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October 07, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-07

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VOL. VIII. No. 7.



Students! Bookstoe
Opposite University Entrance.
Second-hand Books bought, sold
and exchanged.
Law, Medical and College Text-
books at cut prices.
Blank Books
and Stationery
Agents for Waterman's Foun-
tain Pens, Mathematical Instru-
ments and Sporting Goos.
SHEEHAN & [oil Prop,
Has received a full ine of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Students should try us before
making any purchase. We are
hound to satisfy and please. Or
large stock of Law and Me4~al
Books, in short, Tet-Books for
every department in the University,
new. nd second-hand enables us
to eel1 at the lowest price."
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta
tionery at low prices.
Make ourstores your headquarters.
Up Tows Dow Town
5 State t. opposite orenooss
An Arbor Male'st.


Will Have a Reserve Glee Clb
This Year.
'I' iUive'rsiy '(lie, Bnj) and
MAanloliti elhshad i a boobosmeet-
!itg lst night in SRoom 2. Allt
itomttt'r of lst yearstelttttowtotae
Lao-k this year were preet. Mir.
Wlter Boynon 'hi) E. woo leetto
pit eh'ttof the drih ibs i pae of Mr.
Stoitoart. who(0doe not return tIac(-01
lege this year. The resigntion of Mtr.
Go. S.'hits fromt the imanagership Oof
theo drabs was notit-epted. tnt Mr. C('ta.
t. Hole. 't9t)Lit.olwh o enaist-
tnt manager fortoot year. ootto
lTe prospoe-ts for a succesesftl yars
work iby the inuoeal (e111)"re retoark-
ably hrigiht lila year. A large 111111-
her of tthe old maen are tk agit.
It is their intentioni to tmake a trip
(ring the tChristimas ovatti. 'Lo-
ittuery htas not beenioditelo deter-
ti-iedl up1011a00yer,.aut willtobelpll-
iohed in t11e near future.
P>hee a Imttltiolio for 11000iteion,ill-
tno held next iTedy eeniing in Rom
24. af 7 o'clock. Tflere tre qutite a-
littitloof otatlt-cieo toe tilleo ~ l ia
exnmaitittion. 000 tll naen ic-llege wtot
osing or play soldit go pomtot try.
Leaoder Giross, f the (thee luithnl-
co. ito 0itoducoe tineotf- titro-thio
rar iooltttiig tvo- reoerve eni foe
(e)0-h lptrt. ihese reere imen till
notteno l tllthe regular roheatsloft
tino-eto(10 lb lnd ttos tobetprepaored o taoo
to' le of anyot the regttlar em-
hesof the tclbin ae avat-ny
Aotldoccur-tt. fThese reerv.o etnowill
to- selectedl at the reglar extiniiittioi
ext 'fueosdty.
A movtemeftos011 foit tmog the
board11 o odietors of theAhletic A-
soceiation taol the otiero of te aitt-
ioal clhbstoo give a conert ntdtanee
in tie gyltnasitll for the beteit of tie
Atiletie Asocoittion. A.oshort eoneert
toill lot given by (le lttbs in the firt
art of fthe eveningt, adb ottr tha ite
Ititerity ianolxs, ill play for (le
dantes. 'Thio coneet oill fe given
ome timie in November. ainti will
douobltless prove '-ry popular. The
filtfthat tho procetdo of the eonert
anio hop will go to the Athletic Assoei-
ion should certainly make tie affir
a suceess.
one More Glee Club.
Last evening Prof. Kenp teted the
voites of those who owishd to join the
S. C. P. Glee lub. A lrg number of
taplicntns showed up and ant exelent
glelub is expected. 'There oill be
1A in thle club when it is completed.
Af present second basses anti first
tenlors are needed.
Pr'of. Kemp will be the directorof
thot'elnblaand vill continuot e s aito
iatttions tonight -flot .1to 8 elok.
All -those who wo-re examined last
ight will also coe tonight oo' pra -
iel. Fle club will lead tho singing
at the Sunday moning mactigs and
soill perhaps give a few eooecerts dur-
ing the season.


