fJ+ f tL Ixh
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, at
0) rote Tinmes building, 79 0S.SlainSt. be-
tween Lbette d Wiliom Ste.
J. F. TnONIAc, 7.
C) 11.IlAnS,''9S.
E. L. GEIsNco, '11' L. F. S. Suomo, '98.
1. Bi. METHEANYS, '119. IH. IB. SecLsLs.oAs, '93 1L.
F. MI. LIois, '98. . 11. c cJosisw , '991.
1C. M1.tGRtEN, 9.;Athletic Editor.
Nv. W. Huoghes, '9S. S. W,. Smith, '91'.
F'. A. Fuelk, "91E. Louise Docdge, '99.
WV. MSorrill, '98. Butle Lamib, 119.
A. Ml. Smithb, '97. 0. Lull, ,fc., 9911 9.
Owing 1o the large diioin the
trcasulry of thic:atleitic :association it
wil lbeimpoisiisile Io blkc thic nciiv-
hbes of thie Rese'rve eli l to ('licag"
this y'eai'. While their faithl1el fforts
iii11'h1111191te Wollolll re li 1np1-l
iii 1etur. 1t1e1if 111' ('11111s71t9ut11111ist
.itle's. utsf 111e 9111111 s's s'nine5I111'
siis'5lis SIf lie footblill "9110511fo55 115'.
winos(lie jnry of oboe buyer's and it's-
ours by a heiivy mnajority. Footwear
should be lop qulality. The feet can't
stood anything else. (Prices shiouldelb
low, so as 10toeep(lie slice lax within
boundls. Yous won't feel oner911(1
prices, buit (key will snake yoss feci
lelasedl. There are no corn growers
like bad slices. Comiitolus tdd et
sosmethiig that yoss 'an1swecrcyousrself,
iinsteald of (be shoe soearing ;.,-our foil.
L. CGRUNE ICRNo ss.]ain S.
Men55'11 onIce of ou
lil's 11111is (Is' i sl tll ills p Iiper /[ I F I L
('licrl'-o. 0n is by 5a5ircsr ih ut
The subscrsipticn price'of t'eIDailly IS 4).50 It' ily islissre's if lls' Ies( V"9910 scilisi Is to temscvs ovee the
for she eslee yesir, wsithsasregular sdel isecs'0 t~ , e-
besre lssc1000cishdas'.Nice'. s iomuiea" b uldl dsssissto is .' lwYil''111119 l(,ii' cdiii "9 is0si
tions, aothsieuimatte'r initendedifor use a
tostioimut bhiand( l in at the slily U e e- o ill tis( 'iiiko3.oo Os l
lose zi p. ci., or m01111t911 ~ tt9 b r blscIefoe
p. R., of the.day9pseeious tol thalt occwichie 111151 isill lI I'll i' tsi lls ~las' I Ito s' -W I
thsey ore exipectedl t o au els. - - -- - -- - - ---
Subiscriptions maties'lefIteat The 1Da1119' 'iii't'll~cssslowst;s'oi iiosis 5i sisel tl l
Offie'. leysee or Sulliet's. licstandil.oc
nit so'inss et latoi es'. t'ibesibc'. Will i(or:-111011 Ililliil t11n)11to1this sile liliil 1i
fer a lfsa i'vorbreotingprompitly'aistlisec
sfibee aoy failuofscarr'iersstoideriverperi~. tleii 'sllisiii if sisy sill isl(ll illi
Aissi ilisie' to thills' un1t111 ilstI liliiihe'to0se99it.
110st fsslsn Nbsiox\vill Iss'lilksli
Isosily' souil liss'lsssisil'iie lliciiitrsli
iluslrsgli '1'lfcslis'iigi'''"'> oil sii 111he t1il)i sill IsSI Ii's's
'i11511 159'''esdl y'at111 ii. ln. 1
reumc oil Dec. .
