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February 22, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-22

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The MichiganDaily


NO. ra04

Curtain-Raiser Draws More Ap-
plause Than Second Contest-
Senior Engineers in Poor Form.
Vlaying spledidiibask~etlol from start
to mf inihthe juniengieer defetet
th e eiors lst eveing hythe score ot
47 to j. The winnersodilayelothe 11amen
finihedl tem oot wiich coimiied ithil
blilt loteai-r.
Th'le coritig liitsttredeal, to le u tt-
utititjunor forte toot.shot.ita otoletttet
twoit hicktpau-,sefotth te ueigt
to tIto ce ters. Wantoioo Ianot We,
quickly follootd-isitxampletandtte
tiese ledy luotintcit1,tsettlod ( wt t o ii o elt
ing out goalsthe hticlt tittio210 it
iacot f teljit r
tti c ciec od l f- 'li- i t t titiete
urg ndIthetjniorsooit umed tilt
fotilt fi liiitr the11n1rs, atatt
unsnessul ty fr afreeIfiow ott o
ite end of thel f. 'it'hi rspatcl
th t ot un 111 o ooitse i o ail
soreeo th o ter 011 ttril en o ng sottil
w ih rlt t i ld.e I'n ar ttonc
theamethttJuitoroi t toetrollceugaio
andbtse t oojogeteach otheit Otto-
ucesoitthec.nteot riuIe11110olittl
teette pasliongtlevclorcianiedotheak
rerdpling 110us1ual ottcracytto- itfee
trows0 scotrig svotl ofi 0ninetteIris
\Vootttiii platiettst ong dit eio-fete-jot
toe tono lieainiwestthoosait-oasoth
wichtin te it inasterites ttseta
Ion ltt. itt o ijt fttett tilt lnee o i
tote ad othue tfat thait thewi
in ll to octcres fo i t ears011. \ goi
o enorei iga thetoil thenorth idet tt
th i ttam o p ntit I ii mt to) thit Oil t t
1)101 gu(es I0 lnines
Baskes ifrm fild-1W0e1tto.-Duts
mor G Tlerl3, \\-aottoioit loot
Frleo-e ti oto.s 'lj otto-to II titt3.t Ref
'Fle ote-titg contet-as 1 11110aia
ing struggle bItwIeren te frehtni opl, 111
ftomtte elieso-bity Ititw o ont, m011111
thela100tomttstof phoy.Neither lett
sowedtotIexceo-tiolbr illinco, htoilt1110
Itic freoltott-otplaedetllcstoger
gametin ltheli rt 1101alfilyng flaheso
ofgiod et ottlam eotootd in itingithe11
thl to-jt toleado I o 0 0itst. Io te
Jseod hltf te s~opooSteaietl tdoileot
th logap byotheirofas to. Witole
ogamle it tie, Cocraooaccompetiltiohtedla di-
fijcultt-thotool the 010010 Iwee jbh
_A momouentlaloterItoe fresometoiedhel
sette atohenlotfotgeo tohedootl lt
havooe te coretet agitn. \Withhle
croin an to oarheol tlte 1100gatrso tt
catte ioeralnitoutttnd wero tcejdo-ntl
te totsotp,.Eveet, tlit jle freshmantot
forwotrd, ltooosed -otn o-tot- tookeltiondt lo
gamte wiglon00(.

Cochlratne otarreid ftor te sophlomiotres.
B~eidleo glay-ing to bileltiatf defensojve
gameto, toe toedl fotti batstl frcotm toe

