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November 03, 1903 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-03

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"ThwgyaraallsRoute." a eY uS e h m
CHICAO Colege randCloths ar youn mens Ils. lecus~omi
CHICAGOtailorscant n orsenfor tsyos u ct.i read ae'll. I
BUFFALO "DO" about half moetherle. XYo'lid al the Sing
- NEW' YORK of the extreslo'sylye-allteaeclucusienes of fatrican
LoiKna iy t lAND sT.NpatrIi
with direct connetions at Chicago fr St. COLLEGE BRAND GAR.MENTS
Pr information and throgh ttcketscalt on or Bul. smk-Sto-~tIorder' talos--raft stouldes sandsway
write to W. W., CASE, Agent. Ann Arbor.ou-iplar luedbhndalrlstxten nug
^ wT~ MTt^ Ut4. s'adtjust ritgbt. wi-lltisdtheir on vs in no otherstr
GEORGrBIS HOFFver-age styles oltml
PLOkI5T Staebler 60bW et
Chapiu St., tbetwen Huroun St. ad Miller Ae. SOUTH MAIN STREET.
Phone 801)
AT'i olb ing fromm lieaMitstesuta 'Tie' foltowio'g tckts',iheasetiby J.
REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, "airty: S. Curtts, tf fotbtatll fam, was
Fine Cigrs and Tbacos Ahgenleman~l recently rtun'is'srtom teleedlti tce Fresh Engner eletita
JA.W.RI, rp 32S~l I. *Aiio Aio,antIwhsattOw tegamesltondatty: 0
JAS W RID Pop. 31 Sat S.,S ith DrakscanttInitaina, witttheari, Prettdet, J S. C('tis, 102; Wa-
I has-nst recivectitse lgest ansd fisest ay: "I staer its ey life sas suottelact, 21; Botst ItI;rotierttst. Vice-
Ciaetteso Pienthusiasmnsas ireails at Msic'hign, prsettt', Wagtser, 7; Dikersrons35i;
T urkish Cgrte and PpsNot a terson in tle town, frimttaho2.J-1VWaytan, 32 Secretary, Wi-
eserbegit tte city, smalsetstrhitsttuststtreetatiass, 71; Parker, ;7; tHastins, 36.
Fine Lunches in Cnnnecion. ts thelsdotest inhabit'ast, lut s th e tt" 's'ser, L. W. MOmber, 89;(at
Everythisig Neat ad Cleats, footatl ever an the mst atvancetd ar, 2t;'Tator, 22. Btas'al mat-
308 S. Sae S. R. E. JOLLY. s10cc, It swalstitiey amassingto Igr,tGuy (Gren, 57; IHyattd, li;
4. ..,.. . .... ......-. * hear mtatrtny keeters sf gils' bttard- tsiea 29; losr, 21. 'Trckmnianasr,
The School for DncingqI g houssesittigartttndstitts e entDaie, 84.Hatna,17; ('orsel, li;
tg with their charges ansItalating Morrisn, 1.
GR N E IS over the propectasitf'ourteam,' ad _________
Ground lFloor on "ranard Street 'whta are the canclses f Hestsn'a "EVERYMAN."
One loc wea ofStat Steet aikse beitg well itise forthIlein- Ttt sb15IstcIi a~ t p
St orckwePton tae St-eet nesota gooe''Tey slnt cnittder ITreiisssees tosi cat' latcttof.lla-
Stre. Vbne2 te6fra mssos'en t ut thers'te cases of fortiii. isas- itehrae 1;1hcetulry oafr
lositg, lbt.tdevse althirtsimenst otil l ly Eeyin' t ts rtr
setultisg est what uiltltescodie' le,.? ySallryIstalee astfinc'vnsArbog, (i
$ YOU CAN GET A kapt grotat easi Ibv' e tail hre is is large Idemnadtfor tikes,
andsepfIattotalbitnig atftsAltea ndassters' will tdoubltl's s'sitigrtites
H z ot I Ufl~ch kani thetttisyo subac tof hir a lnWentesdaytornstintg a St''lc ts'i0
At Tsattle's, 338 S. State anietttsb~t ittr fI 1 aolact of thte Wahtr boito lrs'.Ci-
Vtimes Mihligan rstet ra art.e trt thtardIt irttso ,ttot Cnss
hbat" tisy will lete olsy place whe'
riservedtiesaawilt itos't ae its Asn
D rIN G CLASS TEAMS MEET ALL-FRESH rssQs~. tlreciwt(ie
S Same of ts' heavier sas tes Abrfnt.alrecodfo
+ _______________________________ 'have isens metig liii'All tr's in Ytsilati seth tetprsetl, atdaboit
Lssosss$3 per Terms of 12 Weeks t500easl Sltsaytlitie ~t sliet savebitnis entee totblst
practice-is'games.v tiSaturd1ayisrm'rltiti
UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, Stain Street l the ll6 gineera nmelt tem ntsa isi- pu t. soss'st sexolypee1t stee
... .-mw. - + ."+ ltamges'stndheis thlae1 t o sors' if theiplay Silces.tlhs'prices art' only
7. o0 atngtte'4Lw(,mPALACE !- PARISIAN 21 o t.1,i1stgiI ii' Ii 140sasc it is to saled sthtt
..LAIINDRY AGENCY~..hlbm > 11v0517iy tssliswil be tilliei.
Olsli tlslssstt'ssc15, WEBSTER SOCIETY. STAGE.
Wsorks ca led farrad dsiveresi prmsstsly tastFriday iighti ssti's'trss'sih l' t.ls's'- t Is('sgita, 1tsorestby an ex-
If. DOE [ER, At. ion of stfficer its te Westeso bt- c'p'ionissaly clev'ser c'ompisany, wilt a-
Stisly, 'the isetitngswas wsl-sitsi'tent.'diptar tre at he AtenssTheaer on
Cracker Jack, Cream Clewing Candy, testd'larsge tsnsilersofliaew 'mmesrWed'ntesay, Nsv 4, i "Ti' Gretest.
asrinstaiated.Th elet.ion wss as ''ingitg theii W'rd,'' Lite a
Peanuts, Buttered Pop Corn warmsly coteies,alest his-e weese' oithetr's tlovt, srwit hissoseacCstg-
...FRESH EVERYtHOtUR..,t- roltie voteast. 'l'e folloinrig lassfnithlbc'haracer f Virginia lry-
isetwere' leli; iant , aimotheiir andsia ssiotw witsItsro
P. B. GILB~kT ]'residet, Cot; vice-residen't, tllon11. tsra 11 t i he etbdiment f
301 S. .State .trnet. is; seersary, Carr; trasrr, Li.s'ona tranesssandus imasicity Sie al-
it,'; c-he l:rgent-at-rmntelts. Itrat-i stfasintes th esanisn ast
$5.00 IN4 GOLD Pasupon s the sympiahies of tesa-
Ta be givessasay Wednesday, November 2, FINE TELEGRAPH SERVICE. sis-sce by teshesr foree f hr
10:00 P. in., sat. thes
'he susess cf ls th e iiigatt buiy sotsatitiiis's, itiisedi by sr iese
Pickwick Billiard Parlor andI Extra lat Sslturday wasit iiiin asinlelctssaindestraiseista ige tres-
Bowling Alley gre at s olhe lenri ('sst serv, it enae. ittitli ilyis
calleassetwst'sass, 70 5. FrUxlni on.ftrlieleaisp iecial wre aai1speiail itifsie' Ias tver tin-situedi isfier
lnSes'tgerto brtinyth li ii''isispa e r mt chaIct- r izt-iotsts ths is. ts, iis a fii '
Studenta will make their eadqear- ans qicbullhtinsofIlls sitits' gin(stolaily, atn eclentico'pntsy, aissithei
ternat otsMscHueti atMinnalscssis. Tosit-e mattg~, L. satorat sstt.i nsssws orstei by iss
at RotaMoat Bosae hiayear . Bake,lt'he iaiy is s'deted'sfost t'ogitlan rs'r0111111'wontts'he sies'osf
for, popar muttic, msiacai intrtl' the careful mansser iisictshe ibu ist- adisions it' efemnisste posrtiono
ment, asupliea and stdies, lethissiere' tdelivere'd.fli' thesudionse

