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October 03, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-03

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* he MchiganDail
FootaltSeaon pensThi Afer.Sir Frderick Pollock of Oxford Here
noon--Other Games in the West Next Week-Of Interest to All.
and East-Results of Games -
Posted.Mitliligan stdes twill tex week
t are ian slilsri tuty l to e uite of
Miehiuit-lase x Ann rharlnlaitd's uost (ist ingiisi it jurists,
('hicags Intain t I 'iiet. when Sit liee 'it' i Itlloelt, cortpus
lhtttest-irtttll d ilitiexpilrot'lt'sortiitt isprutdenc e in Oford
Nutnet; it''n h i II a Stis' Ui'ttvetsit y, sill ielivee ti eres sof
SJttt ttftt ivee daily e tres here. Te geteal
Pittlti lisuiulii it tu~syr Ii. tu l i'f lttt'es iiof loc'tm itutgs uiThe
ti'sttsrvilw at Maislasrts l hei athe lbarontwil ldelivert
t'x'td se-trtkii' t L afi V ay tst i' l. ttti ec i t ilt 'tallyh I fillowNingt ibi- i
YtaeVrt moni't'ati New Havuiien . tatFogudttionis ofi' s ticei It. ti ii
SeincocofcvatPrtteo.L-Te clso nlie 6Pnei Sliat i tleia, 3.itheiSwordlistJuttite
Willan -L ri i R C at Aii I 1{e' i ll att'ii giv ttte a. sp le tal tt
lal toex i' iiitiasw iletcutirei tion ii e Iuuu' iii i stremi ofg
riniti' lbytit Ai hers't ,tlii Ililtatrw C A H FI LrINeHpOS .or'' i ting''.tit5 i ttiI 'utti y'i
t t'i it sltitltit situtfs a et Pi ts Y ,C A R C P I N AN IL P A .T'tt i rs i ttt of lt' lii' ture wl t akeitt
'retysute tll it'' Crsgitit Iituaitno tver- ee t tu t itut u-it'lii nsr sit Iliisty rutn ii tuiixai hu n. 1;' lt ockw ittuand I tere-l
nilintlgeatee Provi dencetl(gli i i' u'it tmu .s attl i ii tnt'atdsuldurs I teses i llIiheIthuea''d'sio it
Thiise ty. I Iatthrseis 'lu ock oitn iittttit totutl tli i Iiitii I~ti it lwis letie l c n e u usoli f iiheifolliing dayIin 1881.
is ii uth i tt siuFiet iep a e l l uu l li'r'sI uu s'l i'rr itt'tl uiltsu nt w t u itt i i sitt'ea rll iar rvI ii'tul ant he I t ut Hill
lit hti m oftih e i deI i' t'il it' l a sty1t1 uil i'sunbnl tih nt ofrs l utit.s uct' i tunt is tits members'it Iof
's'hedulinsthantMicihegwa has'tuIdlas
ye .ithugut uili 'itl i li- its' tt iuttta' atll. dII J igh si iu i-s iiiin aiiru t' t.tt itrt urly illruss, Aieng is
ruttwh utY s' ro ie Il tuagatintsithe- tti'ttt-s'is t it u' oty atit' 's' au 'Ihte uxuuur t h o ruhitheyi re "I oflts-ursei
Yt'elexpertien tedum'nuu frou Ilihhe u't'uutCaseiisu ttxl u'it tcia its tsnily atl ilti ssullius tii prtlutu i m i l;y ''olusht s' (Law Is-
tcinhtfi lc luti thtuatun ti ta i n iti huo 'uus'Stli umuluttui'usss it i' i ti' uayts ut istststl htvastly-i onhu tettil ht is,' 182
gl suhu Itiiu' it itnIht tiii itt uu'(iu erc' ittux le o a irt t f itt ot etdu t-or Xitts iny Shutw-
awnt tI ctill atius iz,(a e tsl it t ) tuuutuh ii i' w htoiusuu'u a 10' wt Ii tut ht tutu es.antutmu olierhet ' hai- stu en
ofiten ofilsot h a ppu'unie s'uu tuuu -u--'hu uuuu tl tuts u-utltitti' tusinyhtheltdwilspes telyt o e y itSiuiai'is'-uus ut eladr--
thi' c grsidi t i a l u-tu (tust 1. ,h utuouatiiittl t uuutttu n hr hut itt-h ut tut u r Fred-as
"l s i it gtutiulutei' ltuam i' Xi illu, Itil X udtu' 'uittuu'soGO F wN-ATC . stsuutuf'ir s utu'ut. u lan intereti gsutfitt
aruivin A'nut Arbort litlulltilthit tmornut'CO'ACHu'IELD tI H lOtrit. 'stausst i it u Shre t neli'rit'l aIut ein ' tnt-hi easriu
1ro 58,ir st ('pitt-is s7t (tutu ne hut-.sunsuit AtR ECEPsTsItt .1. . BA wl iistN Dsuit Ii Lusu Ah .s' ils n re i t o ctit m ilettuit ittrlismnt arytshu
187,rk. ttHihuryichi gan tdet ilt
turnlt . lot.I78,thu'sswr neu' n10 show h s T 'lUitli -silt IiY. sM.'C.utAIts illas iigant'tush th esh a y and, et'if hut'- gio tt'i'ln i tui' iit uuluuuh
128, 10 1 Itibynugt od 187, II i i i Irot'{I liits I (uuiig "hetep tnsft''he yesayr tg aiusgb e uded simtIh epy- s enlite 4'slu-ru-s ii lila u-t i t I, t 'ui'''
lutI s , y.i'; 152. I .. s h i, .it I'uuuiuugsiattcitt-u-u HalsltTu' hal t awthe hrof ayst coss ,lianti1,sil' tiuS l1in u-t-.nin t-it frhsuis li
grext , I". tta' ritt' icll imeitt o rocii Eldt ittuiu', tuu tan usuh x et le haluusuu'ul csusutisu sil s'uuh alu t'u Elu-tottuand'Tintu it utColet'gi,
h~uhte titiNuri-tis hh, 'u- atut1 t tuI l l s ttu'suiritso of te ers n elet thir tirs eh tirnlict-sitt hisi a ttit tissls-tttu sut-t Sx
H Xh'u'tss 112,'Ihusissuus I 1 hi hiss tstuuu'utilu'i is, 'thus uhut'i'ust'i us-u gai, uXg st-lst lstrecitlltetut'othheuxcssat
112.1111gt'h'en s 1 t h , en onthe i el.ust il l t tt sot tutu', lyutun th lti stsus hi le ant wi d s s tr u nt sxu s h t i n tu. leuut.ee h no edW-l
Ises172o, Xwh'u wasut injiu, edl it1h hu tu den s uueuut tu tutu thi' isst yha sta erixctynHal. se reetayablst ogi t stuu SNOR LT5TC T
Ironvedi8, Iss pie s t lil n . anthi ~ s t nlt' Iitt t hut l s es ev r l uttu iia s h ae 'I ]e.8 n I e a s l . w s s o ir; nr t m o e i o c il u b r- p a e n b n s e o e l e e l ~o isits I ht-in lui t i- c rputns' fesso -
I ke sfsnefom ams s rpll oer lotuperucuauss itustsp hti-nshlt akeniix tikeswixthur the latn s usrur tut xhotduit'lhut,8 wit'
ine other mnu r e r Aon iniontotput (,erwhit-hi spus's-msict..ve,-woilt liii', uxes-u linis anduisuut ow, 1 ditus rlly Iflth ,
Cpa s p Mtet teprcich i t s ng wBa hse ngall d"M's." an-T'hellingrst rie tush sF'eld lasutrs Xt-tu'tty ttit 7, ntth'Sly

