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November 22, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-22

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Th M"ichiganDaily _

Votl- XIX.

Baptists, Played. Wolverines Off Michigan Finished Fifth in In-
Their Feet; Score 28 to 4; [tearn tercollegiate Cross Country
Is 'Expected to Arrive at 939 Rae Dull Placed Second.
(Specl t.inThe MihignD iy on el.Strcl ,I a ii iind Yae
Syirs"on, N.Y. Nioi. 2l.-Siiiiiii ln i dn rot ct \Michianiinth ea -
stieittpc i Mig('51 ii Niiini gl ody r c ollegitetiro s o lnrv icf
jk2arryiiig off te(i cIi 'i inic sca1lp itli gi el a N 51o ,strc.1- Cap U-
a scare0of28(to4. ill uloii ihgl ln~ct nscn
The o fn I inlsc.m d byiiii i gaii was lce andiuunii iiiiilil ii
folowed ifo n r 4 i c inlraier uc iiit u ,tr etM ciancoe l
uar t f Itig .,h >n ]Ircclc ii il'rcuu totit aieti ll
11i theiilittr paitlof hIii annu l f ii c . iis fIsolitIi chia
Micigali n to a idecked Ibrac. ut toLi e
byi nli )" hi t-, "d li . ii at i
te tlig lfoei d psteii i al 0iii ii i tsuiiu'ituthtel:k- o
hei all i ut lii iioi i 1(itS ma n tunĀ«hei1 iid ,:un ak 1ic . h 1b l g e
is out afiluluti oilIiiiiu >-all'sitoiyard
int i iig iibuIt O sit peiii 1111 ad1 act in si lo(u is r u htilan iull 'iii l Itr
halt hih te ace m a stm i ls .b ld riit an . i'ti ' icmn
glory ill tit ast gameimi lls itli I ii
"the du Ire st ud le~n miii lt Doun g ilis iii 1rt1 II ililirclios' I lin e.
pan i i n N'for ' 'ulu'mii s'u'gall.h ii iiil uoo to 2V nc inr'- hc g
ad iar h auel ft ad%(1ii thruh friii ann. Still fils to
tauken iii'> ith il d ~i ittl10aNh i'- frIiiiil ickii 1 nac c ,V ii1
'hc ta 1;iii here( tii light a ll,ar hutr hf1uiii, ir t n se, il
risetuil antm'e imi-i soriiiiftei mwn lg aridi u'- lne ten
Sendi. ' ' ot g htn oe m e" fu .)Ime Sti ui de a tn Mich11ig n ' NIdl
ksn o te IsIt iiii i 111 hu lltll111 i hsSut-i
ihi i i h ac-- ; iiiil hiidIare o t itl mi' i iiii n Pcu i' l
wlind b ii ii. a i illAtu ios o Nmiiiu i mm n 1 m g~ (iei t i cklii
N ill iiitScihuhii1ii i ii oSi a dliititl t Pislw N
tenthim ts ar t lassandIiil t iiiiii th ~ a ru al t ,iil> lne 'im
itititteris sittli 0 itauti ohili;iyaris iirnhold-
evngt imct. 1hali t il tthe yiidi ne i.li1ii 'in mf ic l S tilln liilnrgrin
ic iganr ots te.hlit N l miii 1 Iii i ol t n h i n 3oyad ice.
arils it ititI Nlii iiiiiiikickl u las i juggldSird
hothe hello ce tter a fur ctrri ednit s I '' i y Sti i lihgm ,8
iytgdtheDallson the nemytsrough co is)'arc( ilvilankstt goesii 4 i aii sii il Sifakes
at ve r 4 yrge sof i. f id hic a'. ai e ik -or-p e akiadrk>e m r n n of tak e pl yI 1 lt.I a , ld 1:l s l iii on S a
itergoal froithi y ti t hl e r- els -adFi ii S ni il l ,-(N un the i ossio lii
Mics. hin 4 ut, iar i ' aloo h S<r in-Dnlswnsayr.O
thog h etrfrthe)adIa-cs n Mchga's2Syad lie'I lioiri
ims the ball i n othee yI2-yrd iti ci stpe thl g nad sy ca
ait it lvergeof tofi l ai'inlkIiks 1,s~ fo II -ii ci' ir i tckle.iiiisf atil
the-goaillirom B il's- o in e.it ore: asII heIm1 kes ii iii 1hil pa1sI ul is in
Iiiaid noken srilns sottiu- ige-t i Bll onitiitilci >1115tSi', tttyrd ln e.'l
itid then Dalop goinintoihnclilNeisirfat ifwn.
Ci gaor nI khisk s tniCtincil ip lutitshout it N i l
is rale fr ollie iid Iti Stes I i n g, 51 ll.fr 1t11 ii n. Syraits
iuns tebaill bo tt h e iii > tdtl itiNe. t"t1 li ~is li 1ilil'
Setint t'nt. pas nett pf a k irkftci h it tilne Lic- weakns l c Sidiind imigoec
toyrltie.otBattifsogivetri eItll i u 1i
an roll e tsck ar s It itt ightl i tt ilt i all tlugh ice n t ti ol
>ilrhigksits 7yatrds nl t ackSs tins > it f Situforti tIls ali . aI ed ohut is m Iltig
sid te n-otigas -grcts 13 itiks ft for' ft erIt nlit Ik'iI Iolf. Score I:tiltacutil
nif ore. Bais itsi is l Ott sity1,m st ,4is t hIltIt i ls o suu> li ntit
iscede re ol dt"1i i tltli' v ingtindipealtzedii isr i istitnilN
3yar l lte. Michans 35-ascs ine. ts tillsich ignmaen osihtitgtesin tinsuce
fS tenisg.aseonfasetickeforli aion lttle ist eit her doelsS racth e Schuin lzli
canld maksato pts. plyisi ut oln Shiin ha llsolGardlie. I )atgpkts erti tititi
Ielovre pas sit ull'as'sn 20-p fat 1 li i tu I I tr i I It otipass hits illo Isis

