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October 07, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-07

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H Fine Fall and inter H
E Suitings, Golf Suis, E
FancyJ Vestings.
A, We Careyj the Largest A
1 Stock I
L In the Ciy. L
336 SautbState Stret
THE OLD la'i, in ftrs
BELIA 1 ,tf7 'liI.(
R. E. ,1O t ..Y 0
Ot I lacy0
Jerseys and
Sweaters at

kNT VI', ,)fib'~ .111C I., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7, l N .

No. 1?.

Irreftutable Figures Proe the Value
A very iteor0stig atndlintutictve
cart haos to-topear~et by Diretor
Fitzpatrick and wilitont be exhibited
at the gymnnasumts. it stos conclu-
sively the' alte, especially totfeshson,
at gymnaosiutitswork. Whn computory
gymtnastumn eetie ons reuiutdotr
thefirtttimttte at yeas, there were
mtanyo bjootlootn aised agonti. Ttisi
ii ttlh st deinite reort and it at
sestheo bjetin that te soor s
useless. Btfreat entterigtetcgytna-
siumoooclassoes, it the alt atootagain be-
tore leaing othemooin the npring.every
0 col tot ooisoexaminiodo. A class averg
is oolooaioo'o t 000000ohoe otosof althtie is-
Jiv otus 1 tootaso o 0e01.
11he class at i902 is te first and sot at
theonity aon lerhic lan beto examined
snth ie repoot s elowcglveethe aerags
oft the butofotthe clastt the to tit
'retimeoos There ie a ginltitt ccecy
oioastsrooscut. tt
st Exas. 2d Exam.
Height ......5tt. 5 2-5 in. 5 t. 8Sten.
to'eiglo........1'',8/ lbs. 1430/1 lbs.
.thule .....1 .0 is. 6.7 i.
'best, tit s. .1.4 it. 0.9 in.
Chetan .,pos..7. i . 7.6 in.
N ec .. ..... ...13. i . 3.9 in.
('tootus.la...s.9 . 3.6int.
C ts tua.... al1. ti. 3.9 n .
Chstxpandoed-23.4 in. 34.9 in.
iestconstrt-t.7ii. 32. i.
1iots .. ......250i . 3 .9in.
togL rn o nti thhoso. 10.7in.
Eig t rmil) ...11. i . 1 .7 is.
lig t oe'toit..tt9.9n. 1tO2l.
Lttr'0 sto, 010.10.9 i. 11. in.
Left orars....9. i. 101 . s
ight t010h.0.....7 i. 20.6 n.
!t.ght ilt. tO.... ls5 i. 4.in.
left talt .... 13.4 to. 1.9 in.
Lutng citiaity. '58 c. lt. 244 e. in.
Medicel Sciet.
Thcetocrs.ooin ectie cmitte
ot lto teiclt tsocitiy hve actng'ol ot
i ,t' t. i a gc )1lg'a f o ' tin eo. T e
isii o kil e tgvennet Tuits-
tooeenngbyDr oy, wobsioct11 to
Ii-s to s t pnsoe toic, h
Wloto t o o i eptmens t.s
WOhileth ct-tosprvaet amsog tto
tht thes 'n ae pn snly too
those1vhoar toemb s of the oeical
onit- suh000 ot te ase. Te sot
.0 le 0 wisoranttedcfr the specloott-1
idea to ilgte slidet itcIto(-rtont ca-
tootwith00 It ork 000 oof the departotOt
andoothti eh otiti;'totodtalso to lilts
tkeeithtitalunio in conat w itsthe
worekhdoe n the meicatodeprtmtet.
'foise whot, tto nd 2 the meetigsn itt
year twe00011tod fo the te sentt,f
andlnaly 0011thesod members are g-
tag to to 1an00atic'e part in maig
this year'sworsk minest-c ceesfu thas
last yeat's.
t is honped taot the stdnts ott th
medical departmentcitt s'hooc their p
preeiatisnof the committee's woro andt
turn st to the meeting Thurday

