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February 23, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-23

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fhe eni enteredi for the serondLI E FN NG M EY
..C Iof ( atV mti drill in their respective events I E FN I G M N Y
_____at appointed times. The gymnasium By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 250, hoc and 75c on every
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) airing froni five to six orclock is givens iup pair of Shoes as swe must reduce our stork to
the Coliege year.,iby to cresw randidates and the iieis- make rooii for Spring Goods.
THE U. OF M. NDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION bers of the odrili classes.--Corniell- -
________________________________ Press Club Election Notice. Dine Footwear IDealers,
Th'lE first ap~pearance of te Gtee The election of officers of ttie 48 SOUTH>"I MAINSTE .
(lub could not welt he a source of Press Clul. for ttie second semester
disappointment to the studlents. still take place Saturday, 4:30 p. in., TO11hi edto.o h he ubrsro ,lwbidn.Almi-T OUISERS ORDRi21Gu.'.uaNT
rher rndtio is te treeisimbrshers are urged to he present. ~GDSO N
yesterday afterntooni was greeted CHAS. A. IDsiSON, -Pres. F 1OR THIRTCY DAYS.
with rounids of applauste, wvhic'h was ________________________
justly deserved. \Vith "the contin- 1I NE cmCO -
tied practice which wrill follow, the
1101) will fully equial tha t of past I~h ~ ~ R~ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
years. f ~ J f ' ~ ~ sNS Michigan Railway.
W11" wsish, ini behalf 1)f the tu-l slit"----
dents, to congratutlate the o lasi wtsr I)[. l:illiHIi ttI'AiiT lA. CIedlatisillek, 1 E D 1ieCr nefc til},,intt 11>
casses for their tery sisi rssful cel N 1.5i iltt iitt 5tttt tttl .lv
oerationitof W)ashington's birthiday. Hor'sfol's Acid Phosphate.
Tilo student hitdy appreirtes thI 1hae uditfor rSet era) yearst, 1' _1 INGit:: s ttE.
ol)1)rtun i~ytSproviedIfromt sFear to tily itYy practice, buttl111ttlitowitt - i i ftt W t ildAing; ninot eas age t g.anc; Iv o t) il s ltt . "' t.i
Itv= etIrs, ii ttttori .itttll gi 111 l .ie i atati a2). 'aet un~it Atrto A itat i t iii I60 iHoo
dlvdtileaeandco sierItund ral (>(Iis ip l till-cn(iatiworkl l c pited ra e i-aig Na. 5. titilindtal l'ao tio'... .4;? ).Ii
year of toriig anidl Itariti the 10)ep- itttitelll t a e Iof thte bitt s'or ~tt la- (llbiatie' s- t itya cieai getaxtai iigect tl
rosenti sh 0 11101) thIlre sitrliy, atdtl fittlit's thtta tt elttttttt. 1-o iteitull ex- dle tan sotiad gradutates alltiscrepostions;t
tositttctsost r ei'ttt i ,u-g exenes c$1.2.t2 iierw(ooiuiitprivtea ti o. Nit il 'i11c1(l e-' i t: i
allsi()nor verw rk tIv elt w d '1R oN ,(AALGaate dListf'tildent h ltlad1Xr° ....... irt
iosmtoallI amu to f tcredlitt Intd 95pr ise t-lt <i ie) tig to tiaIie'ettlirt' SV- anka lie ition so k tiiei-',atit-tv: is he N) . tjlii t1e . 0t.
Its eciailyis greatl cretdit utie u ostiaexcellentlantitagi(ecahle toici 20 30 40,$ altvel tiit~
variousscomittees, ltrotugh tvwhtoe1tndIfTil tcieer. I titir'i shlt' (ttuills ig- FirstsC3tiesrantil WutiirAtnliilaiiiar 1151'
0' I * ' oilotta i ltt )tit civo tlt si~a
labtir the ilayitas so sitciicrssfultin oruates the tit-cd braiiniatnd ibody, aiit- 0;vfery Wtty.Ototihttal
prsrentseed energy tatdvitlity, I~dN IW.H 3N.T, I. 1EN'V1)
tll particutlars. ''P t t t SNCTr t .th-- it it
enlivns th funcion;S E 8 Doty & Feiner. ; c. ten. isAent. LoaAgn.

