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May 22, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-22

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.,..,., HE MICHIGAN DAILY - --- -----

G. H. Wild Compally
Our Spring 198 line of fine
Imprted and Domestic
Is now ready. It includes all
the latest Novelties, Shades
and Up-to-Date Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Your patronage respectfully
G. H. Wild Comlpaly
311 South State Street
New andA
Styles of
ie thown ii our latest
list f designs. When
you sy of us you get
absolutely t hf e bi e s t
workmlanshipatd new-
et metropolitan styles,
at a reasonable cost.
Leave Orders Early
Slhehani & Co.'s
Student Bookstores
Official National League Ball
I, the standard of the word. Is te -great
word's champioshlip gaes betwenth
Chicago Naioas and Deri~neiasthe
Spalding Leagrefli was used. The Spading
Official National League aii is is used y
Yaie, H arard, Princeton sd aiiiprondet
coilee teams. The sodiers and saiors in te
Uited Staes Army and Nay ue i ex
cusivey. In fact it is is soiersat se were-
eser Base Bait is Payed.
New Yoh, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,
Mineapoil,Heover, Buff ao, Syracuse, Ptts-
hrg, Phiadeiphia, Boston, Cicnnati, Bai~t
more, Washingon, Ksso City, Ceeland,
New Orleans, etrit, Montreal, Caada

Muuonging Edior-ARCHER F. RTCHe.
Business Manager-C. E. WNSTAD.n
News.........Doia H. iHaines
Athletics-------------...Lee A White
Aihetics, Assi-......C. E. Eldidge
Exchange..- ..Robert Monsier
Music- - --........Roy D. Welch
Draina.... .Raymnoid Vissher
Women's Editor,..- Louise Van Voorhis
Russell MceFarlandi Chaiicey Boicer
D~onald L. Kinney Robert Moreland
MlicelcBT. McHugh Fred ]'. (ooding
Leniardt C. Reid
Lowell J. Cart J. H. Prescott
Waler K. Towers Louis Kraft
Paul Greer Samuel H Morris
(Jits Egel E. G. C. Williams
W. M. Abbot H. I. Armstrong
). A. Hinckley D. E. Jones
PauliL eidy
John F. Wre Carl H. Adam
Harold P. Gould
Address: MCHIGA DAILY. Press Bldg..
Maynard Street.
Managers Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. M.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
FRIDAY MAY 22, io8.
tiiAiESuIsNiAiN 1155.5A AIN.
The ainttittieos-ti of tiecomiinig r
dtool "Twelfh Night hsosbut
Illsd-thitplasure of srrise olt-e
anticipatins of ue draimaicecoierit
tihit for sollog a e enlookiig for--
isardl tShakespieareaisdraisa n ite
lit e-csty,.After somesunciiertaiits
i rt- laeiess of teseasoniiadsthel
lis jst receiniig cttmieiceiieit,
ties. I lofitaiiuiha ideinitelc iet
t gsahead ithijithle ltsng aiticiiaet
andn itai ae eiitg-sparedi o make
the tplaas fiiset as ptssile
This itill le le firsiiretniious pro-
tttin f oeotsf Shakesears p11ys
ity Lniversity niseniiii satiy tears, adt
accorsingly its sits-es tii failure will
be- awtaitedt swithimuc, itrest. Sch all
enesiavosr is right altig tilt lues ono
whsc wtei1stchav-lestinturgiggreater o-
itita,-anttin iwhrtici te eliee there
is ite-e-Ifr somte iermanetiutlet. 'Te
comeidy twilIepre seted ttisFriday- of
set ckillinthe Mjsiciester.
T~the presetationuioitthigh clsss Eiglisi
daaitstalty nesdes here. VTe foi-
esign lttgtsage tlays, twhile titakitgee-
irs-ty stsctaces.,iind ecelleutsdrill in
Fri-ich or Grmansotrbottraitiiicors sind
atidit-sce. ace stit sideuate eiles fir
stil higes dramtatic tdevelomiiet.
There seems to le aisahindace of
imaterial, antI soue exepitional taleni.
o ite catispus aidlslicitsome leader
is founid to take the initiaie, itc
creditaile sworks caislle done, It is to
he regretted htt Mrs. H-ofmsainns till

