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March 23, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-23

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VOL. III.-No. 1 6.



Hon. W. H.Castle Gives a Iighly
Interesting Lectureaen "He-
wani and Annexation.
Lat veelea 11in1 111ersil y IHal
Il . toll ' R, C alie tel iveredothi1
seon lecture211221 on1 tile 'Ila(iVilln
arĀ° t; t In llt t fo\ltl ll I. ~
,,, )1msT1;1111ii.~ oh

ilc lec~t 1101~iSt~n1511beI TRACK ATHLETES AT WORK.
ovrthrlown,5w111h wll cauIse great Regular Long-Distance Runs are
troulbleilbut tile planters are Ill lu- New Macin Regularly-Week
on the Calmpus
enced tol faisortanexatIOion bcause
tihey 0vllt letter g0vermen1111-111111trck1ailictes are (il, 5wor1k
rol d l in Itellent p'op of~111 c1 111b<11 1tfelrty
tIsl a wl voefor al 1e.,mio , t pOI .t Ilout ffeen l a11 re (lut
hidl th y~ .ta1lsl~~~oi i cl11 IttllcaII 11011t-poiton
clas lhvc..t~i vas ni~oattyaii(I ot te C Ic koteamI ll 11 eillrt 011

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the 1<1111i1111 ati. IIW

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112 Chi I li - 12011111 1M lOf ,S-
Ill 'iloettl. ID,,,teoit I'liiharra anile Club,
11112eet.1111 111toreal e iltattheir liesires 1c1111never#


-, of leilationl. Iere 11201cited the ber conceertIsiltbe giver b e ro i)0 0t
0112112Id11 111122ganizet0r)f 112Illlrl tCtO I illlermaoe l ub21ll toneihta et w1
111111 Oraelllclii 12asl wter11111211t11111hI 56 112112berOlare(Itrrs Hall.11he1111lilen wiai be
for its o 0 1areivl ftile an~cient .said11121211co tintill'yfatithe' 51 lii t.
12011011o1. i' 511111 5li'deeitfultt way 1T 12 sent11 imnt 1of te p'leoaleies11 I ill prolra ml 51wh ilh 11sill' ltI ItIl 2
(If toin l Iesrosdtheet er growVinglmo111 n11 oe aga 111120 11 ins eas I etirlr~y o iith elusic 1oftie1'o stl 11111 l s ;
Il tice 2schIooII:
casislif12(1 le Ito tiebe lli ,rlt- li ii(eil t4tli
ill11 hI itsttu o l 7 Il l w- ll s I reeler tiell itle Oler 120"5 I 1 0 1 1,
and olle, t ntl I 3 0 e<t15 1 ti ea erth nth s av ry Ce s-ll i oIll l to _____________________
112l I . I 111s1si te l coin til o0111 l t I '111
reie,1111tl esllo le 1t01 i t Jtelie n i n Proramdeatl (PjJi KINNUCA
thrane dlr ide lll in li 3 p' w Ier___ I ;I Finae l ~ ~ lo i~w.
time wa~i oc( I') 1d i1 (isttel 1
Itie1..otieteeIlad at50the anc.eS. !qulsTAILOR
of h rsl-ofhra tilen Te;at tile amont-of illnritate li AN lailILC gil111
teoet fi nr y i teti y ffrm tie, oiV.G.ilsrorais. 111 oiiteso lrlaln r
wameicn.ib avntgs o e Lenrd ent(eiCw1 hatn rtet in itbminoon inEI osav itmeet
vocal soloenlitledcet"Anpodrar-dbtm wlet nsm p eaU."u OR 'S U
theisdne" oeve Tempwi l b e, n a "Myliltz Adwtn Ale
Hawa.iiliwi n r cvmamugr floer Deila meatoday.L.Be," D Iam ou.A ll usbeprseni
savtyendfowbeed nhe Isanxds essyn. D possibtin [' 1tfle. Detroit, 1 Mottochigan.

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