a well
balanced choir niayle formed in or-
der that the vesper services may be
Continuted anti matesuse interesting
andtSinsructive. 'The class sill ieet
ini Rooni c. old cialel. Tursday at 3
p. in. Spraiios ad tenors are neetei
to balance the chorus.
A Great Anniversary.
One of te most interesinig evetst
of the aattuiniistill be the celebration
by Knox Colege, at (Galesurg, t11.,
of thie anniversary of thse deate at
Galesburg, Ocitoer 7, 185, btseen
Abtnin Lincoln aiid Stphen A.
Douglas, says the October hewlett of
Reviews. The exercises sill begin at
2 o'lock in the afternoon of October
7, with an ottion by Cbiauncy 1.
Depiew, of Nest York, folloted by ad-
dresses from Robert T. Lincoln, x-
Governor Horace BOties, and other di-
linguislied inen. The debiate sti-ehs s Political Census to Be Taken.
to be Sis oinuenoarted at Gales-
burg wsatoie of the inost iportaat
in the famous series which ook place
on te occasion of he joint canass
by Lincoln antd Douls f or the
U'titeid States senatrship. Mlany per-'
suns swho iearidte oviginal idetet
are sill lit-tug in liii'vicinity of Ganis-
bursg aindsillidosbtess e lresetliat
lhits tniisersary celebrationa
Work of the Women's League.
'1Te Womtei's Legue hsisctrii
upiosn its sixth ye-ar switesey sign
of increased prospity. Desite te
distractious of thte Stt fest days of
college stos-is.the unteeshitiilist
nuisthrs souls'2_-s house, anti the list
is i't sing ttdaiIi. 'Tisaexeeutist'
board, thto, itlitholer college somseti
fornsesidii'eieconiuitig cosisitiee~tossl
reaody asi usual to oter ells to ay
tts's-sotitr siiitt'it.andtishue st-sik
itf finintg roosmssslind s-ot-itats stas
cces'tt'sfuly cariesd tlt by Miss Whie.
Ottishrsay5andt 1rily occrrei
the two-opsiening re-titss given Is~s
the' yNoting stoiriiof tet'S. tC. A. aunt
tilt Womes Lss bgus'.o ischislnest
sssls'eivts wsi s ioririliy the supi'r-
clastot t-sitsi. fist'ecepsttionti sstttitit-
let' canist-!iosithits titvisoy hbard
of te 1it-astador5.1 terc ssssse
stouette, t-oits edir s tlst'e irls ii
ai horl-ystelcoes tsIDr. Mshetr. The
crisstsies l ibrary 'ndr;Its 'tttIttis)aa roo0sis
sf NSess-erry tHatln a t tste se-
cess of the oeinitg reets 4ots.
Prof. Trueblood's Leture.
trotfesso-rTuelooldielivered Iis
itews lictti-sottthe '{uitlii'aittuos of
at Orthr"-'ytsteltiy sftittissit iii
th isow list cin'uouls tefoe landis-
cutce tat ilts] the sealing aat-t .v
FT'elsctssresas inikeepUitt with hisi
petsrifint efforts ntl was oftsn Iter-
rited ty apipltuse. At its loe- the
professor ostintheit ciurs.e is be
putrsuetd by thtosei'-i.hig to reprsnt
the Uiv-ersity in le ortoriral tint
sebasinig contest, andidetthts be-
sides lihe'sebai tte it Cicatg here
stoulidprobably le one i-tw itha'hisr
letitlisg tollege. Negoritirois are nottt
iendilt'sgandsiittfinite aa'ncetenti
still btie te 'later.
Fotball Notes.
"Cousti i 'llta hisireturnsed. Ie
wsill play his osit osition at tacik-
suit per'feritsoei'of the grouidslgtin-
its; fetussthicht hate madise ituso0
Charles Baird, footall manager for
le last ts-aseasos istoin seitit tssist-
hag Manager Il1ugites.
Leontard, tackle on te '3t asiy,
wtts stte tinmintalse last nigt.
On account of te rainy weatheer'iie
footbsall mans tineeting se- fr last
night woo postponed until Friday
andidates for the frslinin fot-
ball team sill meet thith afternoon in
tRoom , at 4 p. in.
Football mass meeting of
students postponed to Friday
During the latter iart of this stek
a political census of the stuset body
still be taken, in wthichi the hearty co-
opeixtion of all, regardless of politi-
cal affilatioi, is soliited. The pur-
pose ha not otly to seue best evi-
dence as to the political compleion
of the students, but to enable 'thse
intei'ested to uake deinke arrang-
isests for senditg voters home on
Novetuberc2. In tiheonnect~on it
tony be urged that all voters and es-
pecially those residing in doubtful
states commuittnicate witht their respec-
ite central comtmitees reative to
11is niatter'utiner tttriausortta-
thou may he arratuged for at te ear-
iest possiblt' date. Loal ofieets are
dinsi wha tis he can to secure rihe
losest rates autti deinite anonce-
muets still e stade later. The mat-
ter of imiseiate impiotace is ie
census above refered to and every
uitsle studtet is utgel ts ill out a-
cuatlythe bliak -stiisitsill e ftr-
tisshed. Thse uner'tainig is a harge
onti aundte interest suit co-operaston
of tll is absolutely essntital to its suc
The Reigious Censu.
Te re'ligious censuss shihiis ieing
tke'ntunderiitr secton of someus of te
mtombers of ue Universtty factulty
bids fsir to give alt unusualy cot-
hiete na curate'set of sataistics.
It is esh tttoeittiat hetwseens 75a-itt
Sp1pe scei--lt sof those st-io have reise.
terest have illed out the census
tlanks, whiilse the st-i-isof takingite
cosult isbhi-hg idsne by muetbesofit
use S. C. A. aud Y. . C. A., yet it is
at the itstancte antu upsn Cle re~ues
of CieUnivesity athorhitites.
'98 L Independents Meet.
'The Intdsptndleunts of the 'h8ILcass
mslt at Newberiry 11ail1ytsteday ans]
deeded't upsun cantdidastes for the dif-
ferent class ofhecesto te ulacet inistot-
inaiitoti st thi s'tss elcion net Sut-
uday. Thloss- selected sere as sfol-
osts: h-'or presient Il.L . Weaser;
first vice presidenst, B. A. Segmiller:
second sice hpresident Miss (Grace 1.
Carletout; resorting secretary, c. h.
t-eley; cotresponding seretresy, G. D.
Riobbins; treasuser, Mr. Als; atheti'
muasnumger P1. It. ODonnell; tuosolall,
J. T. Shea.
Tennis Entries.
WV. D. hitrrik hsiaslessdy a'
reiis-ilumany emtries for ie cosmintg
ten'nitstoumnasmset, of stmuihiche liss
chasrge. As usual there are muore in-so
tries for te secondi cass singles tian
for te first. In dtubles there still be
muany nets tetamms, amuomg theim NV. D.
tlerrick amns] thy Harvey, C. C. Adamis
anti Butler Lamb. IS is ii lie tdoublie
tournamsent that tie imos muncertanty
lies. A full list of entries sill be
publishes] in net Mondsy's Daily.
There Neil be a faculty cone t at
the School of 'Music tomnorrow' even-
ing. The commplete program will be
announced tomorrow.
Delivery Free Today.