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November 24, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-24

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The Final Game in the Coliseum
Tomorrow Michigan and Chicago
meet on the gridiron in annual battle
and one of the greatest games of the
year is looked for. The outcome of
the game mans much to both teams.
Defeat for Chicago means that team's
being pushed down to third place or
worse, while to Michigan a defeat
tmeans as much. A victory for Chi-
cago means her advacement to a
position near the head, while a victory
for Michigaln will give her the top
place, to be held aone unless Wis-
corsin wins from Northwestern.
The record of the games played by
:hese teams in the past shows that the
contests have been close and hard
fought, and there is every reason to
believe that tte game of tomorrow
will not trove to be an exception.
Each team nas been under the est of
training, coached in every detail of the
game and it is safe to say both are
now in the best of condition, physical-
Michigan practiced for the last time
yesterday afternoon, merely running
through plays. Last night the signals
were practiced in the gymnasium and
the men given brief talks by the
The accommodations in the Coliseum
are adequate and. every convenience
possible has been provided. Souvenir
score cards will be given to everyone
attending the game.
The officials chosen are men of
known ability. The game ,will be
called promptly at 1 o'clock.
Michigan's line-up follows: Cun-
mgham, center; Caley and Snow,
guards; Baker and Lockwood, tackles;
Bennett and Teetel, ends; Felver,
quarter; 'Hogg and Stuart, half backs;
!Hannan, full.
Chicago will prbably put the follow-
ing in the held: Cavanagh, center;
Bowdish and 'Speed, guards: Mortimer
and Webb, tackles; Hamill and Garry,
ends; Clarke, quarter; Kennedy and
Gardner, half backs; Hersebberger,
'The officials will be Bert Alward, of
Hatrvard, and Fred Hayner, of Lake
Forest. J. C. Knight will be Michi-
gan's linesman.
The Official List.
The 'Varsity leaves for Chicago this
morning at 9 o'clock on the special
train. .Headquarters will be establish-
ed at thee Chicago Beach 'hotel. The
following ,men besides Mafiager
Hughes will be taken:
Cunningham, Savage, Caley, know,
Lehr, Egan, Baker, Lockwood, Stck-
els, duttuer, Bennett, Teetel, Ayres,
Ganschaw, 'Felver, Richards, Hogg,
Stuart, Pingree, Talcott, rBarrabee,
Titotnas, rHannan, Keena, Kennedy,
'Coach Ferbert, Trainer Cox, Assistant
Coach Freund, Dr. Briggs, Assistant
Manager 'Heald and Covert, the prop-
erty boy.
Manager Hughes announces that all

substitute players not included in the
above list will beadmitted to the side
lites if they appear at the game in
their football clothes.
Comparative Statistics.
The following figures regarding
Michigan's players are gven by Man-
ager 1Hughe:
Position. Weight. Hight.
Cunn ..........Center 180 5 :
S ow...........Guard 17 6:0%
Caley............Gard 151 X01
Lockwoosl............Tackle 172 tt7
er...............Tackle 170 a0s
Bsnnet.......End 17S 6:'
Tetzel...,......End .a5s 5:1
Feer.r ...quarter 145 5:0601
Hogg....... ............c-salt 19 5:10
Stuart...............Half 161 5:10
Hannan ................Full 168 5 :10'%
Averag ewelght 169 pounds. Average
height 0 feetl10 inches.
Chicago dgures follow:
Position. Weight. Height.
Cavanaugh.........Center 240 5:1
Bowdish.O..........n...Guard 192 5:10
.Seed ...C...-.uard 17 6:07%4
o r ... Tackle 180 5:10%
Webb. .. Tackle 175 5:10%
Hamll .-.. .....End 17d 6;1
Garry. ..----- End 140 5:09
Clarks.r--- uter 156 .5:ss%
:enunedy . m..... atf 196 5:11
Hersebberger, Capt .-Half 150 5:0',4
Gardner - . Full 160 5:0
[:verage twelght, 176% pounds. Average
height.5 feet 9% inches.
I Michigan Statistics.
A few statistics regarding the lead-
ing players follows:
Captain James Hogg, '99 L, familiar-
ly called "Jimmie," is Michigan's best
half-back. Entered the University last
year from Knoxville, Illinois, and his
playing was of such a high character
that he was taken on the 'Varsity at
once playing full-back. This year ae
has played at the half position only
and is 'a sure ground gainer. Before
coming here he played several years
on the Knox College team at Gales-
burg, Ill. He is 22 years old, weighs
159 pounds and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.
(G.'D. Stuart, '01, of Aurora, Ill., who
will be Hogg's companion at half-back
in today's game, entered the Univer-
sity this year ifrom St. Alban's Col-
lege, where he made an enviable repu-
tation on the baseball, football and
track teams. He has a record of 10
seconds for the 100 yards dash and
has beaten Maybury. His piaying on
the 'Varsity bas been of a high order.
He is 20 years old, is 5 feet 10 inches
tall and weighs 161 pounds,
J. W. 'Bennett, '98 E., comes from
Austin, Ill., 'where he played for three
years on the high school team at half-
back. In '95 he played guard on his
class team and last year guard on the
'Varsity, where he played a star game.
This year he was put on end, to better
use his sprinting powers. Is also a
member of the 'Varsity :rack team.
Stands 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 178
pounds and is 22 years old.
W. 'P. Baker, '98 E., is an Ohio pro-
duct, coming from Woodville. All of
his football experience was gained
here at Michigan, playing first on 'his
class team at .center, last year was
guard on the 'Varsity and this year is
playing tackle in good form. He
weighs 176 pounds and isa feet 9 in-
cltes tall.
W. H. Caley, of Littleton, Colorado,
entered the University last year and
is a member of the '99 law class. He
has Thad considerable athletic exper-
iencet being a member of the football,


