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November 24, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-24

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VOL,. VII. No. 4 -



" I11 .. ]D O WRINKLE'S WRINKLES. Detroit; auditor, Miss Mary'13. Mumno. HUGHES' OFFICIAL LIST
b ~ford, Detroit; directors, 1Mioo Francis
,Aj A New Collection of Wrinkle's C. Hundson and Mro. (4. U. tRobinson, Of the Men Who Will Be 'Taken
"'ai orDetroit; Itrs. :.T.Sunderlaiol. Mrs.
Leung~Old jobtes. j _Dio " N cttolto Chicag-o.
ADIMPORTER. WnkeaJ.-l . nw IIs W. 'a Mrs.ell. AnAr~ol' Mo-rliaindnit ot ibtt
m-1 'cok the nieinberosot dow-n ttwii-lt 1niwi)tilittoe
I -maQrrow- morn0Iingl. 'hitfs liiie iti no:1 At1oe
FULL UESS SITS A PEC1ATY~ scry ononol -m-tnli', I~-d td- aladinner in lhonor of Di'. Iosls'r, o 'it a0lt'leis da h
______ Aos tt osnil ae.li it ll'Iolil is.~ t of m'eitio i todt en
4t#Liii'c adUIrTS F'tSPliIA'TiY.oera'Iunusuenl -tilltim-ltm laSit-one. iairdi-le'mnel
NO. E. ASHIGTON ST. EAR AIN. --l 111e '- It i it utilly r r~titiiil('lll i;ia"ndiat theai ternyl:ll-toon isess ion tDI'. oe.'iia tninr . inr
__________________ _______traini__ngs.'il 'r d a iiiie. (ii l i
UUUUDp tioti, -- i me '<id -----fullP- ofIAVlt l-'erii', 1'imn-ie. ar, iintt
NO, 2 i' W Syr.GTO Tr NA An W I , 1 oiuits if lidt-i' ad i "l~trs li r.Iisii "iii l ti'n1 I l t ta ition-,-iel8to _________
heCery. itcotr iiic1)11hiok . la lii-t u~eSn
a . ® ciii ban e ittleu lkicle. y' I I tt i'li lies yii llt-lthi 11111 10hile Its
.eot'sA tililiet'nlitatersli'd y.hoiceis.thel. It ln - Mandoh ll'lin a-itotidl'b.l A y'-; Its.,SRiars, t iti 1 ie liii- Fei-eit'
(et's irTiCOiEnG eedShte l t Itial, bth1 ri s l tilIniit a' P tha ist htlnjii. t~ii-ii totPintitti ; si-itni
___ - lii il'st-iileliti liii- lit seotflal'stu't''V'rsity
The ll'er saptaon f o nmikig- lii'aerinti' insi e Isfiriii i-cIlii as 1 l tut u ffI0't I)Isi- li tWard
Correctin Styl Right n Priceuit hitI tlt' I. siltiti'ii ttn deuci'sd;
oiluar lS etof' Taran yaWisee 'utn I treeJrear;it o.sPiisIllatirc i-tin-lit-
Il C he ry. It co esiini5ci-Ihe iii ('Il) i-illsllullntld las
bottlesand tases (roo. liii'asiVeenilteftilt'seletedlan
1'asluingtonlllll find some nutollI nt tilte I \o lub JIlI ii Ilit ' it tilt. 1,11
01*aREGISTER 'tititi-deutu itt' ais esi anti I ii ' - LatIs t eIistiuthe os t ion-ti 'it-ili
EVERY S PHARMACY.ltititn il-i ii'iii l fi'l m'i ndoti l inl lir h oov' . Shills 4is t isss
iiikm, t-I .._1,1. 1-I itt i-' Eiza' ii ' Ilti itti ii ll i'
1 f1i,,g S ox c Ii lli-y- ttlobes tu.I IL I 11 a Athltic(Boad. Ii\lmim I-i t sl i lasill ierdtheo ei
a6Sr.TT 0 1 08a1at eon l~dla Iolek 'titto h_[ntr(ll ccu.

