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October 23, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-23

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Wz. >f3t M . ,Nitu.
footiaeh Daily (nos ecepted) durig
the tleira r, .by
Sabcittttepieer fiutperear, inaraby
ro oy tate Otrtrrcopisa cent. Sbsrip-
:aoay o be left at the ohee of the DotY,
at Stotets, twith ayof the editos or
a oaborizeItsoicitors.
Communiceatonsshotift reacthtte othe by
I octtek. o. it they are ttt appear the net
toy. Addessaat matter intended tee pbie-
tn to the Manaig Editor. Altttutns
omnantationa shold be sett to the But-
eet Matage.
THE U. of . DAILY,
Atn Arbor, Xich.
,. A trNSa,a Etee'4SMangittgEdttr.
1.A TIAtte0,eLt.ttt94, --tat.tt
t, tttttteLt t.9iAsatat.
totA. itt 'tt Attette IC tot.
SeW.CUfieto PG. taU.tatties anagr.
WIEt RARttt, itt 1 ttt
Ml li-tt K .l
r t eel tug t tttt \. oC ttta. itt L.tIte D uty. ,'9
7?E.Stllio, ':.elr, t2,00. ilns:e.
iP Fi .vtodayd, tefis 94roirgt
lbr tctopyi berwt w-ile ~<th second. is
ofrtenral c plistrbtion. Inlltv
Th tdcs l "hopis cviii be fottied.
'Sdeticapefied of hicagDevamth
tidy.issetwto eatoestoththttt
great etenytheocrtttdfor orie-
ttt enerattiuti fo.rIr allttwt
challd toptteshotlofbetitssutet.
TpEoftisedottt hitt goNttt sthe t t
rcepre eot ttttrhigaitaoterlotat-s,
g0rtat tetacyounae aor race-l
fr newseyta ilt ottobuerieere-i
sated t theDsto t r tsr
toc eoo f thi tiolu issuoe ciaeewo
failesintsheaode o artctottclvito
aointh heni iytu tisre araseds
ou tw, o uve itl carefuleanttpaiot
satifesyotsft the ItaeriY orh
ofs yourhadsupp ortev uiyto gis
it a trial. fle sbcriptotn price is
Only $2.50 for the college year,
which barely covers te cost of its
Nowttvthat the DAIttY stadf io re-
organized and itn good eorkitg
order, weehope to give all the news,
boths local atd ier-collegiate so far
as it is of iterest to our readers.
We cau only be successutl in this