Ou-side kick in' eccovercl by Scutlfor 3-pirdlines. 1 lihsfails t lt aou
goutn of i so Is. Douglas fittisllts NNma- (Colltill tictil iga'oe :.)

1\NN ARBOR HAS ONE (01?CI( S I'S 1INIlI. tlf CT[,T 2I?

SomttKahnlis is gin lito>heijre
fclintgs of the city by the victory of the
high schoolit tier Beitoti iHarbor yser-
da. li the sentre nf i6 to 5. Ferry-fietit
sa n eiltotf the srappliest gattes of the
seasoni.for othsltteamis lt nti lt u ~lcy
Thiere mins scitte misntdrstatding
about1 gettitig' the use of the fili. It is
hihschltup jermtissioni itto s the
-rtminds, hut afer sotmtenarrngemetirs
visit the athletic associtinindatttisnp
petioilPresidttttAngellI>the mtter wass
Undergraduates Will Be Chosen
From Each Department to In-
vestigate Situation Here.
Wh~lat is likely o pnove a most itt-
itortnt step in the motvement for'aui
versity commons was taken whenthte
huord of directors of the Micigat
kniuti autorized the appoittment Iot
cnmmitte toinetigate the possblitia
untilrequirementsh of the situation bine..
'-flits aciton was takni at the request f
ClIaurncet. (NBrber '021,ho is fose-
icg e stalishnmentt of i unieriyica-
In hus.T.icomimitteitwill be cimut-
po cd ofude'rugrauates ittotiteitt dt-
iii tuct, wi t ith nidvisory btodyofufacs-
tltyu tnh. I Its ipersointel iill lbe ian-
linntl edshortly
The ommittteititill ietigaiust thin
matterthor gtly, ittit ms y stlt'
to tutvise 'itNiMr listetin Otistreturt.
Intuonerstin t Ntle tite pfftcesi
thei liii tha t Ii idlotwitsh toli troiie
withithueudIteiopmetiio f ti proplosttin
utl he had sul trd utte ithiceiiof i
Mrt Barnbiie I uas sine witn ati'gitneui-
phamszctttha't theiistdetitodyisdp as
whouulu' shotuli hav'e asvoci inte itttttr.
.s hutexi stu .suit it lit. i s t i stu-
detsituetetrtuintheufelutg that tis
warsamattteIr largly for themu to ii'or
'hIlucft ithat the Unin has uter-
tk'n ito id ulintheui'dei'lopmuent of te
cmov citenvuutneo teas implies that the
ecomuumns wnoulu omte idiretlyutdir'
ticekUnionutor thai teius ecio
mmbeuutir s t takc aduanage f ti'facil-
'huts year mrks Micthigan's sdebut itot
inteconllegae tbasketbll I There hass
bentalk oftI a itt s oits'liieut tis is
the firt simtettat luthefaculy wioul
sanci mtin anintpttg It uter than tclsss
iteamsILas ighutaut hirty-iifitueite
tansiweiridte first cll for varstyp rsic-
tint. After i short talk by Conit Cor-
teal the squai took the floor for ashout
prnactice. lTere till le practice every
ight frostu 7 tou 8, aid thec coc.
Corner State and Huron St.
10:30t a. in, Service with Serimon on
"The Catholic Ideal.'
I11:50 a. u. University Students' Class,
conducted by Mr. Foote, 'Problems
in Belief and Conduct, V. "The
Miracles of the Testament."
0:t0 p. u. Youn' Peoples' Religious
5:3 P . u. Evening service with a
dress by Mr. V. P. Randall of
Detroit on "The Housing Prob-
lem." (Stereopticon)
"Them 'a ut ane Ialhers-disloyltyto n t tlt
oem(ngt t ee."

