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October 07, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-07

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ery enthusiastic over last year's STUDENTS' BOO KS_
~].o'~club, but is still more cnthusiastic BYYU OLG
over the bright prospects of the TEXI Boos, LAW ANDP MEDICAL LOOKS
Publishedt Daily (Sndays excepte) turinga
the College year by success which awaits the club tiis
_____ pove he lub y adingsevralSecnd-ad books at low prices. We are agents of Paul F. Wirt, Stt and
subscription price 52,55 tee year, Inaiably more istruments to it. Thrcby Holland fountain pens. Bargains in statiouery.
in advance. Single espies 3 crt. On(a l t the club will have emadolin, lehnsadIOtafC essadO~yS= E _N LC:% - ~
eealag at 6 oecloek. Subscription may lie two banjorines, ive banjos, and --
left at the ofitce or the DAInY, Opera onse T
black, at Sheehanas, at Stefiet's, or with any four guitars.MIHG N 7T A1
iot the editor. Mr. Hang spent a part of the zsrx ThTiaaaIalsRut.
so miai t iosCommuntins citeuld reach teioffice by
1 A. n1. i themy nai toI appearthe nome day. sumuci'ersVacation int arratging-
Adcei ttiteddtpihltiiteanid composing music for the club. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME
thte Id aging Edtoe All b ni cS emun-n-_____
catloivehetld be set tthtc eie S an lHe has also imported some. The AND TE
-Ogee members o" last tear's cltb who hm vo
Reprt ll neglet oethepartf Cariesto sanT u 'I(JU i (iiYiI}5
the ityCircti to, w. . INeil. ha~ve retturted this year are, Fer- IMLARYEI I L SftL 11 THJ.LfX DIYiIA'2 lt (uta)lulad,'1
T Ann O K ArboY.cb tis, '9.,Nlit, S/iitar) ]3icllard,1',1,r, $' O
A A e it m e d ic , (b a jo rin e), a n d B o o th , '9 11 E IT O S .d e n . b a n o)O 'rTHn g il
H. . nEAtEain. c, M-0- E-an.. aia..(bnj)....t.titg ii nn s O eE
A. H. COET.'a,'e"92.A-. A.iNaEc,eaiprobably play the banjt this year. -i TH E BEST )O i tO I n L5 nnonO
M S. HaMMnoia. at,-..m., Mama..., Hle will be in Anit Arbor every Seventeen teachers. tBord with unistitoda
W. B. ONscou, 'a, ama.a.. Mam. tteetoom 12.2. ter week. tCicularuo ntaptl- n y -1 . -ee I
R W. DOUGHTY, "92, .-Tin. 8- ...... Fridaty anid Saturdcy durng the I~
Wc' t.G0 tirtx 'M. .11c. ttThnais., '. college year, in orderthlat te P .CLEARY, President O;In? a *na
1 0 I.r ttctt 'f, 't I t.S~ccnn cell. 2. hblIs' practice mtay 1be Under his_____________________~
If c. 5'iseniieA,ts1'1 I 1 t MA S , e 9cs,1~a ~
perottL upeviionple9eys BURLEIGH & JOLLY
DEAER.I 0..Seta '51c1 ona V;.aa
w n wia e ~ n.aaa . tha thetlte rion.lee is so nesattwhy tesEAtaysINI
We wishe that there might be U fM hudntIaeteft-3 ID R _____
satte arrantgemenllt of stttdies est banjo club inth le country. ATEEI OBLANK BOOKS,n
mtade where by the ollege as a -________ SS
whole could have a commtonc rec- BUSINESS LOCALS. Bet le of FOUNTAIN PENS tn the a
city.Oe Creai, Sodas War
reaton hour. Athletcs here are tInticec Ilcerted ii this estuama at the rate ConfectiotteCold Lunches, I~'
seriously hadicapped by the i~n ofirtes rioeriadetlne~s unslt Cgasat Tbco PAN
b ppyig t hi ofie r y onulin . OYSTERS, FRY, STEW 01PLIN
bility tof differenteneetto pratice SW.t Doughty AsittBusinessnSaiasr.l ai and sea us at(plI;R°
at the same time. A numtber of Fresh argivel of Ifyler's candis t 26 SOTEM STATE rST A'si'
tietaekp toepahgfo-Grtber's to-ay. _--.'. HEALTHE..HOIS....._Ila od
11111areket fomplain fot- Patett Beaver, Metots, Kersey DL DOWD'ForBtsiUnWIeerSB&t tti Itpltt I !t°aJe g G '
ball now becacse they canntot get Overcatittgs at Staffor'd's. G fetlemntd ite,,Yots;lthe
CleitSittn 03 td 'tAtile. o n acil.A conttletw e t aily. *Snday ecete.
ouve tiils$): aduwrsa 1a.gnmsnttkso u t at the regular Ipractice hour. Stafford's.t5Ssird , eoatnta. rIhes ilttceapI. O .RGLS .W AYS
Th eani f a Sml ubr E & W newc cllr, Thee Shoshnc eilte, iocebeyce aap o G. Pcv . AOO, hi.ago . Agt nAb't. w am ny l~ ot-&oi,
ofcourses thee the heFTaouateytiw.uldiiitii ing tad iortlieen-
sf b auywud At the Two Sms, the Ascot Sarf , .Eat dit.a c eig"n c irieiir.testiI
rettedy this its a large mteasure, the Shosone Cllar just arri-eed. I Dotid ct0&;et'Is icalaiii: Toledo.. Ann Arbor and North
atcad woldbethaekuly eriet o le tto Sarta ht itoSao st, N Yerk, Michigan Railway.
an wul b hakfll ecivd h Sytn crfatth woSas.lGo tt Steler for best hard adllsft ~ Q_ 7 TTim Table gangIntoffet,lMonday, N.0.
