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March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…THE Hu. OF N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIR., TUESD)AY, ARCH 3, 1903 No. 111 'VARSITY MEET Has Some Surprises in Store-Hahn will Likely Compete-Homeops Withdraw-New Records The coming 'Varsity meet holds some big surprises in store. -The fresh- man class this year has more good athletes among its neners than any freshman class in recent years. The event, in which the nst interest cen- ters are the distance events, and the hurdles will be cl...…

March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…i ?+'11. _\"^ill sY I1i3's,)li 4.l \Xiaigsssi. (ssa a il11 1 551 ill Ifll ll 108 E. Wash. Sli Cxt. THE ii TIDE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. { lJ O F M . D A ILY tltt 'ssIr.t 'atie" i'' l 'c.t-t Ii~r 'ii isihill). '11i(is Fou iiPeni ti' 1 . ,l (LVsiIii '5 , rll 1) 1 's55F0 1 I NEW BOOKS The American Republic and Its Government; by' Jnssssss Albsert Woodbsurn Augustus Caesar; bylm Bis1. Firth. The Pride of Tellfair; bys 1 i iorslElliostt Peakes....…

March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICISIStAN DAILY. ti s s 1i Q AVY ~ Li S { ts>F< PALACE ANDPARSIA Thast's Ite ipiace where youS gets np-to-date iwork, With the leasitiouble to yonur- selves. Domsic finish a s-peciaity. M. F. DOWLERAyt.: l~ssv si oit ti'-i i l11 is l a siiltao1 rofo upon te originial iirs'sie, but in secur- irlist iit; isi-aitiiisiat a fair sprice. Our esta iilishesl poliyiif excluin~isg fiomns our stock everyiiiake anid nsterial if qusesti...…

March 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVEFRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .1. -T y v I -,\- a a \ a a - . , .r.,a . .rC - -r-Y , " . -. .. -, _. r ' CSr ,t r -'r v' : '+.f . ,^C " 'rr _ . a.; ... at+;^^" ta " y a . _ 7a ~~ 8 tn . .. . _ '-"r lr .. y . .. . : - d ~ ua +r"r >+r a ' 1 L Mt Y _~ r . -" .. .L _ . : w w ." . r"': r Fd_ fl- 3 !' , .. ti1.1 Y = :: ; : v, ' .. o Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $ 3.50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 rUI]TAN SB0[ 60., 111 S. MfiIN...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…_^ t v 1CQ.,7r kS 'C^f r ' c:1 4Tri :1 Y y d ! _ is1: 1 t " y F S '1 f. r{ -. F"j i 4 '_7 l ' w7 F, I V y-, f"rt ;;,, jy rr .,;; :.3A- i, F t-. c fY. p .: 5. ti E " : A N ] 1101, AMI.. 11.. API'I l 1 TRACK , IEN OUT ThrowRS HBtaiolo1 iilrkeThan Ever--C.0 C .to Rac 010, 111 ii I likr 1 _11111 ii iii ikr W , 11141 .Ii 10 11 c; I'1(1( 11 Il111 .- 01,11 Ii l ici1; 1( or ls d l 1 111 t I l 11 1 11\(, f u ,1 1 '' :li 11(1 t ii v l11ld Ikl lil_ S -j1...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…THlE UNIVEhiSI LY (i i 1'Iiht:=N DAILY. i a lly alS' . illIi l( l lIl G I .". Ii 108 E. Wash. St. 'ITHE U. OiF NM. DIY EARLE, 91. i1'I(N (9 ' Ix (91 'SiN*A tl' LElITOIRiS, ,1. li'<ct r,'a . Aseig imt lEdiltr I. '-R LN iix 1 11"! SUIN(Tipch"I urieQ of the U of NJ lyHy is woo fw t1 e £r)oewe you; :01, I tler': _r)[II III t3 [i 1 ' it1t+C: , ul' . 22112 L CSC, hnn(ieol I'i flt The !Io- befor£' y 11. Ul., ,r E nn:: ;, rl tr) the iirc ;l 1). I.i. o...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…Itt tN ij~ y ol Utl ttNi ",6 a *r ',9 S i 7ACKET? ,A BRAN' Price 1o clC it '.i ..: ...l c..2.. s> rt f. % : TUTTLE 338 S. Statec ':ALLtN THE ', SkfY BP DAN tLI. TAKtTh e~DREn~. <I I INti IA N~ tat: 0tt'ttt Oto 1? 1 C CAN YOU DANCL? ~ no can learn In u OC. mr ii at tic Unix rsttx Sit ix tit tt:lttCtc4 State Street, ~tttti ax att~. xVect x- .ax cx ettinys. 'xc ~ A ~~ ~%' T1 1W F C K a a a i - t '. ,.t' T5O HE A ieN alloey' to thecetL ox r writec...…

