® roR L/ADES
The Proper Thing for Fall and Winter Wear 19SU H M I
MICHIGAN CENTRAL .. ..... ..............-
'The NiagaraFalls Route" lRentscblcrtbche otog 'ipbc. THE BEST 1451(05 O
Taking Effect Juno 295, 1899.
Deoit Ntt.ht Fpr(s ........ . 5A.. Sn1C1 asdo~fi~a oh aleh iS't1889. S't'0!
Grandinl N809 iss ......... 10 { a dB u osaeo aea h
M adi pt' o e:....... .3a r, Ip r c Ct/
Ftt o4N ton cal ...........458 SG'iaCD rt0 Mu 1 to
Mal088050 80 . .........940A .W. Libet, Duly 000ome ttttntt M "aoeioteoti£
Bsto, V N. t48 '. ' '® ..+.-...,«....... ..
VAt AotetEx s ........... . 13 'Po".
CicaomNight K i.E trsi ..... 4...
G. t txs~ ........... 5 - The Fine Tailoring z r Y o
30o. ot. _____......_..._...........12_30_A._\i
Steaosht ickets all(Cl,%Psto ond fomu
mion ofo lna t1!hlati/1tiAeyr -theen10o0t0'POIICEiAIN ?Fiest
55' iou nalication. Trayde of 991thin, 88oz 898-otly 9188888.ecit
O. .IUG. S OU'u.8 t, he o u can89098net 99098 980 .89
G. V. a&T. A't(Chicago Akt Ann .Ahbor.
112W. ur t. N.SuPhon19
To Student Bodl. Inlnder Out Soon. 12W uo t .S 'lu 1
-A Iwisht to corrct the fllwing stto- t h itsOtober of the Iladfer for ____
ANDtit=; ani l e itt the 1flal'of No. 3, (tt thli Y 1 1' ilb tt no19 1fOW It. :1 very fcrv
TIME TABLE te budIidtt diftbe taken(19to chic ao.te da,, 'fie 108811 g artcle iislby Prof. R.
Taking Ettoeet, Sunday, May 21, 1899. associationtt piying te Iraifroadf expnssuC lWeto, ettited An Unrecogized(i
Trains leave Ann Aro bV Central Standottid te batd paytg the holte expns.5 es ftcicvaen888t. Prof. . C. IfeLoottt tito F
and Olsne. pr ttoilrstadm). has 00n888tic nnt te "SenateIfemoral."
Accordfitg to a cotrct tmade btwsetns iss Irmta Heatit cotribites two very
SOUTH NOET~i tie Athietic Association a9nd itanager of itterstig atd swel written artiles on
0No 0.- ;lJtA. 0M.~ No. .- 0.0.A. a. batti it was wareed filat the band stai 01bot ei.The attlettcouotttook t 11Jitt
vn. 2.-t1:,7A. u. No. .-12aO 5'P. 51. receive $35 for services rendered forfo tiijns hitaeofb Fac
Ni.41.::'8':':07 . No.o otMcia stkncr fb rn ..- ..pROs
t'".0.- 8.0 P. M. 3 " tt.- 905 A a. fbl1 season, ot inclttinitg Detroit and91 Sitiots. Among otrthtitntgo the t3111-H
_______________________(tago. hese twoogames swre t ete lorotfit riceoiTt n
815ccettolay olV. otrocoredseti~r~ltly bytiteaittiatlgins of the lDooaolno,' a otdicat story
stn btetween Ann Arbor and Toledo only and if ttey deciddl to take ass te a-re and sote verse of differett dgres of
All other trals daily exept Sunday. to have expenstes5 8 i8. We wouold wihb merit
1.TNET. N. S. GILMORIE, Agent. tocorrect tic idea tat the $;o 9005 rid" Ott the whole tis aay well he cotsitl- !
I'. A ot us18 to fray or expenses whiile itt redl 01e of the best istes of tteit-
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- C cag. latder.
CaslevifrRalayidNGE I Air Machine Being Set Up 0 a~.