(by thee entire University. coal. 11 W. Washingtone St.-
.--T-..,- .Shoes repairedh ot Liberty, sear State. Q ZG.Ioiag Esth. STIOS. Gn.ontg Sauta.
A carefulclemsical antatlysis Sheehaln & Co. are agentsleforlteoffel PFRENHttIstCIEAM FNES'RENCH 6."4. ; c srsmteaia ntuet COIGIOF9rRCSFR Mn Ir a. Sad1dTm.., I .
made by thee bet easterti exhperts liddraftintg mte~trials. 'We Crcry thee7IFot tetr d'letot, ih.tp P _Mnt..1 (re_ x
has shtown that the foot-ball player lrgest stock il the city and walrrantet7 otS.aet,-Dtot ih~
ibut5slighthy if at all Ltable llgoos.CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE . e.. 4 in st0 oene' cn 12 0 is2t
1S IloB y coal atndh wood of Judtso, Stat e PH c.i. t i 0 r nt 01 csocc. 417 s 4.........Ondee ..... i'dfl o is..'
w tr o1UI 6 ty it follows street. 1 i94 13 n 15 Washiton Bt, '- psoisli ic a.... cc435 7 5... iaai.......12 0549 Os
watr. Uoesettttlyiiit-las t ci ts d tllish SadietlDas 5 4 5 7 2. ...Pittsfield It 4: 5 34
Go51to E.OB. Hllathfor coal. o lrO 0 3 tNNABR I3092
Ih satc taysfl aeIlt O Baths 1c at P:. . Barber Shop. I a7 s c5 Whtm en Lake te1s.
event if the groutnds lare damp.i1t.A Mell Gillespie, Teacher of Gutitarl I ::_.."5os 1 amburg...::.. to 57s 150:
ratty day is the best hkitd of pi1acc'Balj si15ctdoii9t 3eeiti.j .....Dn.C...sa 17 56
tiefi hey.0eeeib By coal of Scheot. Ofice ott Wtst 753 106.tit to0 ti.... to16 ae4
9 ett11t.5s..tt ... Ithaca . 0 31....
1113 ofiitheost itmportatt gamtes Buiy cigars, catedy, stationey, et. t}7° . A t. S ,2 3.....t.,, Lmai....., 7 325 5~
islal ob lydotjs hat Gt ruber's P. . NecwsRotoctn.1 {" L AM.9312118Li Allma........t7 s oe513.;
of Cabet0bepated.Alt tat Wartic utdercercheatt1 at Wege's. NO. 12 W. OURON S. S 30 to ab t 0 .......can.ust
t..... a .oet lhly48,a...... tue......sareseee ass 35 8
knofaday. antorplay-Bu yotr ctllege tcxt-books, tew adh17 31..... tn1....Cadila .............t15it
ers develop a little more sand? Stoeotat t.i he3uett'Io o c-. 0 ..~tii
Ma8IS..tnistee.... 7Ist5
Yesterday was unpleasant, to be StrSae t 5 N12 .....1.. C8.. ..Ranite...,.'816 0
Examnite Stafford's stock of trotser- 10.,8i 0 ..5 40I55... n nFranfors.., 7.....II 1cc
sure, but two full eeens should itgs std faitry vestitigs.SaiwDvIo.
have beeti out, just the same. If The "U. of M. Fountaiti Pen"oly OSiagiana ..ysns. OsegSni
the team is going east they need $200 at Gruberas P. . Store. 4GigNrh SAIN. GigSuh
hadpatieeeyHa.Oandsome new effects in trotusers. Wednesday.. Oct.5. B 6
hadpatc vr a. Wagner's..As asPm. pSpass. i
Granger & Baxter's Star Laundry. P IA ITIR IIIC E P - A.N'LV.] A.A. Y
THE BANJO CLUB. Just north of Ann, on Fourth st. IN 607 ...... 7186~AnAr, h.11~...tin s
Rhdeha hebetan ceaet5oa.715~...955....Drand...a.. a 65 711
th edro hd a h etadcens olA MaIDmuIGHT CALL 8 ........9 56 .....Fiuhiaig.....SI4845 6
Mr. Henry Hang,thledro Yard, W. Huron street, near railroadA 4 h UI6S ..... oss5 ..saa.w.~. 74 .
teUofMbajclbwain If you want a fine suit, go to J. M PRICES--S. B$O AND 75 CENTS. Suerntndnt Gen.Pso "ef
town yesterday. Mr. Hang is Stafford. Seat s nSnle at P 0.ews Room, GF3.. HAZLEWOOD. LAW lmAgt.Ag8

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