Phone 582-3r b
Pantoriu i.I
Cleaning. Pressing. Reairing.
336 S. STATE ST. U
(over eCuahing'si
Clothes called for and
Leave Orders at Cushings r
Phone 82-3r.
steam & Oao fitter.
phbone 667. 303 S. State St.
Fall Suits and Top Coats bear
this famous mark
LAIfred benjamin& 9'
Designed by New York and
London experts--not cheap
copies of commonplace styles.
Fabrics shrunk by special pro.
cess in the BENJAMIN plant...
not sent outto publcshrinkers.
Perfect fit, because measured
on a model of our figure.
Superior tailoring, because in
BENJAMIN clean workrooms
by salaried specialists--not in
contractors' unclean sweat
shops by careless, rapidtransit
The price is right. Your moey
bck it ayhing goes wrong.
BENJAMIN Sits ad Top Coats
at ihis sor only.
109-111 East Washington St.


I WAONEfR C COMrPANY, 4 Importing Tailors 4

123 South lain Street,

N sHN Nif s ®se. f NN N NNN*** N..N.N4 pNN~


Barrios Diamonds have been scorn for years by difitsreit inem')ens of (te diplomatic corps from (lie South Amnerican Countries.
These umagnificent stounes have boon the adnmination atnd wonsder of so_'holy whenever (lhcy were shown.
Barrios Diamonds haveall the fire, life anud lustre of gentinstsortie~s ansIill appearanlce positively catinot be dstinuguishied fronm
them. It is a wauntoun waste of uney to iuvest $75.00 to 1t50 ill a real diamond (last may be lost froun its settiuug any momenst. Von
can wear the identical piece iln appearance set with a Banrios Diamotnd
AT 1- 20 THE[ cots-t
These goods represent all of the latest most populan styles and desigsns. They have the distinctive features of jewelry worth
many tinmes their cost and Irons which they cannot be distinuishsed even by the mnost critical.
We absolutely guarantee these goods to be as represeunted and will replace ansy stoune thsat loses its origiunal brilliancy withuout
one cent of expense to the purchaser. Money returned withoont questiounitn case of dissatisfaction.
The Barrios Diamound is beyound doubt the fitnest, nmost perfect imnitations ever discovered and may be worun anywhere withi
perfect confidence. All the beanty of a genuine diamaond at a fraction of its cost.
r Barrios Diamond Co.
206 Soyth~i(airfltreet,


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