THE U. OF M. DAILY. fhe eni enteredi for the serondLI E FN NG M EY ..C Iof ( atV mti drill in their respective events I E FN I G M N Y _____at appointed times. The gymnasium By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 250, hoc and 75c on every Published Daily (Sundays excepted) airing froni five to six orclock is givens iup pair of Shoes as swe must reduce our stork to the Coliege year.,iby to cresw randidates and the iieis- make rooii for Spring Goods. THE U. OF M. NDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION bers of the odrili classes.--Corniell- - ________________________________ Press Club Election Notice. Dine Footwear IDealers, Th'lE first ap~pearance of te Gtee The election of officers of ttie 48 SOUTH>"I MAINSTE . (lub could not welt he a source of Press Clul. for ttie second semester disappointment to the studlents. still take place Saturday, 4:30 p. in., TO11hi edto.o h he ubrsro ,lwbidn.Almi-T OUISERS ORDRi21Gu.'.uaNT rher rndtio is te treeisimbrshers are urged to he present. ~GDSO N yesterday afterntooni was greeted CHAS. A. IDsiSON, -Pres. F 1OR THIRTCY DAYS. with rounids of applauste, wvhic'h was ________________________ justly deserved. \Vith "the contin- 1I NE cmCO - tied practice which wrill follow, the 1101) will fully equial tha t of past I~h ~ ~ R~ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North years. f ~ J f ' ~ ~ sNS Michigan Railway. W11" wsish, ini behalf 1)f the tu-l slit"---- dents, to congratutlate the o lasi wtsr I)[. l:illiHIi ttI'AiiT lA. CIedlatisillek, 1 E D 1ieCr nefc til},,intt 11> casses for their tery sisi rssful cel N 1.5i iltt iitt 5tttt tttl .lv oerationitof W)ashington's birthiday. Hor'sfol's Acid Phosphate. Tilo student hitdy appreirtes thI 1hae uditfor rSet era) yearst, 1' _1 INGit:: s ttE. ol)1)rtun i~ytSproviedIfromt sFear to tily itYy practice, buttl111ttlitowitt - i i ftt W t ildAing; ninot eas age t g.anc; Iv o t) il s ltt . "' t.i Itv= etIrs, ii ttttori .itttll gi 111 l .ie i atati a2). 'aet un~it Atrto A itat i t iii I60 iHoo dlvdtileaeandco sierItund ral (>(Iis ip l till-cn(iatiworkl l c pited ra e i-aig Na. 5. titilindtal l'ao tio'... .4;? ).Ii year of toriig anidl Itariti the 10)ep- itttitelll t a e Iof thte bitt s'or ~tt la- (llbiatie' s- t itya cieai getaxtai iigect tl rosenti sh 0 11101) thIlre sitrliy, atdtl fittlit's thtta tt elttttttt. 1-o iteitull ex- dle tan sotiad gradutates alltiscrepostions;t tositttctsost r ei'ttt i ,u-g exenes c$1.2.t2 iierw(ooiuiitprivtea ti o. Nit il 'i11c1(l e-' i t: i allsi()nor verw rk tIv elt w d '1R oN ,(AALGaate dListf'tildent h ltlad1Xr° ....... irt iosmtoallI amu to f tcredlitt Intd 95pr ise t-lt