Varsity's Work Improving.
'Te 'Warsity- elein lined uptoagohnst
ho' Nomalites foot a lrctie gait'
yesitetrday afterntoon,.their ok sowo-
ilg abig iinlooo-et oittr-th lat tof
tt'e daty oforo. fTo'e'Waroity ott.-.
tic et'ft'noivot-rk ittot o ilimo tite
punting t ho'hll ott the firt tooo.
fennzel aidtti (tittoon 011teo' 11(1
ctil excell'nt tork. I the littr ima iig
a niiee gaintof t5 yrdsothrough tck'
anid teformtert<,t odorgig nutof S0
yar-ds for a.tottchdowan. hicho 'rotgt
ottth tito rst y0eli harodat rattie'thi
eotti. t'iigree atothal shoe Ilt
inrt ithtatn le'ha11at0any lime tiio
year. Ialaer toas out for the firttimito
andi played well. Hery's fptuntig -101
oxellent and 0was010 the spbirlorde(10.
L~ockwo oo asereously 1hur1t antiwst
assited off the field. Othleowhole
thero' to-ito nsideratle more ginget
01100010 iha aohein the rle. Pe-
viusto tuislprotice Co(achtet ebet
oivoided ltt'h etubtin ttotwo-aeles
and lplaye thteitoaginsoto-lih otr.
loutietetasot settbs toill btoirgni-
iztoatyand thee altet'etod tgint
tho' 'Warsity. The N oritisalo woo i
onto'battoait difforenti tts lonlre--
'fwoo more oattito' gmesi'o tilI be
platye'dihero' ooti teo:Norntlo inext
we-tek, probatily olT u'es'day ad
ibTurolsday: 'lThe toao-er from Ypi-
ltan 1ti-crloeefy menianod owill giv-e'teo
''Vaisity's line splendlo~i petetle. They
wilqietiokly bringotot Iho' weatk sopt
soo thtiC(oacehisteoetooi'oeffortolittl
ho oliretetitobwardl00stttttltteniig
Some of Our Grautes.
'T'e folloowig memboeroof thi'eltoo,
of '17 wtoIotook (let-he's Latitn
couoroe itst year tre et'llpilg Ilter-
tivet'poosiions: is 10v-ll 'Boice 10
tecehing iLatiin ilt' OwossooHigh
Sch-ioolt -ael Bosw-orthi in the War-
quetie High Scool; tLouise Breiten-
iaeltin t, Dotroit lprivetoseool;Or-
111a Butler is withi the C'adilltc'shoolt
toLaA. ('ritetter io ea.'lilig Latin
in the Muskegon Hiih Seool'SMiso
Loutise Wheeler io witi the Bay Ciy
htigli School; miss Jessie H. Smith is
at ('otiat-; (eo. I. Swain MstGro-tl
Fatio. Mont.; Ila 'Plnney at Dever
anti](race B. Wallaie at tort- Huro.
Thle followsing grtae stidents in
L~atin are alo teachitg their eliosen
subxjects: Gao. D. Hadats and Elen
Ktunalltre s=ilk the Detroit High
8011o0; Iliss i. E. Mc'tintr-ito
teachiog in tie Lake trit':seiinary
tt t~tinsile. .; Bssie B. Stevens
is ani instrul'or- in (le Abion N. Y.;
Highi Ictiol; 'Louse Smith also o-
lies a position in the Detroit Hjigh
-(hool, intl H. G. Vorties is t Alton,
Y. M. C. A. Prayer Meeting.
There will e prayer Ileetig at lt'e
Untiverity Y. M. C. A. (lis eveing a1
7 to 7:30. °Mr. 1,T. R.haabf will lead.
1You life welcome.
IFree delivery today.