Caslae for etroit and Ypilanti fStudets ae crdialy ivted to i- iqui
evey al horheitnin a Cl , i. tet or vtpite ivn f hat . FlDr. rdiatorofthe general FOR aistSt IO
untttey8f:15apr.; eni.ntlut arlfor4Dero e it c oos, omnos ffurnishings sand, hatn . tiitylbrtri ayarnit Nt~ASIII.0
1t:10 n. t. Waiting room, etorner Asn Wiohais, Ryan - Reute, S. Main t. the ettig tp of ttottmid air tmachite or for his tostss, the ipiud.t youn
anod Af in os.; Detroit, .1lit (risswold St. - reeoil to tie Utiersity by Calesmri toanttaksa box or OIanka hfis oith.
___ --Prs. Anell Will Open Techero F. ritsh of Celandi, stio graduated *tinos a er.n
titO9.5o109'lt -frotttthe Utivrsity Pi in 186. Te ioa- 'Cbiosewo are f~rtnaiennugh to
Coure.- ciiti is big paed i tieliasment oof reieat.o t.00ot fiaco
The cotrse of lectures ot teaching ti ite ceoitistry buitding. ft swill occuva rbaitve anIo Alatdyouv teaiiioroo
BpiLApt l ANN ARpip be oedearlyitl Deettber by Prs. sardn rfe t abouct btidlOteo ad o
BRAKAS AN R tioet, sihoii stll take for ihis stject, feet high,Tttimotieper0000swil be onies iil betakutOnyalnte
"Teachititg as a ailitg for Utiversity trisied iv' a five-orse tpoer electric nuotiber fr an ortament in your rcoons
S UPER ST LOUS, O. ad Colego Stdets"s. le sill e foi- utor. Tecaacity of the macitne r,, t 1AoGTfFR
tocwdin jatttary by tProf. Ititislalo iesthttoted atbois eotntwlon d ,e i 2fB.cb ItSoSat
WAAS lFSeTcIN ture enteited, "Tle Pdaggicatfotto a day. s200eEs sash, hoe reoutredet
p rrti tot." ItFcrlar- Prof. Me- get the nacittte it rnnito order.
FREE - CHAIR CARS clan wil spek 011181nte Ladies' Legal - Jg ajo k
Stats FOR RENT-Latrge front room on first
foor, half a blok ft-mn Canpu. 30 Warranted for 1 Year.
15. S .Orrseteood, 3. PA. hiage . EDUCED RAILROAD RATES. S. State.:$1'y
t8or the Thanksgiving vacation the ____________
' 7I;, 7- ,p uu Abor ailrod rod wih sel tThe . folositgtlus soons were nmae v1
a rat of one and one-third fare fote h J*" A n lt.~ewee'
riund tri. Tickets sill bo on tO at last ni, ht's ahist ply
th ocBn V le R Nasv 2 and 30. Limited to return Do NORTH AND SOUTH TUTTLE S
_ + conber 4. Aarohll and thVeroier-.......258+10 At 0
- RaersandtilDanforth - .25-+-9 U G
ToeoNOTCE. Rrer atd Kesyo- - -252 4
With itu three-hour trann betweenFotexr lcrshvcmead ESAN WST
Toeoand ,Columb r us, using Union Fryetaleoshv onad ES N ET
Station in both eities, in why EVER Y- eorayfrdunbuini hs od-Rogrs attiCoohl ...222+5 IS t 338. SlateStreet.
BODY usen this line. isg tickets.
Palr as nda ran adniipen KEENE FfTZPATRICE bharril andindRtssll - ..- _l-l4
Parorca'son'dy rais nd'seeer' vestlitht and Beisel - ..-210---3
at nighL. GvrhadSl 8 .... .0 . M.MAR11INat
Through neeper from Toledo ,t WANED. Cvnb-n latt.. 28
Wahington, Baltimore and Philadel-' All 'those wo wisl to jon theeclss hy FOR Ri-t-Suile of roomos, u07 Oa- FUNERAL
phi. aRalrstflI~E OCKNGjournalism ntd learn ractiosh daiy lnav.DR TO
VutaLEY. Wrte WS HKN, work apply to A new line of Manhattan Shirt ust Embalming a speeialy. No. 09 . 4tls
L. W. LANDMAN, 11 Frt t tW.;H."SAI' in at Wa "dhamis, Ryan & Rele. See Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rin-
Detroit, Mch. 426 Soth Fourth ave., Ann Arbor. them ... S )tim t. idene 302 Fifth Ave.
~$3.50 The Puritan'Leads$35