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November 24, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… o =. . VOL. X. WIL T1 H Fine Fall and Winter E Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Vestings. TDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWe Carry the Largest Stocki L In the City. fl 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A L 0 R We make a spacilty of Chioclaesa as a side line. AVieae11 lots of thema and our stuck is always fresh. Lossney'a, Alegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. WIlde's Pharmacy ANN ARBOR, MICA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24~, 1899. No. 53. . il THE O...…

November 24, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…Societyj Pogramns. U . 1 o Jeffersonian-Saturday, 7 p.Is. Cur- retTpc Roe-apt h pi Published Daily (Studays excepted drig the Floll threeminute talks as follow: TH UIVRSTYOF CHIGAN. Conquest of Per-HI. R. Williams. Orrmic The Inand Prcss, Henning Blic. Invasion of Spain by Napoleon-Boyn- Bth Bttle of Maila-Vs. B. Russell. MANAGING EDITOR. all of Santiago-Todd. Geteal Sonmming Up-A. J. Freebory. -F. Enunnuan, 'ii L. Reittiosn-Cosley. ...…

November 24, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…NDAILY .3 ® roR L/ADES The Proper Thing for Fall and Winter Wear 19SU H M I MICHIGAN CENTRAL .. ..... ..............- 'The NiagaraFalls Route" lRentscblcrtbche otog 'ipbc. THE BEST 1451(05 O CENOTRAL STANDARD) TIME. pj , fl Taking Effect Juno 295, 1899. Deoit Fpr(s ........ . 5A.. Sn1C1 asdo~fi~a oh aleh iS't1889. S't'0! Grandinl N809 iss ......... 10 { a dB u osaeo aea h M adi pt' o e:....... .3a r, Ip r c Ct/ Ftt o4N ton cal ..........…

November 24, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…b ft o nosae 2 Godric 4b4. filledo J b lred DepaiHC Fome Pic :Rch este andtt b 'ChtNetLai 25 Q )C)3Oc any Lamp fits f 4 b 4 Now Old Number 15 and 0C 44 ANt b4 Loells U. of 4 Tltc regular * cttil sale De. 2 -4 teay plate P UNIVERSITY 320 S. State s tett att excel 2 BOOKSELLER Street ctollee btili 44*4+44-444+44*+ 14+ etcta. The fo ocets. Ott U. of M. Barber Shop ,:d at loccat's car and Bath Rooms. thlties tilT nuK adie oolseseord eters tr t 322...…

November 24, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…~$Ij Uof , . a n. VoL. VIII. No. 48. ANN ARBOR, MICHIG dN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1897. SIx PAGES.-PICE 50. MICHIGAN VS. CHICAGO. The Final Game in the Coliseum Tomorrow. Tomorrow Michigan and Chicago meet on the gridiron in annual battle and one of the greatest games of the year is looked for. The outcome of the game mans much to both teams. Defeat for Chicago means that team's being pushed down to third place or worse, while to Michig...…

November 24, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

… 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, s with many aetopoing tam hOape E .f wnung frin Cicag. MeliganI is on the list. Weghs 156 pounds and Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during is 5 feet 9% inches tall. He is also a the College year at ) member of the baseball and track THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, teams. OFFICE: Times building, 329 5. Main St. be. Cavanagh, the center rush, weighs tween Liberty ad William Sts 240 pounds and is 5 feet 10 ...…

November 24, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…frc ga th e last one Michi- Tat was what Cicagoans th ogis territory he o otW111in those cdays. 'pt te g -a ;s amswithUniversityClub. sio) untl185. 11 888 cia aaged a gam eMichigan play- here for 'haksgiving Day wth an egod c-ha Imons eleven represenin gte University auf esat frone s lub Theeclubmen hadall be Harvardwontstars o estern coliege ele ens. oneoft o hd ,usmog tem egr i ctrsdteanJoh r o4tochdo niaglthaegworbinPe drs,; then ly. The M...…

November 24, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 48) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 5 WE ARE IN LNE AS WELL AS, ANYONE ELSE!____ THIS WEEK WE ARE SELLING GLOVES WORTH $1.75 FOR $1.50. WE ARE SELLING NECK(WEAR WORTH $1.00 FOR 75c. WE ARE SELLING COLORED SHIRTS FOR 90c, WORTH $1.25. With every $3.00 Sale we give a Sterling Silver Michigan Pin in the DARK BLUE Enamel and. BLOCK M MACK & COMPANY, Cor. Main and Liberty Streets. Nwithstanding' the 40 per Parker _}y aeontrings owing to Foun- tr t...…

November 24, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

…0 THE U NI VI ;RSITY OF 311ClHIGAS DAILY. _.H JVRIYOFM3I*NDIY The Store ,40th Anivesary 1haoksgiving Sale, 'Saturday, This Week The "Michigan Pia"-the Block M, enameled in Yel- low and Blue on solid silver; worth 75c or a potted Crys- anthemum in bloom FRE With every pair of Ladies' Show Greatest Jacket Sale of the season. 3-SAMPLE LINES-3 Pin and Plant, BOTH FREE With every Jacket sold SATrU R}IDAY. MVACK.&'CO Ascot Ties NEW SHAPEs, CNTS ...…

November 24, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…h e . 1 VOL,. VII. No. 4 - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. " I11 .. ]D O WRINKLE'S WRINKLES. Detroit; auditor, Miss Mary'13. Mumno. HUGHES' OFFICIAL LIST b ~ford, Detroit; directors, 1Mioo Francis ,Aj A New Collection of Wrinkle's C. Hundson and Mro. (4. U. tRobinson, Of the Men Who Will Be 'Taken "'ai orDetroit; Itrs. :.T.Sunderlaiol. Mrs. Leung~Old jobtes. j _Dio " N cttolto Chicag-o. ADIMPORTER. Wn...…

