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November 23, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-23

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5180. AIa ST. Director and Manager. Fri. Eve., Nov, 24-Adepli imeeting, in Room
4,8p. m.
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Mon., Nov.27.--Miss Jessie Hrown, of Cleve-
20 EAST HURON STREET. land, on Child Characters in Dickens. at
Good work Guaranteed. Goods called for Inland League.
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Tues. Eve., Nov. 28-.Thanksgiving recess be-
a Years in the Business. '.. eFri., Dec. 8.-Marteau, the great violinist, in
CITY LAUNDRY, S. L. A. course.
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
P. G. Reception at S. C. A.
+$TATE $AVIfG$ BAflK+ Friday evening the S. C. A. give
Cor. Main and Washington Streets. a reception to the graduate students.
A. L. NonLa, Pres. RoBERTPosLiPs,Cash'r. All graduate students are invited.
The j3. & 1. Prbg Store The following is the program:
Is the place to buy anything in the Drug line. Music; Our Graduate Depart-
Medicines, Sponges ,Brushes, Etc. Etc. ment, Pres. Angell; A Specimen
GO3.0 O German Seminary, Prof. Hudson;
31. E. JOLLY & Co.3s Music; Co-ordination of Subjects,
When youwant a pure box of Fine Chocolate Prof. Adams; Graduate Clubs, Mr.
Candies. Stationery at cost. Cigars, Tobacco,
Cigarettes and the Finest Stock of Pipes in Manny; Music; Discussion and
the City.qu i ae a d s
LADIES' andGENTS'LUNCH ROOM. questiona after each adress
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.-
Adelphi Literary Society.
DANCING and D ELS A RT E The Adelphi society will hold its
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER weekly meeting Friday evening.
46 S. State street.
MONDAY-8j . .ls c e .cdClass for La- The following program will be pre-
dies and Gentlemen.
MONDAY-7 . m. Ladies' desarte class. sented: Inaugural address, J. Dear-
TUESDAY-7, i.in. Gentlemen's dancing born; music; paper, "Fundamental
SATURDAY-10 a. m. Gentlemen's dancing Cause of Crises," C. G. Zeidler; ad-
p . ia.Children'sncing lass. dress, "Influence of College Ethics
41).m:. Ladies' dancingc{la:ss.
Private lessons by appointment on Citizenship, " D. F. Wilcox;

Dr. Dock was unable to lecture
on account of sickness, yesterday,
and Dr. Warthin lectured in his
"The Voice of Conscience. Whose
is it?'' will be the subject of Rev.
Walter Elliot, Paulist, tonight at
Newberry Hall.
The junior medical students have
sent in a petition to the regents,
asking that the charge on demon-
stration courses be taken off.
The Mozart Symphony club of
New York will give an entertain-
ment in the Detroit Star Course at
the Auditorium Saturday evening.
Prof. Dennison has about recov-
ered from his recent attack of ty-
phoid fever and will probably meet
his classes after the Thanksgiving

"'The lake of Fire" will be the
sermon in the M. E. church next
Sunday evening. Revival meetings
will continue every evening of next
week ,ept Saturday.
EditorU. of M. DATLx:

I was much pleased to notice re-

declamation, Ben lHazzards ..
cently an editorial in the DAILY in
Guests,'' D. Ht. Wright; music;
deats,"''.es.vediTht Lysic;reference to the establishment of a
daes"esvedjusthfiatIyncla f Law Annual by the senior law class
of the U. of M. There appears,
Klingler and Plant, neg., Pierpont
and ubbrd;critc'sreprt. however, to have been no action
taken in the matter as yet. There
Drowned at Cornell. is not the slightest doubt that the
- - enterprise would be a success as
A sad accident occurred at Cor- there is any amount of material in
nell Saturday afternoon. Dr. L. the class for such an undertaking.
S. -Merriam, iustructor in Political As a member of the class, I wouli
Economy, and Miss IM. L. Yeargan, be pleased to see immediate action
of the junior class, went for a row taken in the matter.
on lake Ca u a and Sunda morn-