fied. liolhttot layealt ctton~gcoto
sitentitgmtl- Itetter atdtHayeIlthe It
fre-ohmoant guatrdso. tltved excelentl galmeo.
gettintg toi tols elt lts pi 101101 hligj;
1tei otrdsell jotnltand.
a1111 blecers. Cioalos0110waisOan.00 00
toro-teol sptettotr.
Te otti-inatttl game1sc toill bto laye
outt 01111e 0go11d 01010teto. sCo otatdmtij-
si11 on schedgo-larIogo-e rod is o ttici-e
igio it s. 11910 ],is.
Coochrante..... IfRI.trt..ookwlttler
Ronsto.... ( . - .Af\eterA-bel
I et-del......,L. .....aittto
IBasktet .o hld--ocra. . , llotit
2._, titteo 4 to to-toll vrett 3 Wbterlc
Iae t zt,2 EOtt-i 1-1112. P oc thrtowst -
Cohrne itt ot, 22.e . coe
f1 oloting 1011 to to sreon til1111Stootto
1 jojoo, I un t l i. I blti -try: Pttoejoto
\ t iis . 111111 l I a o l, W g ii
tiltt. % o t%%as ollght il t very epati
111110 Ocast relresotiitooo il 11111 f t llit
ftoo.-t o v-ottpollto.fI no tiot tjlealit -tir
Acpatt 111 it O tittttha I. thote clan.~
--11111-.1o 11.0thyone - utl i t
-otjthir ball 0 ot-si lo~it. tjo
T- lt attribu t o, ther lg tot-ie0t!1
til at Ot bt It il(, S t enootocilman111
leit to iii c i i ill(' I 11011 t t, fie
fil R lls wel o t ott en1011 J t o'II totlo
a, -ci II \\TheIo tiott %tt"It
lial a~ IupiNolol las metn a t
111111 iicidptme1011 411ito
14; ~t1t.R cd ,1 . . I enn11y.it10
Abb t otI. rati toOt-3. oeo-tt
ito - 1 trioo - --ttIto et. toI to. ott , ot tooL'
to1 0111 t . .11_I: It.-\f.itittoto ,1110_, Bto
S.TIt ~t jil t t1jio' 00 .110lotolol Ite0;foe1l
totter, i: 11t or-I , i t : o A.t Parkert
to:. Baklet ~rgeb, o}..4 teeo
01 111. 4 . 2il e e At- t l er ,o 1 ,3 5. 1 . 0, eitta r Nlso , 3 : Vt- , I
FRESH-titti -tooltIte octeleol
itveretied ilinit ajt keen ticotet to ote
20us tt orace ls -ttightas til li pe ta-
tiv0e0110the .freititlottctots t ooithe ioratoi-
calectret . .iI.t-T0homiasifa111a01os
lotcotdiandj wastg iho-jon11000tern1aIte oi
toti t ajot l ock, t. i t cloll)-10-c-ftj
Ito ulig. T ecnetat r : I
fTe- N e littes cloth tuol e ott ee o

thit c-j luousot laos t nght.The 01111-
bc-to decjododltot ltol tbatqotoltoI
itocees frtottjlltotot ttlt ittiuon 1on0
wee fr~ rtomtohle 010110 lote . Abot onett
hud1111reot Newt Yor-mee1101t-rc- prsent.

sinfrt i o o r ttcolcotrill1 a

Laws Have Eulogized Father oft
His Country a Score of Times
in University Hall.
atUiv1lestyoou Hall t tooto o. -ithe utttothol
meet i -the ectureroomsofthela
tilev ilsati todtttfo t hiox-htt
1c1ses. 111it tt-ott heni orsIa ittithe tot 11
01n 01gtlt t otherr llt thettog Ohi
for ote li ilhetttt tt topen-h tuto ottisgu-
ott-tt uc h e public. toh d111 so10011
00 it Lc colharogedci
fih ' ct h t fraot eni to O io- lhi
enti en altI hnC.lBack th
sp1a01 fIth daI h o trill aftruchvub ol
11h ;,"; been o Ii, uto ottto thelaw de to
IIchao C n out ingto's bithday
litan prmo m ItolaeIso ken lit
thu tu l tot I l l t Itot tot to e c r
studentsiand itI-~thIizes \iAoit
the c- ci n a toole Niatilt onl
tot Presidt I too jtu ottsoitence. tl e
-t IlalotlcuthatooloytotAon te
w c t t e ol u ~ lo -i : to vie r n o r o o Ca m p b e l l
oherl (t \t\o itttti tlutnd 10Pa Nrkh urst; th
tous tu I toth supem tootrt ooth ch
10110Alohe 111th iA' oto th ;Eidtt olthelhe
charleyttou. ho o oohouoaomumbterthfotheIl
cls f18 ,ad1h o sm se o f i
Mch ia 1'i tout outthootyear, Ohio
teo rao h e IIatot to toth Bilth
deih re al se, out tat c itytutu 11101
Stetihten I\ ItDougta, oo .,o tool 11:3: Scout
loot J. P.- Oh o uc-eo f I o t, tooli1491:
l-w ivrit)t 1in 104 oot Jlio
If Patn t\. a o ot o ihiogtoo too
cx Contgressmoh ntIt . ICC Smithill to ne:uf
tn ool enor to-u h-I yar
I Nhhho I SI o IC 01
TObutlItIN tollI\fO IC
Tie cirIw toot ude il tootee
ot itotietannealttoot outuootlt bls ot-- s
as a esltofth ptitionto rtulatedlu
anouoto theu memberst o f iithou 0100. 010110
Otto ttott t ch, iareadt Iugiiarra0111ge
to t ort hiltcapstto detotib g l t.
Sb NION (oRI'0 Ift-
Al roell to otrhoof t c ti or it cas
wa to eshi t o t11 ohi l('b to- ei bitt-itgicl:
i 11111irs tBaho r gt buil n ls
ought. ]loc Ia101110i blocfavor daneseo
to-oe .1Aome-ic-enuufl ,edg with ti c cth lassit
coluo. Th h ap teronoothrotout.c- to elio
Mtos. I. 1. bDtti- Ito-toutJortdant. toot
Mrs, JohntOut. IRecd.
ru]'t(, uh-e1NO 000 011 1nnr otttmayro
101111 he otsued couoo hg to theu eit io
1out Julge- hrtownutini te 0 of0 iiJhni
10I, Glteaonoototirtirttith outo 01110ope
from t ot l ieu u ihon11fort tlleged0001 b
orcubj oueuru. 'lcble hordtloil regntso hadu
ilea ctuu rto-iGleason'si>complatuio,
onthblotgroanI t h ttheylt-, itoostuttl 01-
hob, otuldhh toth be tuu-hs u tin curt . 01011
1 cottnhboo-hhaitut tho univei tyooh is ato ero
11110ationundtoo t ht- la wsu of It itutetot
aas suochoa blo)he oacule ble doeoenant
il soiO.

