THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. In view of the numerous and di as-
Intercollegiate__ -_______ * Notes. yeasaother irebootsbeen tint- Globe Wernicke
G.n idu lla l atagng ibr-Atxcttea RITCIII. stlled. The assistant euiner 9f the,
Busnes_______ RtWNSEA, i niersity an three students 1rill sleep 0 E I~U
OrSrn 91lieofne ____-- Laietes oyg d M Prr-thre UUUs
lch'"eVoaed iPer-teeouSpiggolieofieEITORS ht' is to e presented bymretuer of ___
Ness._............... Hirama S. Cotdy teFrench club at Princetotn. asit athete at Ohio State have ____________________
Imported and Domestic" Athlettcs. ....Lee ,A White -- started a tmovement to remove the e - Thkndtagriswh
Exchange ..... H. John Wambold^ Amherst has awarded the contract for acting classroom requirements ptt on Thkidtagrwwt'
\tat ad Dama RoyD. elc a ote titlogcaltou gelogcaltahtem. wiich they claim are harter thtan your library-that w ill, fit
Women's Editor. ...Louise Van Voorhis ttrytttte cttttpltd hy Ja. , tpo. those asket of athletes at other insi- practcally any space - that
EDITORIAL STAFFPtt a arttl et fte o tine by oie person without
Prf.MtFrttttittiory it Seadtfthdeasa- teSr- disturbing tebooks-that is
cpeaprfsosiofhsoyaYaecaefobltemadapoietIs now ready. It includes all NIGHRT EDITORS - mremter tf te settor council.wser- perfect sectional book case
the latest Novelties, Shades Geootge IHI Hobart Leonard C. Reid The swesterti tryotts ftr thteAmericat ceitly placel uder arrest undter te made Fitted with non -On
idand Up-to-Date Patterns in Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams teamtott attendttihle Oymtpic ganmes in charge of complicity in the stdteij ing rollerbearing doors base,
Raymon iad er Lnotthlt is sttmmter w i etel ontdemtotstratiot it the 'ieititgunits furnished iwithior with-
Moose Brown, the Staford track. Mlay 9. out drwesand all made iii
Caribou Tan, RePOTERS PresidetitHaley of Yale univiersity a vaniey of woods and finishes
Leather Shade, H.B. McHugh J. H. Prescott resideteti nbry asJessetiefd the Univer acut- recently retre after a three montths adapted to any surroundings
Grays and A LHailine Robert Mountsier sity f Missomuri hii oiiedotacutsoourn at the Uiversity of Merlint where Call and see thms or send for
Fancy Blues Lowell J Carr Donald L. Kinney ofittit health. He till le a emtticiarv te deiverei a series of lectures. He catalog iofi with inetior views
WatrKTowers Louis Kraft of tlet'Cartegie fesioni fititi. tatwelconed ack by the studetitboty showing arrangement in i i orptoaersetul ei .Kikr oetMrln yalrems te'n h aps rnproec
solicited. Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris Pritcetontt tBowdoimnatd Dickinsotar e Price per section .$2.50"
____________________ Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding ittcyAteictcolgsahofetItc icnettder to raise funs to umaintaimn a
Therou P. Cooper at gratluatedt botti at tresitet of te titiote at Bostoit Techm a special "Teh"adu
Utiteid States aalt i e siceof th lay is to be tld at the Bostott Iipo- 1 T T T
VaH BUSINESS STAFF speeCut(Irotet. All of te profits go towari W A 1f1J\RS
ohn F Wur Carl H. Adam ilreitctir.te support of the uttio. It tider to
3iI Suth State Street Harold P. Gould Jamtees J. tttHilt s ust tddot $2,000 add "local color" sotme atmatetr stnts University Bookstore
