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LOVI- I_' S ( or. :t
CORNER %zoT0I4 :.
..:n frOm 8 a. ott. to 8. P.r. TERRIBLE
Teai, Coffee, Chocolates, i~e
o RA110 I0'IEI
of~tS [I f'tA~t ~ (r0,M. MARTIN...
AT 114\ " If1111 . FUNERAL
1'tooo;1.0<Urings. DIRECTOR
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(011 . . M E 1 A 1'.i S0 . 0; 11 01 lli I . 1t , .I'i' 'i
itModern Job Printing 100li 1 1:1il ltl111:" i l
ip The Kind o u o areo'LookinglFor 111111w11:11too~. Nowo ooo , t11. 110 1
1'Pone 2 1_1x. 215 S. Main St; 00100000 cto 100000 toor : ' ci1000000 ti1+100 fort' 1t1
}}ithes and Hair Goads ootoccit 0 t0 11000 ,r0 1()"tiltct
I-rice lh 1100 00 ooo t ; tooooill o1111'ot:01ott o 1:
1111 ile. t ';') } rz 11'I re lotio 1(. ' I: 1]'(too' (000000000001' 11 x10
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.April1 -1 'tooioo'' W ilstt c'
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rooplero OsuplloteS. Cusisong
11:1. F r osi .1 ooy , atI2:5 a
00. :andol12:45 a. tm. IForo'Jao hourltoly
000. fromto 6:150a. i. unootil7:15o1). m. Thten
10t :15 1. in. andol11.10 1). 000.
oWaitinog roorn HuronooSt., NV0. of Main,
s Pharm- a '0. 100 oS oOE$
L DN A'KITT kLE , ,1i 'Sto o toir0It' !ioo2
.vey Student 5-,hould Ini=
vest jo Cents
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:. Ici ' - 1to e too 0c000
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ii:;, f 00' i. Sotttl 0001you oo o' ooloy wtot '1-
'0, 'co'ks0f000'ewel0I0,10 ' ifo opoo o'lood
:its0 ttOto'0 0000't o''0 -0 o.o't 'ibo
(': ;tjl ;itoO 01 00100 t wk,
001ck , ' o 01. 1''o.0 si000.
a0. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Cenotraol Stand
arioTin, e.
t, t -.10 1t1ti obon Plot oooo'ority'l000, i Eft'iove (Oct. 20, M020.
00 to, ' od' . "tinder' tleoso' o'otllto'oo SOUTH j NORTH
i+) 101i'B1)0-10 t o ly00000. o'o rof '0 1' 100.1k
: oo11-11 iooo :Indo'0.No. 6.- 0:40. . Noo. 1.-9001A. ..
SNo. 2.-Itro.t;3 . M,. No. 5.-12:30 P. M.
__________No. 4-0.. Noo. 3.-4:531 P. M.
11.0-.t.1?1'S 0 1?00I.1io0 S TOII..
Eyeo 10'' oe 'epal00001.0l10 100' l 'Oat 'l'TroinsooNoo 0 anod 00300unlobetweenooAnn oArbor
Tr toooo1o , o, , r ad ,dOlty except Sundioay
.W 111.1.00Agetrt
PARLOR & BOWLING J_______________,' A
707 N. University Ave, I JHJA ENIA
00>sorlI toe est l etstoc of Sttonatry'0 "The Nagara Falls Roate."
00oxo oo llr t'.' t0b0rit oto' f1000>0. ANNABRTO
Al1so i 0000y o oth:,",00000' tlooot Wh00lot 1 CH ICAGO
otb r otocin,call itoo11(1oo t >o't 11rBI...B FIA
___ces NEW YORK
11.c *p* C l eeeue, ott 00 titoot 1t onn os ILLi ,ao frto 0
00r oo 7o(J ' o tO 0000001 iir t O 0 1 !00, ho t
10 00 01TE T.0Fr'Ii0 ooi AS ; o. 000 :LIToooo r to
T .A -.dFriday, April 3 rd. tr
r S e Coaurse fickets $1.00. Single Adh-ission 50 cents.
Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain=
ing prettiest line of lome=Spuns ever shown