t}to rri i v ;Tnit m rimn}ror ni ltni trz of rrr>r3i -

whoicho tootbtootattiedolforom sixtoo eight
louou101000 01100thechief raonortuthu t
hooscedtit. lr out e tthaoboai yeat
thio oep110rtt benlootcottmplthe(
Th ntutorsihavetorto m~etoyeartt t
ttho-r sutjects thhjul looglo-Tc
hoat irit,-ben afeeing to n l0h00l001110o 000 0 I
bttnd -he ummertocoweoiou I to h
booul hell-tot-i to obutwmr obe ri
to tond owoltothboo-)toiho-oh,
IOhio- t1,46oftoudentohoil0o wer oh
oillottolasto summetro;oz vr ntheltI
c-bartudeatenot. lF~wctly ifytplit-nit-i
of thtoecseto-ereotear. Narolyoll toos
t c o rtkinogetheblork in beonttct
to obtino bachelosoegesoto heseoo- to
nwrtirdforoteachers in jneoutrlto el
hgshol.:\ mater';ti degreet cant i
thil tnil oytemttho medoby fourtshmt
rters'ut-orkite oloadt oie ho-rtoorlo
bToetocoo ruleotill tnoth applyhtot tu
o rit. It i osailthereo itouthitbe t t(
teal object iot leogthen-oig ble sOotlo
bor thio110111ttbbtttinocteethe o
bo1r theu geaer art tkencopbyihis
tv oare- alceady gphyicienso totwh toth
engge ginu a littehto01r-clitiaeo oto
Frtheu-uetgieertg oe-tutr tentCthou
chanetoogoeto ct(o(! t totortetogetotbnbo
it.A-ear ath lceogioeriog faooth
toosshdea reItlutio o ttori thein 01
Itreasted hotoo-.It the ulwfe-oh tooedo~uI
horturbot lirb hoo our courssoe t-rcgies
fo hihtw ort fredt Iatst ato-red
Now wo ourscreit ifthegi oil110
Au oolootouu ohexpegeeoil aboutubtborntyho
t~ petrt cintttoill htoe tcessoar itoroderc
to citioutct blur seojsio udtohte toot
outn. lothiooeonuthiofelot-sboeooc
rutis ront $; oo$21. 'Phis chaergo to
hoevr tuu cit 01oidereltoo bo ccet hgh
reaonal n1t vl ooit-to-of theu facitottith
Oes tto hcaot guCioooluio andolCoouou
are conideoriablylt hige ilprooriioil ho
Obhe- ttn ut01r 0oc-eoeoso(tiing whiuc iu
ohtructiotoio gil-ci t. C orell t-cag
i$25 for u ttosi we es. Ittho U- i
toril) ofIllinis the obletsoionuitsohtnt
obeeos. COhiot taojustlegteoehatt
s utumter ssontutfIromoto 0 0eight toecho
Oly tto istrucoro ottoe0bentcoo
gaedubfromtotstite fornetotstitoter
It haso beenthe oiey ofble Univesit
bo keetpits own otstafffhere odurig lt
osummbter 00 outochtosto ssocile It i
thuougtltblat the betlretult cn elioaheto
cuompilished it hi Owto)-Xforoerthou
betenid o f te regoolarIfacly are re
tainedu boore dturitg the totooter to titte
Ito poile The ide, revalentinsomatot
qtutrs,-othat ontly istrctor of lowte
ranktiegie tot ofilthe outer ceursoes
it ighly erronousoothe faceity cimsiuu
Tisjostatoementl i rot--od h-botIfacotutu
of ble ifaclty oil te ltieary leprmentoo
text sooummer,oioe tiill he thosof dc.
laretsoul, osix will te otelof
loeontwitlte juniorhroesouroitw011-
ite twllhe assiotoantroeooraontoh tX
uiglootoill too-istructors.
[An eopeial effort uil boomadetexuo1-t
ottoot toueorolltoosomaoty ttettof-ott
tlesoutuhoasto ssoible AgtetC teot
southerners oeontorh euer- tuotohoo
too ecae hebleheat Ofithlee atoarer
pophorionoeiter tnorhlerotoivetities
I gretbdeethof advheriig mttoer till
he cirecultediltoo idueothee to cntrl
otichiganoTthough lt-eosummeor seson
101as tlalways beet itelitattedue, ii
thouoglhthaC there ao le oo resooto ohto
its attendoance osoultohtboChe nceedoeu
110 onte of the results of the legteiog
of ble peritof ie ilaC it till coter