iThei, geoltovytmdipat mnli16I1N itcmtiua
Studieults GumIeoilgy,"i'omimc uing hDe-
nimmulrm'2. Ihlii hilt mu'swimlit'e hl in
telecturemmimmiii roo Ifteumusi mulibuuild-
ing andlwilit.e uiN-n mumbinerIi s itfthec
geology pfatrulp ht he htis mitthe te-
tture andthirateaea flos
Decemer I-T mmmiii th Glaimis (If
thmi Sicottihihlands."ProlimitNlimm
if lvimiiu
j nimai t he TlexIsuDesertl"IPrf. I1'.
intuit c N toi -"mu sNudiies ofhh lii t
I). Sniti
Jaumrimr 3-".tules ofit.e I'AcSi-
peirRein" ims' lttii R.hIs .NAllcmm
limAesits, tuopNem merca-Frn
Lumucrnt ciutuhmuiresarcahtiwtrk in
Eutr'itt lst suummer,' a in. nl c 111Pr . Lasts;.
Mr. 4\Nill uuuglhup'tllnIdnr,'Nll'tt thin' il-
g~gdini uiiap'ionis intis onr'
I'EI.iinhitNBIll 'IIN'T thIN
"'te sudet 'dretry'uis pramcticallyn
ll pited, Iandl itill b1 on l enotI later
than 1T icsthmi mumid humri Sithu last
s thei''rngeu'mumnt.1r; -mstes andlphine
smuteon.mli mi ul drenihutof.eachtstun
s theuseIi addresshlt i'- hli muthrusa
Ill themu mfmrathris tiesiiich illi dst cieties
are lstedul t thero lt .A eto
is tit gie ip to heum rou muas oti"
and emiiiacesi.mmm ip-dtsIficuty list
titil tte hi onei m mli mihurtofmelhi mil l iiu.
Tliii studens nhams(, thir fu ull namsi'
The Scool ofMusicisfllmt em
bers ndmulsiututmu itdinmuther sameu
N psil tt i ntu m iii sm>facu tlty ii ii hnt s
a d stiulients itc a pilacI in itheireuhf
Nutalti ulu featilume abtut tileiw mii
teeho eho t i ti o n 1 icuil sli ie. It
juttt hut> coatiprocketmu heii riItc is
tistiti-lieCe ts
tli utuit is the incrmasein ute list at
Sagzins. owll magazciis mquomt'd
iliPoe' iatlgums'arcmavailalt susu-
dents.t horo utt" i mtmu'etiurmt f ll
maugaiun sts Itaslibeen imaiteiaush t
essi cityhiuniedin shtitun.,ofi umagazins
hass bn adutdutostu thentls titspyt'r.
ibthiriinKoh ov peimns mum muatkessisoe
muciihi needirt mproneents isithenisĀ°ii-
moiruilIIsl is cvmpleti I ted he amtgal-
lvr ii mibhe mved frmutthen nit-umu
liumr iof t.hubrryi' t it ' tien t.lhll.
Thtsmauint huuroo m lii'he resni'tugmllry
will histurnedmtou alireiadutig roomufor.
oiadmancedstudentuus. . I illlbe neces'samr'
to put stack nli thei iiirooumum in madldisky-
lights 1 Tbles swill be p11111ii ith ette
of liii nroomsuanud itt mssistnt lirrn't'ut
will h v hianr ge, i '
IThei othenrIagi' rooumo~mumthie'sti-con
dloursill hieisangdl tuatmicial emd-
tug rootmi.Iinne are six smaller nrooms
on tflorthsicih, with a lii ichang'es,
wtill umk oildmmirablememna os.
Aboinut foriehundredmsitfriIhmanittlits
itiri'guess oitheliifac ulti Studiamy
aftenonat Barburhuugymnashitisum.si u-
hug thec list ittell isrds wer'e gienm to
the freshmmsei,onuticiihiinas primitted tie
namite f thns facnuly metmberihoi d is to
bei theiraidvise'rm'urtuig t' situ-