tit ct l 1 0 1 c I i f I con o o t1#a riI.) i is 1 !1"

rra* i-if- 7\I'r1 t,111- iii i-.,..r,:. i- .,.,.,.., .7 :........:....7

lI()Ii of, A E'1]It'N_ li> ':1C t .7i "ri.f+ia7. =f<-

Fow-le1Commiimmlltttn.iErly'(Sts- - - - -" -" '"1,1 , ' 1 ,;e (11 lro'ent I iht' 11-iI-1\'' '11 'I' ( tivii ri t"''l i 't _l1 1l I' i 'lt tli i
Reilimi. tiom Tiemo fly' iii- Ii <s it ltt 'rl tire 'I'; ii'oil(i-stiotihi(4i pta l ii' t i lts lo) l Com iltinliaii iii' ii~ t s i111t i li .
th)i i - ii'Is i. ii in iiitntil 1+,t sbitril-m. i oil-si- I 111).ibillhis !'te r i ti ( ' iili' itt Pfs1(mi 's l ' cam
-UNIER SI;FT CH OOLE.i x :111^ ttiit-ith'. te nalois o, ln. lii1i1' s riimttii the is, t iii it lii N lilt'ot s mdll-t i. .ttl
eFgD A N 'C.t(G., oiiegias. to flum 1nao . 1= litfi.\ e el'll li ill 's i't i propw111111 ii m-it- li(-i- th1e1il liioli' s \ lit mmmi-
I ki~lE l t mu itunut tilt-i-Ih tin hlml lfit' B ar as 1i mo a lti n(i-u-i ml u- urii'
O D A C NcO1ia leatntt' i' 1 th i('E?ill l ii' ti'ut,-,uum - ho - i lium t hfliimtim l
E' J~ Q~g"Q1 . S i e e . l2 1 11 uitm u- i if l eA 1 tlum a e . i , + I'm si te 'ii . 1 (1 it ilti t ll u ul t ' I
___o_____)si _e____________________$5.00:t_________esterfor -tl i itiski (r 1. III (tl i-ete- tm-ut llu I tlt - I
A H WS BOOKtSTORE ii 11mm' ilutsst-l Pollmeii'.-lii(,
hhm s n S r e ' Ittri i Ihr isitiuofss su'ssi iio lt-i.t(-iisl i-it liii' hofr'lit- ' - i itlis ,Ind hi
We i -AtTee y - mlest o vst slltileiilii~11i- ihsm'le \\'stho IldI- sthih il l -u l'!hsgtt in'. I lt'\ ''ri of it'oittlll 5 ' h-htt''>il'
ofseomd Kamd SmovRstTeat-s -. .S-il1i \ii.1iit't-ttu I li-i-i' tim-i' liii' limmisl(html nitilttti('s ii
Roksfu ml tmedearm em ts h ll 1.ist lhmsimht-th iem-c, myl l \ s. . Yetelds ctc. Itth 'mitru'l-hmm'nts' m--imutt
-W e seite v e t stldett o st mmhm'. ill1s1hum-u-s--m n tm 1mmf hit11 15siet,0 tut'lI''lt 'i'slf lmi-m m-imt-mut Ie iiit o l Wh]- s Flor1nc1
orso s. e ats e a largshseitom hm'ntmmt teu lltit s-trk
AB geok s for l teep'iarte a ont y 1smmhll, ii' m'rlm('d overt'ih'h byt'tlMd t sc'mtsuu huhs. BI.tm miril I ,)l 'lit' (i-i l' ltm' so-i m- 'slmt'rsu'ml
rain Pen.D trit M re \ sm-33 ill(it"71 a' ii l t-st ht Isslhlt titthl iit 1 (os-itt tmi'oi l of 'mth se - n'u' til h 1,itso
W e stenlatheal eststi nsts n dte llmu1E ss's 1ire,'sml t, b ltth't i'.)(,V. l o i mimi Tmet' i'ttu-hue mout1;:lintt<'h'tlui tnr M ' ill 's itiol'a tst'
Draoiok s upplintsea speialy'. hum. D-trmitwslm' irtsiut-mt, irs ii I ________works__
The best pices topev 0cterybody. tht- h I1s'l~ol 01\F11~tI[lE if i\Eiftra ot ( 112lts t o0eiy 11l-1O
Giveus tral toicms uumg, t'Ibeshttt enmettty , lie. 'lotem' rlut mmmm sa t-~ill "as-ifoll hut'lu- I l'u'tme us v1ithuly thiigl hi lrs mith '
hWa Hboo s BO K R. Atgthuuitlhi. ent-mll asita ts'let'e - loetth'sht 1', dil ".wlat ,Itraiig '('11'(. mm otaikstti-erl''ii t imgh l'.n- otm- t
Agintsnf o w h aemn Ton n d el tuly lr.G.I.Patrsn nnA I $2.00 ge'suto Th'e ailyrnwtilletteatts at u eohltm
y0l)) 51. tent Oppoaltel Comirt house, -p I' ('(
Ann Ambar Olalmi ot. I liar; Im-easmirer, h iss Irastiltd steedo h olg er -rIl


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