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November 24, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-24

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3 -'
VOL. I. No. 49. UNIT
Garrett's Lecture Before
the Hobart Guild Last Evening.
St. Andrew's church was well
l last evening to hear Rt.
c.- Alexander C. Garrett,
BishoP of Northern'Texas, deliver
le first of the Baldwin Lectures
for 1890--91, before the Hobart
ptild- His subject was, "The
l ly of the Infinite," the
general '
S- subject of the course
elg "The Philosophy of the in-
ishop Garrett, who is a gradu-
5le of the IT ..
e o f t of niversity of Dublin, is
refined and scholarly ap-
ranee and impressive manner.
X9 reasoning was close, logical
ad erudite, drawing material
1fro the whole range of ethical
iterture to reinforce his position
xplain some inconsistency
"Odern skeptical thought.
bi"elief in the Infinite and the
ible $)said the speaker, ":s
Posibl e pa
to natural, and necessary
Ulan! The conception is diffi-
ntrtly by reason of the dual
of his organism. The
shut up in its dark room,
the material world through
aterial instruments. Yet the
50 knows that it exists apart
e1 the telescope, apart from the
and even apart from the cells
the brain. 'I think,' it says,
.nknow that my nature par-
t ae of the divine; I will, and,
hands hasten to do my bid-
O g realize that my power is
t majesty of God.' To
is saidf the Infinite is absurd, it
e Yet Spencer takes long
excursions into the 'Unknowable,'
8a the scientist, by means of his
oi ainatin, formulates a tseory
torigin of the universe."
The universe is a union of the
finite and the infinite. The solu-
tion of its problem is found in
the Incarnation, when ''The
Word was made flesh and dwelt
among us."
The second lecture, -Evolution
-Spencer,"will be delivered in
St. Andrew's church next Sunday
evening, instead of Friday even-
ing, as first announced. The
third lecture will be given the
following Sunday. Bishop Gar-
rett will then go back to his dio-
cese for a time, but will return
soon after the Christmas recess to
deliver the four remaining lectures
of the course."
The Mind Reader. Will Attempt to
Expose the Murderer of
Paul A. Johnstone, the famous
mind reader, will give an exhibi-
tion in Ann Arbor on Thanksgiv-
ing Day. Blindfolded, lie drives
a coach and four through the
street. He will also open a com-
bination lock of any safe, blind-
folded; and with his hands muffled
merely having three men, who
know the combination, at hand.
He is also to discover the mur-
derer of Dennison. This, of
course, can't be done unless he
comes into contact with some one
who knows.
Dr. Gatchell claims to be able
to expose him, and will attempt
to do so at his exhibition Thurs-
At the meeting of the Geologi-
cal Society Friday evening, Mr.
Williams gave an illustrated talk
on " Some Fossil Sponges of New
The Class of '91 the First Law Class
That Ever Elected all of its
Officers in One Day.
The Sei~ior Law election was re-
sumed at two -o'clock Saturday
afternoon. After some parliaien-
tary dispute the constitution was
amended by adding a Valedictor-
ian to the list of class officers.
Ballot was then taken for vice-
president. The "one-year" men
put in nomination A. A. Cross, of
Illinois. S. P. Harris, of Georgia,
and G. A. Brown, of Michigan,
were also nominated. Mr. Cross
was elected on the second ballot.
Two ballots for 2d vice-presi-
dent were then taken, resulting in
the choice of W. E. Lindsey, of
Everything ran smoothly for
the next three or four officers.
J. W. Freeman, of Ohio, was
elected secretary; W. D. Cochran,
of Kentucky, Treasurer; and S. E.
Low, of Nebraskis, valedictorian.
V; There was'a considerable contest
for historian.* E. O. Butterfield,
R. B. Hamilton and H. D. Jewell
were nominated. Mr. Jewell was
elected on the second ballot.
E. R. Sutton, of California, and
J. S. Martin, of Ohio, were nomi-
nated for prophet. Ballot result-
ed in choice of Mr. Sutton. M.
R. Sutherland, of Michigan, was
elected marshal by acclamation.
The election of base-ball captain
and foot-ball captain was post-
A collection was then taken for
"Uncle Robert,"who said, that in
his 25 years connection with the
Law department he never had
seen an election in which all offi-
cers Were elected in one day and
with such manifest good will.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gems
and Art Goods, Jewelers aqd Op-
tcians. Manufacturers of the
Finest Society Badgesrmadeiq the
country. Samples sent upon pro-
per refereqces,
Ds-eoitOpemr ewlos-oe Bf-k.,
Detoit, - - Miohigan.
Special Rates toStudents.
The Gym Fund,
The Journal will take hold of
the "gym" matter with vigor. Mr.
Brearley's proposition is to raise
$20,000 for a bui:ding, on condi-
tion that the legislature provides
$20,000 more. A subscription
list will be started at once, and
students, faculty, and alumni
will aid in the work. Mr. Brear-
ley will have a plan drawn up
very soon.
Union of Athletic Associations.
There was a joint meeting of
the directors of the foot-ball, base-
ball, and lawn tennis associations
on Saturday, called to consider
the advisability of joining the
three into one. It was decided
to do so, and a meeting of the
three associations will be held in
University hall on the afternoon
of Saturday, December 6. Mr.
Brearley, of the Detroit Journal,
will address the meeting. The
following, will prepare a constitu-
tion to be then adopted: Wade
and Nye, base-ball; Codd and
Stone, foot-ball, and Jameson and
Ashley, tennis.

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