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A N ] 1101, AMI.. 11.. API'I l 1
ThrowRS HBtaiolo1 iilrkeThan
Ever--C.0 C .to Rac
010, 111 ii I likr
1 _11111 ii iii ikr W , 11141
.Ii 10 11 c; I'1(1( 11 Il111 .-
01,11 Ii l ici1; 1( or ls d l
1 111 t I l 11 1 11\(, f u ,1 1 '' :li
11(1 t ii v l11ld Ikl lil_
S -j111 11'0 wnl(' lttf1r~i
t0i E T " o1 1'1 a dlittx
111111111 lt 11'('~ f ly
11 1 III 1 1 10 1111 tli, 1noni
1i lk 1 tr111100 11 liirk10w111 tllln'
'0101111 i i 1 kt110 1 it11 1 101' 11 111
11 11 ii'. il:1i11:11111111110 mI' o sjo 111:'
-"B s'' \Weiks' 'o'or 1f\
1111111 0 I i l o i" 1 1 iii ' 1 1iiii111:
:11 11 li lly 1' 111 4r1 11 +' ,i 1111 ; 1i: iI i -
c~o 11 1t:1"~s' , 11 l t i i iii c 11 r"1 .
1:i1 i 111 tl l 110;1i1 l' ;iii r 1"
16rd 11.(\-41 \,11 1 lo i 111,11 11 11 I" ii111
i:,ll.Lokn 1 r11e1ndBsea
,i111 1111111olii;11,1c 111111111 1 1 11 i','11 1 111
i 111 1'.
1f"~t ~l~t'4 11r1o~ic~ >ti l1111111.1 o il
"+11111 ii 1sp e o 111'ili' 1111
111114 1 1 I i c 11111 o11 111 111 fo11i' l
I il 1 1 1 1lt '1 1 k' 1 ,1414i ' f4 11' Ilily 01111-1
01so ltxoic--tnS. L. A.
.01 1 0,i ti l1 1 rt1
II ;1 a3 1, ; 1 . 11 t l 1 i 1
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t1 1 1 ii1i;1: 1I't 1 ~
11111. ,111 V 1) 110
1 a11111 ''itert 1110 ilT.
1.. .1.t ttt
111511111 upo rtl wll l1111i" ll' ie 'l'l'i1'l l 11
Fencing Tournament 'lit1 111 rubs111o01l 1"1 a1f1w1 11111110. 't1he
F ve .4o iluisie lray )i111Wo 1100 0111 111x11'was.coposed 1o1f1Cu1-
Til e 1100111111e 1111101 1111 1 111 110 11 osin il :ma 11.T01 work of11J.10 0 .10 'ei 'Ind t'111il'
i11 .0Sle til' 11111111 willo 0111101' '0111(l. 1v5 very0 11111isiste11'1 wi ilelO xt 'ha it
'for '0 ft Tt l d oi. 11111ir feari g-the tr- ('eotl1 v. 1 . t~lb 1 1 10110los'te
atl rIo' Pioo.teisted1 1 101 110(ev 0100cadfraom 1(1110100
Thefihardest000 0011'ostt ounmt will ibdaeot is an0on('01. ho 'diniytake
411iGale. Hbbar hasrece1edhis 1for 00tl110y giiie.1but(oday'sl ilre
Tkiin -1)1tra at>ng 1101 O'at . Do oolS.a- ice wi1ll> prtebaily11de0ci.1e01who0w1i00
fnsmloo here orose las iyasillosstar0t'1the b11 te 110110thaxposition. 111111011
7liocothe1100hami~on11011011>ort Sry1ar.. ohewrkc1awl11beside0110h00t1ing wlli
W ~ix (100011 1111110 111110 roth:31) ap ti00. 111111011'011sh0w1n1g01111 0011100lo pl . 1
bi nig Iii00'll b1111ooto lav 11 ase unnoig,11ho0011 r.lthe -0011abs
'sotl reHoxols101now011110 tog 1000ster oaich R ioc st atospresent(110 b11sy
x.t Fetn. 111111opl'1101a1tieadOphe font o a511f11.mti
as fo0ll1o1w ils xeasfolo s: cotrlt1111 'ae ttoa 1o111 110>.gti-* .
Prni ges-r.'fiO and rof.11 e,: o too he played the firs1til'0 0101'a1110s01t-
1' 1 1 xelr-~'1.11110. 110s111'ted 'll 11in 00101f1rst1fexx'days1pra'etioe
ofior' randtoig keerT. tp t ick lias a oib11 110.le x' artst nd whenthe~
Evarall el 110cal1ledshieax' D'. (. A. 1ot(her011001'didate, 1111foo irt hovedll
the d3oorsl'being>1ipe at 7:3001p.1n.1ability to 1uard"twillclrer lxieset01
T01110are equeted ntitoleavebe laout 1111110 1111 10111pither01 f0om11a
1 0 10lxlO 011 '111 1 0 of Rti. uceentefein ew Mi eicatuild
iurl 511100110exhiblonxby Dr. A . t',.x iii xprience50 lill te obt is a111.bill1
?Maysisacofdlhis gymnastic11111'ofa11011' to fiel Owil be11of.1'r10c1101 11nt1
4. ~ adeiOrooo't odIy's 11111 10111101.w iols 11111el111n
TreTh1 7111 0111 011'0 I'l 1110 err11110'co.iehif h e condit1 l~'1ion0(10thoc
'second'loundbooili t pb' soon ed .0111 xiiitoobslmentloor 1o the
11I I> vr of bast'11wt ine fro"tiniin o h oooxx on.
1.11.1\l11'0. 11554'101.
