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January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…Aq n qw ..> 4 r: 1 k qq a , s c',' E °,' , , ' '' x_.S ~^. yv+° cam,? i _, 41 :LV_°iSP {PY li 11P MICIJ I N t, 1II1 A: , JANI\JIK ,IS t S e, V ,) O il-t c0 r l C - a n t1 Ohs "" dols) voIt1iaCh n otli ve vcIris ti(I IT VIASAUCE . t' ooov Jovc by :t tCYSK tl~~s '1 C, f' F. i - p. .e 1ohi r l t 4 W)116 0 11) t1>~ X11;' o r- th t 1 a 1 tirCl~ Il 11 l3iF )Toll tilt, III II iyt_ tlio I 1110011 I t it lvI~liallV~lIII t~l I SIlC Ciry i li IIi...…

January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…17 Lof . , I ' C1. ore t e 1Di1 R C. Ii Ai I, A th Cho'5ral t !~ncu tii' ('o r I. In I IIS THE U. OF M. DAILY. easily adjfust itself. The niimber LIKEI{PTEFIDN M N Y adtime allow~ed, however, shiiifFNDNuld.,~INI 'lot 1)e so11treat as to mailke the (le- 1 Going to I 1fV&Miltler's iut lsaveiifroni 25c, 500 and 75c 1-L eer~y 051111 V t tthing mi ilt lVir fiho aV wV' VilVt Vr(bice 0ur stoVck to 1 iilSS 5(71ii i im~i ''Ii fr Sping G0ood. ifT AS...…

January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 3


January 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M DAILY HOTEL -t E ORT H QMx :xi CIoi On I I1 Will. he 1)ut too feet fromian en- i trane to the WORLD'S FAIR, I ONLY $1400. tol offers lollrates nil supe(i101LITTLE T fO. N 1iU0ii'ORTIO. ai oorodatoi 5 Imlif re. KL. t 11t it at 11i - PATLONSALE Prim-.C: of.t){.>i, 8 ":.-IS 1. 2 'ix , x3. 2S fStyles 0 01 ijir c0V'Ci hcit, iUatl t hill"1112for it011 i>t1 i .11(1s- 1101jI ale CA'L N-S, :Z'4' cx . STA - IRS1~Oj 2J .'- Y NO~i --T R O( ...…

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…Vol-.III.-No. l02. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAIN, THURSDAY FEB3RUARY 2f3, 1893 Pmmee, THREE CGENTS. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. people of the two colonies in New THEY SCORED A HIT. anti the South differecd ThatEng t Fitly Celebrated- rte.Stir- widely in somet respetis.The niv peranesianLstelsinghei K rgSpeenhtroni Hon, SA. We h1Rrltoniw caeappslni Douglas.Tei ______ on, the coloinists demanted 'a liman___ t~ieriyBalws akd e-foi a leaier who possc...…

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. fhe eni enteredi for the serondLI E FN NG M EY ..C Iof ( atV mti drill in their respective events I E FN I G M N Y _____at appointed times. The gymnasium By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 250, hoc and 75c on every Published Daily (Sundays excepted) airing froni five to six orclock is givens iup pair of Shoes as swe must reduce our stork to the Coliege year.,iby to cresw randidates and the iieis- make rooii for Sprin...…

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING, SALE. U -'kYv7LIk A S' ALL OVERCOATS AT J4 OFF.________ ALL SUITS AT I- OFF. _____As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLE PA-NTS AT OFF. ______Creme styles now ready at See these bargains before buying. WA DHA Msr KENNED Y & RE ULE...,,77 SM Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbone Mich. Capial toilck, $60,c0it, (Organizedtunder the Genteal BankingtLaws of this state. Receives Deposits, buys and sells...…

February 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…NEWM ICAMERAS! is tcal'tpolds Wi ot it (10mes L ,we are ir'eadyto suppler hireuwith CALKINS' PHARMACY. THE U. OF M . DAIL 0O QP IlKM 6 A -tti 11TOTI PPLY A PEMAL.NDFiOP . THlE LA'TES T MahgayCluo~ id sb oindtl-es ONLY X1400. W i av e Peeied thelloimbeg, Crlsbai ((and1Al/ ONLY $4.00.Latest Fads iin Pedos'os. j) LITL 0 i S ItiS PR 'iOiPORT'ION. :34 South State Sii'eei. I"UP ST'iA IRS. an 1 MOORE &ETMORE BOOK STORESNO6 SOUTH MAIN S...…

