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January 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…4 W '!* 0 ° * ' ,, J ,. n = , - ' J <'." , r; (" %. n ' i .r r. - C r ... 1 "r, , , .. ,, . f,,. T. f f . :t. ^ ..... r J. ,n i r; 7 UQ r , .+' f. r, , r' .I ... ' iii , . . zz- J f, r J: I i , I. .. .. :/; r. .1, r, . ._. n ,:. ' . Imo: ; l- _ f :J: 1 J,^, v tr :/ r r r " - 2 l<- 2 - .n T (;. J y ' r f... " r te r, r, r f _ ..+ J' u f i " , r, , ti ' r .; +; W C.; .f ... r _ .., r r ,.-. r ^. '" _ . " f 'f. r" .-.- J. .-. t'J r, '...…

January 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…THE MfellfIAN Y5A.!L V THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. Hi. Wild Companly lie Lrgst Stock of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemfen'sear I±vory thing rqiiied o Sit, Ovect, c oy Vs ctingsc and troo term e ad it high caic fabrics cand spiecial stye. Full Dress Suits at Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 Soth State Street A Few 50c Michigan Calendars For 25c Each wh ile thit last Ttese arec the original Miciitt Caetidars ctorat I-itntictic abot coivi...…

January 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…5~H 6t~f~~iNDAILY . . Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Tgrade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield 106 &Coo EAST HURON ST. I ntoticotiegiate Notes. Tihe I tarvard catalogue show' a regis- tratican ot 6,138. 'The total registration at Stanford uni- versity is 1,643. The sttudentts (f Iowa strongly favor eeo(gantes." as rio those of fIlinois. TiheNot ci at the 'Cniv-ersity of Int- din ave aithockey team titis winiter. Thtere are torta contdi...…

January 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…TH-E MICHIlGAN D AILY i S pecial C ut P ricesSe 'W no Dipa Sale CLOSES Feb. 1st Merchantcc Tailorsj 118 E. Liberty St. J. KAIRL MALCOLM, Prop. AMUSEMENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For the Erttire Week COMMENCING Januairy 020 The following Attractions will be Presented : 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- 5.- 6.- 7.- Overture. -Musical Forest. Aiiia ctu toitit yohn' ,Bnoec Mr. Al. Burton,coein BL3 AKE CIRCUS, su irrliioIfront the ippodromne of o...…

February 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN ?RBOR. iIICIIIGA N SATURDAY, Ii FVRO RY r?, o8 VOL. XVIII. NO. ra04 JUNIOR ENGINEERS AND '11 ITS WIN Curtain-Raiser Draws More Ap- plause Than Second Contest- Senior Engineers in Poor Form. Vlaying spledidiibask~etlol from start to mf inihthe juniengieer defetet th e eiors lst eveing hythe score ot 47 to j. The winnersodilayelothe 11amen finihedl tem oot wiich coimiied ithil blilt loteai-r. Th'le coritig liitsttredeal...…

February 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…TE fMf tf9!iASI A8L THE MICIGAN G, H. Wild Comfpany t~a17, ~lt'-AeFE Biness MVanage-C.E Our Spring 1905 line of fine EDIORS Imported and Domestic I DAILY. tF. RITetate. WINSrEAD. iram S . Cody 'cce -A \White :Ito Wamibold, Dy D. Welcli Van Voorhis Is now ready. It tncludItsall the latest Nosveltes, Shade and Up-to-Date Patterns to Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectftully solicited...…

February 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…'ff113ACHiIGAN DAIL.1 SETdxE JOHN T. GRAVES TO 1l' Ili1,,t WIN 0 SPEAKO FOR S. L A.(1(1 il oI S Fl0ESR Greatest Southern Orator Takes dIlsor. S PPIE I[r (,at(s'a* he Reign of the Demagogue" 1 oif(al HOT WATE . for Lecture Monday Night. e A N D l Ii s 1 ,111 11" Ruber ood 113 C1~1' S (-It; 1 AP413 3 Sc'I iri '111icalIls"tl 11<li11 t-11 (°1111 est eten ( 111 11nbr i l I1 l Stu ents Money Loanedold ml op t-' WalcicI. oCil3t 111 ('oll.s('. Mr. G ...…