Strong Schedules Emphasize In-
dependence of Conference-...
Yost Starts Spring Practice.
to- I uuuleh uouond induuoor bttlce sh
ito-u-to bee uanou nceduuuu- bIyur t uuteget
toll :oteul ote otto t til e: Oboe to oth f
tohe boardith o t ro as0 to t Oieno be
1f tlito 00hilt Salble.llltoutout11of
ito indh ooth meeto ou-il tto-eiplace, inithie
twoll:;trilbleoeuo tuhe-usouth, iltheleo
l11utoI-tot hers, Vo 10 ll t Oto tl I etilltoho -
01 ~l e t utut utuili tothcr t th
- tst wwh rc or0 ilt f-i i rst tu nill year
Cti aeitutdameto-las t co ,ct is o t-l
100r" tn n o sauot o t 0 1th iaIilt1t
tot htto h,.ooeii hsyersopo-
th:o o n who hisOo deu0 iitot
o to t lcea (e1ui I o atr
Iptoh - 0> 1 lo-iutfits tu on.
Apr. It), 17 I11 tuo llltoat Nos~-t


it Ic t i tt
oi A h I ratt
to -Ciii itt
r01 ra s

it Cruot( rotoujtto.
boot .°ritour.
toaO lout Abi1)or.
boon arbuor.
:i luuuitrbor.
00l at "kltlobA0001.
toll oh A1oot1lrb our.
at ii ct.
totSo 101 0
iii hotI- .ic0r.
cs at t lu-hrbout

taol Catot. otltut too the01 1100 h eco four
111> th pthersIt) tlnahntoSinctub
!lo retrI y t vn tto t-ijite totl
I'tt~ywhopitllcd forthec -attiog t-i0
' o l tti o t tittot too it itthbhandttb Illt-~
"Iii '111( fItllr its wel, las a hoot
Iir w i: :1-I nd s o ";c n istenctoutiho
ht . 'i Oa1, ls y a ' ttontoyotis
trtc i inu leis- od ti -.tor th uli
boi theo- luo pracgtottotce IC1101 Suoltt u
s thesiig lih.Iuirhtig h r
ld wil a ng ro s ttn lort hl
,p( ing to o00010 t blace 110tOsyet.Hle
wan- otO 11111ts l le of blty h0Ot totav loutC
,'oeoreh tocm outoo1imtthoch ituht
ltmbnoth11o wish totrytootheoteaboe
to osaidt t t 0 000o ote C tuonl feI ble
-to-toclit of tewr ntecogt. Thu
001 dm-(twill tile pbitt tooth ie
ounen et oft teotdrpacie
Onddacs s o it 001t1 othe ut-ottl boo
1)l 1000 on a 1s1110te1m0andtill boo Io-
tolld to t t y ofoth la esh oonlotthou-v1101
sit. Ilt from 1ott ollt;(",o tutufIit-
tte Wtho -a00000i ~hbotisIto tlttishtoo uh
eo t 01t i to 110Ct dol t t oo o w . watto to
00t ath liout~ o bt tot footneto sast .
Foobal ropetsar billianuut. Cuoach~
loost uooouooooo hstutm ot stisofatijn
wto- til eie-ntthir t h blet iittioni. It i
hotd h ttIto its le tilC textNtootle t
badi11u ut1trt toutloto four atotiguO-
gamtit.- oloutto- It'hrisit btt o n lte (ltheh
open pricerut tootheu Pennsyotgamet tndthaot
flls midwayoetwoeento he Vandeiltantot
o'nyt :otesut o thtitis 0eIun ttlikelo
thoatoa big game toliitddbo-e arraedowi ii-
(Cotiuotedt on Page Twot)

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