March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…c je tt* o , t . a ln. VOL. III.-No. 1 6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 2"', 1893. PRICE, TiENE CENTS. FACTS ABOUT HAWAII. Hon. W. H.Castle Gives a Iighly Interesting Lectureaen "He- wani and Annexation. Lat veelea 11in1 111ersil y IHal Il . toll ' R, C alie tel iveredothi1 seon lecture211221 on1 tile 'Ila(iVilln ar° t; t In llt t fo\ltl ll I. ~ ,,, )1msT1;1111ii.~ oh ilc lec~t 1101~iSt~n1511beI TRACK ATHLETES AT WORK. ovrthrlo...…

March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sundays excepted) duriaa the Conllegre yrar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subecriptionxprice per year, invariably .n ads-ance Single cnpies 3 cents. Subscrip- tones may be lerr at tbe onfce oit the DAILY, at Stnffiet'n, swith any nf the editors o authnrized slicitors. Ccmmunicatinns shoutld reacth tbccffbce by 7 oclcek P. x. if they are en appear the next Jay. Address all mtier intended fnr publica- ionatn the...…

March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREA CLOHINGSALE ALL OVERICOATS AT 4 OFF. ALL SUITS AT 4 OFF. We have made arrang;ements 'with A. Benjamin &f Co. to take ordlers for their elegant and NOBBY - SPRING - OVERCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFF. Their samples are now ready for inspection and we wouldl be plleased. to have you ('All and inspect them. See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY & R ULE. r TWO 8s M. Ann Arbor Savings Bank ' Ann Arbor Mic...…

March 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY IEASY f1i~ Ff~IA 11ONLY $1400. IN r kng.I, 'i1'II. 'IIr5y5 IN 11 011 11(71" CALKINSW .SE PHA RM A CYI.EY 34 Suth tateStret,71 TIRS. C -LUETTS NEW COLLAR, L4 11 0 1,71 l~l MOORE &WTMORE OOK STORES NO- 6 SUTHMAIN STREET OTJ SY SS O IN1'.71V -.7N71I (D 'l) i ' ). ) P L) illrd (071'IpCLI aii. c 41A Pi~, a. L r, x E-'' . F i OJ EU _ 3 . 1' U3 of 7 (I. C-> 7 II17 to r<1 i 11711 r711i ( ]1:) 4 P F- iN711 -- 710 (V.A...…

May 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…Ila Ab 'ddomb-, tt* Ila* VOL. III.-No. 16S. VOL. 11.-No 168.UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN4, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 193. Pse.TiteC~s PRics, THPpm CENTS. MR. WILSON, OF WEST VA. I tatives when Judge Crisp, of Ceor- "'omething About the Distinguisned 1 0,ws lce Gentleman who Lectures Mr. Wilson has alwasys been a Wednesday. great adnsirer of James Madison, The Hon. Williams L. Wilson, of antihosig ini is the subject of Wes Vigina, hegetntleman wohis lect...…

May 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…-THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,ZC. f Daf ceve ameeting has been called to '~JC of ~JiL'~tc bef. held ISaturday, ay 27, at 7:30 . m. in Room 2,mi building. Palished Dairy 15 clays excepted) dring pThe promoters of the idea are re- N& the Co'.cec y~ar, byn- THE U. Of M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ceiving enough encoragement frontmF.N the faculty to guarantee them suc- EDITORS cess at the start. The membership TAN SIIOES-Pa'ices,, $3.50, $4.00, $5.,00. C A. )...…

May 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, THE LATEST AND BEST - - Our Little Tale of Woe,__ Assortment of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in the City. TOO MANY "" WRITE - VIISTJS! IAV~E YOIL SEEN 0101i1 NEW SPIRING STOCK? I It is a Splendid Shtowing of Suits and Overcoats. Extra Vaine at Losw Prices. One-Thsird off ors Entire Stock of theam. Forty-three Styles to select froom. Coome early ond geltrisoice. Wa dhcimS 4 Ryan 4. & * R e u Ie . iz':srv-o s s - Ann Arbor Savings B...…

May 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…TH-E U. OF M. DAI~ a a _ a ~ A Fit E DI8PL A Y 3i j 3I \ IL i$ At 42 S. Saet., Iin t lioe Th hoinnis.Strop wil put a fin edtgeo t qu irhoa ay other. If Gbiars, jar)jos, youar onnot satisfed after n'.n..thoe ' atorisiiol beE t ~ t he i gfor Summni erNer owant one. Strop we wilt glotiy r m n o u pr mcoy. Everyhody is satisfied so fit Altliegantty Finisheidant Rich ini out of none thanioonprchatisors, Tone. Calkin's Pharmacy. WILSEY, - The Music ...…