'111i; itiendi-ors fi'94 law tlass Oesetiptire tam phlect fr-ci' a ucltis'itiieii tt
RmodChemical Works. Provi-
and '9.1 lit sholtoturhn out Ott masse deuce, RI.
t1) theirresptective claiss ioratoirical Btiteofasutbsttiitets an tttnittitttts. r-t
cotests tilght. It is duie thoseo FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.Z
twho ihave eniteredthe)1 contests that I w
their classes supplort Iheit it sih aI HENRY iFHAUL, z
lest islargo antI interestoid aui- dor,, sltd~io tttt i ittJ.tlititttjtt
ene. Msictal tinumblers have btoots W1 SlYOtt It' c5iottn1, Stevi
arcatigodliittthe progrm s, n.thtel t
evenintg coutld 1ot1b10beolor spenll. T IJflt B~i
Miss l1li it Foblly of the Schiool of GE IOUSIFIFEO W
MIutsicstill lplaIy atthe '9._1lt1120- L. GR U NER,
tesI. let every otneon)11 ic t itti
1 8. S. Maina Streect, - Ann Arbor.i c3
mataheli.prelfin italy conttests a
020 5fC 11 i ccv.' ]p

At the Studlents' Bootkstore. SI tdets, osve til f stitti 0Itiiis
andl but' itt is. Wi' atredadsyreivt timstoniigiliet ts ofi
seco-tttil a nd t i ltp -it ii i ('llehge Teolt litiks frimtti te
j Eat Whlicht t-ie still tillor "at Ilist'pricr's. Wl oo ep tle nchtt il
ando Germiani I itisiricssrcommended b'Iilyi lth le Facutiyts. SNo'
haves othe host attilucheaptist \ote lI solos iiili 'lle iy.
University Booksellers,- State Street.
SIIEFEiAN 6& CO. SIIEEIIA N & ('O. 811EPIIAN 5k (i().

Tonight's Jeftersonian Programn.
Duiet, MIiss %Shawvanol Miss Pattoin;
coalittg, J. J. Danltof: ideclantation,
C. 11. Stewrart; recitation, A.'i'.
Webb, "The Chtaracter of Washing-
ton'' society lpsper, L.. 1'. Harms;
biography, 11. IT. Lovett. Debate,
"Resolved, That the Untited. Slates
should annex the Sandwicht Islanids."
:Affirmative, W. C. 1')elknaip and t).
1". Srott. Negative, Rt. 1,'. Purce'll
atndhG. I-:. Leonardl.
Baseball Prospects at Cornell-
'Te candidates p~ractice in the
cagc and at hand bail, go throutgh a
diumb Deli exercise, antirutn a lhalf
mile, fron twso to three o'clock:, on
Monoday, Wxednesday, Friday, and
Saturday. This drill is shoswing its
good effect upsn the otto in a bright
eye, and an elastic step. From
three to fire or'clo of eachs lay,

'AtNNu:t occARO R I l 1 L.C I
ST~i L~uTPL Y NJ7CO. jPhoto jrapher,
--- -23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. tt~tti~NA~)Stti '5
eatlaswillioirevatitt is rich atd E. S. SEPIVIS - IvIANAL R.
ease. 'n ineacewel edSRigs atid Yen-i' U4-NLSJJ i Ixxtc
sotein ~ viiutmesteei e N 0OT1ICE 'Iii S-cu:tINTS A V. RH2 9
DIAMONDS and Cite's. on'tt snot.-i ofitic wndilfdioriiTHURSDAYEE ARC ,9
OPALS ~Cady whe YOUttt anitget fleat lieroodtat.I;. Ei
ASEMERALDS :lollty Sc .'.-W505don'i t harg' otisstyle, lut Spcial Ittttt neti'ti of'i t0heiGrltt
PEARLS gie'it tolt, andthaltuidisone-haui'. lHdotad
RUBIES ttINALFOIitiN la R. ~ e- JO ll &hours 6o u h a ctnih. LlARPA M\OR[RJI
TUHQUOISES C, 0AIN R .JLY&CON.2 ot T. T. CL.S''EltRS. State Street-.~
ETC., ETC.Ott teioccsion itwill i to nteliii Ei-
-- - __IHOT LUNCHES ntiats owrulttattl
uio atic'iuuuatRerne e *De * Moray
icutetidutcate, Itiseuauititoiii macitt And the vary choicest Candles
onaly thae mosit perfec t tepialcethe-Tti'tsil i.LI L LE1L
a- ill-Ird seaukees.eIn k ditionitionattni onii tu Me 3osif s tIe
t i eat nsps tecialiF. t . S., S & C si
moveenltr mos'tetat pfet l y httt at t tl ttlS
tiuteeti i4:a'eomaetuSTextent.EET.iPrices: $1.00, $1.25 and $1movmenue
WOOCt)5'Aatti rF'-Seutsale a t id a~tta' JetiweryStore.
ISE'lR~ttlT, SONS C./oal ! GIBSON
& co.I11 W. -Washington St PHIOTOGRAPHIER
-' wiT TOrmse.8. NO. 12 W. HURON STI.

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