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November 24, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-24

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VOL. IV.-No. 48.



McMillan Hall a Credit to the Uni-
versity City.-A Stu-
dent's Home.
Not all the advantages which the
student enjoys while pursuing his
collegiate course at the U. of M.,
are to be found on the campus. In
fact some of the auxiliary organ-
izations afford opportunities which
the progressive student will appre-
ciate and take advantage of. Ann
Arbor is a typical student city, locat-
ed as was Rome of old on its hills,
far from the noise and bustle of the
busy city. For this reason if for no
other, this beautiful University city,
with all its charms, should be the
mecca of Western students.
Among the auxiliary organiza-
tions we know of none more pro-
gressive than is the Tappan Presby-
terian association of the University
of Michigan located in McMillan
hall. Although not directly connect-
ed with the University, the member-
ship of this organization is largely
composed of students.
The association, although main-
tained by the Presbyterian, opens its
doors and offers the advantages,
which are many, to be gained from
membership in it,to the student body.
In order that the student might
know more completely what this as-
sociation has to offer, a representa-
tive of the DAILY was shown through
the commodious McMillan hall last
The association has a large and
commodious building, composed of
McMillan and Sackett halls. On
entering, one sees a commodious re-
ception room and parlor, from which
the library may be entered. Here
is a collection of 6,oo volumes, do-
nated by Mr. Duffield, of Detroit,
and others. Many old and rare
books are included in the collection,
devoted largely to religious subjects.
The library is most complete in this
line. One book is especially rare,
the Dodecaglotton, or the Bible
written in twelve languages. Be-
sides the books, current numbers of
the leading magazines are always on
file. The use of the library is free
to all and is open daily from a to
5 p. m., and also from 7 to9 p. m.,
and Sunday afternoons.
On the third floor is located the
audience hall with a seating capacity
,of 300.

Perhaps the most popular depart-
ment is the gymnasium located in
the basement. The material equip-
ment is complete and includes all
the apparatus necessary for gymnas-
tic purposes. Among the appratus
may be mentioned: bowling alley,
paralell, suspended horizontal, and
adjustable vaulting bars, chest
weightf, jumping standards, striking
bag with ceiling. Two shower baths
with hot and cold water.
The building and gymnasium is
heated by hot water and lighted by
gas and electricity throughout.
G. H. Williamson, medic '95,
who has had six years experience as
an instructor, is physical director
and instructor. The membership
of the gymnastic class is about zoo,
including ladies and gentlemen, but
the classes are not large, not inclu-
ding more than thirty members.
Season tickets for the use of the
gymnasium, instructor and benefits
to be derived are only five dollars
or three for a semester. A large
number of the prominent athletes
make constant use of the gymna-
sium, which, in the absence of the
'Varsity ''gym," is considered ex-
ceptionally fine.
The Inland League.
The Inland League will give two
entertainments next week. Miss
Jessie Brown, of Cleveland, Ohio, a
noted writer, and editor of the
Young People's Standard, will speak
Monday night on "Child Characters
of Dickens," and Tuesday night on
"Heroes and Heroines of George
Miss Brown is a most delightful
speaker, and the two lectures men-
tioned above are most highly spoken
of by all who have heard them. If
you want to hear one of the best
lady speakers on the platform to-
day, do not fail to hear Miss Brown
on both next Monday and Tuesday
The Dental Journal.
The third volume of the U. of M.
dental journal will be published next
month. The journal is published
by students of the dental depart-
ment, and is the only magazine
in the world published by students.
Last year was a very successful one
and there remains in the treasury
over all of last year's expenses
nearly enough money to pay for its
publication this year.

It Means Business and Promises A CAR LOAD OF
to Save Its Members Consid-
erable Money. ERIE + PIANOS
A co-operative society has just CasesinOakMahogonyWalnutandBlack.
been formed at Leland Stanford, To Rent or for Sale. Prices Right. That's fair.
the purpose of which, is, as stated
in its constitution, the transaction 11aror ,
of a general mercantile business for
the benefit of its members. Any 51 South Main St.
person connected with the univer-
sity can, by buying a share of stock,
become a life member of the associ-
ation. The membership fee is $i,
and the value of each share of stock
$2.50. Any member purchasing
supplies for anyone, other than
himself, forfeits his membership; I 1
but each member has the privilege When you wantithe LatestMetropolitan Styles
of transferring his shares once dur- of $s, $3, $4 or $5 bhoes at 50c to $1 a pair less
than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
ing the year, on the payment of a
fee of 50 cents. The control of the
association is vested in a Board of BLUE e.1 IL
Directors, consisting of the presi- 101. 183-185 wooWA AvE.,
dent ot the university and eight TI
other members, two of whom shall -+--N O T I CE i---
be members of the faculty, one from we are here to stay. We are prepared to
give aclassof work to the trade of this city
each of the several classes and one unequaled lipany other house ever located
ieee and not excelled by any City Tailor in
from the classes at large. The America, and at priocs govern d by goad3or-
board is to be elected annually and price desired. Fine Custom Tai oring by
the business manager is required to -\ . %
give bonds in the sum of $2,ooo. Nn. 7 ANN STREET.
Inter-Collegiate Chess.
The inter-collegiate chess tourna-
ment will open on December 26th
at the rooms of the Harvard school,
cor Ffthavnuean 47h tretArtistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
cor. Fifth avenue and 47th street,
New York. The Manhattan Chess HOT LUNCHES
Club kindly offered their rooms for
the tournament, but as it was deem- Lowney's qhocolates,
ed desirable to keep the tournament ~E-~ ~
a purely college affair, the offer was 48 . STATE St.
declined. 4___ .__ TATE___ .
It is hoped this year to put the
meeting on a paying basis and each DON'T W AlT
club represented will be given about
aoo tickets to dispose of. The
tickets and a prospectus will be NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!
ready early in December.
The members of the winning
team will, as before, receive medals. 3o New Sweaters, latest styles, just re-
The committee has decided also to ceived at
give a medal to the candidate win-
ning the most games, in case such a
candidate is not a member of the
winning team.
Mr. Lloyd, whose work was so
acceptable last year, will probably UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
be asked to act again as referee.-
Harvard Crimson. STATE STREET.

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