______Address :MICHIGANs DAILY, Press Bldg., to his edowmiet'tfr a ralsway lirary til le giet ty the stttetts.
Maynard Streetlt Wisconsini There tre already abott- ___________________
nin thusad pper, boksandpamh_ Syraueuenieicrsity stadiuim is te oly
0%rManager's Hours: I-2 P. i., 7-8 p. intitleucttotetottitspaktrsinottke atrldiatetcti
daily, except Sunday. Both hones lets in the irary. srtur fiskn t h ced ti
Y, P Y Pbitiiettirey of ritfored concrete titind
tte teter of the facutty the Hoy Ceoss gcpct fsoo h
- cpxei fiti ahsittedihat~ tdalost of the stadiumuaut of the gytina-
uro ca future mteets catncee. hi is stud the sititm to setiche it is coittected by ti tn- CRA B
tecix si ptohrimiarily tdue to piersho- iteh letinmg fromtithte areta, wilt be SCRAPJBOO 3
WEI~lf kStNI X. ARH 2.ii'. tistlititintthe t itt ottembers of lte ntthn thie $0o,o. Huertard sa -__________________
IVE1),YEI RCH2z ryIIIA 1 liumtiis imger adelseas 30,000, ut
S_______tae.Syrtcse tteoses ai lrger area. Now is the right tine to
( the itew game craze) was stsTeacietspasfrteMmra
qeuTcachtc'icaikolhyMiiiil tefee sinii slio is lcdi fxu htScrap Book youe
qikysold and we havej list Thie N itew ltrkEsenitgtPot gives gytniutli to Ibeiilt at Purdue acoSefedsietfcsho hsdcdd u
reces-e a ecod ad ltge it I.thef slwnug editorial, swhicth shotws thatibeencittcoteeib te tuitlitg cottmit- to spend $700,000 for mwbitilititgs s been talking about so l~ng
tiit light is beginnimntig to break itt the tee. I is to be 'a mtemorial to te stt- locateithtat they wil fortt a ew 'quad- My new (smooth coer)
oine. You'll fiitd Mephisto rangeto e konas Seure,
cs:detwhweekleinteatlwek« ,9the bs aefo"udos I sr lire ittinstrrechtitstwoopitig itt 0r .extetditgromt Grove street to the J o k
aitd ittdoors too that yot'vse overouitr clleges? Is the soutid of____ Nortatmptont rairoaidttitd frotte Hil- is best aid largest e er
evrsenb roketi glass ji the1 uloving picture tho- SiitmsofItrtiilclegtiltro house tvemu to Prospect street, Bis- 1
te t AnntArboridestitteedto le eard eto Te'tamim fl~eSiec nitm. Thehitilings will ihinctue manitti- *
:wondthewoldAn Arors ettorict. a biolgical lahoratory, 111101a
- .'etiiii I he titldAnt Ariti'sli-'itas _ttr. Yottg, who at coached the strutctreto takete htee ittSeffili With photo Pres. Angell'
PPLICEShtttthhsit2,0 stuiosi oeyastdntts at Stithm college itt their plays, Hatll. Also Special Picture Rat e
orti f latsiseok. NMore recenttly selw teioiatot ostirttt le _ ___________-'-it ok
75Sc, $1.00, $1.50 hititohail a riot at Georgetownct. ester- proutoio.wtuok
dyittels ti metig at Stnford,. where
Per Sat t hrerhundrttm e tuh reatenmito cut thueir~~v
hontisisedstutfoe'ttking helmt tn a pro-euntrance eqi.itr ttus. ifuee utmsatue
AT liquoru emotnstrationt are reiestateu.trossIrequiredta ui ttccimng the qtlta- __________________________
w ffrecnei oti isoVhad et tr'sho hog u er ihfv ~rgCxo h ietctheater 'AY&EDMJNDS
cannttcutbhe coucidence altogether. WeV rcitatons a week. promiises omme excelent vaudeville acts I
Student Bookstores ciaisfbnd a reason, perhaps, iue what it for the week comuienmcimg tonorrow 1 f ntfg Goo u0s
geterally rcogmized as te intensely Tbh. sipeute cutlt of Missouri d- evetnimg. Mysterious Crucible, with te 1 E ET STREET
__.._______ mimtetitc natue of the coltege stttdentohared untcostuhutiotal a neew lawc pro- tiagic kettle, is dowsn as te headier, E
A. G. - ,,,. 'a the But does somiethtimn' else thami hibtting the sle of itoicaiing liqtors amd is trily a metropolitati semsatiom.
