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March 03, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-03

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No. 111
Has Some Surprises in Store-Hahn
will Likely Compete-Homeops
Withdraw-New Records
The coming 'Varsity meet holds
some big surprises in store. -The fresh-
man class this year has more good
athletes among its neners than any
freshman class in recent years. The
event, in which the nst interest cen-
ters are the distance events, and the
hurdles will be closely contested. A
number of new ecu will enter the
distance events who did good work
with the cross-counry clb last fal.
The polo vault will have a number of
well matched mn', and as Dvorak
will probably not eter, the result
is very unc+ertainl.
This sill be the irt meet of the
season inl which the whole 'Varsity
squad sill complete and there is a
great chance for tooy records to b
broken ont the in-w cork track. At
present Huhn is slightly out of codi-
tin owiving toa cold, but it Is ex-
pected that he sill be on hand for the
sprints Saturday night. Dickey, who
was exhausted in the Freshmatn-D. U.
s. meet last Salurday. is new in good
condition and siltlirobably be n the
floor for the 'Varsity meet.
The relay races now lie between the
senior ls, the junior laws and the
fresh engineers, the hoteots hain
withdtrawn fronthle- contest. Thurs-
day aftetrnoonth le tiren-camties sill
be pliltcld in a hat int IDirector IF it-
patrick's olbiee and teeosil be dawsni.
T1hese two will rre next Saturday
night, tnd tie wituers will go against
te thurd eaminat the Ilinois meet,
Mairt- lb1. The the tians art- almost
evenly nmatchte, andt the risut is
assailed sithintlerest by the tmemblers
oftheeonlesiing (classes.
Ot1theliei-rof Siiitdty it sas -i
nioutithtitAr-lilt Rtihni siill tint
for theo Milwvautk-eAthletic Cluth in
the comititg amteurtittmee to be teld in
thatt city. As Air. Hlahln itas heard
nthtiitg tcotcerningtheafairitil.there is
little probbiil lity ttle will partic-
'Trainer Filittrick ysertay re-
civetd a retter f rm Trtinr Mdmber
of the D).11. S. tttitking him for t
treattment whlicht they reied while
in Ann Arbor.
Las.t Satut-day Retstok did the
quarter itt 54 fla, antd Kellogg did the
half in 2:0X,:1, which shows that te
star two-miler ctitiase run shorter
distattces sithi sonicslied-
A New Fad
The "hair-cutting" crze hats agin
made its appeactrance atmtighe stu-
dents. Thistleilme it is iotetesen the
freshmtient and sophiomores but rather
is a rivalry atiti t seseral of the
juniors tatd seiotrs tie to st-lensbe-
longs the honor of hatvig the smoth-
et "ivory-top" Sice its inaugura-
tion te fad liastipred very rapidly
anid the number of hairless heads is
constatntly increasitg. Te originator
of te "fo" wwso"sobby" SRoinson,
thetark captin tItd ittts bentre-
porediltintSquitels-ai tnumbter of his
classittiit sill lbt siorti of their curly
loeks s soon s te temtperature
Prof. Hoffman on Thursday Night
At te tcly cotcirtoniThurtitsdaty
night t fie lit-ietoril liit.Wi-
litamitofofmatnfl-the ews ieadoof the
ortestrsltteptitianitttof the Shool
of SItsic. will tmtoke his ist titieat--
Smallpox in Ann Arhor
Smatollptox si,-sit-, svtit-tli owetvtetitom-
Shoat that iexpie n ced dutrintheii-past
twvo seaistons. 'Tetirestitnfortutnatte is
tntt a studt-nt, bthle has bcen re-
tttetd frottt his residetnce, 48Ttihtm-
suit strect, to, the University hest
Dr. Carrisgton Reviewed His Life
and Works- Second of Series
on German Authors
Yeste-rdaty aftcrtntoon it 4:13 in Ttap-
lpii Halliletcure roonm itcurred t
secontdt of te seit-s oflectutrtes on
Twostdents. ClitordlStevetson and Germattin sittths Tu eicotrrstis
Mauric Edmttndsibotht of Kattmatzoo, Dr'-arrtngton, sthlispo1kott'lstav
tre quttrantintet littte house ia t etlig H Ie be-ani by giitg tisht
Thomont. 'Tey hatd attendedisi severtl sitottelt of 0-rsyt-gs life, wthictst
classes otn tecatttth is bfore iitin a- f'tiittssitbyits desctitp-tiotttatutudiscts-
thoritit-s liteiti- etre ofthiiituttre sitt itt"Dit liitt" 'T'iiswsork is
ofth isae, utfrtnteythy etititpo-eo f ight oves dalitg itht
The tetidict-this yaseem otts ttbitthSlitoiok iui Stll tutd H-gn,"iwichtti
of ai rathtor tmi lte. Thliis p- b-tit otie n riiie.Iete
tit-dicail sci-ittochas latiittilmae intSithit-stry (f st-lil-lietittutuiiinSsomes de-