October 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…c je tt* a Iti. VOL. IV.-No. 20. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, IS93. FIRST EDITION. Ti RECORDS WERE BROKEN. which Wilber kicked goals Each A GREEK LETTER "Pl."- 's al aS h side made another touchdown, and ZtaPi otsaCacs.-A$HBURN cUITAK- Sophomore Eleven Beaten hothi failed to kick goat, Ieaine the May be Two FreshmanAAr 7-- D th Noml. 1storc s6 to S in favor of tie or- Banquets. r e bythe Norma's.s{} orisals. Tie featursii...…

October 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Wz. >f3t M . ,Nitu. footiaeh Daily (nos ecepted) durig the tleira r, .by HKE U Or M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sabcittttepieer fiutperear, inaraby ro oy tate Otrtrrcopisa cent. Sbsrip- :aoay o be left at the ohee of the DotY, at Stotets, twith ayof the editos or a oaborizeItsoicitors. Communiceatonsshotift reacthtte othe by I octtek. o. it they are ttt appear the net toy. Addessaat matter intended tee pbie- tn to the Manaig ...…

October 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, S o. MAtN Sr. IDirector aod Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURliON STREET. Good Work Gitaranteed. Goodo coiled for and deliveredl. A. F. COVERT, Prop. P, E. Waihiagiton Street zz Ytears iii theBuiesot' CITY LAUNDRY, !. 3M. Seabol t, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave- KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVIP2G$ BAIK+ ('or. Main and Wshinlgton Streets. A. L.sOBLE, trot. RonsN Pa liii'r~rs, (<...…

October 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…C .e O U A : Y O R L N D L D AND HER FURNACE NWith one of those thermomleteto I our wiadoo. 'then, if she saysothe room is warns cnough, you con per- WoI,? her that it isn't. Calkins' Pharmacy 34 so). STATE STRL i. THE U. OF M. DAILY. All1 $2.50, $3.00. $3.50 and $4 00 Hats, excepting Siveroatis.& Roloif', FOR $1.98. EIHTDAYS ONLY S T FRil V, Oct. 2 to SA T.R ANY, Oct. 2Sth. All Styles and Siz s. SATE STREETS STATE STREETE 'OQ & NO. 6 SOU...…

November 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 47. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1893. PRIcE, THREE CENTS. OFF FOR KANSAS CITY with Williams in '91, is a great THANKSGIVING WRINKLE. ifFE'VE GOT EMS Our Team Left This Morning for punter and drop picker, having Special Edition of Wrinkle.-Larger A CAR LOAD OF Kansas City.-Our Chances kicked goals from the center of the Than Ever.-On Sale Fri- Are Good. field. Shepherd, an old Cornell day Morning. E E PIA NOS pla...…

November 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. % T of " men will go through their line Sat- ~ ~ urday as if thsrough paper, and if PubisedDaiy Hu~las xcpte) urngsuch user-training continues the the Cedecge year, by men will have no base 00 which to THE IU. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION depend for Thanksgiving day.. ___ At Princeton a similar state of sutscription price $2.50 pee yeae, invariably affairs exists. The following clip- in asevanre Single cepies 5 cents. Sab...…

November 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE U.,OF M. DAILY. ORGANIZED 1860.. INCORPORATED 1686 U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEw H. CLEMENT, 5180. AIa ST. Director and Manager. Fri. Eve., Nov, 24-Adepli imeeting, in Room 4,8p. m. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Mon., Nov.27.--Miss Jessie Hrown, of Cleve- 20 EAST HURON STREET. land, on Child Characters in Dickens. at Good work Guaranteed. Goods called for Inland League. and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Tues. Eve., Nov. 28-.Thank...…

November 23, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GLOVE SALE! GLOVE SALE! The proprietor gradnoted in '84 dT Another lot of those Straet Gloves received, sold everywhere for $1.75, your ch ice this we I the prescrption clerk in '90. They for $1.25, all shades and sizes, have lea-ned their business hy hard CHOICE OF ANY HAT IN OUR WINDOW, $1.00. study, What they know is at your disposal at1 DOWPISH Q TTESON T EOUTFITTER,_2_3__S_ Calkins' PharmacyUE tTjA . o eeeoa o ee JVC ...…

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