Brndtsu left eitd tuedden-uustudents hare alreaudy guiltenitseIrhue-inttestedass notheur tiktitunis'-
Wheltare left. tackleir Curltis ''hie tolloing tutu-ite'et'wtrdedlIins, antI doubutess a numnber haveus'ust oft tru-uurust isn.
Charleswrnth Isftguaurud Seihll s'M's atthis-cloise'sift 11'heasebhall sea-bhen soihlsit whuih nottuaccosuunt. hias 'liii-lict-it-wh'tich mnadeitIs a Iihiu-
Kuufffn s ce-iter en tugury sontlast .luise:tft hu, hReddehn, harts, turetnreeired.T'elumbetnhr scudulaist sn-u'I lls it ittuitits(as55 tuititttt
Dennuis righut gutarud (Gooduing (tilttung, hint, Campxbeul'l, XWolte, Fans- yernreuchedshehreighuthuhneretsmurs, uhurtse<at uist ts -i Tusphuortlti uin
Caduilet, Capt..- right.tutackl h t-it' $titus, ('-..*rrut iurs,Iohitii, ('ste, Ciurtis. hut judginug tromtshut'sulssalreaudy l'nesii -Etirt V. Aldrnidge.
Gtillie righutsuit CravrrGI. Redeull ntauelecnteducaptauinxoti hetrnade,Ithe managemgnttesxpets thus' Vise -rsidets- liss Auny Savagste.
Or quarter lbackhn Nourutosashiss it of 1itnuber this year Is reach rh-run Mluss. Secary-Mils astsut Ilsiit
Davidsoin left haltfus-Ia hshtuu Il i'euston lhe mjoitvittofthes'players siill ne- hutndred. Watrnugynahsiumusshaus 't'rs'sssue-S.inEmryT' homnason.u
Green riglhal buitackLe lugroatIurisantituShut'hrtse(hutu-txoimnext sea- usotSb'comr the hussy Ilace itwithlhis' (rtuiuur sisirgi'A. SMalcolmn.
Rrsch, ipmten fusll uacks iammndutlsitsart-exceeut-nissit my new m ien ofbytyh(benmd of unext week, alhouugh h'ooutbhaltlNsManaer-Herbert E. ('te.
Thet scors otthus'gainss ini this'promtiiet'htauv'' sutures[this tall thue nuinber of lockerns soxldus greatl~y BaseballhIMatuager-AtustinLasluthers.
Michigan-Casesmutes liavs'bhen as tfil---its asvancr o st:shyern's at this thour, ra'h' as' asgur My russ Cray.
lows: Results of Games. 1But1thre days huave passedh aud thurjIBaske-thall hilansugun Miss Ihenniel'
1ti--Mitltigutu, 18; ('axe, 8. salt' has reached elrrren hundrnedl,thusI ha Straitton.
1898S-Michuigan, 23i; Case, 5. 'ThIe Dashy has arusungeud ton special those expectinug to usr a lockser will PterssSlit-s Ora Follett.
l199-Michuigan, 28t Casr, 6. tele-grapuhiservict'ansituhIeresults of Ihavreht"hurny up." No two inen PInsttuiiss-Miss IBlautche htnyant.
108-Michigan, 24; Casr, 6, lie gtames altlsurer theu ntry will he are allowed to ussr the same locker, ilistorina-Miss Geourgianas Wiggins.
1901-Michigan,. 51: Case, . p.ostd at Rids's Blliardl hull sun State ansI all douinug so will forfeit their right MembuernOtrcal Bouard--H. J.
1902-Michigan, 48; Cae, 6. strreet soon afterr 7 o'clock tonight. } to it. Howard.

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