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October 23, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-23

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S o. MAtN Sr. IDirector aod Manager.
Good Work Gitaranteed. Goodo coiled for
and deliveredl. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
P, E. Waihiagiton Street
zz Ytears iii theBuiesot'
!. 3M. Seabol t, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave-
('or. Main and Wshinlgton Streets.
A. L.sOBLE, trot. RonsN Pa liii'r~rs, (<zsh'r.
The 13. & M~. Prbg Store
16. the place tos Oo anytingotoin the. hotlne
vdilrnco Sponges, Bit.hclot.ElTe.

Col. Geo. W. Bain.
Those who have heard Cot. hain
and thsose who know of his wonder-
ful ability at a popular lecturer will
rejoice to htear of his rngagement to
appear on the TIland League course
of lectures tomorrowv, Tuesday Eve.
Cot. Bain is knowo the Union over
as a great temperance orator hut
his lecture here will be on a dtffer-
cnt lint of thought. as he will deliver
his celebrated talk on "Among the
Masses or Traits of H-uman Char-
This gentlenman is one who neeids
little introduction to our reatders as
hsis reputation is as extensoive as his
countirs! It is said thsat lie is al-

Dion.. Oct. 23-Musical proerart in Unsitylub
Tueosday Oct.24.-'16 ierlicci riots, eli-tiotn
11.30ti. Iut.
Tue..Oct 21.-Cu.Oeo.W.OBain, oin"Anios
lie Mattes,. or Trait-. it Human Character."
Inianid Leagtue Series.
Fri., Ott. 2;-Riiiy ailSiherley ini S. L. A
Sat. Oct. 28-Seanir lawi eltintoawleire
rilom, 8:30a.rS
Saturdtty, Oet. lS.-Nitiety-ri.. cltss meeting,
RoomiiuA 9a.m.
Mlonday, Oct. 30.-Rtllilcanti iieiictiont, in
tllt ure romi, at 7:3iup. m.
Tennis Tournament Begins.
'The pour cottition of the grounids
after te heavy rain of Fridlay

How to be Graceful. Mrs. Anna
Ward Foster, 40 S. tate St..
It i ich yoiit ate instruct oilin D el-
saite, Physical Cutlture, Gtestiue alit
Pantomimic Actioin atnd in all that
goes to tiake lt illaiatistic, effectfiv
and susccessfsl apipeiarance for the
urawittgroost, plattitrms ccstage, te
prooter mtattntro tf sStnifg, vsaikina_,
boss.fur te street, ezu'ri-wre, r( cel-
tisi, fintoductiotts anid deptortmtent
taught. Alro. Foster's ollice littrs are
Monidaiys iawliiFritdays, li0 tt 12 a. ii.,
3:30)ti) 4:30 pt.1m., at wshichl timne site
wiiil iake arranlgemienltSs with11all whIo
wish Si) take tprivate lessonts or frorit
small classes in ahoy', studties.
Thsere ha~s litter heel shlownlinitsAnti
Arkior a lairger Sinte of IBanjos, lfitttrut,
antd istatitilinas thtantihie Aini Arbior
Orgtan Co. are ntiwnsitoiniti'. This
ni ore iof ttesgoosi l thie tpresent