In Final Contest the Engineers
Win From Deats by the Scom.
12 toO0.
'Theuc11110emgimeers lre imteclas
chapionis for the third time.
Y'csterdamy- fternoinii mtiefimal mai-
test imPtthesesnstheidents were smot-
ercdmbyimp mtainttiPoole's siua,. tie ocire
tring 12 hum o. Tie pnitcipal groumnd-
gmainrs fon thet. engineers were Miller,
'ilmgismu, ('reem atd Flantagan, while
deadi uplyd a good gaie at quarter for
th i ns hits.
'htsecnginers scored a tosreldwn itt
hichumalf. 'lhe first ote cmoe after five
miie liio f ply, twhein Greet set
the letms' ie. Poole k'ked goal.
Nhhmgimlosco nured the scn& toucidiat
mfter 'i 2utyard u cmii.oonie oaled.
to FnI' mpmucrs. Dets.
Siltub..l....... L..lH-........Richatrd' it
Green.i....... L.T. .......Forman
II sit........ L.G.
IeiNNFla hety... R.G.... .111 tgeemld
lhanagani....... l.T.......Ratd
Ielm ... .. viiImmmii'..I ......Ward
;Miler..... .. . Q . . . .....M ead
Po le .. .. ... 4 1 h ....... Rota
Nlairhiu ...m.l H ........Rteri
I umviumout ms--Gren i'dsoi, G'as
--P 'te>_RferneenJoyce Umpire-
IPattengkil lFeldijudgle-Good. Iead
Firsituhnt.emin thi naluusfall noie
rmace yesterday sas securd Imy Beardsee
ini thierecortd-trnikingpthum of mm :34 3-5,
after eitng pushednl tihi uwayby AMc-
hatgliitwhom cames in a close second.
Mnhaughitii desrvs tuch credit for
minI rmace hr rutaath Beadi' . should
necivc still mmoii for defeatingin.
'h m nmen hiaith1usdbutt onhday of prac-
tice unertohutcoursentis year and was
not mum as goodsulcondition atle might
hav'inbeenu, utt despte tliiifact he ws
lemadinmg tie noe until two and a half
mmiens hdmbttncoered. At the three-
mmili'muamrk Beardslee ad passed him and
winshleaing hby twenty yards, keepi
this lemadiallitie wap'to the finih.
ttii'rce' Ellis timd Withros, who ad
uen connsiserd as among the most pro-
misnusmg cndidates for first honors, fi-
ished tirdmim, fourth, atd fifth, respective-
ly, limt sll three fiised in bter con-
diiont han liii winnrs and should have
metn abc to forge ahead in a longer
Thec weather was ideal for cross coun-
try runnuingp mnd te riuners took advan-
tage f ithis fmct to let themselves out ts
liii fullest. ssaiireslt 5 2-p seconds
stintenclipedt fruont tie record for the
fourmileuurnosvie couse set by all in
thei list mieut of lhim inhd. The better
tumeurmayspalso ave bueen due to the fact
thut ithlis.course was run in aim opposite
diurihctsiontan formerly, giving the men
thur adhinitge of running down steeper
ills wiNcfore tey ad to cimb.
hum mmitmmutomhutie CCC suits awarded
ther fist twoutmem, Beardslee will e
givn thec lovingpcup offered to tie wil-
lime mtienrmn oeter lie race fu-
muedintie followingp order: Sixth,
Svuott;sevnthstiO'Connmor; Shmidt,
Sanon Eatumnstoman, Hanna, Sheppad,
ivminmgston Craswtord Gill, Suton, al-
hum, amhnd Wse.
Onlyspa few India nens were at tie

mesetingp Saturnday afteruoonso no b usi-
ess if imoportansce s done. A smoker
mmi thsi nemir future was discussed.

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