A. A. U, MEET outssvit-is-psnted-tt-tcisttheit-itenuty.
Itis teitittenegt-lttt-inttionttt hat
the herineiicof Sit-ssitrk, itoto imi-
Eckersoll and Blair will Compete~ agintivie tititioutitt ttsha-vitxsttd
Rivalry is Very Intense-Wscon ini reii life. Tiii Ihero is coely idet-
sn Expects to Even Scores titd wcti Icteytig himstel-f
Tlec t -tit-ersioidtt iteett
crititistt agtaintst IFisetg s a wrtittr
'ahc feturtte of tue A A.517. met is tat t- wsimly itscholarm-.so
if Milwauitket-test Saturdat-y ighti still thattilestiritigs s-iuldi tnstle totalistic.
unditouitedliyIcr ite li-s itt itash i Ilitirer. i in t. Strringtnmt,, sqetiosti
sthicht Eekersotl tl it tie 5-uk antitislecriticismitis httily firt.stieht
BlatiritfSChic-tgoi still agitryttcotn -exsiset-tis tief-htthtt rtytag wtstt
elusiotns. Eck-solw foi ttinBOut i at swiitti-of getiltity astie sti-tati
itt Btlair stirthatS hietwiastnot ittcon-sutiet loth sitctstit-ltoil-ttis-Stiitrhis
litioti titntv as Sufitnit froImttuovter- clotied-titygsotig;that Irttt dg' th t
steight tandlNtritenot Itt form ifortsi ltt rite(w ga- otttis t (,t ict tt turetttti.
itirel-ont-inetfhimsthelutist t iti______________
uetsitatutuas le ittetnds t sitsri lihii t "Mty Friend From India"
igantttnext fatl. li t-frau-k mi tt-itthis ( heli I h fto-tt(5'1ut)sitWis-onusit
Uivsrsitys t-it-e int-ore ttan a tpassitg UtIti-sity gote vetitry i-s-lit-ittpre-
hInterest ii intee t-nhgittthesetruto-senttiotltofttl- I- Fri-ndtifromtuIntisa"
'The mtit tw ill aIto furtnisht itgotd fsontab tle oaudhis-se. The platye
tptpuitto tsthe is t-otislirtmttio st--is-thi s-htsiktiwnttaitetist ttutg
gi i-it ev itSChi--gitlot li-uuthe Sidtestudtosin iithis- Shtltiti tinstit-
isttiuitwhich itthis la tt'totut oduhuuutu- ioittitltu this-entthuiso the tu ti-i
iss-ri- totsthis two tsiswestks aog. W is- cut-i- mtnifettstet- sl-f iirepetedst
ratisintis oing ttatlontg t ot.topidi rtte it ros
is ft-e -hointg inthut-i eti- trSy-oat Atontat(, at- iiroet-sesrt- e.
sotmewtsha-thtrpitsed-theills-ttsierstsc-ti-ibet. S.I. io ilettehife t-ttoh te
pecialis lyCitsaittKillsatiltkstill thie-tgovternor;tir-lts. F. A. Bitgestitt- ittthe
ty tit -iki-gottdthis tdetlatratt,'*ittiprsidetitiof theis- vi eity. tush Sis.
tmenswere muttt imnconiutiton, bitthit-tiWilliomtiF. itot tie of this-formers
you comtie to Maistetotton lorchi 14 U Ssntort.
