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October 07, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-07

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'ZC. of 'a.T(.aitp.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
tiC olege year, by
Subscription, price 1.5 per year, invariably
it dan"c igle copies 3 cnts. Suberip-
tioet may tbc ict at the atie of the DAIY,
at Stefiet's, wcth any cc the editors cc
authorized slicitr.
Cmmunictiosshoud reach the office by
7 ocloch . . i they are tc appear the next
'lay. Addeses all matter intended or public-
tics to the Managing Edior. All buines
colmmunications should e stlbothe Bs-
eon Matage.
Ann Arbr.,515h.
. I.JANsToo, Lit. ', Maagiac Edior
Gi ERti cccIlC. Iit.'li9, Aitant
J.. 0. 5 Amire LA '12, AtiotID.
F. J. OovTsWAY, Lit. 14, Assitat
L. G. NniTERtiAt, L it '3' Bsneso Manager.
I. W. WEDEIFYERiirolit'4i aivisotn.
A. W. Juyi'rsiLaw '9;, Aitat.
J. IL AasNUiLiMdcu'
C. W ICKETS, U "14.1
V.S . A NNV11' i t. i ',::.
C. . Soeoa 1SO, Lit. '133
C K '101l1.1t'0 b0Ifi0111.,i.i
I'e to q (11303t3ol 1' t00001res-
1plI'llecs, 1ppe1a''ini11he1 DAN.
There illiibe 'a feeting of the
Daily iloarui, Sttrday eesnantg.
at 7:30, tao arr sg ouotrs. 5-2t
'Tomorrow eveingthe DAIr
Board viii omeeltio eogalli/e anll
fill vacancies. Not all te existin
vacancies wiii be filled however. It
is cosieredi sise Ill ise tie Col-
petitors for psiions full oPpor-
tunily to sosw what they can do.
Sods of themn as (ave areary proven1
themselvs ffiiesltsWil),he placed
on the board.
Incidentally it may hee nettioned
tiat the schene1f trortwing tle
vacancies open to conptition is
recoling most satisfactorily. Nearly
a score of conpetitors are now try-
ing for positions and the rsult has
been, we believe, to bring out the
bet newspaper talent available. Ii
justice to several of the aspirants it
should be stated here, tlat mus of
the best work that has appeared in
the D)AILY during the past week has
been from their pens. It is only
necssary to add that the appoint-
ments by the b ord, tomorrow night,
and later, will be meted ot strictly
acco9rding to the merits of the com-
petitors. No favoritism will be

FRESHMEN, don't fail to attend the
social this evening in Newberry
Hall. If you want to lose that
strange and uncomfortable sense of
loneliness and isolation you can best
do it by mingling with your class
mates at one of tlsese excellent
social gatherings.
Ti (lorry and bustle of opening
week is over and the freshman
begins to thinsk he knows pretty well
whsere lise is at, and the old timer
begins to plan regular tni-weekly
trips to "X'psi."

New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
There is nothinig like a SLIM FIGURE to pot iill motion.
We have laid in a very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We
B~ought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes.
El~egailt Fall ShMYiujs, (0;! 0
-J e nd Newth!Thlugs Ill'Neckwear.
21 South Main Street. Tailors and Furnishers.