stot he here nexi year to cotinue the
work so admirably iiaigiratet.
I is o bec Iopedstht s "Twelfth
Night uill receive all ithe eicoirage-
ment whichlin terestei ainece can
give toi such a serious effor.
CAtPNIHT-a -t ilN COS.
Thai most glorious ight of all the
year in si freshmua's eyes is almost here.
"Capiigi"-thse oie grea oiidoor
cereimoniy of he year: the timse swheii
te ieci on a differeiit footing than
at our aihleic celeraions or under-
class mieetings; uhen all classes metr
otn n equality. There is soimethiig dis-
tinctive in hat ceremniy something
disiiictiv e of Mihigan,. her spirit oind
her ctsoiis,.svhichs we are builiig
soswly sisi soliily earls year.
"Ctip ight' is a wvondierfilly impres-
sire eeisi fis thie fresmian. Thle cus-
tmi of ueariing fresmiiaicis expires
so ispressive- forims that iiglt. He
is remiiidlei of ieisss-t-ar, of its joys
anst sorroiws. le sees aiii feels iat
utiity, itat commnoiinistiwshics makes
(f us all a sarini this wisndierful isti-
tuttioni. Atndsswhein that imiressie cere-
isisiy is over, hlecoelss away ii an a-
miosthypiotic coidiiissi, feeliig for anti
iselieving iii our glorious school in a
isiantner wh~ichs caii ii besdesribed for
sthsinle is a spomnore."a sohomisore
at Michigan",7
.isid the msemsoris of the iresiusis
year, ow forcibly- they are brought
ack iss the spihomiores! I appy (lays
isndeed, wre thosse! 'Ithle jslly junior,
the- thoughts of te cinitg snioir yer
sre bright Anisdltis-"grave ld s-iior,
t ts-nt it is especially iiiplrssiv e. Iil
ienas separationi frssim collegr ties.
froiticosllege frii-iids, adl"college life
It iieans that te are aibiout to go out
in, itie "wsie, stise worl," levin-ig e-
hiidilil sof that happy life which itey
lists rliveid fistfour syars.
'Truily, can swr cl call night" a fi-
ting cise to a glorious year? A regret-
ful farewellwst-lie ucoeiitogeher.
sotme sof its for the tst tiime-,iid a fuller
realiztionssi 55. shat eitg a "Mihigans
Masrqiuis I. Eatoni.forimeirvySistdetii
in tic niuvsersitysiindlnwtepructicig
sits in Chicagi, was this sueek eleceil
prtsiideitof ithi Hamtil tni clidofthiast
cii. This orgatiatiotn is- se of the
argstandtitmost iflietisl reubilicai
cusini thetinited Stts. Iit ws at
inse tatits lbanriiteisitPresiteitiRose-
seliidelisered isitspeechu osithile Srei-
itis Life-."
The Y.,XW. C. A. gae a ejuyatble
rece-ptionyetsetday saftrniioisnaNes-
erry 1hall froimsd ts 6 is- n. A short
muissical progratmu formed le enerti-
miens, tand rereshmieiits iere setsed
Abtout ity.peole twere reset.The
guests sit hoior were Mrs. Merifeld.
Mrs. Simith, Mrs. Rayimoiid, Mrs.
Msthlews, Mrs. French, Mrs. Sook.
Miss Nantcy-lake ail the affair iii

The aniniisl election of ofics for the
Wuomni's Letiguesill tke place Saiir-
dasy misnriig at ino clock. Dutyyisen-
bets of ue league uill he allosed in
Thec followingnmniiaionis hae ent
matte by te nuintuig hard : Pes-
ident, Katherine Post; vice-esideuti
Florenuce -Baker; treasurer, Betty ice;
corresposndinsg secretary, Dorohea)
Kneland; citirnan sicitl committee,
Marionete Raistetl. Any oiler atm-
inationss say tic nade eweent otad
Satuirdasy hy aiyoctmber of the league.
M. tuiza, foruer secretary of "La
Societdati Espainola," will give te first
lecture held iinde the auspices of the
Unisesity Spanish siety Miunay-
afternoinst 4 t'clck iiuTapuan IHall.
Mt. Luizasill talk onit"Sipanisin i
P'eru," which is iis naive contry. T'he
public is coruially iuitel to ateiniltlist
lecture, wh-Iichs will be free of casrge.
After thue lecure there siill be itsort
business sesioniiof list club.uandtiall'
students wishiigts joiiiue sicity are
invitedl in sonso.
Mscana rarna
Mrt. Wuilloiughuby- . Boughtuouu sill
give a gradluation trecitl iuFrieze- iall
this civeuning ats o'clck. 'Mir.tBoug-
ton luas lueent a pupil ut Alert Lock-
weoodl three years. He is titan a siior
liierarys stutienut. TIhe pulic is iitiied.
His proigramiu is as follows:
Sontuatp. z. 7, No. 2-.....eihoveni
Aduagio suseniut.; allegrestt; peto
Preluuue andt tFugue, No. 3-.....tcBac
Caprice 'Alcete-h..Uuch-S. Sns
Eitue.tIssharpu majur-I....reisky
Le Luiciile - --.........l,escieticky-
P ou Preludes frttut Op. 2;
Fsntuasi, fOP. 4 .......-.- - hoi
Cosncertos - - Schumannsui
Allegrot sufriuso :iuieruezzoi;: ale
gro itsssie._
W-AN TEI-Traveliiug secreuries fr
the Uiesiit- RestarhtExteusini of
Chiicago. hle-suastsempluosymuueit anii li-
tusl eutiiestissusfort uiveirsiy oei
nuud tw-oume-i. Writs, pits-eI(hel yiuj).
Ste calliatsiuue os Dr. Blrs-3 2 Stis-
FOUND--A houiuse key, nut ast iWil-
liamstusrs-t. Finuder masy-havusas~u by-
cslig st Dil- oficec suiupusyig fiui
tisi sid.
Before yosuusete downvu t "oe't-
nigt,--sulile rcreatin st tiii'The-
inrium-us5 centsa. if
hauve you seen ithe es Adler Colle-
giantcthes at Alleis 70-ed
Sleeping garmenets-Pajaimas. Wag-
net & Co., State St. 70-5

Going to Graduate?
To enclose with your invitations
leave ),or orders early
Eugraved plate with 100
University Bookstore
All the latest in
Kodaks and
Rent a Kodak
10c per day
Senior Notice
Sudents desirlig oiia 1908 8STEK
wilt iuaue ordrs at Arnlds eelrystr..
Price $2.50 esagrved
Visithij Cards
Finest engraved cards at owst prices. Plate
sod i00 cards $1.25.-
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
220 S. MAIN ST.

Falley Postal Cards.

Four- 5c


of Music

Register for the
Union Election
By Law to Constitution:
"No membher of the Union
shall h2 allowed to vote at the
annual election unless he shall
have registered his name and
the number of his membhership
ticket in the hook, provided
for that purpose, at least one
week previous to the election."
Registration book In check
room at Club House

Get your pick


IV. of M. Com-Op Store.

\' i

121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall ,:& Pack, Props

P~hone 5t6

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