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May 23, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-05-23

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,ZC. f Daf ceve ameeting has been called to
'~JC of ~JiL'~tc bef. held ISaturday, ay 27, at 7:30
. m. in Room 2,mi building.
Palished Dairy 15 clays excepted) dring pThe promoters of the idea are re- N&
the Co'.cec y~ar, byn-
THE U. Of M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ceiving enough encoragement frontmF.N
the faculty to guarantee them suc-
EDITORS cess at the start. The membership TAN SIIOES-Pa'ices,, $3.50, $4.00, $5.,00.
C A. )niso q n~tesLic'i. lanagigdtcr. will be Iaced on as liberal a basis 48 SOUTH MIAINI STREET, - ANN ARBOR
NI. AN. F(t~t l.ir.t. SAaetnt as sieandyl till poabynot
r N, itet e saec .it. , tiit .I.Atv ~iLt 'A5 tenni. psu, poal
Ii .SxccLt'd eite. be rs trictedl tc those twho are study- 6rGI
..Itxt fO. Il it.5,Athletic dit: . 1I
5<..CHtOtes. C. 0.Lit., fleetness Taager. ing the subject, bu il ncitl n uL ~I A ~krdo
Sr 7N ies t', Li. SAssict rn i e
x. . It. i stittsN, iw'4 esen eho are iterested. S R P
I.. A. Irttes. 't. E. j. Dc.5.W G E &0 .
May . Aict, 'S. A. S. L'ci:te, 2 .'Si.tee.WA N R O
S. S. AtSetSt:. IIEDIsCAL.
Mlutie]. Mcl~art taud. L. In~tut dle '1.SI7~ .(
S.F. Cei t °5t,' . .Kete ,t i '7 3
.iiiiroT yttrun-be ittthectfiic'Sieti ' 5 IIIC0 j$Jr.fESS r __
of titte i sY er pubilietion:. DI.Etii itHislEts+(etovle " ' , ..
.... ~~~Horsfords A ctd Phosphate C ~yC , ieCrli ietu{a4 i 4._,
I have usiedlit liir svet y n utllit)Depar~g' Iiturt ent't3lints t AtniAiort
Tin' et strti bodyvntill be glaid to onily in uy practice, bit ini iy ownsre-s ~i t LEAING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. slg.-
see the as iilltCu 'c i ~of the com iiviiul~i ~ne, antIcusider t Snslf'tllca~~ cxhje~ers; lect(ncc<itits~k
t Cstiilrrrstv l tite base of the lnCSC te tic ceietcopxc 'Sit))hbetieit
bce aiiiar;it1 Ci elis . . dgrccuaterrurns iteit en recnt eel a etieAenssrlor Axx Lied etbedp.lIll.
clb lne~ f str'e ti tul r vigor to tineeentire yn-ckepiixns Crom xsksc sect, aitilee. XN . 2. Mall itta ) lassen ..... ..11 i.rn.
night. The Cu ar£ ' d r f ten." P. R. CLART, P 7555N.54. Ma idIi btstx, . :+ .... .. . i
___________________Ne . TolendiAcomimodtio. b .. is
a large audience for their trouibte. A mot excellent and tgeeahte tsiie S$z200 $3.00, $4.00, $5 Cntatiidtda imie.
We can assure a]1 a fine program. atned tppetizer. It iotiri ndlidiliig- F H ainy eael) Snsdy.
ortstetre ri-n d ii i rs ls n arne n Taens.)titaindtr i etweenestAsnti r antt,
An oisen air councert by the clutxoae h ie e~ lbesly, in is ln tldWsiit iiTleotxnlbdxi sxepsstundic
wilb ra hc ilb pr-parts retnewed cenergy situ vittality, atd id 0Every Wai. Oies taindidxiiest I 5 dns
trl eatetttihtilb psentlivetnste futctions.E t'II BNNETTIt.Ii 5GbF'ttOD
ciated by all. E S Doty & Feinler. Gen ase. Agent loess)Agent
Oeceriptive paphlet frreeeapptlliatiointo l
- Rumford Chemical Works, Provi-
TssissYrour ball team starts onthe deue RI. __ci E~AM'ft ~1&- A - COfM PA N Y
western tout splay the leading col- BtetaretSustietutesxandtnulxnxans.
leges of the test in a series of six FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.
panics before the retics to try Cor- AR________________ iE ySP'ECIA). ASANT.hitR-
nell at Detroit. To the castual o- HENRY HAUG, A.,,Soli
server it seenis that our teamu is cc- Teacher and sxloit, Guitr, IBanx and Sman-, A 5]. g 'V .Dc'" o,,
tamn of twinninig the piennat, barring SILSEY'S NU7SIC OOMS, Wilf' isn
all bad luck. If the team sustains R__________________________________l/e C Co.
the record lmasde during their soutlh- 21 Year'S in the "~ge~
ecu trip, 110 comlit ltcan be uade. CIY A UDR.?$ Ga I jujlasiUm, LaW!) Teip)jis aid) 3ase
Whnorlatrtrsfoste M. M.Seabolt.No.4N.Fourth St. )3aII GO0ds.
west they till be in good trim to
mecet and nmore thtan likely defeat ASK Olt ARITE FORt CATALOGUE.
FRIDAY night thte Universitv )tin-f ANN ARBOR RENTSCHLER,
strels give an entertainmnct for the
benefit of the Athletic Association. STELiL AL UNDRY CO. ( P hoto grapher,
It aeems scarcely necessary to urge 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. CORNS t SAIN AND) HUR~ON ST.
evecy one to go, since we know theE..SRVS, - MNG .
minstrels always play before crowd- E - G.AITD OPERAM110USR.
edl houses in Ann Arbor; but thiaOT CE TO STUDENTS tEL DOEE HOUSE.JNL
time, especially, every on, twhether s -- -ail Cities. Doxi' send xut ee txn ter TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 23
Cdyc'whenxyxticast get just as goodat . E.
he has heard them before or not, This Spae ieserved fce Jxtry &Co.'s. tic Oxet harge for style, btt--
should turn out, as the proceeds arc atoive it to you. al twat is on-hil. Ht adtit M'L. LAIIIIA-
to be devotcd to a good catse-ath- (Goft[f o4~ l1~~p ldcitlutnche at all hers xcfte ay and nigh.
R.ogra JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South ~tlh)Uj~4~~l(~
letiCs. A fine pora has been IF. U. SUITHI+l VU1SONS .V). setreet.S O k~~ItI AUME AJJII PLE S
arranged, ansI everyhing till be 1"ttteitAe se tl SrsZ1T\~~L'z idole a.tni ad oacces .Siiseri. Th)e Lacd-
newv and enlertaining, so that you DETROIT, - ICIIICAN. AeeihtuyCeeudtctalii t-
y . n e~~til'italitcc n ist l x t emldpodtisiixocasttseonid
twill enjoy thse evetning spentsith And the very choicest Candes Oc thle etelrtantit i ienI tie thurd see
thse minstrels. (Dard Oeten ceti) tiC Cxtixtds iiisiist oat ~
____.TUTTLE'S, .. TTI
Star-Gazers Will Organize.______________ Price - 50c, 75c and[ 1.00.
-- Secre Scat at watts' Jewelr Stre.
For some line those inerested in VICTOR CYCLE S
he study of astronomy have been Yosexaiu hnw then,. G JBSON$1
considering the advinability of form- Ciii) andsee bliem
ing an atronomical society and to .MH. TAEBL ERS PHOTO GRAPKIER
sCe hoy mnqh support it would in- Cycle Emprinm, 11 W Wahingtn St NO. 12 W. HURON ST.

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