through the hearty co-operation of INTER-COLLEGIATE.
all the students, whose organ the
DAtcv is, no matter what organiza- TheYl leCa bsya vi $N S
contain ttenty-four nmen.
tion they nmay he connectedl with.
It is the aino of the present manage- Knt0-al at the University of n otetalteitrsso h hcg ilcs vr$2,0.
University in a fair and fapartial Dartnouth loot no less than 3i6
nanner attd we shall expect and in- candidates for the rush line ti
sist uipotn like treatment in return. season. 1s fite LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
td SHORTHAND. Vagtoaeraettbtttelnaten-
Englasod loot(94 universities, and trsotte; ,welsli ed tr ettttntaaooaltCaty teetatto
As predicted in the DAILY last tt t,yeeat,g retoatpen il te ntir yea-
epos275more professors than Eeetatittoot rcemttte tor painegtat,,lto a1,-
te30wek, three local college teod mlos278fee,,a t eenitba,.tottoaaatrgtatedttett.
rcrsthe 300 colleges of the United retaos- sto $2.50perr tee itprae a iaaa,o
were boknattefedda prs or 2X-aataogo, adre
brkn tefeddysotStates. , P. R. CLEARY, PaS.
Saturday. It would appear from Acorhabenstliedt
the oodshoingmadetha wearePrinceton of undergraduaes to try 1,T LD
entering upon a most prosperousx
year for track athletics. The track men accused of dishonorahle con- r5-r [A
teatm has been nmaterialy strength-I duct in exaninatons. The court
cuied by new evnit, particularly in eas given power to inpose penalties t "NORTH MICHIGAN
the longer distance events. If hard according to te nature of the RAILWAY
atndi vigorous training is continued, odense. -
thtere seemis no reason wvhy a great - ----------(ata-ta-- -
nany fortoer records should not he ,V rat n
broken. All that is necessary is r11 4o ey (0110
R oeaoaenoa
track athletics by tte studetts in, IL ' 0da~es a o c
generail. 4Ot\
LASr year we lad occasioto to Horsford's Acid Phosphate 1 ui' v -,
conplain that thse co-eds uera not I h sos ftie 7 ndaareaeF Sen s AYCITY
supportng tse Duy. Thois year agee a ssassOs - sto
eve are sorry to be contpelled to ale remsedy in existence for \Q7 cp atwO s 0e00050 rt it.
niake thoe same conplaint. It is peetn nietous -. tsiaaaa
stratige that the ladies are not ouf- , )) t ea. a-*-g
ficiently interested lio college affairs levn toe isaesaising /' kwn ARBaoan
We are loath to attribute it to a lack -- taa--
of interest in University affairs, but Dr V.\f Grnr.Seagrt, tte atr etatotl-a 3ot ie5 e
think it is rather the result of not i al n~n efc udyMy1,Mas., say,; I value it as ott rxcellre at ais taott t-AttttArbor by Centat
having tteir attention called to the Stietttd'tteTimm.
peveneeetatiee of ttigestio, ati a ptreasttt NORlTH. tttttrnt
DottY owing to ttoe fact thot iiatte rtoweeestelteilitoveil ats a. I. 1:4tt m.
have not lad a co-ed representative 4:tt5 p. tM. 70 "
stafvter, an tto otecteted." ettelay Ttai tt. eetta etlitatil a t .tetfer
oio our s ifbtis year until recently. t5eneeloestea, t oaaso Ptetteatt:t> pn. t
aXoev that the co-efis are represented teel Iatat tetet. etaiattaonly. Lee It -
Doses itetee p l tetiee Ott tpl iteti tl lt toleg Jieltiatt ee e te ritte tllp. tm. tne t e fc
byoto amd as soons as another de - Icoarndieawrinavernec. treeteit on this troit.
sires tloe lositon they weill have 10 -aots t t etiteteo et ldoo l tt ite. -.Onolcy,-o .Aete
iso representativecs onl our staff, For Sae y all Druggists Wc. i. IINNETT', . e1a. A..mt-li d. -
we cerianly cati expect theci ir hanry ________________ (pefl-lPD fPEP.R1- 1CI
Palticlal Sciatn Assuoafto. w.I$BSTER'S ITHlURSDAY EVENING, GT, 26
At the sessiou of the tichtiganmo deS RY
Poitcl Scfe ocationin De- a,.dt roToLY ee Y VCe
reapaier 010'Sugestloits for a T1ts-e1 peo
Sistein of Tlaxation.'' Prof. Hinmsj t Jet l Im T.Srlxetti tee H
dale, IProf. hudson, anotiothers took Ys f'umyCo
piart ito the discassioto. Thtefoltuvw-to' verybor_,bud lntlt (Crui o1 ae-5
lug officers eere elected for teen T,-11" ehsanet ,toiott- 'xate--tY
stn- ea : Prsde teAfetRs-enertin the it - 1:' 1lntf tilte Ettetle -i et -t5 iltt ii
sun a rs lr5fe', lrd n tee- sellinglpo- titet tet Pi i-oe .
tie-aeeeel'.eoa s -tlttt S tet' Je2.i
sell, Detroit; first vice-iresidentititoado ae enno od. ~e
tresidentl'iske, of Albion; second A Iuit * rVi-Itsef. Itioallsies lttSfireereed-et Ote.ItAtm to t--tO
ti1 Iinl t atiot'tam co ett teoidtfirs t e" tIpe iuttti e tote.
vice-presitdent, Iresidlent Slocnum ,t5ofteatl: tet et, i g'e tielli, utete iie-ele ttok eeof beau.ttl
ort lettlooetttet-itnd imura e l
Kalamazoo; itird vice-iresident, tauott)el -1tte tt ibe itetAR OR
ttreitlent Sperry', of tOlivet';"secre- lawn ,1000J11 e te-ttt''tlohtteand ___ANN A BR
tary, Prof. Taylor, of An Arbor' The 1-it att-ttltveate ei S1(1 J1Y
assslanttsecretary,!. II. Dixot, of tel ~aoeet n n tote-It 1. toolteioa' T1 LT1I
Ann Arbor; treasurer, L. I..Lir' .2 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.
hour, Detroit; executive commteeresBriss ie. S hiztlSte, Mnager.
Prof. Austin George, Ypsianti isonMAistOMi.
DITINne t e.otottie, lcit.Gtt et
E. liarkweorth, Jackson; and Rv. iCT0Nt ite-tftoeetConstteedei-r.mIoaller o-
Waslingion Gardner, of Alin I'~ 1tcp°i u t O]d ln i teuo hr oie
I 5a. ,aa~o~w n vtaaa~o oI ob eatotr -teet, oteF. cemtetetery ate.

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