U. of M. Bond Organized.
A. nmeetintg woag hlolatst 'veinig tot
treorganize the li. of Wt.oano. Aoit
twoenty-tL-v' w0re'prse'nt.aot h alhitf
of thmmbeing lo laoyrs. Thie.' mom'
of ft'heo'otplaytiers weoro'I tak'n Ibyo .
te'otfwsotwoill tittlithe m'baondl 111-
dil if is fairly ostrd.'iot. LewtvRel-
wsiek, of the in'ehool ot Mtl Ott-. beenbo",1
wng-tgeottis le'ader. Thetlomto-iyshielt
toaso rtaised byh -stooliitoiJntot y'ta
for tie tlliforltirys ootic to potay t'
etirectexpenmes; 00oIm I-iifortoio tint
still a hlineg of the fiture. Thin itonll
still iplty a1tall the games. thirtirshit
mblpootrnliet'boiing t the 10malec'hig
ntextitiololy iight. Teowill btoo'
omeeting tfor lrati -c tootto-rro- igt
iii Roomi24. ati 7 a(lok. Any0woi
haove o'ttjointh blit'it ndtil mii totm
dot so, should ol to1(ths meting.
boing thirm notemmmasntit ratks.
Ttuba. trombtione,'.lotritoimo' anti tenor
plaiyers tre needied. After hommmroos
itighf t rive wiooll pbroatlt- too he(ld
es-ry W'o'on'odooy night in, lie hatll
oter Catlkins' (li-iegsto.
Tim ew ot- boyoro t-biwh o r' otlt.
nigliftoovrt: 'utoo. .1. ( O,-Mrti. NV.
S. Towoommr. It.i. XV.rp('oltii, C.(O.
laone. 1R. 1' ttniI. eauthotet; ;id.'
tromtboneit. i.II.Iirdol:aren'druttm, 0.
F. Mloiit: iitioo. L11 It.ico. .'.Al.
Tii tolto; loto,1P . A'O. 100 '; lrimmOt
C' L.. Ghot^11011 L. IL. 'otta;teT
1. Dsole.
Theoldol ~olym tiot trnt tootk trt:
('onit.Shoctk. I. dtlo'toit, MJii,
X'o'oniet; alho. /.iltel-otalt . ~tint,
ldtcher, Lang; tieollo. Icti l.d''on;
hoitso drttmtD.-oi''ont: ltorimmt. (G1-
bmaa, tartio; etor. Moitforol t itre-
tone I'oreet'.Bate: sotmi r u'tntm
'Mfyia; otxpooloBa ctokus tromboooto'
Tonight's Faculty Concert.
Trhe followinlg is it'e poramotfor to'
faculty toloert t thflt' rtot' Mlen-
orimol -[fll tonigh tat S:
1. Zwete grosse Senate. p. 121t-Scbamanp.
Alberto tonas. erman A '/elt.
II. a. On wngs of song.-.--.Menelssobs
b. Mare --------------Clayton Jos
Alice Bailey.
Itt. a. "Du blt de Ruh "Schbhert-Lst
b. Iarcasolle. on. 600-...... Chopin
c. Poonase E major-......List
Elsa von Grave.
IV. lRapsodle Bougwle - -m...... aner
Berman A Zeti.
V. a. S11ten nuser Leblng-.Paderewsi
b. EMb Scbwan-...-..-::------Greg
c. Am tIfer'des Sananares -h...,essl
tthe dates for tie reimialing con-
corts are Noveiober 4. Dectosber 2
January (1, Februtry '3.
Another memner of te field Mun-
scum staff itil('hicago, (profesor Co-o.
Cbterry is ahout to start en- a log
cientilbe oquest. Bactedtl)y a welthy
Englishman. MJr. Cherry whll]spend
iwo years citefly at (le!heowaters
of the Ohinoco river, in Soatoh Amter-~
rlea, in ornithological studies.
The Dlaily will be placed in
boarding houses this week

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