April 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…U? OttO 'tIff. N flY. - ) { Noy' - , . f. ._ rd , , .i ^t f ^ . -. n ;,: .? r .: 0. t^r t; , c r r,6",. " 5 . _ _, ° p' 0000 A " ' ' ._ t . i > "+''" l f . "1 { \ 000 / i I "{:t ... , :i4 ' ;'t. ., , y . 4 "= t l /IJIV. ' , l _' O/I+ IJ , o' ' T' r F. r 0 s w. P O9O . .OC&) < ."~0 t,- Q a .") . f ro. :v v ' '",,0 AT LOVI- I_' S ( or. :t CORNER %zoT0I4 :. ..:n frOm 8 a. ott. to 8. P.r. TERRIBLE Teai, Coffee, Chocolates, i~e Lamps11f1I~t o RA110...…

May 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…P112" Ilmw CI GAN WINS ic(: Chicagn Uiort 'f -m 2in21 to 4i-Captain 'j 5Iwo 1101m10Runs - '(I ''''iiteI iliri liio ':"i,._°tIi :b i'<(tt: I ('l i tt fI1ii ' )I '(i' 2ICS 1. ~ ii'li'i i11 l'i- l e l 1=11 ' l to ) lt to a i }n F5.-1) oi, ;::l so il (((l( ii ii lit I i))< Oil 81('7 1 IisIi-ist II} '. w i 1 lt liii11 tiiiie.1 Iii liii- Ii :+ Il 11'11 1^, it eII 0 I-s ;..1:II(t liii- li-ill ))))il i ii Olil Illov lIiid)lei- it L ii))ii% ) i it1iit ...…

May 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…A nnnunromm TIHE UNIVERSITY OFJl MICHIGAN DAILY. 1..-_. . 'THE U. OP M. DAILY sltc' ~1t2witi tt . I lI,1:llS1,(1i-tit ___________________________________________ tloit whi s 1' ni lily --ii Ene0 t c~rtcc~ mater-at Art Arbor I'iil"tto te' 'st r- ItIlk 's ;1 pohli '\ V' . Y, r _________________kr__III_ __l_ t___l'iiiiii-iI riiio Ii I oil MANAUINO ITOR1 0, i-ollt 'e 1i ol "lt lihi toii l- l olt''et.14I tt't EARLE I. IIIAUsTON .. Q srlf:111t1 Itli...…

May 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN DAILY. -' THE RIGHT THING S AND ENOUGH OAF THEM 7 Suits, 0Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the- F xclusive Patterns in new~est Men's Furnishing . - 'tnNls fi( nrrstt id_. ad ras, Cheviot, T i iU ii il "iiii'i Linen and Percale. hit itoe to tle rcii('di [SJRACKT RAND ' I iiit o tiiifiiequ ell'er. :Wagner & Co.WDASRA EUE The next painted picture Estlllilcol 106 1O E . lliiroie St %o h anri hto h 0~/'N, nth bnori tato tu...…