1111,1( 1 III 111(1 1I,0 ''l14.II'll 111110o 11I
1111111' >f 111(.1 :1 1111 >1111 11141 1:s t1
111111 I Of eI f L''11111Ix' ill1 011 iIeI )Y11
lec ur 111' 'X l0111111'11 11s 11:11 111- ot e
100011. i 111 1111 11 o t~l111 1'.\ l 'ic. xxii1111
11-]m \ve110 11llll1'111lti 1 I 1 01111 I11'
11I ',1 o .4 11' III l i 11111i.'Xll111~l~l1
i 1 111 11. l o litr1 011 11 110' 110 i Il
1110>11the111 1'l'1111it'-ofl' 0 1 11' 1101110
11101111111010'1110110 xliffx'11'tot l'are111'l'l'-
Mr. t'l11'l'(' oofhbste11110110 on os
11100110110 0 :111 Ibis l'' l. botl oo'r
sotio o 11111 "1' 1'111'i fo m il o s1oo' txx'-
OcsieN 51111111 Olo he.. r1le':1''Idestrb
Dr.s A f e\tnel orntonsulltrs
pro.'111'10(g 11 101fo 01'is forni. obutheo
has'0the'1'ollutati 1041of01n'ver5'1'1 of tinc
tit'x4,1110O llorx'.tsioitea etio ''l11ownl>
'1for11a'out 1 11 llboo xi 1'oofotheloD1-
lois 111l00 ill( o nsular 110' r11i011 -
1H11111n11m1ratxx'xxf1111 xoltile ti1 0
Ill lllli ill the11Orient11011 10111 1101110 1 of
his on Ibhi i fe has 1. Ioo'lSpe1011.
0111. 011 lo'xo lx Oo'x'x~lOl1
11i"'1'll 101' .l 'x I 11 l H rt ox lth ll r x'1'1'-
11 1 lpoic 'l:11110(1 s le110x l'xxlO lll
1:11.'1-0 l o i}-o f h 10ilt le
x11010I1)e11 maix'slellf11110ill 0101 1.101i
of11 politcal111 6s.' 'xl'o 01101 t ihxo.11 v
'' hoe (ll0'x.'lllllO3' 10' xr 1de 5all(1]'o 0101
altl axf oc c ofloot>' to11101110sbc is1111;
10001 to1111 lsxtlln to 10 countri0 he
1101000111' 0 xtorolcof 50 o tloclol
ioblool.ll e w1ith leda p ons1cod sleo
into10fril-1011 for lo001'411e4lx> s areO poli'
0101111Y0wloo bis 011 wxito grind,10 r-
lxii'' 11111111 l i 11 1-e zit 10. 1111'is
i i
te ir I ore I ll' 1 1111 1111ix: l "iIIIli l
deIc lxii11 it i Il lir%' x'111'if lx''i l ass.11'
"''l e oi sII 1 111,1 - i e ;p -! l ] to z
Kils Ono-Sevntho of All Mn-Great
Need of SanataliumAt
Ann Arbor
A m _r o, i l i liiio I v. it xl ni
I xlix 110111t x'ic i 'x' 'xli 1111 1 xha"1' i
xx'i-d aIillfo'rla inaim
id i M l11l pixi ('i e 1 .1 o iixx,"
Soii .11of 111wh i x i'iiiii xl 'iii 0111
it ill lq% hi e ooo o lxixoi 1 0 l, 0 Ilsilol
w 11such oox'lioog itot ioox' 00 lil'o1woll
o1 tnlii' oxoo a s 111111'. Most11s01
"F lix lo t i s0110' 10 Ilsent'x11kllltt
"A oi l1111 n00100'. "1'hll o ll ]el t o dieoo
of his iso' .s1110 e ' th0lxe sle d dooani-
lonoobyirn ihnnt. 1'oinfooftloeIoleag
staesooloi tho 00 leost 11110rilosoondl
11111110 ' omtioe stoote.doer to pthou'
ito do fom hi s 1110' 111 ostic ofoo te h ea
fo'xxoooftomolososo'. loi. oauo.sba
111en110 0.111 co' thestty-ie yofrtofm
ao.orinl t11l w1h10n',toha>inohinga
xhold hoe11111th1eosoorthatoresult
and111to te stte.151'1 ndsof1am
10111ar0 ot nly dsi aeaedobyahis-
diseaseI but"are hi o> a booc inosno
cill by101111 if of tohoroooo eove.rage
adu.olO1is rhat leastloe tansrnce
do lls tgterooo atrooOv0 erso twota-
sandoxople iteinrMiehiganopeveyoyer
froe tsliediofetse disaseawnosdh
mon1101> lossneo.t111110ateofobtwofcase
of11111te poeri'siheot thaeresutosd
11o tdhoe dieasloooe. fxootoi ies
lease t soolocauo oo lsedbyalillsI''xor
germ'owhich'is rsent in t ho he ooelssof
lni 111of tuberculoos'1'15persos.aTteheo
oo ihis gotermfomOoo ooneprson ox'i'ian-
out'theIfl everyoonsuimpooto teaooseo
slid thexeatfurte froiom this ' disease1t01
would proptly fali l.Inlalsanitooriuom
those uffer1 11ibisfr111this011is'ase wo ld
be'1taught t111100cesstyoef at'0iel oftlo
ttis matter. S Such instruct10xx'ioIn clie
nllotsbe loro110 ugo'ytorienisbyiomoxinoof
.rite diro'xet~iseos. The patient'st ers
100100l0001 Ifooglouaooderoond111ithats
suohothat ompelthi ato oten'iper ceo
dioinfeoon assof hi 11111u1.eIcn the
instuct oiprot icen.lAftcoired.eith
acol of nsrued on w chFould