February 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…T7HEfMICHIGAN IDAILY THE NEWEST IN TOWN Made as you'd nakb them yorself. ifferent from the candies that yon has c Oeven bolyitog ad better. A znew shipm-ent 1xist in. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 Soth ate tStrt r ALW'AYS CQi FOR t MAtTIC PENNANT IIAJETIC For the Entitre Week COMMENCING FEBRt5UARY 1L7 The folowing Attracioens wilt be Presented : 1.Overture. 2.-Eflott & West. 0ss~ 3.-Charles Marvetle. tuit ii1 4.- Slgna Roberts. C it i i c ....…

March 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…TheM'i'chigan Daily VoL. XVIII. ANN AR-.OR, MICHIGAN. SU NDAY, MARCH 22 f908. No. 129 REGIMENTAL FLAG DROOPS TO VARSITY l'lichigan Wins Meet, 42 to 30- Iddings Fails to Establish Gym Record-Syracuse Scheduled. Alichigan again proved victor over the regimental squadl from Chicago, winning thc meet y a -score of 42 to 3. Te comtptetition was exceedingly close all tlesway. No recordsswsere estalished, though all the events swere rn in credit- ah...…

March 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. In view of the numerous and di as- Intercollegiate__ -_______ * Notes. yeasaother irebootsbeen tint- Globe Wernicke G.n idu lla l atagng ibr-Atxcttea RITCIII. stlled. The assistant euiner 9f the, Busnes_______ RtWNSEA, i niersity an three students 1rill sleep 0 E I~U OrSrn 91lieofne ____-- Laietes oyg d M Prr-thre UUUs lch'"eVoaed iPer-teeouSpiggolieofieEITORS ht' is to e presented bymretuer of ___ Ness...…

March 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC.ITIC N DArILY __ _. ..... Sam Burcilfield's Fine Tailoring, Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfiel & . EAST HURON ST. BEST STOCK OF Cr AK CIN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARFI CLOCKS $1..00 .$1.50 -$1.75 All the btest makesat6-fully guaranteedtt. MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPEKIALTY. Watch Iaspector for the Ann Arbor r...…

March 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…Ice Cream'Soda 5 cents t All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda, l1c with douible portion of Ice Cream -E, E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. 'rill MICN!&AN VAiLV CALENDAR z Mlar 23-Ben Greet company in "Ro- men and Juliet." Mar. 24-Junior, engineer tdanice t Ilarbot' gymnasium. Mar. '2g--Atcoeney-iGenerai Wade ElI-ia addiess -at Taft Republicans club free meeting. 8 p. in.. Scott's dancin-g acatd- emi.4 Mar. 26--Henrietta Cr...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN *-ARBOR, MICHIAN. WERDNESDAY, WINNING NINE RETURNS AS TRACK TEAM STARTS EAST Baseball Men Arrive Home Vic-. torious After Excursion Into Dixie- -Lose Only One Game. p ten taut looming up alealCoulti nt b, made a-teantplay bha-li alliithani ,vaspl Ald byMiciga'tinehula'ileo le souitherniitril. Waheweaniewa fearetd Coahel Me lltee fond trtt1iengt. adhe ha- reltanedtwitl six sala lftbind tl. lnei'ae id mian...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…'rTHY M ic1iiAN A ILY G. H. Wild Comfpany Our Spring i905 line of fie Imported and Domestic WOOLENS Is now ready. t includes all the latest 'NoveltiesSitatdes and Up-to-i)ate Patterns n Moose Brown, Caribou Tan Leather Shade (rays and Fancy Blues Your patrottage reespetfully= stolicited. G. H. Wild Comlpany 3tt South State St ret The New Hackett & Alexander Racket is sciettificaly "Perfect Oval model, the strait of trining s evenly (distritut...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…TMI6 MiCl'(AN tXAtLV Sam Burchfield's Trade Can vDeliver Th Goods Sam Burclifiekl &Co. EAST HURON ST. BF ST STOCK'ltO(F 1N THE1CIYAl BROWN'S Drug Store 120 Ei. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'et at lowv prices. ALAI~11CLOCKS $It() $1.50 1,7 NIICIiI( ,LN PINS A,,1I51 01B 25c up toyf. .4 A SP1 ClAITX, watchs iaipectoiriirth iiis Sisis ai s islrod J06 L.C"; !'tN Turksa y ' I5 cPkg. - = _ 2 for'2c 25- 1 P65:. - = or $I0 I C I[Ct'...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…M 1IcHtGAI~4 bAtty Ice C ream Soda 5 ents All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda 10c with double portion of Ice Cream E. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR. Apiilt2.2 "TheeIDramatic Techmique of \lm.nn n I(0l arttelm,' " Dr. Carl E. '?,terr I Tappan1hlll lecture room, 4a Apr1it 23-Vari ty b1)n(1 (lnce. Bar- hour gyamasium. April2 1- he national Import of \trlnna.ront larntlelm,' "Prof. Max Wiler 'Tappan 1...…