BIG MASS METING. atltios. First--The advantage ts
physical hatth; Sestnd, the adsantag
to inentl heatth; thd, the avntag-
Students Subscribe Liberalll to the is the Univerity, atdt fonrtho !,i "
Athletic scittio. vantage too tieman scialy. Mlaty
The' athbleicnmasonmeeting hetl inthelotod004students ga st sf colegiend ar'
gymasim lst venng ass a 'osolng utter faiurs beatse they ave sat
is ma nsm act ecningjlled-up tobi fello'studetnishiP
success in every sway. tnoitosof atot-In college. They have nt inpove
tendsnces it oas far ahead of any sini- Lei oppotunsitistoo bead o thetm
ar oceninin the istors f atbetics selvcs. T'floetolchneet do this eil
at Michigan. SNs less than ,5016te s hi- beoundlat the gtme':mingle wthfo so
cereepresent, f cwhoem at least 200 cc 'e ciseitnotheopen tir atndtbeho' to amn}
00e's fllon' studoets.
at ties faire sex.The 'girls didimoe Proftcs. Knoltoinas glad to see tot
thano merelylisk ite, tot wen etsthe hbusi-large crswd that hd spepeoted the
ness pat of the meetinog0w000recachedI omalleons-cofcoyes gn b. Ie ic
they loosenedl teir puoro'etrigs a'nd proudodfathleeptorsent teoso ad gld
tht i5.is ott goto materia, ori n 9
as a result the AthleicAsoscitonis1 and '97 wes bad teams that o Oct:
ssme Otttocther. Ills oa gotod otentortoot ould in Prom a n ne. buttetboidntt
the future success of sue athltictessccto pan5 0001tOaswell as the greete temof 0
the yountg ladles of the iUniversity tts pe 9c 5'a lest thlb. didlnet o,inc
no v it an itters, in there sucess 'y Guy Millet, pitcher n last pings
oas tmanifested last igh. tasoa tooem , ,of sItsr.. so
A year agsoith Ia debt ot $2,06dt',tee st atdtMiciogn's cwinin.H
overomethe ubsciptins aountd tas tolooco d ty ("tt. J. F. Mctean
avreno, ho sbcrttiort oooeotie too'etack tesms, ciwioespo" tof .
too abeout $,500. This year'wethe bI - t tanos. ltlaetdstolthe sit -
ftison sly 100 the fctossstudetos te snumbr of 0A1hletic stost
arid business man sf Asnn .Arbtorcbeestiketo ssld oand tsoed It,0 mo0e
be's last an liberal, an so'egraonod totlmonecmenos nore' spp fi t ou01, ti
o' $,506 testifies me. Stre men con e talcn o the
Ater musiceby theb'hrnd ardconsit- tairingiableodontihtilndcon
rabte chering sn thr' part sf the st- s'ouensy mnet's nttocilt ofew 'h,
dlenin the meeting nan talled ts rdIr team,
by Pre. Day ot the Athletic Assi- 'his Chas. 'Wiatkins, chotswill coch
ion. The first uiness transated oros sct year's baeball eans 1 olt. isd
the adding ts the cesntitutisn of coeatsroncng appeaoe too eeynstoe
amnrdmerntn that pside that the ce'tcoem'ot and yell at t' Osloand.oto t
tains at the football, baseball andtrtachtke as itere s is IS 'ratrees' The
toems thall be members f the Athleti (,fee Cloth then sarg "io A0)"
IBsardl of Directors, x officio. They Kene Fitzpatrickloflo'Ifotefi' nacia
els prsvide that the butsiness mn of splpot and prescee at te games. Ho
Ass Arbr shall be granted os represe-sadth100re are about si' to
lotive sn the bard wobsshalst nsi50ao11' tetmo shtesthe': P ,'0 0.
directr and have a vte on all caesanyso. Manrager BarHo 1 c. t v,00-
ohich arise, save the elction of st-ae tryig to do o0100 .i''.0, .e
dent members ts the Bood el-ht '0 oe andilPesr'o I i - ' v;