A.G tesprit of imitation enter into the wiitiSeivemles of any s tae editcationtal Edward Kelie, of "Are You a Masom?"
S PLIIJ ING "________ ° presentttrestlesstnes.sionoutr cateputesimstititionitaiig 1,00 studenitsenrolled: fame, atd Sidonnte Dixoit are both ar [ Y[ i AS S [
& BROS. K aKi" The ditinttctioni has often been drawit The lty applied oitly to the Missourir tists of reputation ad are best ite comi-
hu~.°" ' etween our college student, atd it state utiversity at Colunbia. edy, presetting "His First Homie Coi- Fygtttsmitluimmi
The Laegest Manudacturers in the World Eutropeaun compeer, that exuberamnce amd -itg." The daity Wiallace Sisters, ii necesay niisancem with stdnt. it
at Official Athletic Suples L itt that tey wlt wetcome -an ayei
Base allFootBall Gol, La noisowithi its are strictly coitfined to The conmitte itt charge of the jumior song amd dance; Fratk Merritt, the glas that glitstiommititt amdItei0
thin oleering at athletic cottests and the Princetont rquested thee men merry mnimstrel;t anore, ami intru- tARmL'adhsiltics ak uma
Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey AROyoadli itS utico1111
Official ipemesifor Track and Fid Sparts ilfering of tradesmnt's signs, wherea, nt to give flowers to their guests. The mettal mimic, amd others ncta'150 otaby aid guaateeieslts. Qu~i
Usani.fats orali Spots. Siadig. Haindsmey iiod teRoleeiietdig p~ tiairs Leses rtuamd
ilustraed CaaiogeaoaSaal sprts coalins. bod h olg stitdent fromo timte request wsamnade ime order that men eem of the latest atd best meotiomi picE-I .A N L
mos.sggetiions. Send far it.-It'sfre. immtemorial has btuit barricades and of moderate neans should nt e pr- tmres, go to make shat certaimily looks E ILI.A N D
A. . SPALDINO A BROS.OpiaSoclstwh
New Yrk, Chteago, St. Laui, San Francisco, patnnedl revolutiom. Cami it be that the vened. from atteitdiiig the dance, be- ike a good show. .itctSeiti li
tMinneapotli,Dnvser, Buaffato, Syracas,Pits Anericate college man is awakenimg 10 cause of incidental expeises, of whichiTe above atractions till be. seem WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
burg, Pkladetphtia, Bston, Cincinnati, Balti. i2s Sauths Main Street
mate, ivasin ton, Kansas City, Ceveiand, the broader issues of life?" te flower bill is a leading example. t the Elks' Minstrels, Tuesday ight
New Orleans, setroit, Montrea, Canada.
Last DayA MAYVFESTIVAL Oratorical Contest, March 20
Wrv. Connortr tmlsA miao 3
May 1314.18-16 1Wg d iso 5
Albert A. Stanley, Cinductor B a d r M tt e s p i
"Ceto"- HaydnmA
- niplCorsanudrk Gov. JohnnA oh Sn April
Artists Jhnon
.Mrs. Corine RiderKesy - -Sigugaitsio O
Thursday and Satray iEeniAd ision50
Mie. Ernestius Sebamas.Hink,
Cotrat Wed. and Fr. Eenings
Miss Janet Speeer, Cotrato-
Fri. Ateroon aat.Eenin EEVDBA IKT o hs he trcin 10
'Mr. Edward Jonsn, Tenor RESERVED SEAT TICKETS for these three attractions $1.00
Tha, Fri. and Sat. Eveings-
Mr. Claude Cunninga, Baritone
MrAae0.Kien Sarday Eeing Tickets must be secured between and 6 P. M, Wednesday,
Mr. Erert. ileBrtn$ Saturday Eeig Thursday or Friday, or between 7 and 8 P M. Friday' of this
- 9 c Mr. ThrdyadStu1yEeig . De Mare, FrechsHBum
Mr. L. .tRenwick,Or anitAfeooPENYOGODSTSLF
Seasn Tickets ureservedh $3,
SraonTke trenSrle d$4. $. $6 - e o a n
Fo C 0a 0 P to e80%.1 f imc h tubents' lecture ~softo
The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.
Phone 598