of which are so numerous and varied
that they are able to entertain an au-
dience for a whole evening. The open-
ing of the show takes the form of a
school, in which various tasks and du-
ties are assigned to the horses. The
most intelligent and accomplished of
the horses is Sultan, a beautiful and
high-spirited animal.whose mathemat-
ical education would compare favora-
bly with that of many a child. Ite
tells time and works sums in arthme-
tic, and even gives the proper answers
to qsestions proposed by persons in
the audience. The most conspicueus
and hardest worked member of the
company is Denver, a mule. He is at
once the comedian and philosopher of
the show.
The second part of the entertain-
ment consists mainly of feats of phys-
ical skill and balancing, many of
which undoubtedly require the exer-
cise of a reasoning faculty. Among
the mo'e pleasing exhibitions are a
game of leap-frog. and the walking of
the tight rope by Dynamite, a diminu-
tive ssule. A brilliant effect is created
by a military drill, participated in by
ali the horses."
'The J. . Jacbs Co. have received a
une line of neckwear-the very latest.
Los--On State street, between the
Main Building and Ann street, a gold
watch and chain wi iti fleur de is
charm. Return to Steward's office cr
67 Ann street and receive reward.
have your photos taken at Randall's
before the rush of Christmas.
Two newly furnished front suites of
rooms, furnace heat and oil, very
cheap. Aiso good board at $2.50 per
week. 37 S. Ingalls.
Martin Haller has received a large
assortment of Rattan Furniture, of
which a few of his latest patterns are
exhibited i his show window. Ite
says, however, that this is only a part
of his stock for Christmas.' Ie ex-
expectstwomorehirge shipmentswith-
im ii few weeks. 47-49
ATTENFiwTIOiN.-Do soic think of buy-
ing a type-writer thi s year' Then call
at the DAt. olice if you wish one be-
low cost.
Handsome Ratta i couches at the
Popular Furniture Store of Martin
IHaller. 47-419.
Fosrret.--Tl istnigsls' roomcs, one
suite, furntce Bat uli iita ndcoi eli
water bath, to dollars and three dol-
lars a.20 E..(''Perl~sonit,
.A I iirs 5god pair of shiul-
der braces. A Iarge stock at low prices
at Brown's Drug Store. A few shop
worn braces at s0c.
Have you been to Ilazlewood's Bil-
Hard Hlall yet? Everything nice, pleas-
ant and quiet; no boisterousness.
Go to BlOtWN's DRUG STocE for all
Laboratory supplies. Dissecting cases,
aprons and sleeves.-L.ow Pries.
Students' Thanksgiving Rates,
The Toledo, Ann Arbor & No. Mich.
ity. will sell tickets to students of the
U. of M. and Ypsilanti Normal at one
and one-third fare for round trip, to all
points rn the lines of our Toledo con-
nections, except the Lake Shore. Tick-
ets will lie solsd on Nolv. 2, 29 and 30,
,ood to return until Miondcy, Dec. 4.
Students must be provided with proper
It. S. GEuxsWOD, Agent.
Granger's "Waltz Oxford."
Mr. Granger introduced and taught
his 1e combination of movements,
the "Waltz Oxford," atthe class meet-
ing Tuiesday evening, and it was pro-
nounced by many of the class the
prettiest and most graceful dance of
the season.

'sTim Tsable evis-d)SEpt.:sth, 183.
fia . 4.... . 7Mail... ..
Day Express.30 Day Express ..... 81
N. . iitd.. 6{Ni'w.imsi-ed.i.'I94s
N. , U itd.... s.4 rutd . .
N. Falls Special . 11 12 Chicago Express .. 1 55
. 'Y. & Chi. Lim.. 12x10.rR. . &al rEps 1.60
A. 'l h. N. Epss5 ...8n
Atlantic Express. 533 Pacific Express...10 20
D. N. Express..... O 01
G. R.Express.....1044
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor.
Student Work a Specialty.
Best Workmen and Lowest Prices in the City.
follows: Gentlemen, Saturday mornings 10
and Thursday evenings 8:00; Ladies, Saturday
afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad-
vanced class, Tuesday evenings 8. Ground
floor, 6 M caynard street. Tuition. one term
(twelve weeks) $. Pupils received at any
In Picture-Framning at 1 ~J'AT3LE 'S-
Headquarters for Signs.
25 S. Fourth Ave, - Ann Arbor.

%UI n . y g~ tt LL ty 11 11
ing the empty boat was found wash-
ed ashore. No location of the
place where they were drowned can
be made and it is very doubtful if
the bodies will ever be found.
Dr. Merriam is from Chattanooga,
Tenn., and graduated from John
Hopkins last spring. Miss Yeargin
was from Laureus, S. C. She was
a bright intelligent girl 2S years old
and had many friends.
Betting on the Yale-Harvard
game is at even money. Betting on
the Yale-Princeton game varies
from even money to 5 to 3 on Yale.
Some Princeton students are betting
z to 5 that Yale will not score.
The total enrollment in all depart-
ments of the Iowa State university
this year is 938--a gain of forty
over that of last year. In the col-
legiate department there are 357
studens, a gain of ten over last

Thne law class of 94 could in this
way establish a precedent and have
a , memento worthy of the class.
The Yale Shingle, the annual of the
senior law class of Yale, has been in
existence for years, which fact alone
is evidence of its success. Let the
'94 laws take this matter in hand as
a body and score for Michigan an-
other point in journalistic enter-
As already announced in our col-
umns, Prof. D. M. Bristol and his
school of thirty educated mules and
ponies wil exhibit in the opera house,
two nights, commencing Friday. A
matinee will be given Saturday after-
noon. The following is from the
Newark (N. J.) Daily Advertiser:
"A large and appreciative audience,
greeted Prof. D. M. Bristol's Lques-
Curriculum at Miner's theatre last
evening. Almost everyone is aware
that this remarkable troupe consists of
about thirty wonderfully trained and
beautiful horses, the tricks and antics



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