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t1 Ohs "" dols) voIt1iaCh n
otli ve vcIris ti(I IT VIASAUCE .
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lvI~liallV~lIII t~l I SIlC Ciry i li IIi.C5 .,f.5 t o iitr l tC In io
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liooIi en i or s 11 tydo o p0c0 1 01 I, '.S icr o 00 tobe' ut oh ;f~l C
4il;ld ft e 1:'tIr!tG il>S Cl2 3 ll 1 i l(t t1 t Il iii lT ll '' 11tdo t Japas,151 T ,11 , an InCof an:.of i
Otlltl hot 111(?Ie;ihero of the liw1 11
lite eisirt thhici has 1001,regoneatoal It
5011011. throool)n< the effortf Oof1tlsCs mission-
1, Thiit theornibe trie opeMl Ilrs I; r on ols eeIS1.ret e of
tI1hillit olw fI fll nl if yfved yapasUI C , 00,000wrk, he athn wih te pls '11
h~the elimite e ugge 1.11anloiigw-r today,,thereoarenha ats4,000. sTwenttic
tim eofpesenrativof b tgie n t t de n): y0 0agoiteas a sconri te toea o
haterIs 11$ PolbeOivllifSte eb ttor 12ril ta nand on; toilayrChritn
011111 thi0 5 u l h q e ti n" h .T at only mer h s o 0011011 o e re ch r yr ev r.ur m e~ait
1tIn i ii 11110en ber a perticn ts g aen ntl ys bcm toglor n s o
Ilelit lepsoliefored nelt .,Ii tlio sJa n. i s grnlext. here isotgra
at t uden1100'taiOO 0001 ofmofiosiry wrkw AfI ca. i.
SlliOOOie, 'counryichal15h*aspneerted h r
oii ttte jhalfgof the, mforeysoastbenmriston-
Tah sde lacodspcernliitigsalowtedtheriemaindyersila10gotheoegr
1t000nty tem ocinimutes.atI f i lea an,000,utur e te e pls e
eomicon sngaestastolongrtdythr r ut4,s.Twny:l
ime ofrerast noee iewo ote de- 'Fie easnio itws met i e om ea
biotersaiyloi o n wi i u t deteatoCh rsini aa;toa hita-t
somebater ne i tinolasegeyare;alr mufenon o h eeto
an lothdaoriftsse e rmintes eit010joftof classbeoes tronghaldwinand hoi
three m en fThat et e ititen to r ihrdon.w ere iat etorfne
debettreqeain prpite for res lidnt.M. adinws lcedr e
an ides be de'Istermne a tat!0aynecetary; missoabelwrabbn;Arcat-r.
befoeIte nest tatifposileth eocF. H. Cmith;soratord S. C.
cotet.ehldata.atBLoARertia Sieer;sprpee,aMissouMabe- o
March 31, ,893.alfterrt e po eA.h.aHoles;hais-d e
Theatn eran cndebteos astabo-tranMiseneEdy Thhy
Tihaedaoco nstiuiselecbtheldatthu elecionlassaffversquietefai, of
1 * 01111110t01ll ilnllS h
11001 iesoftie,' (
10 101 e i 11) 31 \V1
1 1Sti.'fC'111 0 c [lt,~ t
11111001r ]c~icl it
ay-11't1ti1(1111 010 1111NIi,
.'Ii h 0 ' 111
th lai pI be
10g Ilwh1 icitire eed I too
11011O'K 1ch 1Lnond" seas
pecially "good11as toas the larni-
litle I roitch 50111 with 1whichi
e0esonl~ilddtoCit enbore.
rI 0Steinberg, in thle op~enting
casu00s of the 'Scherzo, 1100v00
mself a thloroughs interp~reter of
nimusicIte rendered.STe charnm
htis music carriedl his audlience
'ond the realization of swhat seas
easing titeninaking them fee lonly
it thsey were pleased. Htis rendi-
in of "Milarcel thte Hugimenot" was
ch enjoyed, the more so becauise
the expllanation given concerning
The bright, sparkling selection
itteit by a friend and tpresented to
rSternberg seas oiie of thte most
asintg nunmhers of the entertain-
The 'Varsity Fun Makers.
[lie first publlic appearance of the
irsity Mlinstrels weill be on the
I of next ntonth. Mr. Schermer-
rn, whlo does splecial swork as a
gr0 character artist, hias been ad-
I to the troupe. Several noew
lures have been added lately, a
-lestine circus, which promises to
al that of Nellie McHenry, and a
vel Chinese act.
The contracts for special scenery
ve been given to Vet Armstrong,
Ann Arbor.
11101 'ittrcYt . 4i11 1;
0111 111 I01111 00 lito '01110 11t0110 0110
5C111111Leaf01110019 11il 11Virginia. ,Th is itsieOl
P. J. KINNU -- Rcmn.Vrgna
ANDTI0 -7 m tEI0
55 ffE01& Sa ,
DetrZoit, Mi-ohI.IIA.