Icauscid delay in beginning ithe totirts- i - itt' itutitin tii.. tt u
they tietire So redurce teirstick cveni
31. F. tiOLLY' & Co. s antent Saturtday, anti preveiteid ther if atTcotatititney is swatnteti lore
whtentystouat a pire ibox. ofiint'Cclaetceo iottnttrcof h klO gitla.
4 St. iisSini-ry atiBos-i. t irltiterit, ~playing o oeta he fte
stt~ adSeTut.tStitiilie iTates. Jones anti Carnett Islet SU~Si EtE;5LO CALS.
t <eCit. i(,
JolEl'yaO q'L Cp ooSI.atefi n the first round of the secontd class Go, S.... it . stoi t Iihi0c
RE. Jly&G ',2 .Sae t ~ l isinglet, tie former winning by all- of i t t t1 ie l ii j-,"s tr tonger
DACN-an-ESRT -aroitnd suiterior snurk. Icietlrnan 't'< iY"ti:.
'RtndI Citickec"ing metI n iite saItte Si t tlt i . T. 3iti~t.. i. t I i-eS
46 S.SlteStret I- J TO-ii . - -lmiiin Sitst assorited liieinthlii
YEtINOXAV- p.itt. A(Ili teed Ctistoert La- el-a sob sen S 1t15*tWit' Tti II'
dtots-t.is ndlst lcnilet.teri1,tait.thatn his opponent, a-eity.
1"r'I; D~ I"- ( mtiuiit ti:.. tt to ciaceir.", tlot,,itClocker n pilayetd brilliantly A 51 'out invicelOof liostonlDiln') .
Sar5 t3_] i a. ii. GOrittliuis tiitlt.i I I attimes. 'jThe most i p ra tand hdiect frown Sitittiean fatrersteSMessi's.
tin atimprtat DavidlWilcot'x C'o.,hBostoilusItc
p, . hltiilcuustn-iuiiinr itis.I 71hotly contested luatch vvas in She uopenued thlkA. I. nohle's.
4 a m. laudies.uluuui clus. .
Private les.sons.. by ualpoiitmeut. C01l. l"cl.. It 51'. prelinminary rounod of the first class Greatest batrgtaints of thle sealson at
Ann .1 arbor SavinlgS Bank to bring ain autdience fruo laughter sigebtvc rghtadWt tt tetMm tte
Atnuturbor. Mint. Cautit a l ock, sutisti. roe.IWr-htti' u s-ul tea S ltt' ;l i ne i tiiist V11110ill gntilrs5
iuu,1s, tlruititi to tears by Suie posver ofhut do- Tis sitplayedi15tiia sery balouivtneIulili ,e i:t Skate Street
oSOusnie, l~tideu-ure..uteuuitu Bul..nuuuuui quene over his Itearert. persistent ganie, anti succeeded in islisie Ste.
sell ecie te 1)s;;iilcitis fhe The ILeague offers a nutmber of sinning, after losing the first set. A iu'lilt Tet lnt cnies..findilcigaurs lout
leu titus: olurSfel rt t herepnserhaonetentsrantrac- atruus' smash was liot in vvorkingtchea sn 5150 u ls tll the tilt.y
OFCi Crsiil W ick. 'Pres.; u. . Oh re tetim nsequally at.a-. b papers. Give Sue a cull ilk thue f1).(.
BitruaauuJ.Viez, esst.tCahi.eirut,1,Cu-tive and promises music for cacti order, anud his net play swas not u itpwNssStattid.
evening. The music tomtorrowv to his ustal standard. The scords Ilut31 t ut' snithu a gooud huaitofstiuit-
.evening swill he contribut~edlby Mr. follow: dit bracs . At'rut-' oe atess-pristl
Lesw I. Clements. 'ho hear Cot. -lirts chest singles: wonoeub-u".. ti)e.
Bain, twventy-five cents admsission vse:t. n-1 i 10i0i 01 ti t i I I A.Ij.NOiuri.,L 1e rhtut (lohsier uttll
aQ h a willTue cluarged those not luolding 5uIti-iI tt i t ck t ~ itnthst.iuhettikl'tSi