ste stillhbeat-toboadlytumd io brag- ITheipItt-it-s-sgivein isit ofte
lug abutmfit." prtstsof Sm-yle tutd lilt-i'who
Sagg is t hresemnt inthie East, utav- cl-itu iioiya-lty rights otit Sy Friemd
hug his-etlled lt-erioSy tesetioume ftomsItu dOia."Theluy aketi $0 tuea
illness itt his imotthctr. tonsidtion-ut for-allussigiteplily to
hit-preseted.-u 'hectamotut hatdual-
Pfesident Angell Mentioned re-tilt-ehit-s-iduto a Gotamnthuatri-
Whiut it comeuis to tlkimg of iUitedth get
Sktes . - itfore thetr tcisen eidsethseYaesNwCb
alreatdty enteringk te uarentate mem-Yae NwCu
Soued. ,Amonig these hesSPresidet All- Hoardly wsthSie anouncmenuut made
gell, pressidi-nt of the Uniesrity of ructlyttof theiuformtonuu of thu Petie
Michigani, wsye ability as tutuorttor, clus. compohuusdo of fle shortsst tutu'
expcrienceust tunmueducttortush iplp-inhtie senior chis ts SYaluni-erity
nutSuttd breadth of mintd tre deemed befoe if cinco li--tthutthflu tll
by thiningmieniomi fle outside to hie mut-m of he college inthutsstuenrclts
She retl ualuouities wvhichm should nake hadut orgoanied a club amd cled them-
bhut omitsof hut'fortemosut nationmuatfig- st-it-seuthe htttbiigtuogs, switetitu
ures. Bmt tut tentailiy is ontly a se- Chica-ogo Its-c Oct-tits secial cois-
ondarny conusideuraonu to titusp-opec piuuuhut It Ntw Hots-cu.
aportionuing ott;lots Somte iday,-leu-- T tuecomet a memusutbe of tithewmc
hatlls liu-higtuu tiil waktip tuamd sendmshbaon te tmust tueosutrsBItfeet 1 iuct
a fuss Sutttys sunRoouisvel-ts to te inheight. Theires rist uhuttttwev ebesm
Uited Sotss sinttt.-Destoit TIribunet. aShpreent. 'TheIpresienet is tre'rtc-
lucluWiliamtutiWhiumi of NwtvYouth
McAlliter in Charge city, a mnuucubu'c of the footbattl tem.
Getorg' A Goyis of Wterburiity is this
Cits-list Si Aliteicof theue Itroit se-t'l utur Sand uturt IB.Sutphilun itt
stll Stetastot ndereds-u Ihis st-i-iices (S iuni theti ii sre uisiintuatr utea-
s u-oc ot-i ithe hose' bioll manage-ougs r.
utemt until hutsicitit tam gurs'situtu 'he tallestinto of te roswd.is
its ut-lug trittAltc.llittut towa tcd iThunitBokerofitSCni mltiul.wshout meas-
Sththe iratii' yester'datylit ouasietfromui itt-u' feeu-t liches. 'he umemberisu
"Slivers" Adkins of Beloit
Siteli'Adkins the Bloit (College
pit-c.rtstas munSMiwatukee host week,
mush mu convettrsoationu i w i lt-triedestuad
Shot hitshuoui matduse o efinitis aturange-
mnutsfusethe uoing uproessional
se-ston. ic is thiking srioutsly of
platyiig sithi flu NosyYorks American
Liague teaimt if te organizationm gets
together soonm, tamnt is also consitering
tutu ofcm'rSeoagtin tinlfor huffy's
Adkinse is sill attending school, and
nut mater tiitshtaflub hitsdissides
t signt hut'sillfinihthi sem,grat-
ating hut Jutt'. lie h-asemu clusen
tmnmager of teBeleoitt hlclib and
is tnsot st-ees tutua sedules
'The fatthtuf ify has prcticaly
Shut sattmttmun as lust year,'' sd Ad-
kitns "showusthatufhe tits a goodultSesi.
I prit aeftteter season hus year than
ever bifoue.