baseball and track teams of Colorado the 'Hugiewood High School team. He
University. While there he won the was also a member of the baseball and
ill-round athletic championship. He track teams, and 'earned for himself
easily made the 'Varsity last year, the distinction of being the best ath-
playing half-back, and as a line bucker lete among the Cook county high
stood without an equal in the West. 'schools. He is 20 years old, is 5 feet
What little time he has been able to 10 inches in height and weighs 158
play this year has been at guard, and pounds.
hte has yet to meet his equal. Is 23 H. S. Lockwood, tackle, who for four
years old, weighs 8183 pounds and is 6 years played tackle on the Shattuck
feet 1 inch tall. Military Academy team, is in colege
M. B. Snow, '99, played tackle on the for tihe fi'rst year. While at Shattuck
P96 scrubs and was the reserve captain. he madeIan excellent reputation and
His home is at Detroit, where he pre- his playing on the 'Varsity shows that
Bared for college and played on the he is a player of more than ordinary
high school team. This year he has promise. An injury received early in
played regularly at guard on the 'Var the season Ihas retarded his work in
oity and has developed into a superb some degree. He is another Iltnos-
player, both offensive and defensive. Ian, coming from Kaukakee. Is 5 feet
He is 19 years old, weighs 187 pounds 7 inches tal and weighs 172 pounds,
mud is 6 feet Y inch tail. J. DeF. Richards, of Douglas, Wy
'Howard Felver, '98 E, of Batava, oming, is one of the old players on the
Ill., has developed into a star quarter- team and has had; tore 'Varsity ex-
back. :He passes the ball fast and in- perience than any other. He firt
terfers well. He is the best dodging came into prominence in oar last game
tunner on the teaztl and in the Purdue with Cornell, playing half-back. Last
game directed the team's play with ex. year he played qarter until an injury
cellent judgment. He has an abund- to his knee kept him out of the game.
ance of nerve, but weighs only 145 The old injury has bothered him this
pounds. 'He is 5 feet 6t/ inches tall year rnd has prevented his playing in
and is 20 years old. Played on his many games. An excellent player, and
class team for two years and was is one of the 'est generals on the team.
uaIrter on last year's 'Varsity. He prepared for college at St. Paul's
. C. Hannan, the 'Varsity's full- School, Concord, N. H., and took an
back, is the best punter i school and active interest in both football and
has been superior to any he has op. track athletics. Will graduate this
posed this year. For tte most part he year. Is 22 years old, weighs 160
has done very good work, but does not pounds and is 5 feet 8 inches tail.
hit the line with enough, force. He Herbert E. Lehr, '98 Dent., has play-
played on last year's reserves and was ed in all but two games this year and
for two years a member of his class is a strong p layer at either guard or
lean. His home is in Citago. Will tackle, both in offensive and defensive
graduate in '98. Weighs 168 pounds, play. He was a "sub" on last year's
is 5 feet 10% inches tal and 22 years team and is a member of the track
old. tean. He comes from Marine, Ill., is
W. R. Cunningham, one of the very 20 yeatrs old, weighs 190 pounds and
best center rushes 'Michigan ever lad, is 6 feet tall.
is from Grove City, Penn., where he H. S. Pingree, jr., 1900, is one of the
played for two years on Grove City 'Varsity's best half-backs, and made
College team. ie was sub-center last the team in his freshman year. His
year and his playing was of a very playing this year has not been up to
high order. He has developed wonder- the standard set last year, when be
fully this year, is probably ite most was a consistent ground gainer. He
aggressive player on the team and is follows 'his interference well and gn-
a tower of strength when on the de- erally runs low. He is a son of Micmi-
fensive. He is a member of the mdi- gan's famous- governor, and entered
ial class of '99, is 23 years old, stands college from Detroit, where he played
5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 180 otn the 11tigh School team ifIe is 20
pounds. years old, weighs 160 pounds and 5
C. F. Juttner '00 L., entered college feet 9 inches tall.
last year and took a Ilterary course for John Egan, '99 L, played last year
one year, this year beginning the study on the All-Freshmaln team and this
of law. He played sb-tackle last year has played sub guard. He is a
year and gave much promtise of being plucky, aggressive player, but has been
a valuable player. At the beginnng handicapped by a strained tendon.
of this season his work was not the Entered College from Miami Univer-
equal of that of last, but in the past sity where lte played one year. Lives
two weeks he 'has developed rapidly in Excelo, Ohio, is 24 years old,
and is spoken of by the coaches, as weighs 198 pounds and is 6 feet 2%
the equal of any tackle on the team. inches tall.
Weighs 180 pounds and is 5 feet 11 Ayres, '99, has given both of tIhe
incites tall. regular eids a hard race for the poso-
Clayton T. Teetzel, '00 t, is another tion all season and is probably the
player to make the 'Varsity in tigts equal of either. He -runs fast, and
freshman year. He plays an end pos- tackles iaard and low, tIe is one of
tion and hiaf, in 't me past two weeks the surest players on the team. Was
shown such vast improvement that he a member of the track team in his
is looked upon as a coming star. II freshman year. Weighs 155 pounds,
is a speedy runner and now gets down and is 5 feet 9 incles tall.
the field on punts in true 'Varsty'for -1. C. A. Barrabee. '01, of -Negaunee,
He entered college from Cihicago,where Mich., isone of the best full-back
for three years lie played half-back on I (Continued on Second Page.)

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