... season ticets, buttseason tickets ss meti.. 0 00 1 au0i-
atdmuitt~ig to tuenty entertainmletits OperaIISt i.Iet I 5)lti I I It.. ttl rrztit
s>nm sy still be haud for one ulollar. y'i _t, t -t i 1 u t I it tI It
- - T e e traim nsare -iven in Secondtlcliassingles. [)tel lul' ; t i (a l l irtt--u kialt-tu
" ' liHIG«nNhe CN Tl2A L ft Chris o-S-- 4I- T l;- 0 0 (ii o tii 1 itlit;t1 i;ire) ut t 1 ivi t lt)priiets 2-
RL______ ENT 1L__l__it_ ti i-1_6otito safty illims ollege' has ucontueredul.5)?. 13.tti'li,l(11 5l thu ii r i11
cit uloe o do tor of ii t<tin ty itl- :itutu it1 t 0i 0 1 i0 it 0 t<3 _t
thue . hgroeTones, 1 tliti i1 i Iiti
hii l. n To. lCraoig ls Ste Seuiie ti- ct uiia IIli(iI ISc
1L. li. u hi iii lis 11>i . atmtntlsrill lectutre neat Suiday- ci -itt: 1 1 1 1 1 Iit s tii. ttli
A. aI ith .itau it t 0 'tl ee niig aS She l'resbayleriait chturicIs i lit :}tafar tIio lr(2 itut'."itfiii s I\u-i
1. t lit .pea ;' ,ii 0 Oo rl t"eiI
Suttiulu' ti S rt t - 1 't'Uue Iko1igiu tUiTotuolleteutic11t1t r - I it,,s iit-.-N(h.i itii
G . .1 Oh ..0 4stret.
It sv~' I utut 110 a ft eastet fruts tie f'inel- 'hu e trchsantlsitase beetney -,~tr . r -t
Au ii lii auCharacters oni their ltui- geunerousinsustheir idlers of prize. tic i il''11110 ' 0S on 1t)11 tr~~tti
TrHE ANN ARBOR15ARGUS uuieus s,'' beintg onue of te presenIt 'hlose k b ouii tat o is lr :tit s i Ihili
ohetreiihirliiitsiTfirst class sigtes are, for first un/ 1,- Ii I;]i tt(l ip 1:. ~sietly t~t
-=-PUBLISNHING Slitd s;o---l. a V iottocanhat, offneredh by liossiish }1l , . e.\lti Im 'tiY
T TSiE_ - IV.(IOlit ingstonu, if B.I. hlylfe i&,0V 1Mattsnt, tir secosnid1prize, , cTl"ccoi;ta id ips i
St uoat Work aSpecialty. Co, Dtot i, still hr ill AiA111rluuis, it suii ii egift of ",iooultiieeuh11,111, -o. 3 iit i
.3 . t uicti cii iii: I Imtt- i r. l i n .. heri Ciy. te tuo k tiniiusu', onu lMondahty, '1uustuy I
uandt II, itiutluy, Octobher 28,l, aSut 2, Siot-ri'S ite e foir secontdi ulass
uttul vsill tie pleasoedth o shutow U- u. ofst1l e,2tuficretlby J o)l . I Wulkii ht i:ittWgstr
the latest t erop~olita tuls r iladuies' o.Thi- 'le wintners its doub~les ssill- -t Is ei. it hi<tn I iet i hing itt, s . It is (
CLASSES IN DANCING - i s i t iul u' ltluelh 's's uqllltilihsit, ruhilui, }-l roiur }s1.h r, giht b ii(luu(u. 1 i
iii inoll 4~ii.. I ot. lii n Ie It iuiii' at-i I a l itug, tharty anduutreu-k shiues, s1ft)- WIahlr aindliy Shieehain. 'fhe to ii 1wrk 5155eer 11.1 th 1.doneuillr i
aiii i e ciuu n- I i i \ t inou s .r l rolild her's. iseustitus ad utbbetu rs, ittiuolig aitteuitst-ill haccontinsuedh souday adh ut hiturs uuenS ru i-tliili-c (hO tc. 1hi
wt, ,,ii iie iuu shh turare i lei' elunhittt " i lt '--'ut- fI lIIil-oli ..truu--ht. t ubr s 57--.15 t l
(tiv a cciic( 1i)iItut -tue h'ue(u t liFom"sliues. duhurig Shec seek uittil cosspeted. t ii il'hhiu'S


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