Only Athletes will e Eligihe-owa
has Already Organized a Chap-
ter-A Novel Plan
A north patn is out foot at te Uni-
versity ofIttowastlokimng to he found-
hg otfti mustnatioalttufrteriityswhich
tiill hut unmiuec htithatitoemly tthetes
whio haveswsnsthe Sitsnmitial Otetter of
thi-icollehgesstill Sitseligible to nem-
berehip.'Thut'lithoum riginated wi-th lre
A. Knuipehu t' balltuoiicochtimidtSb
athtes-ts o wuaihavue tken-uipte
ilt-t ivsith the ut rpottses of makoinimg it
natuitonal iniits sopeThis chter .t-
ot Isota ihasulectedl Sisbert tue presi-
udusnt oandhatts oalrtady uadoptdh reou-
tits tutu by-lawsto iigotecun teor-
g-anizatiuutu After'their ott-t trganiu-
zatonu is prectd they with seek to
extendthit aontimg ltseolegeiof the
'Big Xiii-' tututhe cotlegeseof fle
lEstill bhinvadetdhtslatter.
'The uoriginatuosrs ifthie sc-tiete chuim
tht it silt be ti gootdh thing for cllgo
amatoes-urism.u 'heuy think itatsotine
instii utn is needsdituo ibringth ie
atletues togter tutu immths sw'ay
tumtu tSby tuscittionite acutaint-
outueehutes whic-hm tre fered by he
Looking to the Future
'hut- till of P'rofessor Sylvester Wat-
erhoeuse, at proentueu educator of St
Louissswho died teb 12th, hus just
been maderpubi. Ife left $,0
divitdttlas follews:
Waushmington umiverity, $21,000; Mis-
sourt itorical Society, $5000; Phil-
p 1Exeter Academy$,0; Dartmouth
T hedtnat uioniof $25,000o Wash-
ingto nuittrsity ruamie, according to
flue conditioms of te will, be touched
untilthe ye-r 2,000 st-len it is hoped
flue fidmiOwsill have icreased o $1,-
(1)000 by reasn of acumutlated in-
Has a Private Studio
Prof. Sturm, whio was umti recently
connmetedt th ie School of Music,
still oenm a s-hlium -studio inthus city.
Ie liii approemstis of huh former
pupiils mu the Schotol of Music, request-
hug themu to econtinuue their mumecilei ed-
ucatonhenth-llthim ite ihad itS pupils in
te School of StMeu mi ad seme of them
hat-esprt-st'dthuir inttntionu of fol-
osing Prof. Sturmt.
Its heami odduthing hutS manuy of the
instructrs in the u icscsihol, as
soonutas this-i'terminatte their rlattins
st-th uthesectuotlshotul attemtpt to
dtrtuaw'ytits epupils, butuftitlefourS his
hut' s' r eq suent s to bticetunmotie-
tute' If it keeps n teuie will
u-suitenusuim in ousing contrtcts with
instructors, a cause mniy haove o be
hut ill te controc to protect the
schuoolh ftomit after eese of this kind.
The mtanager of the University mus-
col cubhs has already sent in the order
for the souvenir watch fobs If any
of he members do nt care for them,
they are requested to notify te mana-
gee at once. Roehm & Co., of Detroit,
have been given the contract.
Ste totfmuou is h otu, hosteter, a itg at fewuss o I leh tusd i t ts Irgoiutotiout tu ti i t oast toitheirhit-
stroapugm' toiAntil trAnorus umicioanu, as "itutu itbu-loiotidtht lve
luce'11 btiefociiotriuelou u tit Os militit' oiithi ly tets 1i' iitittitinH1S ututs of the S ttituge
veal.' his' t-illtui-ittettu-inttistotrtoftthyess -tth licu tut r11m eshp 1ist
hieefo erl w ostontti eItoititaouh tnilustuot 'Stlil e arcom Itl s ut tucu 'ho-i'enuonin tus__________________
hue huts bet-ti itlltStse D nosuch Opera -'___________
comnuuuy us sescontd concrtmoihstr. permnenuuust coiach, still takes chuotue. $100 DAILY $1.00
Prof. Stitmley tros exceedimugly for- BA OPRCIE
tunate So fill flue position oi such short SAJ SATC The U. of M. Daily will be de-
notice with a musmciaim 'hose reputa.- ISanjo Chub practice Tuesdaty ni-Out
tien is made before he comes So Ann at soyven o'clock. Everybody kimndly livered for balance of school year
Arbor. show up. LEADER. for $1.00. Leave orders at office
Daily balance of school year $1.00- Subscribe for the U. of M. Daily. 320 S. lain $t. Phone 13.

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