After the urnanimoussadoptiono f 'eLat sye' Pn's gt. ecec 'tool i 0
orseselments P,,of, Pollongilt ors 'to $4000 n t was givic to i :'' u0
rpon for a speech antI rsponded quite thooths ditto cost of 000 ir .': 0000i
happily, Hec compasedl the physicalwa U5. esompare eolliist'0
'onditin of the student of todny wth spportI at Mchigas with t': 1,00
the "thin. holo-chested, spdle colees plaing it same bl'in . 0 e 0 i
shanked(]ecolege shlttnt of twent-five sat ii 0varoilTae r.1'. 0 = n .
rears ao, andl ttribuoted theo' oto to Iabooveothat at Cibtagi
the ltlsr-clay storden't's ative pato'co' lus Day then mOtto. toir; '''''>
tiots is athleic's. tPe clamedothal o l anit 000 01sptplort 1.A01
the loyal supprt of alumst to its aema ollootin" susritions:
roter trns governeod too'the oroo'o'co i ' i'psilon ....... .... . , 00
heecathletic teos is thee is sothn t*, 'elto Cii....... ........ 000
abouoot college that clairs so much 0f 1 ' 0 O ii. .. .
hsit otatr1a i a 1 saOt1 IiItanig team. Ie said tht the Ilices S-u Ph ..... ........ ;+
nuthoeilles os-sn.s Ic ebhttt. grilo 1'LUpsitoln ....... .... :r
'u t~o INl . thtir.Associ'i,,o forte G-aFa ...... ........
formsasits of the peset schstn oi' n-i Alptattelta Phi ....3d....5
to rsetoe'stie athle'i's. 'Iho' fi,,' 00 0110 0 tol5... .. .it
ehampinship meet in 'nto ArborocillI
craise'the interest and attentios nftithe' teit it 'psl~o3l i . ,....5
Me' iehn.oots throtrehut the ste t h oI ht...... .- i
lio'e rscotonoso teittticersils.'lt I 'l]D laP i.......... .. 5
r psltion oftits shemte litostrol IlP'heta...P1.. . . 3
01itSlthe' Athletic soo'lt eths. ind Aitot hi. . . .."
,"igit ourillsatoiOs'the'ir swok Dolta tarma..:....... ..- i '
Tho' C=1'e('Orb folowed. sging te 1 pi>l ,]hetol i .
ire-hocsrsd "Teton' saotd ou"
Dr'. torsos' then snotoee snotcoled at- ( P11 l t T..e. .. ........ 10t
t~ntr ,o Is the fit t il oo'ithi hi
memory the verage life of mn ts Oaot ......... ......... 10
1srotnesd fosooo2etoo21 vcirs. Tisohe t- . . {
triots to thefaetht te ooooth of 0C11hP'ord .......... ... C
thero'otntry hase hbeen of lire otivl t- ! 'eNtbi 't..............1
t '01 lot colloQes On lor"Por sooto'has - I ltoiont '''ioo o}
s'tiois'thng more' toon toomore is thi 1W01l ... ....... .. i
,mss -1).it.Ilhi is.. . ...hi~t
Prof. Andrcews'C. OMctaughlin aceout- I.tF.ohnrsott........ . l..It
"d for thehntrost nontodttrooccy,n .oVitrcLtne ......... ....10
hr. sof the fi erlte in oathleticoho' the to.It.TBarrett 7....,,.,...
fat that the TPns'sitvo'fesor slr to .IBIt rnt.............5
Icon and shea he tores interetlisb orySotheir.......,..,.
snarts the slrroents are moe inciedOily MClCross....... ......
t hlteoc him a rest humnabeltg Phil ...Puo......ey
'roll- frrnsh a eonon rnirnoon us il Burleyomot
owhieh to noeoto. not as peffeqSnsr. Wro olo' etook
as 'trrrni of the l~nlocsit. The moegl A Wit Cok
eIonrsst af flair nrenee5swonted1 of ' .'d....................... .1
the sturolnts more tha anvthno els. J Fsoar....t..el... ..... ....,.,,f3.
He was followed by Prof. JohnsMisAS.Lvl...........'.
who immedately pinted ut fouPr l ho'mke """"....'.....
ehicf advantages to e gained from CONItNUED ON PAGE 2.

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