May 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…T'he MIichigan Daily VOL.~ XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAXY. MAY 22, 1900. -NO. 172. SYRACUSE BLANKED, BY THE VARSITY Barr Twirls Hard Fought2 to 0 dame-Sipcock is Expected to Pitch Final Tomorrow. Fortune turned and gave Michigan the laurels yesterday. Syracse went townt iefore the varsity witiot being tile tn score, touglt the "M" men found their way home twice in the nine innings. Barr twirled, wills'aft c- teving. Despite tle victo...…

May 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

….,..,., HE MICHIGAN DAILY - --- ----- G. H. Wild Compally Our Spring 198 line of fine Imprted and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comlpaly 311 South State Street New andA Distirnctivee Styles of Calling Cards ie thown ii our latest list f designs. When you sy...…

May 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…- HEH. MICHIGAN ',DAIL- Sam Burclfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield & Co. EAST HURON ST. B§EST STOCK OFe C J-GAR.S IN TH-E CITY- AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St.' We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at ow prices. ALARFI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the best makes andfully gar scs. MIClHC N PINS AND) FOlS 25c up to $.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector fr the An AbsreRilrolead J. L. CHAPMAN...…

May 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…+ritmikRfdAW DAILY- MERRY WIDOW SUNDAE EAT THE HAT E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSE M ENTS New Whitney Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 CALENDAR. .\tay 22-Prof. Victor C. Vaughan will add~res Sigma Xi on "The Chemistry of the Living Cell,' west amphitheater, Medical building, 8 p. m. Mlay 23-" Leap Year" party, auspices of Woman's League, in Barour gym- nasiutn, 8 p. n. May 27-Judge E. Finlay Johnson, one of the s...…

October 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,\JTCH IGA TfiRSD.XX OCTOBIER 22, 1908. VOL. XTX. VETERANS ROMP WITH SCRUBS Four Touchdowns Netted by Var- sity in First Half, Then Re- serves Brace. In tilefirst t,.ellvivfe nontiles of play yesterdaula'fternion Coach Yost's war- rior s ran tawayiiwit I rTetzel's athletes, bil ini thei secoiiiltdf the scrubs gave lhe reutlars aimerris sitase ottil e green turf and~ held lie vasatyi scoreless. TIo miake it good, ...…

October 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…il"7-,2MICHIG AN DAILY G,, H, Wild Collpally The Largest Stock in the Ciiy of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear Pvs rything requniredf for Suits, Overcoats.,IFancy Vestings. and Trounerings, and of high clas fabrics iod special Sityiss. Full Dress Suits a Specialty THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. .fnagiaig lditor-AsCEoRs-I F. RImTCE. Bsiiissns Miisager-JolleyF. 'iVon. Nes'........Lee A Whfiie~ Aihletics.......C. EC Eldridgej tIxcfiaige ...…

October 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…SUPPLEMENT The, Michiga Da ily VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICIAN, THUCRSDAY, OCTOBECR 22. 1908. >15u i HAMNISMINER AND NOTED-ORATOR He Is World's Greatest Mining Engineer and. Highest Salaried Alan. "Theyit have a miller1 (ver1thtere int 1111! 11111d m iesawa",is tte Ixvay tht olle ofl thte.famou0s1 l 1111to tbrothers charactelrized1Johnt Hays ttanIntittottd )-a s a o int I this is 10 t ttt. tite 111111111), enitsr..teeis'ft toonthof raret il i f...…