fps%.*-"V 1 5 4IAToledo, Ann Arbor and [lortn
It Will be Out the t2th-Prospeotus ~ .NS Tn Michigan Railway.
-Twelve Numbers Annually. ' rjTime Caidd1in effeet Sundays, Aulgust . 1V2
Depatsre cf Trains it Ann Atbor.
Ralphs St(,lne, '91 las,editor-in-chlif - -' _~~Ils.s~lb
of rue ichvligan Lawy journal, was , 0 -- N 0.1.1 l'ank1111t~lt,1and IExprssl#':, -111.
N , . -sy AI1nlArbor Aconi ... k! 001noon
ill towns yesterdlay, arranging for- the N... Ctr N 'lsegr 42 ) ti
VXNo. lt.1oldo d0 l '1333330 7111111
publicatiotn of tlhc Octobser sulssber / // - ony1111) .. ...... 1.. 92 .II
oIf tile jou~rnal. The joulrnal vwi ls e I1,11h LLADING 500000. OF BUSINESS. Slog No. Il:. Toledo0a1131111s111011 11 y
Oult tile 12thl. lolstributions will 113111111 1GOING; 11S01,111113.113
110111lil; fl iectiires Satiila10031'Oiigreeto ns;111111
Mleoi W tr tV i F ivn x pvnsesiahami-333.310.To.CLdARY, Peus 'ana 1 1: 10.Ill.
12' Ctsasv . Obej t 11'.111 771111.1of
010 2. Owosso 110a 10311l 1111 Artoo 0111
Rapids. ads moitb apjsers a e pu1Yitioa5s 1rdlin wee1k11131e31111 1111 I'll
conllllniarv 311 sone leadie sist. ( R.JC LRY, 11Prest.ll11y) ..... 13............... l'1l
Musk -on; "lWadr W rks 1,1No 1301 1 3llsoadledolI 11111indaloll310:
lher nslseryaCcas eplviigteIl1of-lGrandl We olilAdviiseS e s in Stei CntralStn .'0Ii1.i
cairdlats. (If libelousthiappiars aTacviiirm ewenAn rora~
schoololycviiit\- alept lear.v
congentileon oitua ncstaf tin. -ein 'rTran o,11A1 " n 01111 bte
deatlssd ofossoommnents issynslierseofFthe
staterbartllapeaisat.ofntheent STI.J0 DENS' BOOK. S therinsdalexce.STiATEST
Cisas IfS.BENNETTr,11.iso lied aisou
tiler clos e rthe asschoolviycare Fol Gleek l,1)111111, Iis Shoeslin(tLol tciGen.I,-,isto I)t 13(101.A-. Ness
ciclaiad. bluscrclr wl S 1-EN A t il SecOd RII OsciA D 3
bend10teatsofpofietil uilicasoofh
the Michian aeLarAsoiatnA hasSAI PIE

It will henceforth be issued monsthly
-twvelve numubers in the year inatead
of nine, as heretofore. Mr. Stone,
editor-in-chiief, is of the firni of
Cutelsins & Stone, of Grand Rapids.
At the recent anulal meeting of the
State Bar Association he was elected
NoTIcE. - Philosopshy. - I will
meet students with reference to nsy
Seminary (course 21) at 4 P. m. on
Friday in roons 41.
LNaticea interted in this column at tiae rate
at 10 cents per line. Special rates ior longer
titnead extra lioos aralohed by applyoug at
tbs DAtLY olficc.1
WANTED-A hutstlin~g youtng man.
No. 5 Fourth streeL.
WAN'rEO-A hustling youtng nt to
take ageiney for a Ittclassa steam laun-
dry. For particulars aiddress 117 La
j:eer street, Saginaw, Mieh.'
Type wri tin0 done at 48 E. Cathe-
rine street. L-1

B31CYCLE coatSAtE-Ceiititl3 Counc-; IR.EN TSC HLEE.,
lila, iiigiiod codition. Gaod reasons'
for ceiling. Apply toi F. D. Greeni 21 _
S. 12th street. 1--7 hoto rapher5
E'1o renlt, a ifee hail ansd rootlia at 12
'Washington. Roomis suitable for CORtNER t SAIN AND i1TilRON S'TS.
society puirposeis. Fornmerly oeecupieid
by the N.. S. N. Medieal soeiety. i3-6t GIBSON~
Suit of rootuss to renit, No. 85
Buy yotir Books at whlolesatie pritees NO. 12 . 1-1 t{ON ST
f romn the National Library Assoeiationi,
243 Wabash'I aveiioe, Chicago, 1ll. Ad- If~ you are goinig iiorerasal
dres tso scoi'tioi fr prtenla- overeoati, or pair ot rouserc, be sure t
eo alle111oti Mr. Rose at the Cook Hence.,
AssENTS SANTEt-Liberll salary Tuiesday, October 4thl, aicd 5ee tileole-.
paid to aetive, wide-awake yountg nieil. gant line of elutlis the Goldenc Eagle
students preferred; ensiployiOnt pleais- lare shiowinig thisceslon. Tis firm
anit aiid pernsalacit; 110 book peddlitcg. have usade regutlar vicits to AliIII Aror
Address, National Library Asiioatioil, every Tuesday for the past test years
243 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 1ll. atnd have the repaitatlois of ttirlillgout
eod-'tui the ilobbiest styles, moct perfeet fit, at
the most reasoncable Pricec, aini cain
A. E. tRose, for the Goldeni Eagle furnichhbutidreds of references amongst
Clotlaitig Co.. will be at the Cook the boys. Bie sure to pay hilnt a visit
housela every Tuecdaiy hiriiig the college whether you wish to ordler or no0t, it
year. . will pay you.

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