Tomorrowns Daily will be a num- II A \ h V II.. .
game19109 sere toldeout cifCbs' 7.5
students, 17501wore11ce
Wehe hthsiesm.
$1.00, $1.50 AND $2.001
All Shades 'asi Colors.
1990 in a losw'crowniesoft Hot, Ash
ber well worth preserving an a nonv- Annual Ball._________________________________
snill' he 9 fi ls liCotballl Iseason, andl
siicillly' of ill' "''reIt 7111Ille li e Ils lMAWi 'V& ilI ilAVslss I 'ss
ls'islais' to sdis ss teAna lnsW II
plaed at11 bst 'isliss'lili. '.Thursday17.. 'jis,.Wi7i1l Ibil
'Ths' eitiionsilol bs'eighst pagessill51q1esionl. I. It. 9'sisdll'i55csme11b1' -ss" - -- r #'. 2 7 3 -r 0 16r--.0e..
sis' Tnwbe pirinteds oniiis' syeisllo s sit
i'coos' of (u' sissibir. lssusic Ilsoo 'e e lii s'115 liall' sssithl it ss less o lo v rt e atr s
b l e a e l . C u s o f t h w o c n t s - l isn i o essi ss ' ells' 'i ru b il ls' 1 11p a rAt A ' IT
sic.s1011eed ioib'cis'hrs ponsiibllityCii -4 O fo an H tin he S r. P pu rBads n
of ii' 'Pi uotl ssoiion s. IC as1915e5b 150S itsae o 8 e ts o 'tfi
.New Yorkil orl ds' will e af I i ll i 11 ill
bil theii i ~liilb 1 ..iii 110 1 'lst s thaut.he tonlhonlil s i oeshudt o k o ert e it r
li' rs'ssshof liii'berI5 '>, his" 015 ti ti'e bbl'i'Ac H N U L N O N E I N
tslgcrliassdDrtihhsll; ts9r yees''l tre collect 'hhsssoilos'thillli1t:. A A
The of 11oh ellsi eXsic'ahi o syOle. he shisiig eust'\'eishoito 1st 111ik
Doser F.nd iwesrnhs assil. 1101the50 iliiliiosoros.tinwlls-bILanT.Pwr---------------No.3
ltast litsoi'hoslsst fsosgatiill seiit s 11su te'lo nfrsk. BI -4OonnLadisnymHotny Orhe stora - ,opuar r- decin
'111 ottstisih it ~ihuo~'~l lr wiihefs'ing a ti s ass ci rpt (eludsd.
grisisldly illl pgloniho Iahsss ExPrsidnt ariso-------------------Fe.
s''ghro sssbsrrihc'lbrs totuSPl ~l onlsl ls'celthaifurnihtsuwse, and, cilssM LuhrLfinMls Cicg lmsiNme)-----e.1
1901111 utr(isoexceuhigly 090pritluisiohssgepcrly isoll be ;0ivenoOaoia ot----------------Mrh1
thef fire ooultlcrofrdctois asess oil._______t__ Lcu eryHls---------------pi
htheilreslt c e ogmet,aby lt'ilios s ho to tersity Oe. elAsocistieof 1'0t s
kiow' aibr stol hofisthe deve $p- Thealo one shnb atea$3. iFurna e c'ItR S R E E T TC E S00
uctofotalponsolwll li g T nd Mbacl SINGLEmA MISSIONedo
i'd. (hso isaneoDof (lie uxen 'ss Isohas e (atfront )815S. W la sd 51 y TlC(ET NlONSAt' L-Rsered ichte aheTursnyc1 8h aOw anteI
ice taknColcago wiadlb past edt atith$2.0 gets nThe a rmnwtill regtoela TatPoe s ree sndWa_ 'hoosor..alsre0
l~esuaclliea cllcnnoon. ns ad . the 1endo'hclollegestoyear.s: JAMESy OrH PIUtT, Corresponding ectary