October 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…TIi A4K I\ff('ifAK DAILY MIICHIGAN LECTURE COURSE THE BEST In Comparison With Other Uni versities Both In Quantity and Quality-S. L.A. Is at the Head. The Studtens'fLetreeof ouritown I.' iierit Iiof Michig fe rsee a bte stittinin Amerkica. AlIIof le' ten the iff ren pr fes in lachi se anic iiifo'pek. Snce a ltareei'lent ieir, lt ecogin izedfitllet and i x1 peiirinerth eiseics chenriyeither wilb fiiltttaI.mJittn',itt 'f and inrf -i estie'gfitt...…

October 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

…E'lXT TIC 14 0IOAND A IR DfUTSCIIERS TO CIHOOSE. MUSIC 1VOR10PARIEIS. ONC OF FOUR 10 1 I -- Throuhout school days, college Q uarry's eeacc i- K Acadlcmiy Orchstra can be days, business or professional career Mlichigan' stanidardl in dI liliillis will lihokedniceforcc (mcl ig paries andiirc the Conklin Pen will serve you faithfully and make e partially upiehld this i-a bythcslctincic-\Ii. (Graiiger asuresthlin- writing a pleasure. You don't h...…

October 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

…P 'l-Y MITCHIGAN BATLY WALL PAPER Window ,Shades, Plate and Stein .,helves, Burlaps,, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Etc., Etc. = = - Our specialty is ine IDecorating;, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, interior and exterior) Wall- tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only ,killed workmen and guarantee our work. We can~ do you.r work at once ce H. AJOReaCOO 203 E. washinitoxi St. BOTH PHONES 237 GRANGEK13 SCHOOL D A...…

November 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…Th M"ichiganDaily _ AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, NOVEIR2 2, 1R908oY-Q48. Votl- XIX. VARSITY DEFEATED AT SYRACUSE AND PRINCETON' Baptists, Played. Wolverines Off Michigan Finished Fifth in In- Their Feet; Score 28 to 4; [tearn tercollegiate Cross Country Is 'Expected to Arrive at 939 Rae Dull Placed Second. (Specl t.inThe MihignD iy on el.Strcl ,I a ii iind Yae Syirs"on, N.Y. Nioi. 2l.-Siiiiiii ln i dn rot ct \Michianiinth ea - stieittpc i Mi...…

November 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…!THiE MICHIGAN DAIL Y.4 loo'sincts ioootg'r JOtI[ F.1*\V(.jto __ j 0. I Wil C Ofpu Exclusive Styles in O OLENS For Gentlemfen' sWear FullDres Suits a Specialty 6 H Wild Comipally 31Souh.a t eStre SPECIA L SALE High Neck 1oraesdAsol Full line at S e an &Co. Sh c a r tudents' 1 olottr G.. Spalding& Bros, I ta t I miufw11111, i i 100t15Bal1, BalsaetBall, leeSkates, Aparsv tus. .111 11 01 ontin y'r7 cs' 0 l ', wai let ny \ ~e4 ............. IC ...…

November 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…$Fi1E CIIC1AN DAILY Sam Burchficld's Fine Tailoring Trade Cn Sami relifield & Co. EAST HURON ST. S 11 \CC'S, L liVI:12SITV 3 . . 1>Y; N i Stchi 3 Yards ginl a1 goer W(iut IT m-.(:y for t,: C <a .;t M c, . xi ic '. ut xoxilCcxiiic,xi" 4 lii I ,rtiy c" c (%.r d h l iii- i:i ili ion I ilk; bunti ii iii i ~lnT u lay x ri'o y140 ;~ cO r Mi' >nt:' <:1c1 : ( s (:i'W Con S ir c 5 C ., .ii ri <"r 1 I li o- ,rd xnxiiTwo) l iii lxwa T -astdarid C...…

November 22, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…I MIGHT AN' DAILY F ^^ ^i I Steer Straight when ordering your Autumn garb or you'11 go astray in style or hi We've guided scores ci men aright. Your repaututio uas a man of good uste aod sound judgment is ufe in ourhand.' Outr fabrics -oo priethose niew and it deseribi eshtadr( i-odor-rd i New Serk's ma ,rt 't 31 tir 5. sstrife's piuanil i bnhlieh tog i Trii-ty' T'hetiotiels tt - sfottsor are Ifushiones latest idictates. "We'll miake Itt- tu...…

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