May 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…THlE T7-NIVI1 I;ITS' 01 ICIIICAN DI~LY. In .i< 4j A. ¢11 .i .re ,~ta~~ L~( Y . . . . ., . -.+ ..... . .. ,,,. . .~n v ". . .,. ., . . ... " - ^..- .r . . ..- -. r., W r v .. . - - . . . F ..,-_ - .. .... ^...r ...v .- -..^ . . -. . .v ;.. . , . . ..^ r . . w w "2 S._ lt \,ct A i ll y'' f{{. KAm- '11(11i ' ' ., r < i ; x t 1 l I ' ' l i l i 1,,. III , ' I. l I A I I ti, rt "rt ,t 1,r Iwk 'i1 1Tt!( V 1 A v I ' i i a ;' . T :,}I E .} _.. o .. _ ....…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…XL'u.ANN AillUOII. MICIL.WE] NE_'SI)AY. JUNE ,S1903 No. s.Io AN ITERSTIN RP Stewq'tt in Five FLit SQUAO IMPROVING.S I eal r Fl dcs Trip. t D llsiss-}r i ,i t As 'ish:t Ail- ck Isisr Sitit ria11 h LndBagsdae.WOW a h s WVkFas., Ti ______ i L ' ss i _______i-- I reI ''s- ,lei ts 555 .,s' 5?:ii ies - siesiii' 9iimi 't t O s. .tisi lt I stjis 'sit'acIi d© lap i ",n ' iii-: .Iit \'s's't s ci t s «'s Ii ' ll ' sit is i ,, 1" tisits it ai 'ts at.' a I...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. - -! Spinlg The largestandtostalS comleite linecof' THE U. OF M, DAILY Entered at ac wt-c1Lccca matter at Ann Arbat- Punt (S tt. Publishted daily (Mandays excpted), atring the college cklr at the tUniversity at Mlii- he bythe MiehipaacDaily-Newsa Publing (Caetany It sCc. ' iev mnti with pidae, for new team- as it is, it has onte better thtatn could have beeni ex\tt id . An f:trfays i- arty aehieventetat goes w...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…Tifl UIVERS1rY OF MICHIGAN DAILY -FURNESSA: 0~~ib THE RIGHT THINGS AN Sprin gENOUGH OF THEM I what keeps this store in close touch with the young men of the iuncverity. Our xhihil of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the Exclsiv Patern innewest Men's Furnishing Madrs, hevot,55 Isneru cadinjtere ting and Madrs, hevotinade up of just thoetiiss Linen and Percale. thatS gie tone to the wearer RAKET RANd ' M I i swho lik to hi wel des ed 't mod...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…_ ...1. derilii.s!+d. y++ aaP.s+ t,:. x s+ [.wilr s "sidsi. l , F; aws1.. Yn1:.. \; / ; ' _. . 4, \ , ! .a ._ _._... ._.._ ._....: ' ' 'r. b Ln , ..... . ' d l " !_ t. ~ / . 1 i s Y Li. - i d r TJ ', rI ! f' - ,_. 4; ,,. isL f. ' t ,, 7. - Ls ti:? {i _ R , ' ;. -,fie : _.: ¢1= .x ': F - 7 - r .. °_; ; .: ." :. 7 ' C' 4 .: 4' L A [. . y ,_ .' -! -af9 ,, y3 , " ..; f : ' t '" e'' ' . ,? ; ."e . 4 ' ,r+t AU t2 '1 vf r V^I , , . S S _. j ", '..Y ....…

October 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…* he MchiganDail VoL,. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1903. No. 5 "flCflUOAN VS. CASE. ;GR[A JURIST 10O[LECUR FootaltSeaon pensThi Afer.Sir Frderick Pollock of Oxford Here noon--Other Games in the West Next Week-Of Interest to All. and East-Results of Games - Posted.Mitliligan stdes twill tex week t are ian slilsri tuty l to e uite of Miehiuit-lase x Ann rharlnlaitd's uost (ist ingiisi it jurists, ('hicags Intain t I 'iiet. when S...…

October 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…Fall Alllounclement.. Th I t rgo.,-tt,,ttdMost Comtple 10 teTo :. WOO -LENS in A n Arh .11)1ort ite fotutnd at (a. It.Wild .ti.('o's, 110 N4at \Washitg't on -'t. t 'eat aaiit ave been takenin t t'tttaetottys4 &4)tet'(oatin; for thits :t etotofl G,, H.WIDCO., 108 E. Wash. St. H THEIAN'S' C1e 1W t ' CO in ** Lnilversity : Al 4py. R A U TILE MICI-ttttAN IDAILY. THU MICHIGAN DAILY itattttdttt att wett to any outtsitetr Ittho Imay chance tto te tt...…

October 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…r- THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y. JVCHIGN_____ * 1-,2rL'S N.1ITTIEST "The Niaara Fals Rout." STHE IIoIIT h .1NCK EA,1ND ANN ARBOR to *" NECKWEROUND, CHICAGOBAHRBS BUFFALO *DECORATI NEW YORK 3 AND BOSTON 3 lN El. EGA NT sn Loui. Kol -(iv S1 Plod cn1 te19 e 111 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD _-____--_ AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Traion s r 'oAnnArI r1l1y-19 (sil':d "t No l'1 I ti ll - '''i ((2 NI.o1t2(- .0 . w ne.t1 Inn111 . I. I.rrr l.ii arson Nos. I r11. I fY))I U.o...…