November 24, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. fJ+ f tL Ixh Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 0) rote Tinmes building, 79 0S.SlainSt. be- tween Lbette d Wiliom Ste. ISANASINt.EDITOR J. F. TnONIAc, 7. BUSIONESS IANAOER C) 11.IlAnS,''9S. EDITORS E. L. GEIsNco, '11' L. F. S. Suomo, '98. 1. Bi. METHEANYS, '119. IH. IB. SecLsLs.oAs, '93 1L. F. MI. LIois, '98. . 11. c cJosisw , '991. 1C. M1.tGRtEN, 9.;Ath...…

November 24, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. W AIDHA A SRYAN& RE ULEE, ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black till Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suilts for Men .AND YPSILAN17TI 1CE.LEBRA. TED SWEAZTERS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Aobor. Call and exanaice before buying. 28 and 30 South Xain so. t itr Tble (IT cised) beet. w, 189. aBOTH SI DES OF FINE LINEN, o EAT ST. ."TIS COLLAR IS REVERSIBLE%0 Y 4e . bi _Nl!- t-- --d 8L; * MARKED 0 r e t irEx - - 4...…

November 24, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THJ, UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. SHOT' DRINKS j 5 Cents.0 0. Hot Colfee Hot Chocolate p Bef Boufilion Beef and Celeeyg Tomato Bonillion Hot Oyster Jaicej Hlot dineor Hot Lemon 10 Cents. r 's Hot Egg Phosmphate Hot Lemonade 0 Hot Egg Lemonade Jot fine laice Flip 0 j Hot Mlalted Milk Hot Clam Broth CALKINS' -PHARMACY. GRESAT HAT SALE 1 QALam THIS EEK OLY ' Babylon Coal Is THE BEST. THIS EEK NLYAll Grades of lined and soft Coal. $5.00 Youinan ...…

November 24, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…tt At - VOL. IV.-No. 48. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A MODEL CLUB HOUSE. McMillan Hall a Credit to the Uni- versity City.-A Stu- dent's Home. Not all the advantages which the student enjoys while pursuing his collegiate course at the U. of M., are to be found on the campus. In fact some of the auxiliary organ- izations afford opportunities which the progressive student will appre- ciate and take...…

November 24, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…w . THE U. OF M. DAILY. , C o . C~L ties for physical development should ",'"' not discourage them so long as the PubisedDaiy Sucias xcpte) urnggymnasium, descrihed in another Publshe CDalyeundyseeer, i)b urngcolumn, exists for the students use. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION IT is certainly time for those hav- ing the inter-class games in charge, Susciription eice $2.50) per year, invariably t uk ragmnt o ein in adivance Sinle eopies ...…

November 24, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAINn ST. Director and Manager. EXCELSIOR I AUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years in the )'' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, Nto. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP VOLUR ACCOGUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVJI2G$ BAflI{+ Car. Main and Washington Strerts. A. L. NOBLE, Prenn Moo a PSa, (Cashr. The )3 & Mi. Prkig Sto...…

November 24, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GLOVE SALE! GLOVE SALE 1. heproprietor graduated In '84 and \. L V A E L V A E the prrito rtk in '9. They Another lot of those Street GlOVeS' received, sold everywhere for $1,7 your ch >ice this week havprescription e . Thay for $1.25, all shades and sizes. have lea-ned their business by hard CHOICE OF ANY HAT IN OUR WINDOW, $1.00. disposal at dispsal t BO DIH & ATTEON, THE OUTFITTERS, Sstady, What thy know is t yar Calkins...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…,; ._ s - v }_ --- 3 -' = VOL. I. No. 49. UNIT Ti{ PHILOSOPHY OF THE INFI- NITE. Garrett's Lecture Before the Hobart Guild Last Evening. St. Andrew's church was well l last evening to hear Rt. c.- Alexander C. Garrett, BishoP of Northern'Texas, deliver le first of the Baldwin Lectures for 1890--91, before the Hobart ptild- His subject was, "The l ly of the Infinite," the general ' S- subject of the course elg "The Philosophy of the in- Carnati...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFIM. DAILY. -~N( with such short notice. Not only 'ZC f " ' were the literary societies forced Published Daily (Sundays excepted~) durigtop pospone their meetings, the College year, by without notice, but many whto had THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AsSOCIATION, secured tickets for one of two ____other excellent entertaitnments the :Aftor the T/a ksyiig recss the BD..+x', trill tooielihe reotaindr j the ycror 'Sallie evellittg were forced to...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY TWO DC 'Z AYS Q..JY'. ATHE TWO IAMS Commencing Tuesday Movning, until Wednesday Jvening, any HAT' in the House 41ty Isat, Take your choice. All1liats costing $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, and incli- ding the Fine English Shop lists, costing $4.00, for $1.85. Come early, take advantage of this special sale for Two Days Only, ATHE. TWO SAMS ft Ask to see the new line of Prince Albert Snits." L. BLITZ. Al'ie lal lll~ VOORHEIS & ITS 13ES...…

November 24, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…THE IT "r M AILYl THE NEW- CLOTHING HOUSE, Otm Ill, 13, 175 Woodward Avee, DetroitM CldesCLO'llRtNG H/ATS /AND &ARC: zri -Ltet NoveltioesArrivingDolyt NEW BOOK STORES, -- ' h .- a w1 6 South Main Street. 44 South State Street, .H^ T UNIV ERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S, 11. _'1011T= Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK Books, ALL MINDS,14 0 1 M A All 3ooks used in City Schools. Students, Note Books and IPadsIDraft- Is slioving the Largest Stock of Full Dress ...…

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