WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. people of the two colonies in New THEY SCORED A HIT.
I.land anti the South differecd
ThatEng t Fitly Celebrated- rte.Stir- widely in somet respetis.The niv peranesianLstelsinghei K
rgSpeenhtroni Hon, SA. We h1Rrltoniw caeappslni
______ on, the coloinists demanted 'a liman___
t~ieriyBalws akd e-foi a leaier who possce sonie of the perorlmaince of the hU. f A. I/PORTf.RS&
niststf Ial ws taheel c q(ualities of the people of both Minstrels at Ypsilanti opera house f1pANlFJE I RS.
iclas by students, who hal conic ttins tf the country.ftWashig 1 EROT IH
":)lt toi hear ftheatdcress of Sephieii ton, hy irth, was an ristocratut last ight was attendeil hr a large DTOT IH
.1. I )oiglas. 'Tli stage is s esuti- iditlnot regsrcd it a ci sgrac toi lahoi. aiid fashionable audience.'The pro- -
~lls ilecoratcei with the stars aind I'lise traits of claracte r fittecd gratiws uswsell carried ot, overlook- i
strilps, sihile a roiinid fthe tile of 'asslingtois to le the le'dci f the lng the rough places to le expected
le galir ° iiiiiig iu griifi1lls coloiists. The peopliecofi all sec- at a first appearance. ']'Ie soigs
iois f thie country kneuici m.ii
,lie ys'lose and u e.iiii A tin c r- ( oitinuinig lis lie if t5150htl wetre selreiideeii ut all dlid not
rait ofii\wail ti liii n 1tej the i t miuis for the rilt lacitt stiiito hlvere heiiwel selcted.
i l inte tear o5fite staitie, wh iiel iDou l icmnetttoui ci iiupoii fthegags iii genieral ierguo. 'file
it~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h itfi i krsitki c slaierr queistionu. 'Thiicspieakr 'IGreat Afro Amiciian Citis' c re'
imutile sak1111ir'sfdetttderihiuls aid.1 thatf litsas lorns iii thic South, ai'waheirnlnl f agltr titi ll l ii li iret iii iiioieiiiiStS
rne anu bro potd pa ts. ibuthail eiiigratdfroiii there a he el a flitindofla'ite. f$2,$oi i s ti lti ii Sl iiifaiilst h ii ian
t fill) u'cliock flit law stiiients m ature a g~ e of three mn sths. I eI t ''he farce , 'A n Irish R u ictio n in Aim A ,riiifiiSi, ii'iif or tilt f'iiiii iii' ii
iarciiedin i abochy to flit hal ainifmaiiitaiinedrhafitftheAbolition party a Chinese Laundcry,"' 'lost ninth ofK H. K
took possession of flit rot sa' otter could hatt fredtiheli negro. its interest oin acciunt of Mrs. el- & C " O
Wiletheflit w ;ater ing, h iuo i nno nAhl inhthtly's onolilortuIne app earances aidscl t101. 3-I85 eStviiinAve.,
iifferent classes anused themsuelts that whutn a hoy lie sas iftein thrown fogluns°fce.Cr onsDTIf' IIIIX
l's "iig ht'fle 'nisersify tandlclass Ihinto the comupany oL inuculn. In provedh to e sis asertised."'' his
ssslduissuin re stu iu hms pssou(~uhsevr o mc ~ trombnoucsolo wissencoedh heartily p tzhond Straight QoL,
I IchueroneaitdIococlecaherflitdedhpol-
mo fure muliemnlthaslifemcani hodchr101 Old1 Story, sisthehitushof theuce 1 cv.
tsthe 1)IncI itits thins Abrahamncossln. ishr uiriuk ismeusCIGcA R ETT1ES.
111111snealus tuh o'clo his 'flu i itiitiei;ussi si iit g lyrous Seats isis shui sm Ls e s'i"'Fciiuiiirie
Tesipcrio mhisosirit eneiaslrysug i titI >l is Sis¢ c "ii lmi.er n mmi
Io ash A. \ ft e eis 1 Prof. scoutst ohCG smts s le issus u cu mtes usbritmcotu sm Is o uu i li
~- 'road, lookecul itu ua cm1 tiic ist fia
.1551515 Prt 'lan hl , r, l t iseited et d< t .T eth 'lcthu' I li limis sue u ite e lf =1t tt
\tgey ad Ters .Fth maeItl tt hGrn shi;t ; o a ceari n d tutuhsils odruu elx'fresion.l csi
tutu ap5 'sionlhl'tag . PiliG.flo erastT)". D olitl
'itt ''lilt tlt Biswaufor hisiflinntlt-smutitsli
theii th tol - alh m civ 5ot iuted I aii ii t s' 5'"u'i;iams
usc e i s a I e s e su who it s i'um iss n 'a i,,
It e 111.c n lo Icl iii iieastssssuuiht in'I'
Ii ,''rh t y=ssn iirct
iii I 11 slit1 I song, ltnd ,thuu Ie ,
i di . tiit1'(_'sai S ir i li (''an s to l. in ci il Bi etli t - ®t
iiq o tici f tta al ,]e i c N rm l n ii I i I ' t i
, 1l_17c1socsue, sj KINN1tCAed
11 of1ht uoI ' -he' 'ott' 1n5I.rf
teihes Iii i strut lut I I lut'' i)riit isisf5theiros iipttct s .s , h 11 " -I 1\
n sat timeiuspeakerr sasit: itc Ishi ' -
ofttitist 5 'at siue n it y
's oh ssy ii 'm tit let uaic cutbusacistft h c ute!i 5 uunn
iii de ,t-seciusul mu eh tiay hsourh '1fle his "t i ts H isa mss -I
,s1i sse ofm t of e.)orge Washdein-phin)latigatDro.
Nes I gwndstatntted y litenrIn, seeofrifeIoi fitrarls
ch arss Iricin orm sus.i fist &l C r eeloftheat r"stiche;, r. lage)sd goeun en>roh ls
coc s ter is in lovisotoday.Detroit 0-ahi'a.