October 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…T.lE MiCEIIGAN DAIY ruritan Shoes$30 ON THE SQUARE WE'VE GOT THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. LET'S SWAP! 111 South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. PENNYOOK.DARLING & MALLAEUIX, PENCOK R E N T S C H L E R Foe ayhing ithr line o The Conectioner. 310 Soth State St. * Maker of Photograph-s Framing, tall on Rentschler, Pillows, Ienannts, Fancy (foods Fine Confections. Lnches, Phon 9-1z". l2e(Co er t\-laini cinid 1011 dSier(. adN tos j why imycandis thaand...…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dailyi VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDA, NOVEMBER 3, 1903. No. 32 RETUJRN 03FlMEtT[Afr.t OCTOBR IN[ANDER. OP[N PRACIC GAfrI[ IN MEMO'IRIAMr. Welcomed At the Station By a Large Extracts From the Minutes of the and nthuiastc Crwd-Dawn Pleasing and Artistic Number-Valu- Michigan Rooters May Now See Their; Senate of the University of Mich Through Town By Students- able Historical Article Essays Favorites In Action Daily-Light iga, ...…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Annloluncement.. The Largest and Most C ompletI ie of:.. WOOLENS an Ann Aror will e found at G. I. Wild & Co, 1(8 Past Washington St. Great pains have een taken is the selection of all sitings, troseriogs & verceatings for this season. G. H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. Latest Books $1.08 Each Th lgcForest, ByStewas~rt rwaC ~iise iti9 The Hleat of Rome, By P. MaronCiawstors Little Shepherd of Kingdom fS Come, By JhitFoxi...…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y. "ThwgyaraallsRoute." a eY uS e h m ANN ARBOR to Yo3Te CHICAO Colege randCloths ar youn mens Ils. lecus~omi CHICAGOtailorscant n orsenfor tsyos u ct.i read ae'll. I BUFFALO "DO" about half moetherle. XYo'lid al the Sing - NEW' YORK of the extreslo'sylye-allteaeclucusienes of fatrican LoiKna iy t lAND sT.NpatrIi with direct connetions at Chicago fr St. COLLEGE BRAND GAR.MENTS Pr information and throgh ttcketscalt on or Bul....…

November 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PURITrAN I1O[ FOR MEN and WOMEN Before buying, see our new Fall Styles and you will look no f urther NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE Ill S. M1ain St. PENNYCOOK. The Confectioner. 310 Sooth State St. 4 o0 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the tine of I FieConfections. Lonches, do Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Reotsthler, 0 FieI05Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Hluron Streets. 5 Whiyibuy candieslha enthe00 I :1,o- I05 lt os...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. QIRID[VS' CHOLA Conditions of the Scholar vided By Cecil Rhodes-T igan Men to Be Selec The late Cecil John Rhod ed by his will for the est for male students of schol the yearly value of $1,500 any college in the Univers ford for three consecutIvea years. Two students from may be appointed to thes ships, one in the spring o one a year later. President Angell, of theI of Michigan, President Spe vet College, and Pres...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Vl'nl THE MCIGNDAILY Publsed da y Monday exceted) durinig the All oll eei ent eR 1ANAOI1N( DI 1 OIL: II JSINf:SS SMANAGLER: 10)551011 I. 11El 1) The Largest and Most Complete Line oi f (I'RSIT:d Athetics - .)rt~lc . 'VALTr A 'so, - - - - - . .5.(a r ASSOCIA'TE(S: A. G ound. A. Ii. (Littueyer. (wo.A. (slron. tan'd Cd St.50 llWOOLENS. ndr%%s in Ann Arbtror ill1)befoud Editur Tuday-GEO. A. OSBORN. at G. fl. Wild & Cos, 108...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…TEE MICHIGAN DAILY. N.agaara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE-' ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago fo St. .Lens, Kansas Coy St. Paul and tier west. For information ad tisogtickes cal nter write to W. W. CASE, Aent. Ann Aro. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S IBILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tbacos JAS. W. REID, Pop. 312 Sae S., S Ihave nse received the largest and fiest ine or Turkish Cigarettes and...…

December 03, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 'T s - - - Pritan Shoes " . r .. 4 M"'OGuL,, PCIQARL1TLS G;rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOCIJL SMOKE. MAKE.S G'rTIAN SM'OKLMS a Cok Tp orPlai. Save the Coupons. For 1011 andr 11101 R _. ' . -;= :- « '. ,,. ,_: :,aao ~ i p0s :.o ". ."p ,y O From tor Yol The W. C. Keril Co. 8 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. 'ICaps and Gowens made to or- der and rented. Pen...…

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